it was kino
It was kino
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why cant gote a gote
I replayed today the Switch version, it felt like playing it for the first time. Asriel bossfight still the most kino moment in vidya.
Only for literal tumblrette homos
uh oh here comes the 12 year olds trying to fit in
>tfw hopes and dreams
As if undertale isn't just an overrated eyesore. All you really want is goat porn.
[citation needed]
>Generic feel-good music
>Plenty of lights and colors to keep the ADHD kids enthralled
>topped off with the generic winning back your friends after they were taken away a second ago
You could say it was GOAT
gote is a COOOTE
Undertale is a great game with an abhorrent fanbase.
>Asriel bossfight still the most kino moment in vidya.
Have you been playing games for like 2 years only or something?
based SOULless husk.
An unlose-able battle? *yawn* Yes very amusing.
Genocide route was better desu. I loathed all of the characters.
Good job confirming his suspicions, twelvie.
reminder this place loved this game before it got popular
reddit isn't an excuse to hate this game, spout some actual fucking reasons as to why it's bad you morons
Asgore > Sans > Omega Flowey > Asriel
Underage and manchildren love Undertale you know.
This, why I do love Undertale, you realize soon that you cannot die, so it doesnt matter anymore, Photoshop Flowey is the most "kino" moment with the best music.
Everything in the world is enjoyed by underages and manchildren on some level.
kys tonight
seething :)
Unironically the 5th best game of the decade so far
The things I fap to. The me from 10 years ago would be disgusted.
I always forget Asriel is Flowey
Isn't this based on something? I swear I've seen it before
>But it refused
>shitty bullet hell combat
>"you really need to find the peaceful way that involves stupid, convoluted things to do in battle that no one would ever think of ever"
>cringeworthy and unfunny
Yep, sounds like a game perfect for modern gamers who wouldn't know a good game if it hit them on the head.
What's your favorite game?
call of duty
First CoD actually had a comfy campaign.
You alright.
Quality old games. Back when gaming was good and not about storyshit and bad gameplay.
You know, long before you kids were born.
so chess, backgammon etc
I enjoy old classics but I'm still inclusive towards other more new releases. I'm not gonna be a elitist loser over it.
So hardcore
imagine thinking every game has to be presented in the same exact way, and every stride from that is shit
imagine thinking that a game with a a story bigger than "do this" is the same as a VN
please post some games you think are good my dude
failed gamedev cuck absolutely seething that he'll never be this successful
I actually completed it because the fags on this website went mad with shilling when this came out. Complete waste of time. If it looks like shit it's probably shit, no amount of shilling from underage fags will change that.
There are a couple genres where the old classics are yet to be replaced. Where are the new 10/10 flight sims to replace TIE Fighter, FreeSpace 1 and 2 or IL-2 Sturmovik? Where are the WRPGs to replace Baldur's Gate or Planescape: Torment? I was so hype for Pillars of Eternity or Tides of Numenera but neither of them could reach those heights.
>same way
Hasn't played old games.
Here's what you do, kid. For a whole year, you must play only pre-1995 games, heavily weighted to pre-1990 games. For everything, and a huge variety of games. Arcade, 2600, Intellivision, C64, Amiga, Master System, NES. Not just the popular shit: everything.
Sure, there's some stinkers back then, but if you take all of the games back then and all of the games now, the average quality of old games is VASTLY higher than those of today.
Gaming today is a cesspool of shit that we need to let die. Play old games and you'll understand that.
Just because something new doesn't surpass your absolute favorites doesn't mean it can't supply an enjoyable experience nonetheless.
>that no one would ever think of ever
It's not the game's fault you're retarded, user
explain why those games are good and why undertale is bad
>inb4 gameplay is the focus
gameplay is the focus in undertale, there's more context to what you do however and a general reason for why you do it
Slide into your size foot deep pit and die grandpa; your nostalgia has become terminal.
>Sure, there's some stinkers back then
You had to go through 50 shitty fucking licensed movie adaptations before you got one good first party title. All without any way of knowing which ones are good except through word of mouth.
You must be 18 or over to post here
Atari 2600 is literal shit, and is only good for thinking it as a legacy.
Every 2600 game was better in arcades.
