How do you figure out where the fuck you’re supposed to go...

How do you figure out where the fuck you’re supposed to go? I found the lion medal or whatever and I saw the statue with another medal but you gotta blow some c4 up and when I shoot it nothing happens and holy shit why do you have to shoot zombies in the head like 10 times to kill them what the fuck I’ve been running around for like an hour confused and out of ammo

What the fuck

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Why is there combination locks on fucking everything how am I supposed to know the combinations and the goddamn safes combinations

I cannot believe this post to have been made earnestly

read the fucking files jesus christ

It's called being aware of your surroundings. Didn't they teach you to recognize patterns in kindergarten? Are you retarded?

The C4 is in the fucking stars office

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Ok so how do I blow up the c4 then? And Marvin said to meet Claire in the courtyard on the east side of the second floor but I can’t find the damn place!

What? No there’s c4 attached to a cell and there’s a big statue in the cell with what looks like another medal I need in its chest.


You need a detonator to ignite plastic bombs. Meet Claire in the courtyard, there is a door with EXIT written on top in 2 floor corridor, go trough it.

You need a detonator and something to power it to ignite the C4. Otherwise just read the files and try to follow the prompts the game gives you, like Marvin telling you Claire is stuck at the east gate.

I gotta admit it’s not the most intuitive game.

At the start when you don't have many key items it may seem that way, but most pathways are locked at the beginning and there's really only one way you can go. After that you'll get keys that you'll recognize open certain doors, and items you will recognize as providing a solution for problems you may have had to bypass previously.

I wanna like this game but it’s making me feel pretty retarded


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Are you serious? The game is holding your hand with objectives and items have huge proximity x prompts and it even highlights it on your map if you forget.

Sure is zoomer in this thread, but I'll spoonfeed a little.
To detonate the c4 you need the detonator and the battery.
Combination locks can be solved by reading the files.
If you're confused about where to go look at your map
>Killing zombies in early Resident Evil games
Only kill the ones you absolutely have to which is pretty much none of them. You should be shooting to stun primarily not shooting to kill.

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Fuck you.

You're the reason why games are brain dead nowadays. Also it literally spells out your to-do actions when you go into the inventory. Dumb mother fuckers.

OP wouldn't even get past the first 10 minutes of Re1.

Trust your feelings.

The traditional convention of shooting zombies in the head only applies if you have a shotgun aimed point-blank at their face in this game (even then chance of a fatal head shot is about 80%). Shoot at the legs to get a stagger or better yet, dismember them completely to limit their mobility.

Do you need a direction arrow to help you find the bathroom when you need to take a shit, holy fuck you stupid zoomer

OP here. I literally couldn’t. Shitty tank controls and I had no fucking idea where to go or how to even shoot/attack that first zombie

What is going on in this picture? What am I supposed to get out of this? I’ve never played “WoW”

Good thing for you the remaster of 1 lets you turn on a dime and run around zombies like nothing, you can probably get through the entire game without firing a shit that way.

I finally did it after one failed attempt. Felt real good bombing everything to oblivion afterwards.

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Read the damn files
I hate it when these kiddies think its going to be an easy ride, and then they complain about running to the same location more than twice...
This is how the games were back in the day, you dumbfucks

I did read the damn files! They helped like once with getting the desk unlocked but all it had was a extended mag in it

>Start game
>Go into only opened door
>Get knife
>Open the only other door you can open with knife
>Get spade key
>Open spade doors
>Get bolt cutter
>Open doors with chains


There's not a single combination lock or safe in the game that is necessary to open. That said you either haven't found the right files or you're retarded.

in claires 2nd run, yes
her weapons are so shit

>Claire weapons

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just saw this on instagram, she cute

The game basically tells you what to do at all times through on screen objectives or your character blabbering nonstop. Never play the originals.

>Did everything
>Now I have nothing to play

Feels bad man. Great game though.

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C4 are plastic explosives, it can withstand even rifle shots without exploding, you need a detonator for it. try looking around for one

Shitty man body.

I gotta agree on this point eventhough you sound like a shitter. The abundance of safe and locker puzzles are shit. Resident Evil 2 original had 1 safe puzzle. Silent Hill 2 had 1 safe puzzle. The best in their genre never got carried away with this. You are just going to write this down for replays since it isnt randomized.

This is bait. Every retard can easily cheese the locks without solving the combination first.

