Anyone know about the new "Google Console" due out next month?

I'm sure as hell not going to buy anything from the people who now censor the internet as much as they can, but curious what they'll come out with:

"Google is reportedly planning a major foray into the gaming world.

The search giant may launch a service thought to be like a ' for games,' as well as new gaming hardware, according to .

The announcements could come as soon as next month, when Google is set to appear at the Game Developers Conference (GDC).

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Google is reportedly planning a major foray into the gaming world. The search giant may launch a service thought to be like a 'Netflix for games,' as well as new gaming hardware

Google is said to be planning to release a piece of hardware that's cheaper than Microsoft's Xbox or Sony's PlayStation.

Alongside that, the firm is reportedly planning a subscription-based gaming service that uses technology it first teased in its 'Project Stream' initiative.

Project Stream lasted for three months and had many users participating in the trial.

Users could play Assassin's Creed Odyssey in Google Chrome and were only required to supply their own PlayStation or Xbox controller, as well as a 25 megabit per second internet connection."

Attached: google-console.png (1352x1036, 199K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off google

Unironically big if true

I want to play a current era game.

>lay a current era game.
Well, it might be interesting just because the resources that have would allow them to undercut sony and even microsoft, but the problem will be that they'll censor everything. It's really weird, haven't seen any mention of this here or anywhere else and it's due out in a few weeks supposedly.

I played that AC Odyssey thing, I have gigabit and it still had a good 300ms of input delay and tons of artifacting.

>moot is now being paid to shill on the chon
fuck this gay earth

Knowing Google, they're gonna do some stupid shit like banning you from single player games or force Youtube users to create Googlebox accounts to retain basic functionalities.

According to (((insiders))) they've acquired some exclusives that'll apparently surprise the fuck outta everyone. Honestly, if they finally fucking solve the issue of no one wanting to develop another physical distribution format that works for PC by finally making one that relies on usb-c or something I'll kiss Google's boots and shill the fuck outta it. But it'll in all likelihood be a streaming "console" that's built entirely to receive a good connection, aka a display device that actually does have no gaymes because it literally just exists as a box to receive a connection and relay it to your TV/monitor/whatever your using.

Moot is boning Japanese chicks.

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Better than portendo switch

and they tried to tell me nobody would ever try streaming vidya again

If it's just a streaming box (like everyone's predicting), i's not. Switch has (according to you) ports and streaming, Google Box has streaming.

>fuck this gay earth
given the rep google now has for censoring search results so that you have no choice but to use "duckduckgo" if you want even remotely unbiased results, I'm not expecting anything groundbreaking but it could just get microsoft and Sony off their asses and make them step up their game if they put out something decent. Much prefer my PC and if I want a really big screen, the steam device that transfers the picture direct to your Tv isn't bad but even so, more competition can't be a bad thing since sony and Microsoft have become fucking lazy.

>banning you from single player games
You'll agree to the terms and conditions anyway.


>Always on internet required
>A microphone somewhere on the console

I guarantee those two things. Screencap this

Google is so based

>I guarantee those two things. Screencap this
Everyone here (well, most people here) already know that google couldn't put of a role of toilet paper without it trying to have a chip to take pictures of your asshole to send back to them. The question is, will the lemmings know that? Can be possible be a serious threat to microsoft and sony and make them possible come out with a new console or at least try to increase the quality of the games rather than go deeper into Global Homo bullshit?

is this real

Streaming games over the internet is a fucking huge meme

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they could jsut buy sony to be quite honest with you family member

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Honestly, the design specifications of 5G networks may make game streaming a reality. I mean, it's gonna have gigagabit speeds at 1ms delay.

>netflix for games
>google making anything successful outside of ads

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>at 1ms delay.
That's only for edge, so you'd have to have compute resources running the games on the tower.

darkest timeline

Like everything that google did in the recent years, it is going to fail.

FUCK i cannot wait to play video games that can be taken off the service at any time! I also cann't just fucking wait to play video games at 1080p with an average bitrate of 3800kbps* (*we reserve the right to downscale to 240p during peak hours and weekends) thank you based yiffy! you know what? i cannot also fucking wait for my video games to be dependent on servers that could go out at any moment too!! WAIT let's not stop there either!!! YOU KNOW WHAT??? I just CANNOT FUCKING WAIT for the amount of traffic this will generate to cause my internet bill to skyrocket because i'm streaming video games all night! WOW, cann't wait for tiered billing for ISPs when this shit happens so i can pay EXTRA MONEY on top of my regular bill to stream fucking video games for an extra 39.99 unlimited xtreme gamer game gaming grade package! WOW YES THIS IS A GREAT IDEA why on earth would I play video games with the next picture and least amount of input lag? THANK YOU GOOGLE

Whatever they do is going to be some always online bullshit, who cares.

