Blighttown... Home

Blighttown... Home.

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At least it was until the frame rate fucked it all up.

Fuck that place. Seriously.



Valley of Defilement was harder

Wish the wooden structure section was a lot bigger.
I liked Valley of Defilement more

Go fuck that hole in the middle of the CD

People like blight town now? This is just you're unassuming way to see spider tits isn't it OP?

Quelaag is a goddess, mate.

If you had the right gear, it was a walk in the park.

I made it all the way down blighttown my first time the other week, realized Quelaag is the boss down there, went all the way back up to firelink shrine to try and come more prepared.

Is she a hard fight?

nope, only hard bosses are DLC bosses, 4 kings and Ornstein/Smough

>Is she a hard fight?
Not really. Stick to your right of the spider's head and she can't hit you. When she bends down to pat the spider's head gtfo because she's about to do the AOE attack (really the only thing you have to worry about). Rinse and repeat this until she's dead avoiding the lava as necessary. You can summon Maneater Mildred for distraction if you're having issues.

wish i did it now, only had 3 estust though

There's a bonfire at the bottom of Blighttown.

She has one of the most dangerous AoEs but her regular moveset is pretty basic. Hardest part of the fight is an environmental hazard.

Oh hey, it's that place I skipped every single playthrough except the first one.

Did they buff Pinwheel in the remaster? He actually made some spawns and took a few seconds longer to kill when I went back through.

I cannot describe how not-comfy this image looks.

oh you kids making me want to play dark souls again. ill never forget the first time playing it. i was so excited to have a cool looking rpg with the stats and whatnot.

do it friend

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>remastered version comes out
>it's actually worse

>tfw consolefag
>mfw playing Remastered for the first time and going to Blighttown
>no need for the Master Key anymore

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>t. Console player
I never had any framerate issue. But desu I only played in upper Blightown once, I always take the shortcut to lower Blightown now.

I get ya user, last good one with good presentation and graphics at around that time was Dragon Age Origins.
>tfw there will never ever be a crpg with full 3d financed by AAA ever again.

Pc issue has the same problem unless you use dsfix. even using dsfix sometimes. it's the engine

Name a comfier location

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underground beach place near the oyster guys. after the hydra has been killed that is.

there are two times in video games ive ever dropped my controller out of shock/scare
1. resident evil 1 dogs
2. was down there on that beach area and somehow didn't see the hydra until it fucking flew directly over me

The whole area with the capra demon and the gargoyles is the best in game and game would be tremendously improved if it stuck to that kind of atmosphere and setting.
I want a full 3d medieval rpg god damn it.

Night time Anal Rodeo, regular Undead Burg, Dook's, Darkroot Garden

the next DS-like game will take inspiration from king's field and demon's souls and be more medieval-y

Guess you could also add regular Anor Londo because evening time is always comfy

Priscilla's crib
I fucking hated it at first but after so many playthroughs I grew fond of it. Cold and comfy
she was right all along

>Those fucking dogs
>Those fucking assassins
>Goddam Capra demon
No thanks. I'll keep undead burg.
Also those houses are completely empty while in undead burg some buildings have complete furniture. It feels rushed.

>It feels rushed.
The whole area after the Capra Demon looked like it never made it past pre-alpha state.

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It's nice to be able to pick the waifu ring and not feel bad about it!

wait, what? what was changed?

Yeah but i ended up starting from the one just above and by the time i made my way to her place i had 3 left and then i encountered the enemy there for the first time that spawns little worm things or something? and they were so hard to hit and beat me up alot so i decided to head back!

sounds boring dude there's a million games like that
dark souls is one of the few fantasy RPGs that tackles both a high fantasy esque feel with places like anor lando and legendary figures like Gwynn and Artorias
As well as having these fucked up demons like the Capra or Gaping Dragon walking around.
The problem isn't the atmosphere/setting but the drastic change in quality once you finish Anor Lando and have to go after the four big fags

True but going down an alley was neat

Nah, it made PC framerates tank too until they made DSfix. It wasn't as noticeable as the 10FPS it ran at on consoles, but it took a massive hit in performance.

The Parish is objectively the comfiest. Sunlight Altar, the armored boar, Lautrec, first Berenike knight encounter, first Channeler, first prowling demon, first hard boss fight, the shortcut to firelink, and of course Andre. So much to do and savor after conquering. And the darkroot garden is waiting for you when you're done.

you guys are all wrong
this is peak souls
>slowly getting your way to the top after death after death from traps, snake fags, boulders and giants
>there's a massive fucking wind giant dude, with a sick ass theme
>that drastic change from pain to amazement when you first see anor lando

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How do i open the gate?

Just wait in front, it will open after a while.

Blighttowns framerate could get really bad on last gen consoles especially if you let a bunch of mosquitoes spawn. The zone has a ton of shit going on at once with loads of enemies and effects and physics and combined with the slow swamp a lot of people just skipped it.

