Cag GBV Announcement when goddammit

Cag GBV Announcement when goddammit

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Other urls found in this thread:

Never ever.

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What would her moveset even be?

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in 2 weeks

Popular characters is always locked in DLC. Like Tharja in Fire Emblem Warriors for example

They don't want the tranny audience.

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>tfw I still don't have Cag

Immortal lolis are the best.

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DLC gay sex when

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Don't be dumb user, Cag has the body of a pure, young and cute maiden while having the heart of a pervert, the same as all of us, she fulfilled our goal of being a true little girl, theres nothing of the degenerate, failed experiment shit that are trannies

I want to fuck and inseminate cog

But trannies love Cag though.

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1000 year old alchemist (male) who made the perfect new body for himself (13yo girl)

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Someone posted it a while ago but cug is just playing VR chat in our world from another plane of existence.

dont associate trannies with cag ty

And I'm sure gays love Belial and Percival, means jack shit honestly

gonna need a source


Cag is disgusting


>Belial is going to fuck Danchou in front of Ruria and Saldalphone
Have we met our match?

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Ah shit I forgot the panda link

I swear if people try to push Cag as some sort of tranny representation in vidya I will go fucking nuclear

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you love that word don't you

The trannies in /gbfg/ have been trying for ages already. I guarantee you if she's in VS or ReLink she'll be all over ResetEra for one of either two reasons.

She might be seen as positive trans representation.
Or she'll be loathed for being disgusting fanservice because trannies hate other trannies that actually pass.

Except her new body is 100% female. So not a tranny

Had to miss out on playing DBFZ because my computer was too shut until now, and thankfully this is gonna be coming and GBF is something I actually care about, whereas I never really had anything to do with Dragon Ball. Feels ok man

You think that'll stop the hormone addled brains of real world trannies?

Fuck trannies

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No, I hate it, Im the opposite of the guy who keeps screeching about Cag and Vira

It is transgender representation though

Has Vira literally shown any interest in a girl outside of Kat? seems more like she's Katsexual than a lesbian, especially with the amount of Danchoushipping that she has in her later dialogue.

>100% female body
Magical soul transfers aren't exactly the way trannies normally are created, user.

thats the fun part, she didnt

This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

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You fags love to bring up the most irrelevant shit

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I want to FUCK those thighs
>says fortnite nigger

If anything, Vira wants companionship more than anything else with people that she feels can understand her.

It's still a transition of gender, hence transgender. Real life trannies are irrelevant.

>Has Vira literally shown any interest in a girl outside of Kat
That's the entire point of her grand fate episode. She is so obsessed that chev takes over to improve relationships. Then Vira is made to realise that people other than kat can and do matter to her and care about her a lot.

God i want to BE caligo

You should real the fate episodes of all her gacha versions. Her most recent gacha version eased off on the yuri because Kat canonically rejected her. Not the usual but a sit down and tell her face to face it'll never happen. She has a mental breakdown where Chevalier (her primal beast) takes over her body but by the end she merges with Chev completely, becoming more or less a new person. She doesn't show any real interest in anyone besides wanting to widen her net of friends because she spent so long fucking herself over by fixating on only 1 person to the detriment of others.

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>implying I've managed to pull anything out of flashfest

That's possible. Cagliostro offered Deliford a loli body too, so it's completely possible you can become Cag if he feels generous enough.

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>this thread

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It's okay user, roulette soon.

Probably the worst start to a Yea Forums GBF thread I've ever seen.

>You may not like it
But I'm not a homosexual

The two best girls in the series

cagliostro isn't trans. he just wanted to be the little girl.

That's why you don't start GFB threads with cog

it needs to be deleted

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Just report it the FGO janny will delete it for being anime


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his art is good, its just the content thats the problem

Dont compare real world to fantasy world, user. Soul Transfer didnt exist in real world.

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>starting on my first jew ten shoe
>immediately hit a wall, need feathers, flames and stones that drop only from specific areas
Damnit, I haven't even started yet. Also, where can you get more of those white dragon scales?

>his art is good

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>he doesn't know

Yes. His cag snuff rape doujin is one of the greatest masterpieces of all time.

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Extreme Light mats mission in the Special quest tab.

The daily quest avalaible on weekends and thursdays, specific for scales, as well as Light Extreme quest showing up on rotation with all other elements, also they said that the ingame shops with various materials will get reworked soon so that might be made easier
yep, it is, again, the problem is the content, if his cag doujin wasnt about murderfucking and amputation, it would be a thousand times better

I don't remember seeing Extreme Light before, which one is that?

Brain in a fuckin’ jar, man.

Dont forget the current campaign quest that apparently features higher lightscale drop rate

Oh wait, the Trials, found it.

If you do a 40box you'll get all of the treasures you need.

go to the island quests menu and click Special, currently you can see "Wasteland Trial" AKA Earth Extreme, again, these rotate every 2 days or so

Fug, the most I've managed so far is 6 boxes since I'm still starting out.

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>jew ten shoe

Juutenshu, or Eternal

Juutenshu, Eternal

Juu is japanese for ten, ten is English for also ten. Shuu is because they are all wearing shoes.

i hated that one. maybe it's just because i like cug

What would sex with cagliostro be like?
Casual sex.

I don't know but I want to try it.

taunting you for getting hard for her, saying its actually obvious becuase how cute she is, then she ahegaos and turns into a mess because she teased you a bit too much

>use my 1/3rd of a spark for Valentines Dokkan
>no spark fund AND no Valentines Dokkan
wtf bros.... at least I managed to luckshit Sen and Dante, I guess this is my punishment

i see a bit of cute and funny

This is fucking adorable holy shit. Men really do make the best wives.