T.Had 2600, Jaguar and PS1 as a child
>the average quality of old games is VASTLY higher than those of today.
You must be fucking joking, there used to be way more licensed shovelware games than there are now.
You mean stupid, cheap, bullet hell dodging to find the super seekret combination of shit to do pacifist? That's not gameplay, that's pain in the ass stupidity. Like I said.
Kids can't read.
At least I play good games, unlike you kids.
>only 50
So not nearly as bad as today.
>>only 50
>So not nearly as bad as today.
[citation needed]
>gameplay isn't gameplay because I don't like it
Fsggot furry Tumblr zoomer trash
Kys trannies
I really, really like his feet~
It was an art of Krekk0v's no homo boy
You sound like you would be most happy with those hyper casual mobile games that just replicate simple formulas that the atari 2600 could handle.
it was alright
not video game kinography or anything crazy like that, but it wasn't complete dogshit contrary to some anons contrarian opinions
that said, those anons were likely the same people who were in the fucking demo threads for this game back when toby used to shill it on here lol
It's not gameplay, you dumb child. It's fucking stupid, boring anti-gameplay. A guessing game plus a fucking stupid pixel dodging pain in the ass combat mechanic is fucking dumb by any metric.
Seriously, just stop talking and go play old games. You WILL understand. I fucking promise. You will come back crying and apologize and be exactly the same as me, wondering how the fuck we got into this modern gaming mess.
I fucking promise.
Does it really count as a boss fight if you can't lose any progress?
but it refused should've been a scripted moment and you should've been able to lose
>pixel dodging
that sounds like gameplay to me
Yep, I'm thinking this is based.
the game at least proves you can profit off children to make a buck if just go for the 2 deep for you route and shill the living crap on this website. GENIUS really
You can't die
Now this is true pure kino
>>go through game killing goons left and right
>>get to final boss
>>"wait! if you kill him, you'll be just like him!"
haha yeah what's the deal with that?
>undertale addresses this
>undertale addresses this
It's all so tiresome.
It's hard to love a game when a google search gives you goat porn
Based teenager
>game gives the option to do a pacifist run
>doesn't try to beat you over the head with it
You say that like it's a bad thing, user.
There are actual consequences for killing people, and npcs in the overworld will acknowledge your homicidal behaviour rather than just talk to you like any friendly neighbour.
Kino means movie you stupid faggot.
You don't get treated like a hero for committing murder.
And the "bossfight" is literally a cutscene, dipshit.
I don't see how they're related.
>It's only as violent as you are
Based RWS
Probably because you're retarded, anime poster.
was it autism?
No bully
Undertale doesn't address that. It has to pretend standard hostile RPGs mobs aren't being hostile in order to make a comment on JRPGs powerleveling that misses the mark.
JRPG grinding is usually on a single lucrative monster(e.g. Metal Slime). I mean which game(s) is the genocide path even commenting on?
wait is she the final boss or what? I never played this game more than the beginning 10 minutes where she takes you into her home
That's her faggot son.
>download deltarune yesterday
>it's shit
has toby fox allowed his success to go to his head and stop trying as hard?
I see. Never thought I'd fap to Undertale but here we go
Killing is killing, user. The whole "If you kill him, you'll be just like him." line loses weight in literally every game it's used in EXCEPT Undertale when you're given the chance to kill Flowey at the end of the pacifist route because he's the first person you would consider killing and you're finally given the chance to.
>tfw Yea Forums contrarian babies can't appreciate Undertale, likely one of the best RPG's this decade, solely because it's popular
You know a satire doesn't have to be exactly like the thing it's satirizing. I don't see what difference grinding a single monster or grinding monsters in general makes to the overall point it's making.
>You can't dislike something if it's popular
Nothing of importance changes if you kill Flowey though.
The main focus is on how kinda fucked it is to just kill everyone in your way. If you're focusing on the way it shows grinding, you're also partially missing the point. Why should there be an infinite amount of an enemy you can fight? Shouldn't that be finite since theres a finite beings in this world. Wouldnt it be mega-fucked to hunt them all down? Thats all it is really, and it works well for what it is.
