This shit fucking sucks. Was it just blizzard that gave it a pass by everyone?
This shit fucking sucks. Was it just blizzard that gave it a pass by everyone?
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Play on total mayhem in arcade mode when it's available... Great fun!
t. paladins developer
Storm didn’t get a pass. If anything, it was the porn.
Dead game. Stop posting threads about it
it used to be better
not by much but the patches have pretty universally made the game worse with every change they make
and it was obviously more enjoyable before people hit the ceiling and realized the game had the depth of a puddle
bait and switch the game. We were promised waifus WAIFUS they gave us a lemon.
i agree
play a better fps like Paladins
No, not even that feels good to play. Everything feels shallow and wimpy. Blizzard really shouldn't have gotten into the shooter market.
Thank you for reminder. Should go log in and roll people with hammond instead of mindlessly browsing Yea Forums. Litterally the only game i have installed which isnt a porn one.
See, someone still enjoys it
New hero teaser tomorrow?
Just enjoy the porn instead of playing that trash.
Barely anyone is defending this game. I agree I stopped playing after the beta and I played a ton of the game. Afterwards I felt that there was nothing new and the game was just so boring
will overwatch ever go f2p?
dva is such a good gook
Yeah, after 'generic looking black guy support' fails to get anyone to give a fuck about this game again they'll probably be one step closer. They put so much time and money into OWL that they'll have to give it out for free to try to up their viewer count. OW league ain't like other esports, the only ones who watch are active players.
They probably add a battle royal first before that
It's because people fell for the free content updated meme. It wasn't until later that we found out that the content was shit and made the game worse.
As a last ditch effort yes.
When was the "golden age" when the game actually fun and challenging before they runined it.
Most people have never played a competitive shooter in their lives and moba cancer was on a high with casuals. Thus people flocked to it, including retards hoping for a new tf2. Game's been busted since its exception and shit but somehow blizzard made it even worse because thats what happens when they touch anything these days.
Also it only has an esports because they kept pumping money into it, the games nearly impossible to follow from a spectator standpoint. Don't let blizzard drones try to convince you it was anything but shit.
I can spot the bumblasted team fartress cuck a mile
>implying Blizz doesn't have bots
millions of flies etc
It did start out pretty fun with characters like Genji being able to do mad cancellation combos and silly multi-hero strategies being legal.
Then Blizzard mismanagment happened
The funny thing is that Overwatch had a much higher ceiling at launch, but Blizz kept lowering it.
If they'd just made the hitboxes more on model to force better aim and kept the high ceiling shit, maybe even enhanced it for some characters, the game would have been fine.
But let's just make it impossible to kill anyone without ultimates I guess
Pretty much this. Roadhog 2.0 nerf was pretty much the nail in the coffin for the game and the last bit of fun taken out.
Ironically, it sounds like you suck more than the casuals you complain about
It was for a while when it was new and fresh, but I just lost interest when it turned out that all the possibilities and variation are quite useless and almost every single comp match plays exactly the same and quickplay without playing to really win only entertains for so long.
I haven't complained about casuals and I was platinum/diamond or whatever the ranks was in the first season.
the game is fun but ranked is a fucking drag
you're almost guaranteed to have a leaver on your team every game because the punishment for doing so is minimal
not to mention people refusing to play healer or tank and instead playing reaper, hanzo, genji or ashe
>I was platinum/diamond
(X) Doubt
>ctrl+f "map"
>0 results
You disappoint me, y'all.
Where was I complaining about casuals fucking retard?
And this is how you spot an actual bronzefag
It definitely is a really bad game. Only enjoyed the first 50 hours of playing when trying out all of the characters, and quickly dropped the game after that. At least the netcode and visibility is good. That Overwatch and Quake Champions ended up shit, I don't think i'll ever end up migrating away from Quake Live (which I might end up quitting because of dogshit netcode/servers).
Legit gringeworthy. It's like getting mad at niggers calling people whiteboys.
Nice ad hom, scrub
>N-N-N-N--N-N-N-N-NO U
I'm silver, but I would be much higher without arrogant scrubs with no real skill like you
You seem to think about niggers a lot.
how did this average cunt become so popular when the game has so many good looking girls?
Stop impersonating the poor idiot
It's a good game but it's too team dependent.
How do you figure that Einstein? I'm not the one that edits/saves/posts bleached images, Mr. Baby Dick.
>honestly admitting to liking a shit moba shooter
>thinking anyone who criticizes a shit game is from tf2
user I didn't know such taste could be so shit, how to you stomach eating shit on the daily?
>honestly admitting to liking a shit moba shooter
>muh opinion is fact
I played until a few weeks after Brig was introduced. I haven't played for about a year now.
GOATS meta is the worst and they keep adding 2cp maps which suck
Wow, you don't even know what it means and you have the nerve to claim the intellectual high ground?
>LITERALLY couldn't adapt
You could always just ask for more.
I mained players that were cancelled by her, sorry I coudln't have fun with other heroes
It was genuinely more fun at launch then it is now. Less broken/annoying characters and less fucking stuns.
>But let's just make it impossible to kill anyone without ultimates
There is no way you are that bad at the game. There are a lot of characters with quick ttk.
That's just not true. When you get to a certain level of play, just dabbing on baddies doesn't win you the game anymore (I mean, me spawncamping people as D.Va on the first month of the game before matchmaking was implemented hardly counts as true gameplay). Because defensive abilities, healing abilities and sheer bulk on some heroes, clearing house becomes unreasonably hard. And since dying "out of timing" is detrimental to your team (since you are playing the clock), the only optimal strategy for an attacker is to hit with several ultimates at once.
I'll admit I can speak for much of the higher ranks, I'm barely pushing Masters, but at this rank I can still get solo picks pretty consistently, and very regularly with Widow. It depends entirely on who you play, and how you play them. Ults get charged quickly and are only really saved for team wipes in certain scenarios, it's at the lower ranks I see a lot of people conserve ults for big plays and people that are afraid to make big pushes without them. Maybe you have more experience in GM where it returns to that type of play, but currently it's not something I see a lot of.
Don't get me wrong, getting a pick happens and is important for the ult economy game (not to mention getting an unexpected pick can be the start of your offense). But going in and cleaning house without ultimates just didn't happen (I quit playing right before they released Oriana mind you). Ramboing was a stupid play, strategically speaking.
desperate blizdrones and actishills
I saw a screenshot, GAME IS DEAD!
I love this meme.
I and many other people have fun with it. OP, did you maybe ever consider that... you're the odd one out?
I just started playing hanzo. Any tips bros?
apex legends beat them to it lmao
The game never had a high skill ceiling you fucking casuals
It was fundamentally trash from the beginning from the slow as fuck movespeed to the tiny ass chokepoint maps OW always had a trash tier design philosophy and the only way it got popular is because of tits and asses
Sources: Dude trust me
>I need a source to claim facts about the game
consider suicide
Uninstalled last month. But there's nowhere I can find anything comparable to Zen gameplay and satisfaction. Thi game had great ideas and some great mechanics, in a sea of crap "press key to win duel" or "old M1 to kill".
Nobody care about map. You can't even choose which map you want to play on with that matchmaking crap. So you always end up having to play on shit 2cp.
>says dumb shit about a game
>someone demands proof of your dumb shit
>"lmao kill yaself"
They tried to make a game for people who don't play videogames. They succeeded. Game is dead.
If you actually played the fucking game when it released you would know that all that I said was true you fucking aspie