Game has gorgeous graphics and presentation

>Game has gorgeous graphics and presentation

>Gameplay is shallow and lackluster

Attached: B5E99817-6865-4B60-8AB6-BAE6482455D3.jpg (750x738, 519K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>series gets better with every installment

Suda 51.

>second installment takes so long to develop it barely resembles its prequel due to large advances in technology

>game is incredibly high quality in all ways, but it isn't offered in your region

Attached: squeanix_panties.jpg (1645x2524, 1019K)

is this description related to your pic?

>game has an absolutely fantastic story
>gameplay, sound quality, camera positions, combat mechanics, map layouts, weapon selection, puzzles and literally everything in it is trash

Thanks a lot Rule of Rose

Attached: Diana.gif (500x237, 795K)

What is Ori?

The japanese take everything waaay to seriously

Nailed it. Never once made something that's actually fun to play.

>game is easily a 100/100 but it's an exclusive for a console you can't own

Attached: genetically perfect girl eats genetically perfect GMO raspberries.webm (640x640, 1.65M)

>Series gets worse with every instalment

Attached: 09F2E484-4EE4-4A44-9467-EC83404425E4.gif (309x313, 2.91M)

>In any way different to 10/10


Attached: charmander cringed.jpg (400x463, 26K)

The Witcher 3 summarizes this perfectly

>Game looks really good, yet you always feel dirty for playing it

Attached: Whore.jpg (921x1271, 493K)

>Series gets an amazing sequel, and a third game that is shit, yet praised by the general public

I won't say it’s good looking, but the latter half describes AA2 perfectly

>game gets downgraded at launch

Attached: anime-american exhibits tits.webm (406x720, 2.95M)

>mfw she reduced her tits because she got bullied for being 'fat'

Attached: Watkins.jpg (570x691, 51K)

just your standard american story

Attached: americans.jpg (500x110, 27K)

Quake 3 is peak quake though.


I love Charmander

>game is great at the start, but the back-end really sucks
Lookin at you, Metal Gear Rising. Except Armstrong

Attached: brrp.jpg (665x1182, 55K)

based panty dev

I won't let you make this a plot thread.
Backstory is the most important thing.

Attached: e47e7887d30b9952c6d0a05d3b2f894a.jpg (725x1024, 172K)

What is every single game in the last ~20 years?

sad but true, at least when it comes to AAA

who is this goddess

That doesn't even make any sense, how could you possibly say that without looking like a retard?
This world is an absolute circus act


15 year old girl who...
I'll let you decide whether or not you want to find out the source.
I don't want the guilt of showing it to you. That responsibility has to lie with you.
Don't mouse over this link.

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Attached: 1394759438752.png (367x202, 83K)

Goddammit I wanted to like Ni No Kuni so much, for fuck's sake.
Level 5 did Dragon Quest VIII and IX. Why did they have to drop the ball so hard?

Attached: 1534843113226.jpg (200x225, 61K)

why are idiots always the most beautiful creatures on this earth?

Chargen, bro.

Sometimes people manage to max out all stats, probably because they're on new game plus, but that's rare.

Attached: hedy lamarr.jpg (640x400, 54K)

don’t post my sweet angel Annie here.... she really doesn’t deserve it.

Hedy still dumped str

girls already get -4 str so it's not much of a dump

Rina my wife

>sequel gets infected by irl politics

Literally every shmup

You incels need to stop shitting up the board with this off topic garbage.
>b-but I like making my peenus weenus hard!
Grow up

here's a reply

>Final boss projects his insecurities on the protagonist

You don't know what off-topic means

>95% of modern AAA western games
I wish someone would make another game in the same quality as Thief 1 and 2, Fallout 1 or 2 and so on.