Good job user. The real fun is going through with the infinite samurai edge popping heads and just enjoying all the little details in the game though, saving the rocket launcher for parts where you can't be assed to play the game.

Still trying to do no way out 60 pistol bullets challenge but once I have that I have everything.

How can a person be this fucking unironically retarded? Jesus...

I'm still coming back to 4thS every now and then. It's fun trying to optimise it little by little. I think if I get some good luck in the beginning I can get this down to sub 7:20

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There's a very limited amount of space you can actually explore. Use your fucking map, go to all the rooms you can and you'll find out what to do easily

That's your fault for being retarded

It's a lot easier than it sounds. You can check how many shots you've done by pausing and looking at the records in the menu.

Just use exploding tanks well and use the spark shot pretty liberally. you can afford to get grabbed A LOT as well, which also helps you group enemies for efficient tank explosions/flaming/rocket launcing.

Fuck the fucking bridge room with the dogs. I cannot stand that room.

>The real fun is going through with the infinite samurai edge popping heads
you're bad

nice b8

I S+'d my first attempt with no guides and got sub-2 hours. Do you think I should try to kneecap zombies when I have infinite ammo? If so, do tell me why.

Not him but I highly doubt you beat the game in less than 2 hours on your first attempt blind if you don't understand why knee-capping zombies when you have infinite ammo is better than shooting them in the head.

The point of shooting them in the head is to potentially conserve ammo.

I said first attempt at an S+, not my first blind run. I did both scenarios first to chill and play the game, but I gunned into S+ right after and succeeded without a hitch.
>The point of shooting them in the head is to potentially conserve ammo.
It's a very slim chance when kneecapping is more consistent. If you're Leon, shotgun does all the work for you. I love this game's headshots and don't know why someone would call me bad for magdumping zombie heads once I have infinite ammo, it's not like watching them crawl around is very satisfying

Explore everywhere you can. Look around your map and check all the exclamation point icons and special-key doors you have come across. Can you do anything with them using what you've found? Then do it. And any room that is still red on the map has some item in it that you can take.

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you deal the same amount of damage no matter where you hit them. its just that on hardcore, hitting zombies in the leg stuns them more reliably than headshots.

legging a zombie also makes them virtually harmless and takes considerably less ammo than killing them.

Zoomers literally can't beat this game. It's too challenging for them.

You just go to the east side. It's marked as the EAST SIDE on your map.

I finished the game once and don't really have any desire to play through a slightly altered version of the same thing again. How do people play this game over and over again?

I don't understand it either, the game is easy when you know what to do
it's probably autism

Satisfying gunplay. fun to optimize routes, strategies and pick-ups like in the original games. It makes it enjoyable to do all the challenges associated with the game that unlock things such as the infinite weapons or costumes.

And we wonder why so many recent games are so handholdy holy fuck.

You are retarded. The puzzles have never been the difficult part.

Wholeheartedly agree

Go back to Fortnite

t. faggot

Nu-Yea Forums

This is the way of the future.

No you didnt. Everyone knows your full of shit so quit trying

Not sure how much more I can be bothered to do, only gone through 4th Survivor and Tofu and not touched the GS stuff. Feels like I've had my fun though.

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there isn't a single safe you have to solve to beat the game though

keep lying buttmunch
also shooting all of the limbs off a zombie is much more satisfying you brainlet

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The GS missions were fun. You outta at least try out No Time To Mourn. Its the best one

i'm not trying to be a dick just letting you know it's ought to

The remake is piss easy for anyone who has played the original

a lot was changed with the remake to the point where i doubt anyone could beat it sub 2 hours without a guide on there first attempt

How do you S+ and not know how superior leg shots are? You dont even need to limb em, 2 shots to the knee stuns them enough to juke by


it's not outta it's ought to

The game literally tells you what to do the entire time user

Do you only need S on hardcore to get the respective infinite weapon? I thought you had to get S+

>How do you figure out where the fuck you’re supposed to go?
its a game where you are supposed to be a normal guy stuck in a zombie apocalypse
most of your objectives are laid out clearly in the various documents you read

if you pay attention to the clues, its actually very clear about what you need to do and what direction you have to go
the work you need to do is looking for the thing, which you can generally work out based on where you havent been yet, and what items are in your inventory

for the C4, you read some papers located in the room with the bomb
it tells you that you need a detonator to blow the wall open
so, you will need to explore the rooms to find the item you need to
keep calm, dont panic, and be systematic in your search and you will find the item relatively painlessly

> I’ve been running around for like an hour confused and out of ammo
aim for the legs
dont shoot zombies who arent an immediate threat
use your knife to finish zombies off or to check bodies for a pulse
and board up hallways you expect to use more than once

Dude I was just typing it like I talk. Prolly=probably. Cuz=cause. That kinda shit.