Explain to a brainlet what the genocide route meant. Because I felt like it was trying to guilt trip me but I didn't really care I just wanted some shitty danmaku patterns to dodge.
He's not imposing a rule on you, he's just making an observation, and it's true.
This is Yea Forums and we all know this, don't pretend it's suddenly different here.
>The main focus is on how kinda fucked it is to just kill everyone in your way.
There's nothing fucked up about killing monsters that are trying to kill you.
Name one game in recent memory that achieves the same level of charm as Undertale's characters, as well as the same level of emotion through its themes.
You can't.
>the same level of emotion through its themes.
So the same level of cringe through it's memes?
I'm addressing how the game stays morally consistent, unlike most games. It obviously leans towards "killing is bad" and never goes back on it.
Most RPGs have you killing hundreds upon hundreds of enemies and then just when you think of killing the main bad guy, killing now becomes bad and evil. It's inconsistent.
Undertale's characters aren't charming you shitter. I wanted to kill all of them because of how annoying they were. Thank god the game let me do it.
hopes and dreams is overrated
Associating any game with its vocal fanbase is completely irrelevant to how good the source material is
What does the fanbase have to do with the meme-tier writing of the game?
Well one method reflects how RPGs are typically played and the other doesn't.
Arguably back in 1999 Paper Mario made a more accurate point with this and a connection to real world hunting since there was the whacka. Who you could get a rare item off by hitting him with a hammer. But after a few times he'd be gone.
The genocide route only has meaning for people who played true pacifist end first then reset anyway. As a declaration it means you don't care about the story you just read, you only wanted to experience its limits as a video game, that increasing numbers and filling out lines of dialogue is more important than letting the characters you might have grown familiar with have happy endings. Since the whole point of the true pacifist end was striving until you got a happy ending, and then going into genocide means you're willing to burn that away.
For people who do genocide first or after a neutral route, there is no real meaning, it just says your tastes are strange, to do something so boring simply because it is something you can do, and because you can do it you have to do it.
In the former scenario, genocide condemns you for wanting completion over happiness, and the punishment is no more happiness for you (destroyed world/SOULlessness). In the latter, genocide only asks "why are you here, doing this?". Your answer is your own.
Okay that makes sense. Because the game was too on-the-nose at the start with the mercy mechanic that I just wanted to see what would happen if I killed 'em all.
I watched a youtube video of the pacifist route and after seeing the date scenes I regretted nothing.
You guys would make a good case study. The kneejerk reactions in this thread are priceless, all for trying to fitting in for some nameless forum. People are afraid and emberassed enjoying the game, and doing everything they can to prove how macho they are.
Reddit spacing for responses
>furfags make undertale thread
>gets mad when they're called out for being furfags
>wonders why they can't discuss undertale without being labeled as a furfag
why does this keep happening
All of this is undermined by the fact that the best content in the game is locked inside the genocide route.
Guess Animal Crossing threads are out of the question.
Sorry lads, we're not allowed to talk about games with characters that contain fur anymore.
This but unironically.
>Most RPGs have you killing hundreds upon hundreds of enemies and then just when you think of killing the main bad guy, killing now becomes bad and evil
Since when? Most RPGs I've played have you kill the villain at the end with no question.
Just ban all the furfags that shit up the thread
Compared to the other two "final bosses", it's EXTREMELY underwhelming.
The music is perfect (though that sort of applies to the entire game), and the story elements were pretty great, but the actual fight is complete shit.
Omega Flowey comes out of fucking nowhere and throws you for a loop with how different it is visually and mechanically it is from every other fight up until that point. Suddenly you can move around the entire screen (and have to in order to dodge attacks), and then you have all of the different phases which are completely unique (and also give you a chance to heal). It's not an especially hard fight, but chances are you'll die once or twice just from getting used to all the crazy shit you're seeing.
Then there's Sans, who I'm incredibly thankful I got to before it was spoiled for me. It's an incredibly brutal fight compared to the rest of the game without really feeling unfair in any way. Granted, the first and last attacks probably take a bit of memorization, but that seems pretty standard for a super-hard secret boss (and grinding an attack at the start of the fight is easy, while once you get to the end of the fight it's not too hard to get back there again). You also have the gimmick of KR and the bones attacking you while you're using the menu, the latter being a REALLY fun mechanic that I really hope they use more in Deltarune.