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>luckshitted non-limited

I would.

noVajra squad where you at?

Cag is not made for casual or consensual sex.

>rage rolled during shiva release in an attempt to free myself if i didn't get anything
>fucking got him with the second 10 ticket
>didn't yet realize how lucky i'd been by saving an entire spark and KEPT FUCKING ROLLING FOR ZOOEY/ALEX HOLY SHIT I'M RETARDED
>might not be able to spark during anni because of this

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Not me.

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Considering you can't spark them outside their debut I sort of understand. Getting a specific nonlimited as an f2p constantly mindful of sparks is pain

Fuck you and your Stockholm's sydrome bullshit Lyria.
Did you already forget this is the guy who tried to kill your danchou(nad by extension, you) out of some petty bullshit?

Came back from my 2 year hiatus just in time to scrape everything from side stories and spark her before she left. Still going to be months before I have any europa harps though.

I can't wait for Dark seraphic weapon.

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Here. Feels good not being enough of a tryhard to go water kengotranny meme.

Shes used to it, Apollonia, Pommern. I just hope she wont try to make a case for Belial

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Is GBF actually worth playing
How does it compare to FEH or FGO

done with the event
what now?

Watch as this happens.

Why would you want to quit FGO to play this kusoge?

>saved spark for pig like I do for all zodiacs
>she came home from free rolls
>kept saving my rolls in case something good came out
>V.Clarisse is cute as fuck but her kit is useless to me since I refuse to touch the one fight her kit is good in
>sitting on 350 rolls for anniversary
Feels good to have discipline.

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Danchou will die if Lyria dies, she won't if he does.
This has been an undertone over and over and over again if you weren't a skipping self insert faggot.

turn-based mmo-like raid battles, progression and a limited amount of variety to it. inescapably grindy

Try being me, I've only ever pulled for spark and only during roulette. It's pain.
I'm 400/300 on my 5th spark though, and it's only been one and a half years and yet I still wish I didnt have terminal elixiritis and just spend rolls when I want to.

Dont forget to do the premium friday quest

I've been playing for about 4 years now, am at my 7th spark with the one I'm holding now, have more consumables than I can really use, as well as hundreds of moons of every color (including gold). I just don't NEED to pull from the gacha unless a girl I absolutely need to have drops.

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>Considering you can't spark them outside their debut I sort of understand.

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Who in their right mind would ever consider throwing 300 pulls on a 3% banner

I did that for S.Beatrix the first time she was in the banner.

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>000 (Triple zero)
What the fuck did they mean by this?

I'm pretty jealous, I have horrible pull luck so I've been relying on sparks to grab specific characters.

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I've been going at it since the game came out and I'm still at the second or third step. Fuck neets.

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Oh boy, more homos.

Who would win in a fight? Archangel of Homoeroticism, or a supreme jewess potato?

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But Belial just wants to have sex with everyone in the crew. All dacnhou needs is to allow him do it and the conflict will be solved

The Jew potato is actually The Eternals' number 0.

Literally hell. Demands more dedication than a full time job. Can be compared to human exploitation.

What Makes the Sky Blue could have been easily averted if everyone got together and had one big gay orgy.

No that was the draph who retired from Eternals to run his inn

It's an actual full scale game compared to the others, but the grind will literally break your will to live.

Would've meant the world's doomed in part two. No angsty grounded Sandy = no-one around to stop Avatar

KMR > Hungry Lyria > The Pain Train > Homo Powers > Jew

But gay sex with wings on would have saved Lucy and had Belial become good.

Is Summer Beato any good? Tempted to get her if we can ticket seasonals during the anniversary.

does Yea Forums know about the elemental gods?

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Very good

She's pretty good yes. She works in both Magna and Primal grids and has self-harm enmity gameplay with built in guts to prevent one death blow. She's core for cute too.

Keep the eceleb shit in /gbfg/, actually just fuck off with this shit altogether.

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asanagi

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She's a little outdated but as solid as a unit can be.

5* Sandal in part 3?

I would assume either SSR Lyria, 5* Sandalphone or SSR Sodomy Man

what's wrong, bud, got your MVP stolen? too much of a waifufag to even try? Pathetic.

Great, Bea is fucking adorable so I'll definitely go for her then. I know Summer Grea and Summer Jeanne are better for gameplay but they aren't as cute.

Why not all three?

It is, people are just buttblasted that he doesn't draw vanilla handholding doujins.

Flaunting that you're a newfag doesn't help you, user

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This is ridiculous

I don’t mind getting rid of bricks but everything else is exhausting

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I want him to step on me!
no really why does he wear heels

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This isn't even the worst part.

>he doesn't have all the eternals
dumb newfags

The uncap with the Nigmare Halo right?

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That and either having to do again or farming 40 GW boxes and 500 scales

The worst one is doing 40 box just to reduce it

>he has all the eternals
based no life neet

Nightmare Halo grind + Another 10 element changed weapon (40 boxes GW) OR another Fully upgraded weapon but you waste extra gold brick.

44 BOXES user or you can skip it with a gold brick

just play the game

To crush cofee beans

>500 scales
The light mats are probably the worse part just because you need to wait for at most a week to grind for them.

Maybe when we get the oracles we can get that

I've been doing it for 5 years now and I'm still stuck grinding for magnas, aka, babies first pool.

Fuck this shit I'll brick it. What do Tryhard even use those bricks for? I mean we always get bricks for anniversaries and shit

how can you blame me for being a no life then
it's more like you just literally don't play the game

You don't actually have enough for all the jews 5*'s and farming more is obnoxious. If it means farming less I'll do it.