Its Yea Forums not reddit. You know what I meant.

yeah and i still doubt you beat it sub 2 hours on your first run if you did please provide us with the picture of the trophy/achievement you obtained on release date or else you're lying

You need S+ to use the final weapons. One for each character.

S time on Hardcore with 3 saves or less.

Nah don't you go lying bud that shit makes no sense

Guys, does the solution for the showerroom padlock is in the RPD itself or it's after the RPD? I'm about to get the keycard to open the gates, so i'm assuming the RPD part is over?

you'll come back to the RPD buddy

>Unable to figure out casual shit

Pic related is no longer meme it seems.

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The RE fanbase overhyped the game too much, now they have to pretend they love it.

It's in the RPD.

What? Youre fuckin dense dude. You outta focus your efforts on someone who gives a shit.

The fact that you can use infinite knife and F.A. Sprays not lowering your rank makes a huge difference.
Also the fact that they just outright give you the shotgun/grenade launcher at the end if you leave it in the beginning is a godsend.

you clearly give a shit though my dude

Not even that user, it just seems feasible to me after casually playing through it the first weekend I picked it up on hardcore mode

Kids like you are a diamond dozen

There are 3 combo padlocks.

One answer is a pamphlet
One answer in a picture
One answer is an environmental clue

Just pay attention

And I rarely ever play ots shooters, I should add


Combinations are in documents all around, but you can brute force them quite quickly.

well good for you buddy for believing someone could do it


I didn’t know to inspect the device for the battery deal to make a detonator. I guess inspecting shit is actually important


Keep replying, it shows you care

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if you didn't give a shit you wouldn't be replying to me you outta take some advice and just let the water under the fridge or else we're gonna have to get a turnip in heat

Just relax, try to observe details all around you, use your brain a bit and enjoy the game.

It's official, REmake 2 is great


Since OP is a retarded nigger, let's POST 'EM, lads.

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lads I think we're being baited

you saying what isn't a solid escape goat

>Fucking tard can't find a typewriter when it's literally in front of him and there's an inkribbon next to it

ppl seriously brute force the locks and safes? what a fucking waste of time just find the code or look it up
even with only 3x locks thats a lot of combinations

Play it over and over and over and over till you remember the whole map. i went from 9 hours to s+ standard/hardcore/infinite weapons/knife.

speaking over playing it over and over again i'm going to attach a photo on this post spoilered it's the solution to all of the puzzles for anyone replaying it

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zoomer the thread
you mongs can even make me feel good about myself

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now step it up

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he will stuk her forever

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>the new generation of gamers sucks

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holy fuck imagine playing it with that. it'd be like being neo in the matrix

Hmmm I wonder why this guy didn't post a picture with the rank. Really making me think.

you fucking retard, just stop playing the game

Because I took the screencap a few frames too early?

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>tfw just hit 01:03'39 on Leon A Hardcore no saves no glitches
Fuck speedruns and fuck speedrunners in the ass. Shit is tense.

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Anyone else shoot the C4 first just in case the devs were too stupid to know that doesn't work?

No, that's where the battery is.

>this is how zoomers play puzzle adventure games

I just wandered around and looted the entire place, took a while though since I took my time and repeated trips to the item box. You're gonna have a fun time in the sewers

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I mean it works in almost every other game so I did it just in case.

would such a thing even work?

>film reels everywhere
>notes everywhere
>Leon's desk has a fucking hint right there how to solve it
Abloobloobloo why there combinations everywhere me can't solve them!

Neck yourself.

>I wanna like this game but its making me feel retarded

that's not the game's fault lol

Look either you can drop the attitude RIGHT NOW or I will take matters into my own hands. DONT TICK ME OFF


>did everything
>still playing
>3 minutes off of Claire A WR on console
I'm gonna do it!

But I do genuinely love it and I was expecting it to be a flop.

What do you like most? The dynamic difficulty? Ots perspective? Ink ribbons only needed on highest difficulty? The game or character telling you what to do at all times?


The replay value you seething nigger.

god the autism

There is no replay value though


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Fucking zoomers man.