Then you get to Asriel, and the only things that set him apart from other fights are that he's glowing rainbow colors, and you can infinitely spawn food for yourself. None of the attacks are especially hard; even if you couldn't die and couldn't regenerate food, he'd be the easiest boss in the game (excluding Toriel). He talks up all this shit about how he's gonna start everything over if you lose, but if you do lose you just get a lazy little cutscene saying "but you didn't die" and you get sent back, even giving you a half-way checkpoint.
tl;dr It's total dogshit and your opinion is wrong.
>oh look, it’s another resetera tranny trying to stir up anti-furry mentality
You need to go back.
Big gote pee pee
I see you're new here. Want me to show you around?
This is what happens with the passage of time. The Halo and CoD4 generations now post on Yea Forums as if they belong.
It's not even the most kino moment in the game it's in, fag.
Toby Fox is a godlike music producer, but I choose not to associate with his writing and "style".
>Sees cute animal in a game
>Instantly thinks about fucking it
Furfag cope
Bend over and let me fuck you too
>Instantly thinks about fucking me
I'm a boy
You'll make a fine girl, now spread those cheeks
>be actual furfag
>get mad when called a furfag
you unironically don't belong here
And you're MY boy now.
Bend over, cutie.
Yeah, but then it would just be the neutral run. Genocide is straight up depleting every environment of their inhabitants.
You're never given the opportunity to kill anyone in the genocide route unless they attack you first.
>im a boy
That's even better
but nobody becomes just like you if you're genocidal
and in the reverse of that, where you're always blamed as asgore's murderer, nobody is mad at you but undyne, who is only mad that she's your friend if you do that route
you're taking one very specific trope and applying it to a game where it's never brought up
>but nobody becomes just like you if you're genocidal
You become like Flowey if you're genocidal.
How can you miss the point this hard?
satirizing as in subverting a trope? yeah it kind of does have to include the trope to subvert it. there's already a cliche for killing someone making you a colder person, do you just not remember it or are you shitposting? this seems pretty low effort
>people that are emotionally abused and socially ostracized over their sexuality and gender while growing up have a higher rate of suicide
Oh. My. Gosh.
but flowey becomes like chara as a consequence of not killing humans
and you were already far worse than flowey once you got to the point that you could kill him
and in the neutral run (where you can still kill anyone you meet provided you miss at least one for any reason) you never turn out like flowey even if you kill him
i feel like you're trying to fit a square in a triangle hole and you're taking your anger out on people that point you to the square hole
Now this is KINO
Come on now. Not EVERYONE that's emotionally abused turns into a tranny.
>Quality old games. Back when gaming was good and not about storyshit and bad gameplay.
Name three.
the best
>but flowey becomes like chara as a consequence of not killing humans
This is some autistic fanfic shit you're starting to stir now, it really sounds like you're reaching hard so that you don't have to admit you're wrong.
Flowey came before Chara, Chara is just the accumulation of the player's actions in genocide route.
>enemy starts begging for mercy when they're on low health
>decide to spare them because why not
>Here's what you do, kid. For a whole year, you must play only pre-1995 games, heavily weighted to pre-1990 games. For everything, and a huge variety of games. Arcade, 2600, Intellivision, C64, Amiga, Master System, NES. Not just the popular shit: everything.
And here we have a filthy casual newfag pretending to be a hardcore gaming veteran.
Pro tip from someone whose first game was River Raid: 95% of those old games you pretend to like were literal shovelware in every sense of the world, and the remaining sort-of-competently made 5% almost invariably tried to masquerade their 1-hour length and absence of replayability with difficulty.
The only platform with really old games which remain sort of fun even now is PC. And even that may just be my personal bias talking.
the OP is literally the true ending so i don't see why you don't know who asriel's brother is
asriel took in (You)/chara's soul, went outside, refused to fight anyone, died, became a flower, and became as bad as chara
therefore not killing people makes you evil
toby is a genius
>If people fail to accept that my imaginary friend, I mean, my imaginary gender, is real, that's abuse!
>likely one of the best RPG's this decade
If people actually think this, maybe the "vidya is dead" crowd have a point