Make the jews.
You need 2 if you are 44 boxing, 3 if you aren't.

user I've spent 2 months of hardcore playing and I have a completed Wind magna grid and half-completed Fire/Water/Earth grids and 1/3rd completed Light and Dark grids, what are you even doing? I even have Normal II and EX weapons for the grids.

post those completed/half completed grids, I want to laugh at you

Studyind and trying to get a job. Average playtime during a week is 2-3 hours, 3-6 hours on free days.

Not really blaming you, just being a shitposting asshole because I'm mad I can't advance in this accursed game after so long and I can't get the time to do it properly

I'll just post my most complete one, Wind. Tiamat keeps giving me gauntlets instead of bolts.

>Average playtime during a week is 2-3 hours, 3-6 hours on free days
user that's literally more playtime than me. Just play during your strike time for farming magnas.

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Why do men make the best girls?

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Apart from using ore-sama as first person pronoun, Cag has no male quality whatsoever.

you're not even close to completion
also you should have grinded proving grounds for the windhose
see you in m2

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I meant completion as in a beginners M1 grid. I can't even hhost Grimnir or make an SSR Ring of Raphael because I'm only Rank 86.

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*cough*... yugu won't drop swords bros...

Then you should know that with such little time you can hardly achieve anything. Strike time is at 6 and 7 am. By that time I'm either sleeping or heading to class. I'm currently trying to get back on track but playing everyday is something I can no longer do.

Half that grid was literally a gift from kmr though. You can see which parts you grinded yourself. When I started we didn't get everything handed to us

>playing for 2 years
>haven't even started on grids

Ah, I created my own solo crew so I could adjust Strike Time to whenever I wanted, I had mine set from 9pm to 11pm.

You do know that you can adjust your strike time right?

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I actually have more bolts and fists fully uncapped, I just haven't upgraded their skill level yet so they are skill level 1

>still no Xeno Vohu rerun in sight
I just want my harp.

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there is nothing to spark during anni. just buy the anniversary suptix.

Asanagi is the most newfag friendly doujin artist. In fact he's the only doujin artist newfags know by name.

Same. It was the only one I missed. It's already been rerun three times though so you'll have to wait for all the others to happen at least once.

proving grounds' weapon will powercreep xeno harp
it's barely used nowadays

Part of a jap guild.

>tfw used to solo crew, enjoyed whatever strike time I wanted
>had to join a real crew for GW badges and shit
>have to adhere to their strike time
Fuck, I wish strike time was individual.

>tfw barely play the game
>log in once in a blue moon
>use crystals for one 10 part draw
>mfw get Zooey and Shiva

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>You can have the character you want in Versus but only if you are able to tell us his gameplay/moveset
Do it.

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Pretty sure it's the next rerun on the list since we've just completed the cycle with Xeno Corow.

as in the moveset they have in the browser game to prove we arent secondaries or the moveset we want in Versus

>Fuck, I wish strike time was individual.
It's called Mechanic if you're normalfag, or Kengonigging if you're tryhard.

>using kengo is for tryhards
oh, Yea Forums...

I want MAO as a playable character and her moveset is all about intimidating the opponent with uncomfortable facial expressions and extreme autism.

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arcarum fucking sucks, any tips to make it less boring? do I have to kill all enemies for loot or should I just open all chests and move on?

Get the axe autist and just Ground Zero your way through most trashes.
Or just skip but you're missing out on Arca points/rare items.

make sarasa and song
kill most waves in 1 button press with either ground zero or depravity

Ground Zero

Zoi's nuke also works most of the time on lower difficulties

Not him but how much HP does sarasa need to have to make it work? I don't really want to waste points experimenting. I usually just use song but there are some enemies where death and clincher doesn't work.


she has a stupidly high modifier, I don't remember the exact numbers but you'll reach softcap at around 6k hp

I think you have to cap so around 8 to 9k because plain dmg is cut in half in expert

Grinding tablets for the seraphic weapons is driving me crazy, send help

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>Theres no good Cagliosto Doujin after Volpone+
Life is suffering

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what do I do with excess summons from raids?

Reduce for dem quartz.

SSR? Reduce. SR? I sell but some people also reduce them.

What tablets?

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you should reduce SR summons for flawed prisms, you'll need a ton and it's one of the few sources

I want to berry my dick holy shit.

so don't use them as exp for summons? I'm always short on angel summons

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Which type of girls?

Don't bother. They give fuckall upgrade exp.

No, never. You'll eventually have more angel summons than you know what to do with, but you will never have enough quartz.

it's not efficient to do so

Fragments I mean

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Oh, yeah, fragments can be real shitshow until you can join ubaha train.
Though you can mitigate crappy RNG using drop rate buff + TH if you're not just autoing it like I did.

>Oroboros accompanies her at all times
>Oroboros primary method of close range combos
>Oroboros movement seperate from Cag
>Directional combos move Oro but remains planted where attack ended
>Oro has gap closers, but incapable of any movement outside attacks
>Both have hit boxes
>Oroboros can be hit for stuns states/combo stopping
>Cag incapable of melee comboing
>Oroboros can be recalled to her current position instantly (can combo into recall) unless Oro is currently in a stun state

There, basically the most annoying assist type character possible balanced around being weak to corner trapping and Oro being locked to attack movement meaning placement and footsies being heavily required.

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This anniversay right?

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They already said that news about Versus will be given in exactly 13 days during the anniversary stream.

I hope so. I'm tired of farming resources for things I know nothing about.