When I first played on 360 I remember some pretty bad stuttering around the water wheel. The fact it's a punishing zone also made people very quick to scapegoat performance issues as the reason they died instead of being bad and running around corners without checking or eating boulders to the face

I can’t tell if you’re trolling because that sounds stupid as fuck but also something that DS would do

Sen's was amazing for pvp
Getting some dumb fatrolling nigger up to the top was the ultimate escort mission

Ring the two bells of awakening.

You need to ring both bells. If you don't know what that means you're shit outta luck for not paying attention

Talk to the sad dude in firelink a few times, he'll tell you what's up(and down)

>Ring the two bells of awakening
so that means I go to the cemetery and get kill by skeletons right? got it boy this game is hardcore just like kotaku said...

She's one of the easiest bosses in the game. All her attacks are heavily projected.

Too obvious. You were doing good until this post.

One bell is after Quelaag
The other bell is in the Undead Parish, after gargoyles.

that has nothing to do with the master key user what the holy hell are you talking about

also blight towns slowness has nothing to do with enemies and effects and physics, its slow because the zone is rendering all of undead burg simultaneously in the background every frame and then drawing over it. this could have been fixed in like, four seconds before shipping the game, and its inexplicable why it wasnt

It was satire user, if I wanted (You)'s I would have just reminded you all that Dark Souls 2 is an across the board improvement to DS1 which only has value as a prototype proof of concept

I thought it was slow because the mosquito pathing was fucked

> until they made dsfix
that was less than an hour after release

Don't touch those and they won't touch you

goddamn Siegmeyer stop posting on Yea Forums

nope, nothing to due with spawned mobs. occlusion culling wasnt properly applied

Why does Yea Forums hate the dark souls remaster?


Worked for me dude

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ruined a bunch of textures, lighting effects, etc

its inexcusable to release a "remaster" that breaks the original game and yet it seems to happen more often than not. as an added bonus it was overpriced on release.

Sen’s Funhouse was pretty enjoyable the first time around. I don’t understand what was so hair-pullingly tough.

The master key lets you skip most of blighttown what the hell do you mean it has nothing to do with it. He's saying that now he can play through normally instead of going straight through valley of drakes

because it was the most blatant cash grab of the year. Didn't fix a shit load of major bugs, most graphics improvements were already introduced by dsx and it removed the original game from the store. For someone who hasn't played the game before than you can maybe argue for it, however the experience remained exactly the same, except for some quality of life tweaks that were easily fixable in the first place

It feels good to understand references that nobody that hasn't wasted thousands of hours on the internet could have a hope of understanding.

Makes me feel slightly better about wasting my life on this shit website.

>He's saying that now he can play through normally instead of going straight through valley of drakes


jesus christ generation z people are impossible to talk to you cant keep track of a fucking conversation in TEXT where you can SEE WHAT WAS SAID

the original posts imply something to do with the master key was changed

was something changed or not


ummm poison is purple, toxic is black. this meme picture is inaccurate please fix it

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parry a hollow with your back against the 3rd column up from the bottom of the stairs above the Andre bonfire, then riposte with no weapon in your hand.

its simple


I felt like such an idiot wasting a half hour trying to figure this shit out on my first play through.

Wow, I don't know what got you so triggered but I hope you recover from your stroke

Like you wouldn't.

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see, I'm mad because I learned the gate skip, the elevator skip to Artorias, I still need to learn the Duke Skip.

But everytime I have Artorias dead, 1:10 into the game, I can't get the fucking Wrong Warp done correctly.

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That's a funny meme image you have. May I download it? TIA

that's more likely than you think
Blighttown's low lod version of Firelink that you can sort of kind of see if you look up has an oddity in the form of this, what seems to be an earlier version of Firelink with one major difference, in that there's no aqueduct leading to upper burg but instead there's a bridge that goes over from the central bonfire area into the city walls across from it. And if you go and look at Undead Burg in a map viewer (like DSMODT's) you can see an even lower poly version of this same LOD Firelink that also has the same bridge. This bridge, if you follow it, ends up leading towards the same space occupied by the main entrance room of the Depths, it could also have gone into the walls of the city as well.

So this was either the original shortcut back to Firelink from Lower Burg, or another planned path entirely. I'm kind of leaning toward the first one because there's no aqueduct in this version of Firelink.

There's a lot more oddities as well with this version of Firelink, for example the building that Petrus and his crew hole up in isn't there, and the big stone thing that's stuck to the back of Firelink is where that building would be. Mostly the rest is the same. Hard to tell if some stuff is missing just becuase it's part of the skybox or not but the graveyard isn't there either.

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that shit is straight pre alpha. that one hallway they were like "ehhhhhhhhh fuck it"

i actually love bad, low quality shit in video games

I honestly don't think whatever is past the gate was ever meant to be playable, but there's an unused path behind the stairs down to that area from Capra's entrance that's partially covered up by the bottom of the wall that's right over the entrance to Capra's room. It goes into the big city walls around the whole area.

