Why do Zoomers have such bad taste in games? Their is literally nothing fun about looting guns and ammo for 10 mins just to die in 0.5 seconds.
Why do Zoomers have such bad taste in games...
Are you sure you're just not projecting YOUR shitty taste in games?
>don't be shit
>spend all my time wrecking doomers that take minutes to loot a shack
If you're bad that's the experience yes, if you're good at videogames then the investment of time makes your fights feel more intense. People like you are nothing more than fodder to be abused for the enjoyment of your betters.
most games these days are disappointing but not as terrible and overrated like battle royal games.
Just fucking buy titanfall 2 already
>b-but that'll be giving EA money!!!!
And respawn gets more of it, they deserve your money for a good ass game
Also, just because BR is in, doesn't mean you have to enjoy it. Remember when FPS's were in in the mid-2000's? Or story-focused games in the mid-90's, aiming to show off tech? Nothing forces you to play or enjoy them - your taste is personal.
good luck keeping a playerbase alive when 90% start to realize it's shit and move on. Enjoy your fodder then
Because they don't want to get good at anything that requires a modicum of skill, they're the ultimate instant gratification generation. Games with a learning curve basically don't exist anymore, because zoomers start them up, die in the first 5 minutes, and think it's "broken".
If you seriously enjoy the utter blandness of killing just 20 people in an half an hour game while you look for loot to make killing people slightly easier, you are an absolute retard. BR games are as bland as they come, it's like a genre designed to psychologically appeal to shitters.
What's sad is that we used to have shitter servers, so even shitters could have fun in games playing against other shitters. But now, the level of shitters is so low that all they can hope for is being the first guy to pick up a gun so they can get a couple of easy kills.
Once upon a time, Fallout 2, Baldur's Gate, FF6, Quake 3, SM64 etc was just a normal, popular game that kids and young adults play. It's almost unbelievable even though I actually lived through that experience. Games have been dumbed down so fucking much.
games have literally become more casual and normal that they have to appeal to the lowest common denominator. It's a shame the most common people have shit taste.
Well it's a good thing you don't play them, huh?
t. fag who played solo and dropped in empty places
Get 3 friends and drop in crowded places like a real nigga and talk then.
I-it’s fun with friends! Not OP but fuck off faggot, I played it with friends and just like every battle Royale it gets boring as fuck after you get a win. Also “it’s fun with friends” is NEVER a good excuse when defending a game. Fucking anything can be fun with friends.
>Why do Zoomers have such bad taste in games?
1. Kids are retarded and gullible
2. Vidya industry has been globally shifting to more casual, brain-free gameplay for over a decade now
3. ????
4. Profit
Zoomers love the new smash, and it's pretty alright
zoomers have bad taste in anime too
bettr to play the same jrpg with the same gameplay and story for 20 years.
also i'm not a zoomer
unironically Yea Forums have better taste in anime
I want to marry and impregnate Mitsuki Nase
>WAH I WANT TDM FPS #1906311909320096311117900531275
What's the age cutoff for Zoomers?
Im 24 and feels like I can't relate to people my age taste in video games
cause 360 and ps3 games were garbage
they think western aaa trash is "videogame"
It's truly baffling isn't it.
That's just because Yea Forums tends to go more hipster for the internet cred and to fool the normalfags.
because most of today kids have ADHS, so they need explosions, violence, action etc every sec or they will get bored.
>“it’s fun with friends” is NEVER a good excuse when defending a game.
Co-op games? I get it, fallout 76 happened and you picked up the idiom from there, but it really doesnt apply to every game under the sun.
not that guy, but co-op games like portal 2 or l4d are made from the ground up to be a friend-based experience, meanwhile battle royales and other "it's fun with friends" games/genres are not made to be a friend-based experience.
>not 1v1 duel
is this the best you can do?
The mainstream of every generation has shit taste.
its a decent change of pace from classic shooter modes like tdm or zone control or what not where you just kill each other for 10 minutes straight and get an arbitrary score,i still like the low attachment raw gameplay aspect of those but BRs can be fun
combat in BR actually has some pretty unique nuance that it doesnt get credit for. For example the level of loot you have affects your decision making on how you approach the next fight, or maybe you dont fight at all and try to rotate to another area to get more gear, maybe your gear is great so you rotate to high ground and advantageous locations to kill stragglers instead of looting. I find it really fun to find a fight happening far from me, and having to plan out ways of attacking that team. Its kind of like playing farcry or crysis where you are running around in a jungle and have to think about how to approach enemies
Because it's easier to blame others and luck that way. Granted skills do matter but those games require not insignificant luck to win in a regular manner.
> they're the ultimate instant gratification generation
>in a genre with low kill count and less fighting in a longer amount of time
your learning curve argument is shit too, fortnite building is one of the most autistcally difficult things to learn, and this is coming from a guy that got physically injured from practicing fighting game motions on a stick for hours
the only thing i hate about all battle royale games is the fact that the same weapon will have multiple tiers of effectivness. it's just so lazy. why not make 3 actually different guns instead of the same gun 3 times but the damage is bigger on the second and the third? because you're lazy that's why.
You just described Contra.
>>>in a genre with low kill count and less fighting in a longer amount of time
This is psychological. When you have a low number of engagements as a shitter, it becomes harder to draw a true average for your gameplay.
When I play a first to 50 deathmatch, I'm killing and being killed about every 10-20 seconds. My performance is very clearly measurable, I have a K/D ratio, I can see who is in first, and I understand my rating.
When you play BR, all of these stats are obfuscated. Someone who comes 50/100 might think they're dead average, but the reality is very different, because people who die early tend to re-queue much faster, so placing top 50 means you're probably a shitter. These games focus on team play, because it gives players an excuse. "We could have won if my teammate didn't suddenly die/fail to get the kill/not clutch the entire match solo." Fault is never on the individual, and if it is, it's okay, they just wasted 20 seconds and got an unlucky spawn. These games are designed to appeal as much as possible to children who are bad at games.