The hardest part for me was the weapons, it's a fucking godsend that you only have to do it once no matter how many eternals you make.

>The hardest part for me was the weapons
But you can legit get almost all of rare weapons just grinding for the steps' trash materials.

I just want to know the materials I need. I have enough stuff to finally finish my 3rd acarum card but ever since I finished devil and sun I've been hoarding everything I can just in case. Including Dama/gold grain/bars and every other possible thing arcarum and non-arcarum related I can think of.

She would be shit, you only have to take Drang and draw dicks to counter her:

>SSR Sodomy Man
I'll drop the game if that happens
Keep my villain a fucking villain

They literally made Sandal good guy and focus in part 2 because of his popularity.
Prepare for the same to happen to homolord because of his popularity too.

I wish I could, it took me days to get the fist in chapter 19 drop despite having everything to increase the rare encounter rate.

Who can stop this madman

The goddamn cat arcarum expert boss fight is so goddamn annoying.
I mean I can kill it but holy shit the aids spaming and dispel gets old.
Any tips?

I would like to believe that Cygames has enough common sense to keep Belial a villain since his antics are only amusing because he's a villain

the more I hear about Sugita the more I think he's the Gods gift to anime

Get good

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post grid

Haven't gotten him since forever though(thank god, I'd rather have Moon instead).
I just want to know if there's a way to deal with his rng mechanic that isn't 'just kill him faster bro'.

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Are upping my skill levels and uncapping the only way for me to increase my damage output? I feel like the progress is so slow that I'm doing something wrong.

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Ranking up also boost your stats significantly. But yes, skill level, amount of modifiers (Omega, Normal, Ex) play main role in increasing your damage.

Light and Dark are a little wonky. Light specially since it's primary magna weapon is rare as fuck and needs to be 4*ed

first, make sure to use those arcarum buffs since they're undispellable
second, with that grid, my best tip to you is holding to do as much damage as you can possibly do in one turn, I usually get his fight done in 4 turns that way

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Filler SSRs you can safely skill up to at least 3, for core SSRs you can spread the skill up around (eg. get all Claws up by 1 SL each time instead of going all in in just one).

that's an old man.

I am at rank 65 so I guess it explains why I'm still so low.
Yeah no shit, getting these claws has been killing me.
Is that how you're supposed to do it? Before, I heard that you should first max skill up on one weapon before moving on to others.

>Are upping my skill levels and uncapping the only way for me to increase my damage output?
Pretty much, that and grid composition since you need to have a proper balance of the 3 types of skills
ATK EMP also helps but not by much
It gets much easier as you progress, albeit it's still grindy as fuck, it's just that it takes less time because you're stronger

Infinite better than h*ws crap

>Yeah no shit, getting these claws has been killing me.
Make sure to buy them from the shop with renown to make the job a little easier, especially now that we're in double cap period

By all means, uncap them with further dupes and ABSOLUTELY raise skill levels, a "big boost to damage" on a magna weapon is 6% on lvl 1 and 15% at lvl10(medium is 3% and 12%), it makes a world of difference when you have multiple weapons properly upgraded, furthermore when you have skills of 2 different types(primal and magna) they multiple, instead of being additive, thats why magna grids always have at least one primal weapon, trust me, grab some fodder from arcarum or events(use SR fodder until skill level 7/8), upgrade your shit and you will see a sizeable difference, made larger when you start uncapping your stuff and leveling it up, eventually you will want to remove the spears and axes in favor of more claws and different weapons altogether, mainly the EX modifier Xeno Diablo Katana or Quilin sword, even now you should be able to farm the dark EX katana from Tales collab sidestory, but that one might be way too outdated for use
Additionaly the bahamut weapon, you can grab a free one as reward from WMTSB1 in sidestories
Lastly after anniversary you want to start working on Dark archangel weapon, since it will be added

>I heard that you should first max skill up on one weapon before moving on to others.
I don't know who meme'd you this hard but every SL (1-10) increase skill potency by the same amount except it takes more skill fodders to skill up them the higher the SL is.

>ills of 2 different types(primal and magna) they multiple, instead of being additive, thats why magna grids always have at least one primal weapon, trust me, grab some fodder from arcarum or events(use SR fodder until sk
Fit an EX weapon in there and get a Normal type weapon to skill 10.

>what were you thinking when you did that
>when a pretty girl approached me like that you know... there's no way in my lifetime would that happen without micro-transactions
I haven't laughed so hard in a long time

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>there's no way in my lifetime would that happen without micro-transactions
Truly /ourguy/

Imagine the SFM when this game is out

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R8, no bully

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Looks like I can guess one claw with pendants, though I dont know how to farm for them really. Is 4 claws in a grid enough or should I fit more into it?
Well shit okay. Time to spread this shit around then.
Thats a whole lot. Arcarum is still tad too hard for me unfortunately. But I dont even really know where to get all the things you are listing, except for the free Baha weapon.

started playing about two months ago, am I doing this right? gib tips pls

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>SL15 claw
>Katana still SL10 despite being already uncapped

Attached: zt.png (134x274, 88K)

Running out of fodder hard here. Also what's wrong with a SL 15 claw? I am very proud of that one

Nothing, but those fodders would have been better spent on Katana or Parazoi first.

and I fucked up the bottom row

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Oh shit I didn't think about that. Now I want Metera in it more than ever.