Now that I think about it, it's possible that they pretty much inverted the order of progression, you were intended to start from the bottom and work your way to upper burg, then parish, then etc.

Firelink > cross bridge > enter city walls interior > exit in to Lower Burg > fight way into upper burg

Also now that I'm looking through maps again I'm seeing a lot of stuff hastily walled off, like there's two other drainage ramp things in Gaping Dragon's boss room, and one of them looks like would have been the original entrance to the boss room, connecting right to the main hall leading to Blighttown with Domnhall in it.

The bridge from Undead Parish to Sen's Funhouse is comfy kino, I love the trees

its funny how much of games are put together in piecemeal fashion like this

its a bunch of shit that barely works that manages to get one non crashing build out the door in time to go gold master



the non remaster doesnt have framerate issues, this is a web site, for use by people who own computers

Pretty much.

Also I have never seen this thing mentioned before. right down from the bonfire, in the hall you get to if you go straight instead of going down the ladder there's that dead end with the greataxe, above that there's a tunnel you can't reach that seems like it's just scenery. But in the map viewer you can see that there's a chunk of tunnel missing that connects it to this thing, which looks like an exit into the outdoors.

Never seen it mentioned and I've never seen anything that looks like it could lead to this.

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Even ignoring the fact that japs don't give a shit about PC gaming, Dark Souls wasn't ported until a year after 360 and PS3 release you stupid bandwagoner. Anyone who played on release knows about blighttown's performance problems

And that bridge would even be at exactly the point where this wall in Blighttown would be that doesn't exist in Firelink or the Valley.

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>I played the real version, the 22 fps version!

lmao@u the real version of dark souls was the pc launch

Yeah. I just figured out DSMODT lets you load mutliple levels at once so I tried loading depths with burg to see if anything lines up, no dice. Not even lines up with anything in burg sadly, so whatever that bridge lead to and whatever this odd sewer outlet led to will remain a mystery.

that stuff is from multiple revisions ago. even if you connected stuff together and it matched it wouldn't necessarily mean anything. some of that stuff is probably a year older than the finished parts.

But it's not?

>better graphics
>better fps
>no xbox buttons bullshit
>bugs fixed

Only the pvp autists say it's bad.

>dark souls remastered has better graphics and better fps

the state of Yea Forums in 2019 is honestly very sad

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Fair enough. Seems like that outlet might have actually connected to the exterior of a wall at one point given some DS2-tier non euclidian fucker thanks to how From's engine handles streaming levels.

Actually loading up the actual level geometry together you can see the walls shifting positions between them, it's funny. There's like 3 different iterations of the walls across from Firelink spread out between Firelink, Burg and Blighttowns levels.

Darkroot Garden. Nothing comfier than a green fertile forest at night, under a full moon.

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>Spoiling yourself about the bosses

I liked oolacile but i dont think that place is comfy. Wish it was bigger tho

>the gate skip, the elevator skip to Artorias, I still need to learn the Duke Skip.

because i've played ds3 for 3 years and watched speedruns of 1 and 2 multiple times so i have a general idea of what's going on or where i am

Why would you do that?

i just love dark souls man, i've had enough of ds3 now and finally bought ds remastered despite the shitty price-tag and despite wishing i woulda just got ds sooner and used ds-fix instead.

i'll never play 2 but i think it has the coolest dragons and some not-bad lore

At least play Sekiro blind ok?

Have you played Bloodborne?

parish. always a few people there up to coop the gargoyles. and the bell's ringing to remind me that people still play the game. at least that was the case a year or so ago.

Shit i already watched like all the gameplay for that up until after the boss and where you meet the serpent thing and maybe a little more where you go through this hole in the wall thats a door / loading area filler passage until the next stage which is this bridge with water and shit and a dark looking green blue coloured jap town.

No but i've considered buying a ps4 second-hand just to play it. I've wanted to play it for years now!

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Why do you ruin these games for yourself?

I like crystal cave, duke archives,catacombs and darkroot garden more
also valley of defilement was better

>Weapon memory
>No DSFix or PVP Watchdog
No thanks, this shit is deader than the PTDE already thanks to weapon memory

darkroot garden in the area with the secret tree

go back to where you came from you fag

The Nexus, home...

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absolutely based
>that music that starts playing after you kill 4 bosses

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But it does? Even dsfix had issues with the Blighttown framerate.
Remastered is a smooth 60fps all the way through.

You can't skip Blighttown since you need to ring both bells, nigger.

So the world might be mended...

I wish it didn't have such awful lighting.

I remember almost nothing about this game except the first area, the final boss and the cute girl that leveled you up. Is it worth going back to play it or is it just a badly aged prototype for Dark Souls?

It's easier and has some more obtuse mechanics (eg world tendency) but the core combat feels just like a slightly faster Dark Souls. It aged pretty well.

I'm playing it now. It's very fun. It's crazy how much of an improvement it is after playing Dark Souls 2.