Name a more worse minigame in a video game. YOU FUCKING CAN'T
Name a more worse minigame in a video game. YOU FUCKING CAN'T
RC car racing
Literally no skill involved other than "don't boost on curves" and "buy more expensive parts to progress."
I used a macro to trigger the fight button multiple times per second and still couldn't win
RC car racing is a kino minigame don't look up guides next time fag
i ended up using cheat engine to find the health (both players start with 9999 2 byte integer if you want to know), and had to pause the screen every time someone landed a hit so i could eventually find the correct address so i could make sure my fighter didn't die and that i could set the npc to 1. having to use the worst character (with the comeback skills) so i could reduce the possibility of having to get insta-killed randomly at the end of the fight.
even after all this bullshit, it still took me about 15 hours to get the achievement.
pick Jennifer
plug in arcade stick
rapid fire button
go make sandwiches
if I win, reset the process
if I lose, reload the last save.
Yeah I absolutely fucking hated that.
The worst thing was winning and then having the enemy get up and instantly KOing you.
>Majima has a cool Diner Dash thing
>Kiryu has this bullshit
the bug battle version of this.
The shitty dancing minigame
The rigged button smashing sections are the fucking worst I almost fucking destroyed my xbone controller before realizing how rigged the fights are, fuck that shitty minigame
Thankfully you only have to do this thing once.
Majima can also do the cat fights. Better comparison is Investments to Cabaret (since they both unlock the final movesets and are used to make money) and RC Cars to Weapon Shop (since those are in-depth minigames unique to each character).
Investments < Cabaret
RC Cars > Weapons
Anytime a game requires you to play card or win a race to advance the plot.
The card game in FF IX
Mesuking is actually fucking playable, what are you on about
On an objective level, a completely serviceable rhythm game >>>> RNG rock paper scissors
Loooed up guides to pass that entire substory. After real estate and other games I lost patience towards the end.
Don't get me started on mahjong and other west park bum games
PC version? Use a trainer for unlimited health for your girl or 1 hit KO
sorry not everyone is a shitter like you
pocket circuit fighter and karaoke are good.
discodancing and the RPS catfight are not.
That's for OP, not for you. And if you are OP then stop whining.
Yeah fuck that shit. I must've tried at least 10 times before I could recruit the girl with the fan for the cabaret. Strangely enough, I did worse in easy mode compared to choosing normal or hard mode in the dance battle. Was my focus more on or does it give us a bit more generous scoring in normal/hard?
someone said the computer makes less mistakes on easy. i still had to turn the sound off and just do it visually. couldn't be fucked getting the disco girl for the club, so never got her.
Hard is actually way easier, on easy the CPU doesn't make any mistakes meaning you have to play perfectly and optimally.
I think it's easier for the higher-level opponents to gain points on easy since they can do a shitton of free-stepping. If you're not doing the same then you can get more points by just performing well on Normal/Hard.
>get forced into the majima pocket racing before i have all the parts
not very happy about that desu
It's been a while but I think I got a few parts randomly from the machines early on or midway through then some from Bob the clown. Certain tires or batteries were a pain in the ass. The rc track store only gave upgraded parts after specific races and I felt stuck ar a certain point until I randomly passed a race by just not caring and hitting the boost on the home stretch to come in1st place.
It was funny seeing my car fly off the track but I got credited for the win already
Playable but still zero fun and beyond raw power levels, is still pure RNG. The only noteworthy difference is they removed the rigged button mashing and RNG instant kill reversals. Still RPS at its core and that is never fun against a computer.
Mahjong, as infuriating as it could be, is actually pretty fun once you wrap your head around it. Some of the bum part games are also alright, like Koi Koi. Oichi Kabu or whatever it was called (basically Japanese blackjack but different) and the dice bowl game can go suck a fucking egg though.
Easier has the CPU making fewer mistakes. Higher difficulty levels also offer more scoring opportunities. Plus, I actually do worse on easy in most rhythm games just because the easy modes always feel so slow and lack what feel like some of the most basic notes that I expect and when they aren't there, it throws me off. It makes it much harder for me to play off of the rhythm and forces me to go based on pure visuals.
Why are actual japanese women so fucking ugly?
Dr. Ken in Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise. It's like they thought how to combine karaoke and disco minigames into one minigame that's pure shit.
ur gay dude srry bout that
stop jacking off to anime so much
We're not going to argue here so take it to another thread. Women regardless of nationality/ethnicity can be pretty or ugly. That's all.
Anyone here start Kiwami (Steam version)? Does any save game data carry over from ZERO? Just wondering if I ought to uninstall zero to save space on the hdd and if anything can transfer over between the games.
I already uninstalled 0 months ago but when the game launched it said "detected data from a previous game" and gave me some amulet.
Pocket Circuit is weird because it isn't always easy to know how a certain load out will affect the outcome on a particular track and sometimes the optimal load outs almost seem counter intuitive to what the track calls for. Going for the best possible parts you can afford with the point limit doesn't always work. A good example is with speed increasing parts because you could end up going fast enough to fly off the track regardless of countermeasures like stabilizers and shit, and then sometimes the weight of those parts can slow your car down so much or cause it to stall out that you're not even getting the benefit of a high speed gear/motor. It's like there's far more going on under the hood than just the stats and one part can make literally all of the difference and that the stats don't actually give a good idea of the actual performance.
I got most of the lower cups done myself but ended up using a load out guide for a lot of the later ones because nothing I was trying seemed to work. Sometimes I'd have to sub parts because I didn't have what the guide did yet and rarely would it work.
It wasn't even RNG, which was the most maddening thing about it. There were people who did this shit with fighting sticks rigged with boosted buttons designed to press attacks super goddamn fast and they STILL lost the "cheering" part of the wrestling. Fucking ridiculous.
Why did all of those women have high tech arm weaponry just lying around to give you as gifts? Where were they all getting it?
Oh good to know. Btw, what does the amulet do is it a minor stat boost or what?
It's so meaningless that I already forgot. But it's a nice token of appreciation.
extremely tiny stat boosts. not even worth using.