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On Wind, you don't need any of those fists, change them for a Gun ASAP
Same for Dark, when you can, swap those axes and spears for claws
You're mostly fine for the rest but I recommend using swords instead of canes in dirt get mentally prepared to completely swap everything in those grids once you hit HL for everything that isn't Wind and Dark

ye can't wait to see a thousand of them just like xrd and dbfz

Doing fine. Coda the dagger and SSR the seraphics. Other than that just get the grids up to the standard m1. Then start the m2 grind.

>that grid
>2 months ago
>Yea Forums repost filename
> But I dont even really know where to get all the things you are listing, except for the free Baha weapon.
A tale of Intersecting Fates is the sidestorie with Yuri and his dark katana with EX modifier, which you could use, overtime you will need ot wait for a rerun of Xeno Diablo(next time will be the 3rd time he's up meaning he will also have a NEW EX weapon as well) and also for the next Rise of the Beast event, where upon getting 1 of each fire, water, earth and wind seals you can exchange them for a golden statue-like item, which you can use to host Quilin or its light equivalent raid(that said there some rank and story progress requirement before you can host them), but when that time comes you should be in a guild or discord server or anything that can organize a "Quilin train", which is when 30 people will up a co-op room to host 30 raids in a row, one train is more than enough to grab a Quilin weapon
But again, all that comes later, and you will get used t othis stuff and learn more at your own pace

You already own a primal weapon(cute ribbon and Parazonium), so for now I suggest you max Parazonium's skill and uncap it with damascus bars(altough Im certain other folks here can give a better idea what ot use them for), a maxed out Parazonium is an amazing mainhand weapon for dagger classes, especially Dancer

There's ReLink though

>xrd and dbfz
Literally both games that no one gave a shit about full of shit characters that no one gives a shit about.

>I suggest you max Parazonium's skill and uncap it with damascus bars
m8 his Para is already SL11 which means he already FLB'd it.

tought it said 1, whoops

randomised filename bro

those are the free claws they gave, I was thinking of uncapping all the guns first before replacing them

will do, thanks

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>mfw I have been using 4chanx since forever and didn't know about this feature

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I just unlocked Arcarum Hard, what is a good class for fast burst damage against the trash mob enemies? I use Dark Fencer for the bosses, but what would be good against the regular enemies? Weapon Master for turn-1 ougi? Hermit for skill damage?

Use Sarasa.
Or use Warlock.

As a newfag do I get demi varuna or a sunstone although I dont have any good gacha summons

Alright, looks like its time to do sidestories. Is the katana better dark EX weapon than the one you get from the Shadowverse story? I dont really know how xenos or rise of the beast events work so I just have to figure them out somehow. I need to progress the actual story as well then, I need to do "Avatar (Impossible)" at some point as well too to uncap claws further.
What? My Parazonium is skill level 3? I assuredly havent uncapped it even once, though I might be misunderstanding something.

I use Sidewinder/Nighthound + Salza.
For sidewinder you should be able to 1t/2t most enemies if you can cap or almost cap def down (mist + whatever your party members have)
Mistook you for the other user.

If you have 1 or 2 Drang balls/Murgleis, you pick Demi Veruna.
If you don't, just pick the sunstone.
You only bother with primals if you can afford the weapons for them.

Working on getting Sarasa now, and Rank 87 so no Rank 101 classes yet.

The stone.

GBV uses 3d model instead of 2d drawing

nice try bro I'm not that stupid, this shit is obviously 2D

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>What is cel shading in 3d models

So were the games he mentioned user.

dbfz sfm exists if you look hard enough

Grea but she's plays identical to Sol, with a literal dragon install.

Guess I'll just try to unga him harder then.
That being said, I just tried to unga Justice and ended up losing 150 Arca points because of it.

I just bring Warlock MC and make a nuke centric party for each element to 1 turn everything except for bosses.

Make sure to buy some of those items. I always keep at least one of each despite never using them. Also Justice has mechanics against mindlessly attacking one of the enemies. The others should be fine.


Yeah I always have them stocked.
Between few Arcapoints than botching an entire run.
Any tips for EX Tower? Or just aim for Ougi burst only?

I haven't done him but it looks like you just need clarity and dispel. Maybe some kind of damage cut or substitute.

The problem with getting stronger in granblue is you pay attention to the boss and what it does less and less.

....only if his doujin are sane enough

He doesn't have anything noteworthy, just really high def against normal attack.
Don't think dispel work but I'm not sure. Ougi burst shits on him though.

just got to rank 80, what should I do in preparation to get 4th row classes? something to do with co-op? I don't even know what that is exactly

I want sword master

trannies are pedos? who would have thought

Host all EX Co-op up to tier 4.
If you want carry then state so in the description so people know what they're getting into.

Post main-hand skins

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>search for crews
>all japs
should I just join whatever

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How do you get more DATA in earth? I have Cain but his buff is pretty weak.

Atma I guess.

Japs are more easy going to westerns. Do it.

Akasha Axe

Can anyone redpill me on Lucio and Lucifer

Wait 3 more days.

Lucio is an actor who just happens to look like the supreme primarch, and Lucifer is a head.

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Make a Yea Forums crew

so his wings are just a costume as an actor?

His small wings in the illustrations are fake. He shows his actual big wings in battle.

The big wings are just special effects.

I think Belial is very sexy, no homo.
Hope he dies in part 3 though.

Justice is the only Arca boss I have lost to. She has an irritating gimmick.

I got Swordmaster in like Rank 60-something, it's easy, you just need to work towards a specific co-op mission.

no one really knows who Lucio is, he's most likely a fragment of the supreme primarch after he was killed by Belphegor

Join the english GBF discord group and look for crews there, not only can you find crews with strike time hours that are compatible with your free time hour, you can actually communicate with them.

I unironically want Macho Vyrn. Plays like Zangief.

