ITT: Positive Unpopular vidya opinions

ITT: Positive Unpopular vidya opinions

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There is nothing wrong with pirating vidya

>nintendo is the most anti costumer company in the game industry
explain how
that user sure got the (You)s he was looking for

Persona 2 was the best Persona game, and the best SMT game as a whole.

Persona 5 was not nearly as good as everyone says it is, and it's probably the worst out of 3-4-5.

games are fun

Kasumi unironically has a really high chance of being in Smash & is more likely then people want to believe.

This one's the generic brand "I wanna stand out from other Personafags. Hating the most popular game isn't enough, so I'll say P2's the best even though I never actually played it" opinion. It's hardly unpopular since it's parroted so much, especially on Yea Forums

Persona 2 has been circlejerked so much on Reddit, Yea Forums & Yea Forums that it's literally become a meme at this point

Which one? There's two fucking Persona 2s

>chrono cross > chrono trigger

absolutely not
everyone who holds this opinion should be rounded up and executed
I accept that chemical imbalance can cause people to get sexually aroused by feces and feet, but I refuse to accept that anyone who has played both can hold this opinion and be of any worth to society

gr8 b8, eye r8 it 8/8
this guy literally just listed all the most popular titles he could think of and called them shit and pulled the "old > new" on every single one of them.

dragon age 2 is a good game, a solid 7. especially modded
also has one of the most satisfying and visceral combat systems in RPGs. wasted on shit level and enemy design
hawke is also one of the best RPG protagonists

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6/10 isn't trash though. He really only shit on Persona 5, NieR & KH2. Everything else is universally hated or considered shit on Yea Forums.

Hating 5 isn't a rare opinion these days. Once the hype wore off a lot of people realized that the game wasn't very well written, especially a lot of it's characters.
You are right though the P2 dicksuck is getting a little retarded.

>Call of Duty will be seen as one of the best video game series of all time, wether you like it or not.
>studios that EA 'shut down' allowed themselves to be put in that situation by accepting a big pile of cash
>fortnite is unironically great because it keeps millions of shitters contained
>Ubi games are getting good
>Cliffy B made good games, and great UT99 maps
>Kojima isn't a genius, just a head man employing american tactics on japs
>the mechanical keyboards hype is a meme
>razer used to make good peripherals
>'fun with friends' a characteristic that beats all review scores, public consensus and Yea Forums's opinion combined.
>the RTS genre is dead and will never come back
>racing games will never be cool
>fighing games will never be fun for the masses

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>Final Fantasy VIII is objectively horrible & everyone at Square Enix knows it
Don't care about anything else he said, that guy's based.

>OoT is still the best game ever
Speaking of childhood games that aged like shit

I agree with about half of these, but the thing is, the one about Soul Calibur is objectively wrong, ans SC2 and SC3 Arcade are both obviously better games.

Ocarina of Time is actually a perfectly designed game, only flaw is the infuriating unskippable cutscenes

Red Alert 3 isnt a bad game. The units have almost if not,the same amount of soul as in RA2. The gameplay is silky smooth and fast paced. Although the story is still 'ALAIZ WINNN' and cheesy as ever, it has a certain charm that i would never get from any other game.

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>Razer used to make good peripherals
Still do from time to time, but they typically charge more than the competition. Panthera is the best arcade stick I've ever played on.
>Fighting games will never be fun for the masses
Absolutely true, and I'd rather it stay this way.

What does it matter? They're both dog shit.

you sick fuck

Nice try Zoomer

>better music
>better story
>better combat
>better characters
triggerniggers on suicide watch T B H
the only reason someone could possibly like trigger over cross is if they're an absolutely braindead toriyamafag

Dragon Quest 5 has a shitty story. The idea behind it is nice, but the game railroads you through it insanely hard, and it's all completely hampered by the fact that the pacing is god awful. The marriage scene, which is supposed to be one of the huge turnpoints in the story, is literally a single quest in a town that lasts for maybe 30 minutes, making it feel more like a slightly extended sidequest rather than "The best Dragon Quest to date".

looking at shit can be fun with friends. That phrase holds no merit

>Persona 2 is a good game!
>But tell me which one is bad ;)

What the fuck

We get it user. You love le retro games. Chrono Cross has superior combat in every way. You're too much of a branlet to figure it out.

I think a lot of people just bitched about it being sexist or something due to the pinups.

Both are masterpieces, but Chrono Cross is unironically better in every aspect except for characters & the ending which is better in Chrono Trigger

I'll tell you the truth. Asscreed as a series peaked with 2 and has been going downhill ever sense. And even that peak is due to the Renaissance Italy setting being so interesting as opposed to the plot or gameplay.

I personally didn't mind the writing as much as people said. It plays the best (Which isn't much for a JRPG) and it's gorgeous. For once, Style carried something for me into an enjoyable 7/10. I think it's not as good as P3, but I hate P4 so I have P5 as the silver medal of the "big 3"

I doubt there's a single person on earth that disagrees with that

>'fun with friends' a characteristic that beats all review scores, public consensus and Yea Forums's opinion combined.
But why have fun with friends in a bad game when you can have fun with friends in a good one?

BotW and MGSV are the best games in their respective franchises.

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Hand of Fate 2 improves on everything the first laid out

It's sad that 3d brawlers have basically died outside of Yakuza

Motorbikes make no sense in Mario Kart just make them smaller carts

because a good one doesn't always allow it, or your friends won't.

Believe it or not playing a shit game with friends isn't actually as fun as a good game with friends, even if friends can make it bearable

Majora’s Mask peaked at the opening section & quickly loses all momentum & drastically drops in quality as soon as you leave Clock Town for the first time

It's easy to enjoy bad games with friends. That doesn't mean the games fundamentally aren't bad.

>The CRPG renaissance sucked and produced nothing better than what was made in the mid/late 90s
>Space sandbox games have always sucked and I've never understood the hype for Elite or SC because the best space sims were always linear singleplayer affairs like TIE Fighter and Freespace 2
>Sly 3 is the best one
>Ratchet Deadlocked is the best one
>MGS2 is the best MGS and despite the gameplay improvements MGS3's narrative is a massive step down
>Games that focus on story above all else are fine in theory, its just that no game has been able to produce a story as good as Planescape: Torment since that came out 20 years ago
>Lost Planet 1 is better than 2
>While the quality of life features of modern games are nice to have no game has aged to the point of being unplayable. If you think it did that just means it always played like shit.
>Platinum Games are overrated, some of their games are truly great but many are just solid and several are downright terrible
>OoT is pretty good but even for it's time it was only revolutionary from a console perspective. Thief 1 which came out like a week later runs fucking rings around it in terms of design.
>When Naughty Dog actually lets you play TLoU the combat is pretty fun, that's why the multiplayer was as good as it was.
>F.E.A.R. 1 is the best FPS ever made
>Xenogears is better than any Final Fantasy game except for FFT

>Positive Unpopular vidya opinions

Resident Evil 6 is a good game, only hurt by stupid vehicle sections.

>>F.E.A.R. 1 is the best FPS ever made
That isn't an unpopular opinion. It's still unbelievable how far ahead that game is even today.

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>Unpopular Opinion
More like Inconvenient Truths.png

Melee > Ultimate > 64 > Brawl > 4

>Campaigns of COD MW1/2, WAW, & BO are enjoyable
>Mafia 3 and Fallout 4 are good podcast games

Holy shit, you like melee and ultimate and 64 over brawl and 4?

What a fucking


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