>games as a service
>game streaming
Yeah nah, it's gonna tank. Good luck with your half second input lag.

>the chon
Get the fuck out.

>they could jsut buy sony to be quite honest with you family member
They may have the shekels for it, but I tend to think the the nips have far too much pride to sell out to the long nose tribe

Sony is basically a burger company nowadays. They'll easily sell out for some shekels.

play emulators... lol

>Yeah nah, it's gonna tank
The fuck do I care if it tanks? Can you read? The point is to get the bugmen into it so that sony and microsoft have to get off their asses and make better shit or cut prices.

This. They've got more money than god yet can't even make decent products.

Sounds like it will be just as successful as Google Plus.

what's google plus?

>giving google an inch in anything
Ordinarily I would agree with you that more competition is good but not when that competition is fucking Google.

>I mean, it's gonna have gigagabit speeds at 1ms delay.
enjoy getting your bill
>data usege: video games
>you streamed 840GB of video games this month
>billing tier: extreme 5g
>amount due: $8,975.99

Nah. These are the neo-liberal retards who own half the internet

>"Hey everyone we have a huge video streaming service you can upload and make a living on!"
>"Oh advertisers dont like cussing so stop that :) #forthecreaters"
>demonetizes your shit
>removes any view opposing neo-liberal SJW shit
>literally DISABLING COMMENTS of peoples videos or risk demonetization, punishing the creator for something they can't control

Yeah no, this will not last. Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft are big enough that this won't affect them, especially not long term. Google's already under fire for spying on users with the newest controversy this week being their nest product having a secret always on mic they failed to disclose.

>Sony is basically a burger company nowadays
Well, sony pictures certainly is but I think glorious nippon still keeps more control of the vidya division. Unless the corporate structure is completely changed. All things are possible but if jewggle ever buys sony, that's the end for PS. It's really only worth even keeping a PS 4 for some of the exclusives they still have.

moot was in charge of Google+, so expect this console to be a massive failure.

yah nah, also Alphabet inc has dozens of failed ventures, so nothing new.

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It's way too early for this kinda service. The only country that might be able to use this service comfortably is South Korea. The rest of the world doesn't have the specs for it.

In my country you can get 1gb/s fiber connection in pretty much any city for dirt cheap, and everybody else has adsl. As long as you've got above 10mb/s with around 50ms of lag it should work.

Japan already on it, Capcom already tried RE7Cloud & SEGA have PSO2Cloud for Nintendo Switch&PC.

I know it's going to be shit and that's really all one needs to know.

Streaming games can have acceptable delay for normies. Plenty of TVs have horrendous input lag to begin with. Not to mention several popular games have terrible input lag from the game itself.

do you guys not have 1 gb/s fiber?

>Ordinarily I would agree with you that more competition is good but not when that competition is fucking Google.
Kind of, put you have to remember they're also fucking retarded. Recall "google glasses" in San Fag where people where hipster scum were getting the glasses smashed right in their faces in public. Cost them tens of billions.

>>Always on internet required
I mean... You can't stream something without being connected to the internet, user

you know, Steam has been getting so cocksucking greedy I wouldn't mind seeing them having their monopoly taken away either so that they'd be forced to charge at least semi-reasonable prices. I know, could just pirate the fucking things but don't have time for that bullshit these days.

>do you guys not have 1 gb/s fiber?
Ironically, Jewggle was going to install it in a bunch of cities, but had to stop since in certain areas in was feared that Kangz could not afford it. the chinks and gooks must get a good laugh out of that. I mean I'm sure jewggle would have abused the hell out of it anyway, but after a few articles from long nose tribe showing how they were having to avoid kang areas since they were refusing ti committee to pay fo rio, the entire thing had to go up in smoke. I think there might be 4 or 5 cities that ended up getting it. Places like Kansas its and weird cities. They were going to do atlanta but had to stop due to the kangz.
But, of course the 3 trillion spent on wars for israel was certainly a far better cause that having gig internet installed nationwide.