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what if I don't want to communicate?

You're unironically a cool guy.

Then join a Nip crew

why is gran so big

For you

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Was this the one where he turns into a buff black dude at the end? That was great.

I joined an english speaking crew and I'm barely active on their discord except for during GW to discuss optimal grids and party composition to OTK EX+ for efficient farming.
Having the option to communicate with your crew is really helpful, compared to joining a jap crew that you can't communicate with at all (assuming you don't know Japanese anyway)


Generic Anime Swordsman but has a sort of after image that hits a half second after you do



>inb4 its just the characters from the logo

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Chances are that will be it yup, with extra characters as dlc packages over time.

>beautiful arcsys black magic Zeta and Vaseraga

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Visit /gbfg/, there's a pastebin with a bunch of crews.

Phonon, but a cat

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So basically just Yang's Seiei-Enbu?

Yeah, I'm pretty uncreative but that's how I imagine it would go
Siete would be pretty based though, I'm a sucker for multiple sword fighting but I wouldn't know how to fit it in

>literally only one weapon is good for water Magna

Also months in and I have yet to see an actual Lumi sword or Celes Claw. What’s the actual rates on those two?

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He just gets gate of babylon and swordspams

I'd love to theorise about the fighting game but my fighting game knowledge is limited. I hope Zeta plays like Mai without the spear throwing and more zip-zapping around the screen. I hope Lancelot is a gorilla.

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Isn't Suwabe pushing pretty hard to get Siete into the game?

Space control with long normals. Can throw out a cat as a projectile or trap. Maybe has a little bit of Faust going on where he gets random cats with slightly different effect

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Lancelot won't be a Gorilla because they will make the actual Gorilla a character.

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>Light team has a fucking boatload of healing and literally every one of my light summons heals
>Celeste zombifies everyone which causes healing to do damage

Just get them from the store. It's easier that way.

You'd be better off buying those

wouldnt say "pretty hard" but I do remember that very shortly after they announced Versus, while livestream was still going on he tweeted he wants Siete included, honestly with Siete being the leader and arguably the most memed Eternal, his chances arent that low, but probably as DLC

Nah, he is literally gorilla function.

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Melee rushdown character like Terumi, but with mechanic that gives him extra damage the longer he doesn't get hit. Ougis are counter moves like Hazama's kick.

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>homobait prettyboy is the new Icecar
Kek, as per tradition.

Dunno about the claw, but I farmed nothing but chev back when I started, and I only got 3 FLB swords by rank 120 without the pendant store.

Just get Clarity then.

>"[kengo] has joined the raid"

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Do you think Versus will have OD/Break?

Oh fuck, I completely forgot about that.

Kengolet here, how is everyone dishing out so much damage with Kengo?

If there's a story mode with bosses, maybe for those. Otherwise no.

Baal and Hanged Man summons can do a clarity type thing as well, and Apollo has veil so he can prevent the zombie from landing

OD and Break are bosses mechanics, why would they have it for player?
Bonito + Summer Grea + Vajra.

Kaneshige is busted
Busted ougi centric characters

Double Ougi + ougi cap up weapons + Bonito

You are a Kengolord, right?

Attached: demi varuna.png (632x898, 787K)

>tfw firechad

>no Bonito, dog or Summer Grea
Fug, guess it's Dark Fencer for me then until I unlock Mechanic.

>Demi primal

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>the world's enemy

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They actually have them when they are enemies though. It could just work like Tekken red hp thingy

I will be once we get annitix.

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a waterchadlet, maybe

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I dont know much about fighting games but i guess it would be tons of spinning with her moonhalo, so space control of somesort
She could also throw her moonhalo and then get it back like a boomerang and because of her acrobat thing she could also have some airial moves but they said the game wouldnt have much of those
Her DATA down debuff could be a slow effect on enemy, dont know what gravity could be in a fighting game.

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>no dog
>no grea
w-when can I next get dog bros


>all DJ
Like fucking clockwork.

no that's enmity
I cant help but smirk at the idea of Sandy hainvg a serious talk with gran in a dark room, then it turns out its just his room, Vyrn is on his head and Lyria's looking through his desk
water kengo with maxed kaneshige and bonito
dark kengo with xeno diablo katana and zoi memes

DJ is a true samurai

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>want to unlock ex2 classes
>nobody joins my coop room

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Edgelords being bullied is truly the best.

>Not making Dark Kaneshige

S.Grea is being moved to the flashfest pool so she won't be available with that ticket. Sorry user.

I'm so fucking jealous of the damage numbers.

by all means, kaneshige will always be the best mainhand for Kengo, but making a 2nd one takes time, grind and resources, so I'd generally suggest ppl start the water kaneshige grind and use xeno diablo as temporary solution, just so that your kengo meme isnt stuck in one element until you make a 2nd one

>6 more chapters to Chapter 63 so I can get mechanic and meme on bosses

They wouldnt actually do that again right?
When they did that with zoi she appeared on few flashfest before it actually happening too, s.grea still hasnt come back

Her vanilla doujins are the best.

>all that fucking shit
>just for normal Apollo

Are there really so few good games these days that this many people are excited enough about a fighter based off a phone gacha game that we keep getting threads about it?

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That actually would be nice, since then you could just spark her whenever.

>Anthem is shit
>Far Cry New Dawn is shit and is /pol/ bait.
>Metro Exodus only invites shitposting
Geez, I don't know.

>phone gacha game
Granblue is a PC game though. People that play it on phone use the internet browser.

why quilin bow?

Damage cap up and massive normal mod, why not?

