Trying to find a decent vidya CRT in 2019

>trying to find a decent vidya CRT in 2019
Fucking melee fucks.

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same here. they're having a collection day for unwanted tv/electronics for recycling at the local park near here soon. hopefully I can find something good there.

CRTs are trash and you're a fucking retard

>He doesn't try to look in U Haul storage places

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If you seriously still keep around a crt to retro game just lill yourself. Every time we get one at my job to recycle I break the glass before tossing it into the bin. Only enjoyable thing to use that old trash for.


Opinion discarded

I helped a family friend move and as a reward she gave me this pristine 128lb Toshiba. It was only ever owned by her, and she bought it in September of 1995 and it stayed in the same spot until I took it 3 years ago. I even have the original remote! It's fucking massive. God I love this TV.

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>He didn't keep his old shrek or spongebob crt

CRTfags are the worst

It's all about input lag brush
1ms or less for a good crt, 5-7 for a good monitor, 10+ for modern televisions.
Not to mention, upscale old/retro games look like hot garbage.

I host melee at my house so I own 6. :)

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Imagine the smell

>Physical copies of all 3 Xenosaga games
Fucking nice user

first time hearing that joke! hilarious!

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>He doesn't have a progressive scan Gamecube

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>tfw managed to find a PVM for a rock bottom price
My goal is to one day get that silicon graphics 1080p crt monitor.

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Thanks man, took me like 3 years and 4 copies of one to get a working set. It's impossible to see up there but I also have Shadow Hearts as well. Shadow Hearts 2 and 3 do not exist. Koldelka is fun, though.

Just ribbin' ya my dude, if I hadn't someone else would have.

>not keeping your crt from 2000 a.d.
Fake boomers get gone

What would it take to manufacture CRTs again or at lease a display technology close to CRTs.


Is that from North Kansas city? Lol