I just upped my connection to 600mb for an extra $20 month, and supposedly for another 440 a monthI could get gb internet, but this is in jew york city and the problem is that during peak usage times, it slows down to nothing.

Sounds like a perfect opporunity to release skyrim!

By the way have you ever played skyrim?
You should really buy it, and fallout 76 to!
Oh, and don't forget to preorder starfield as soon as it's possible !

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Did everyone suddenly forget about Gamefly?

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>Next month
Going for the old Sega Saturn plan? bold move.

what's this stupid bitch up to nowadays? last i heard she scammed people on kickstarter for thousands

She's writing a comic book

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lmao that fucking godawful art


>Going for the old Sega Saturn
Never actually had the Saturn. What was it like? I had...the "Sega Cd" which was this weird thing where you sort of hooked your Genesis into a cd player and then it played games with better graphics.

>Netflix for games
Oh please no. This would fucking crash the game industry.

>customers pay $19.99 a month
>Google takes half of it
>long singleplayer games like RDR2 get maybe $10 per player
>shorter games like Resident Evil 2 are lucky to get $5
>everything else goes to Fortnite and League of Legends

If this takes off, the entire market would devolve into nothing but battle royale games.

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>not wanting it to crash

Hold on while I type a rant.

>subscription-based gaming service
fuck off no one want this shit

This is incredibly bad for consumers. The idea of "streaming" games in the same way that Netflix and others stream movies is meant to remove any form of control over purchased media from the consumer. Moreso when (not if) they decide to do it on a per game basis. It's also meant to combat an issue that is contributing to the hits major publishers are taking: why buy new games when older games are just as good, are proven, not filled with propaganda, and not shit. And there's a massive library of them for new games to compete against. But if games are streamed, then the company streaming controls the supply completely, and can sunset games. It's bad shit all around.

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It will be popular because of MOVIE GAMES. Then more movie games will be made. The industry is about to become even worse.

How many people pay for online on top of paying for their internet connection?
It'll be very successful.

Oh great, it's Onlive again. Even if they made a regular console it would be Pippin tier, a streaming console will just flop hard as internet is generally crap all over the world

Artifacting and input lag are shitty, but not a dealbreaker in singleplayer games. In a competitive multiplayer game (which are the most popular) where milliseconds matter, however, that shit is unacceptable.

Not yet.

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Worked at Google for a while. Software developer. Here’s my take:

Their product marketing people are terrible. The most interesting parts of this system for the programmers to implement will work flawlessly; the rest will sorta-kinda work, nobody inside the company will really be passionate or care about the product itself (especially not the product marketing team), and six months after launch the project will be deprecated and unsupported.

The console’s UI will be written in Dart, and the two engineers who thought this was a good idea will leave for a different project the day it ships. The hardware will include at least one integrated peripheral that will ship disabled, for use in future software updates, and never be turned on (microphone, Bluetooth radio, whatever).

Nobody is forcing you to use it

>vidya streaming box
>who the fuck wants to download a 50 GB game, just play it instantly here
>new games cost about $60
>pay $10 a month here and play all the titles you want
Only downside is it will be mostly "slow" games due to the streaming nature. Fast action and fps games would be unbearable unless you have an ungodly high internet connection.

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This person looks like a manlet

oh cool another google product that doesn't get any post-launch support and gets quietly dropped after two years, i can't wait!!

99 tetra flop gpu 32gig ggdr6 ram custom threadripper based cpu ssd the specs are pretty good

And they used to have FF13 on iPhone back when the 3GS was new, and Dragon Quest X was streaming to 3DS and iOS back then too. Sony also used to have a service for ps2 games that you could stream to PC at one point.

It's not a hardware. it's google streaming service they've been testing for the last 6 months. It runs 10 times better than ps now or any other streaming service i've seen even with 50+ ping.

WHY DO RETARDS KEEP BURNING MONEY ON THIS SHIT ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The gaming segment IS NOT fucking enterprise. Gaming hardware is commoditized and dirt cheap and disposable. No developers are going to want to accept whatever shitty ass razor thin margins jewgle is offering. Its a fail by all accounts.

google is a pathetic joke company that keeps shelving projects two years after they announce them.

fuck off silicon valley faggots. i dont want tranny trssh like you to ruin videogames even more. enough damage was done already,

trump, defund commiefornia already. the traitors to the country need taking out.