>Massive atk mod
>10% cap up

Only game in last few years i have been excited about has been total war warhammer and kingmaker
I guess iron harvest is there too when it comes out

normal mod and increases the maximum damage you can deal

ah right, I forgot its normal modifier, I use quiling sword for my EX and gisla for normal

>another knife from metatron
Give me bow you shit.

>ArcSys on a roll and keep getting bigger projects
>Their graphics tech keeps improving
>More grounded SF-esque, when many are looking for an alternative to SFV
>Granblue has some of the best old school artists and musicians wokring on it, but many see it as "trapped" in a phone game
>Cygames are already willing to dump money into the FGC
Yeah, why would anyone be excited

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Why do Loki and Fenrir look so different compared to everyone else in the art style? Especially Loki, from his face he looks more like a Final Fantasy Tactics character than a Granblue character.

>when really wants your dick

wasnt that the FFT artist in the first place? Loki and Fenrir still use the older artstyle from they were introduced


Because the earlier art is done in the same style as Yoshida, the big man of CyDesignation and the same man behind FFT art.

>when some gay prettyboy angels get too attached to your danchou
What Makes the Sky Blue 4 will by Lyria beating the shit out of the homos from 1-3, especially Belial

You have to be clinically delusional to actually believe that would happen. Zooey is a very special case as it literally changed the game.

Loki looks better now as are the rest of the party
except Lyria

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I'm a bit of a newer player so I'm not familiar with the earlier art.

>tfw no Zoi but still have to pay the tax

I stopped playing 4 months ago.
Never ever think about starting it.
Huge grind, events force you to play the game at least for 1-2 hours a day + 1-2 hours to actually my some kind of progression . Now if you want to make you team stronger, be it with new job classes , weapon upgrades etc. you will have to play the game for another 1-2 hours.
So expect to play this phone game for 3-6 hours every day if you want to get somewhere.
GBF isn´t called a "second job" for nothing. It´s pretty much your job after you come home from work or school.

>many people
>70~ unique IPs
>In a 400 post thread
It's mostly the same person posting over and over again, GBF threads on Yea Forums are basically a mini /vg/ general with the same people circlejerking on each new thread.

The Kousuke one was so good that anything afterwards it is just a bonus.

>mind of a man
>not a tranny

ok retard

Retard user here, are the chips that mechanic use per battle like the Gunslinger's bullets, or do you have to keep crafting them?

No, you only need to craft it once.

To be entirely fair, it's a great way to discuss the game itself free from tranny drama, shitposters and more.

For Japs, they're mostly rabid about Granblue, for Westerners its mostly about ArcSys' niche but dedicated fanbase as well as Cygames involvement with the FGC. Since every other company that has a league have horrible payout for winning fighting games, and ESports teams oulling out of fighting games as a sustainable option, its pretty exciting to see what Cygames can bring to the table.

On that note, when the FUCK will Assassin be a viable class option, cause I doubt its EX2 will fix a damn thing about it.

Nice, that is great. Some of it's powers look bonkers like being able to recreate strike time.

...what, are you expecting people to just driveby shitpost and immediately abandon thread? We're at less than 6 posts per IP. Are you sure you know how discussion works?

>Some of it's powers look bonkers like being able to recreate strike time.
It's literally the only one that matters.
Just ignore everything else.

Sounds good to me, that's great for what I need it for.

At least you can easily play it on a second monitor without paying much attention

>cygames actually enjoy games and decides to make actual video games for GBF like versus and relink
>tfw type moon will never collab with arcsys or french bread to make a new fate fighting game or action games with Platinum it capcom
>We're stuck arcade, an RTS version of GO but in 3D and Extella which are shitty musous by one on of the shittiest companies to do it (marvelous)
>Nasu is so autistic he thinks fate is too good to collab with and the only times Fate related stuff is in games it's almost always pure cosmetic shit like PSO2's fate collabs
>Game will end next year while GBF and every other gacha game older than fgo will continue indefinitely
This will never not be infuriating

user....... you can literally level a job to max in like 10 minutes with slimes. And hell, you can literally farm during strike time, you will eventually come to the point where you can MVP a raid in a single turn, or outright one-shot the raids.

Bot selfdestruct for plain damage can be useful if you want to slime/torchblast and don't have other plain damage sources. But yeah that's pretty niche so full bar is the only thing most people care about.

>Game will end next year
Isn't that just Nasu being a whiny child? I can't imagine Aniplex closing fucking FGO of all things. Plus, I bet Nasu is just butthurt that his CCC shilling failed.

Sounds like just desserts. FGO is trash and fate is a trash premise for when you're old enough to post here

It just means that the fighting game isn't as popular as that other user thought since not that many individual people are actually discussing it, despite having multiple (shill) threads posted about it daily.

Drink your coffee and enjoy the ride, m8. It's gonna be a long one.

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We literally know nothing about it besides a small amount of the roster. We can only argue over the roster for so long.

What's the different between torchblash and slime anyway? Torch is H2-2 right? Why do one over another?

tell that to smashfags

I would surprised if it was just him being petulant but he does shit on a whim so much it's hard to tell. I don't think aniplex would close it down but apparently that interview from last opened a can of worms and nasu is getting a bit too egostic in thinking he can just do that shit

slime search can be done solo.

I'm talking about co-op slime H3-1

>playing games is bad

Eh, that's a big crossover game so the roster wars are an unfortunate thing that come with it. The real problem with Smash threads are how many secondaries there are that don't even play the games that the characters come from.

What's the better mmo between this and ffxiv?

The difference is that rosterfagging in smash is a result of popular characters being in a crossover game. The situation with GBV (and DBFZ before it) is slightly different. Initial threads would just talk about the primary source material while the secondaries would talk more about gameplay speculation. In this case the secondaries would be fighting game players

Granblue. Hell, even if you decide to spend a bit on the game rather than play f2p it's still a lot cheaper than playing FF XIV. FF XIV is a fucking massive moneysink, especially when it isn't even that good a game.

Oh boy another rerun.

what are you expecting from a manchild who called his audience retarded when they didn't like that shitty Fate extra anime

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>Thinks NP skip button shouldnt be a thing because players who skip NPs arent """""""real fans""""""""""
Fuck that guy

The Part 2 rerun is literally ending in soon user, Part 3 is starting soon.

The Extra universe is truly cursed.
>a genuinely good semi-VN, with poor gameplay
>a weird ass sequel that has an odd focus on sex, but has some cool characters
>one of the worst Musous of all time
>the worst Fate anime of all time

Even SRW games let you skip animation and animations in those games have more love and soul put into it than FGO ever will.

When is the anniversary stream? This week or the next one?

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God, I love the SRW games.
>play V
>Banana: Unicorn Gundam wa date ja nai
>Hathaway: Xi Gundam wa date ja nai


so 13 days from now

>Gandharva keeps trash talking everyone
>everyone can't beat him in the cutscene
>battle start
>one-turn him with support Bonito
I feel sort of bad now, I feel like I skipped what should have been a tense boss fight.


The guy that keeps wanting to fight Lecia.

poor lecia, she deserves better

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I just pulled this girl last night. Is she any good?


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There's like 3 good non-limited gacha characters

>Tells people not to think too hard when it comes to irrelevant details and other things
>Last encore comes and is actual shit and people label it as such
>LMAO bros you didn't think hard you guys are retards XD
That is literal retardation I agree but at the same time the fanbase complains that every character/setting (outside of Nero) is getting wanked too hard when it's the opposite

Because you can actually get characters you want without spending four digit figures

Can you list those?

Earth or Dark? Earth is a bit weaker but a decent heal/buff character once she hits lvl 100, dark is generally better from the getgo but nothing to write home about

I'll never understand the Nerowank complaint when Tamamo exists. While the series does shill Nero a lot, at worst Nero just sort of boring, Tamamo is irritating and obnoxious.


The tier list doesnt help at all. Every time I pull a SSR after rerolling and check the tier list, it shows them as being good then I ask /gbf/ and they tell me they arent good. Is the tier list even accurate?

No, tier list is pretty biased and a few characters are pretty outdated.

don't worry about it

Yeah especially whenever nero was shilled and had attention it was more or less self contained but tamamo is so bad she even has major relevance in part2 but people complain more about Nero than tamamo at this point regardless due to the shilling

As long as it's not light SSR Sophia it probably has a use somehow.

Who even wants to see Piccolo fuck Vegeta?

Does astral projection even count?

Not for much longer, thank fuck. IIRC they announced that when the anniversary hits they're getting rid of the rotation bullshit and you can just grind any element whenever.

It's the wanking that's combined with historical revisionism for the sake of waifus.

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The tierlist is shit

Why are you going to /gbfg/ for advice? Also tier lists are mostly bragging rights anyways.
>"haha my fav is a 10"
Don't focus too hard on it, just roll until you get a character that you like.

*blocks your path*

Attached: de la fodder.png (960x800, 227K)

not even that bad anymore after buffs

Legit still better than SSR Sophia.
Nothing beat having resurrection that can fucking miss, let alone the fact that you shouldn't be relying on resurrection in the first place anyway.

Are any of the love live or tales of chars any good?

Roulette when? rolling a gacha to roll your gacha is actually addictive

They are alright as far as free unit goes.
Fire has veil.
Water has DATA up.
Earth has gravity, blindy, clarity, and heal.

God, I can't believe they let the idiot that wrote Septem continue to write.

If you're referring to the tier list on the GBF wiki, anything above the 9.5 line is solid on their own, while 9.0 has niche uses, but are strong depending on team or grid synergy, while anything below are usable but obviously never used if you have better options.

The tier list basically has 3 teirs.
>SSR Core
>SSR not Core
>SRs and Rs

Xeno Diablo

Yeah, that can be done solo. The HP's low enough there's no point doing it with a group since a single GZ murders it. Thus, people use the torch that has a bit more HP.

Having strong grids means jackshit because you will still lose to Nips with 1ms ping.

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Torch can be done solo too.
People slime as group because it's more ap efficient.

>not being a SEAchad

If the char wasn't used by a top 10 player in last GW, it's shit. If it was, it's a niche character only useful in one specific setup that's only good for GW racing.

ook eek ook la

>tfw SEAchad
Feels good, man.

>granblue fantasy versus has the most accurate depiction of armpits in a video game ever

ASW is known for making quality fighting games and Cygames is known for having so much money they don't know what to do with it all, why wouldn't people be excited?

Everything that Hikaru Shitkurai touches rots away

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>Game will end next year
You're fucking delusional if you think that Nasu not writing for it anymore means that Aniplex is going to kill off their cash cow

the second years are getting a 5* at SOME fucking point, I imagine they'll be pretty solid then.

Isn't the Lostbelts doing fine without Nasu's writing too?

>about to fight Akasha
>find out it's light

Just use your strongest team and spam Elixirs if you die.

The last page was a nigger fucking a guy in the ass.

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he thicc

Which one of these should I replace with the dark EX katana you get from the Tales sidestory?

The ribbon. You already have enough normal damage modifier with Parazonium.