Games with unlikely allies?

Games with unlikely allies?

Attached: rope pull.png (1000x1000, 252K)

Attached: Stonetoss.jpg (409x668, 83K)

fuck off

That part of Halo 3 where The Flood are your allies

Wait i dont get it
I get the libertarian commie and capitalist but whos the commie teammate

what the fuck does this comic even mean?

Hmmm, I wonder which group of people could possibly be this triggered by this comic

kill you are selve

Capitalism and communism are both Jewish ideology

I don't know what all of these icons stand for


i don't get it whos supposed to represent who here

you must be 18+ to use Yea Forums(nel)

I really find it funny how quickly SomethingAwful went from proto-Yea Forums to an SJW Haven.

Allying with fascists is pretty stupid, desu. Theyll either invade Poland, Greece or Russia for no real reason and then lose the war.

the first time i saw this comic it wasn't even one of the political ones but i could tell it was a /pol/ comic
has a weird stank to it

Attached: pitbull-comic.png (625x909, 57K)

I don't think I've ever seen the axe thing outside of this comic.

i'm a le radical centrist/ #classicalliberal. stonetoss is a humongous faggot (and so are you)

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Never seen that gray shirt logo. Is that some blood and soil tier shit?

That's funnier than a lot of things


did Shmorky snap?

fixed it for you

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Who's supposed to be in the wrong here?

Paradise Lost

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kind of based

ah yes, every opinion you don't agree with is /pol/
good goy

Is a literal fasches. It's on the American dime

Why does this guy's shitty comics keep getting posted here?

you sound like you're a classical faggot t b h

the NIGGER for being BLACK! XD! FUCK niggers, epic style!!!!

It gets yous

Didn’t he get arrested for beating his girlfriend or am I thinking it the other way around?

Do /pol/tards all have a crayon stuck in their brain

He didn't even shit on the comic, he just said it reeks of /pol/, AND STONETOSS IS SURE AS FUCK A FUCKING /POL/TARD

Yeah but who's the other guy


I don't understand how people find stonetoss funny. I don't find him particularly interesting, hateable or anything his comics just do nothing for me. They seem so bland and boring. So why do people post him all the time?

this, except without a trace of irony. gas you'reself. are you proud of yourself now? cia...

Left is libertarian and fascist right is comnunist and capitalist

Same reason why anything shitty is posted like the ylyl banana in Yea Forums because people reply to it.

Tbh this one is kinda funny

Ive literally never been on /pol/
good goy

man the guy writing these comics has a really messed up world view

trump supporters like to view themselves as 'don't tread on me libertarians' and try to vilify both the commies and the capitalists by making them seem all buddy buddy

when really the capitalists have just fucken brainwashed the libertarians and the commies are actually the 'woke' anti gov people that the libertarians think they are

probably yeh sound. but you're just a straight up pure 100% faggot

He's probably posting his own comic.

Thanks for the info, I looked it up and it seems to be a symbol of strength through unity. Im still not sure what ideology it's supposed to represent in the context of that comic though.

Usually stonetoss is funny but that comic makes literally no sense
Not even funny either


On one side, you have Libertarians and Fascists working together. Two inherently opposite ideologies, the former wanting limited to no government and the latter wanting total government control.

On the other, you have Communists and Capitalists. Again, two views that are the antithesis of one another. One is for free market with no government oversight, the other is for total government control of the market.

The rub is that current America politics have created strange bedfellows. George Soros, the billionaire Jew who famously helped the Nazis is a picture of Capitalism. He's also been pushing for far left Socialist/Communist politics to take a hold in America.

Meanwhile, the conservatives in the US, mostly labeled "Nazis and Fascists" by the left, are opposing the Communists/Capitalists of the left and find themselves in bed with Libertarians who are doing the same.

Attached: 2000px-Fascist_symbol.svg.png (2000x3022, 170K)

"Jews want communism, tee hee! So you had better oppose it!" is the most masterful Jewish trick.

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I've seen several vaginas in person during intercourse with attractive women who weren't ladies of the night,

so who's the fag now

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Warhammer 2 total war. Also to all the trannies reeing in the thread fuck you all

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>videogames make you retarded
damn it tru tho

Halo 3


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holy fuck he's based

me on the right


I have never seen this before, but it's kinda hot.

>One is for free market with no government oversight

There is no such thing as a free market. It is either controlled by corporations or controlled by a government.

These corporations own everything and everyone, and they own you. They own your thoughts. They put all of them in your head. You will regurgitate onto me another thing that they told you. It's all pointless. They won.

Attached: income distribution.jpg (908x483, 68K)

fascism comes in so many forms though, it's too ambiguous. Its not like people go around being "pro fascist". Its usually pro "something" which ends up leading to fascism.

Yeah, that's the evolution. Not her realizing attention and money can be gained by pulling her top halfway down and lazily streaming games she sucks at.

so have I (20 to be precise). so where does that leave us?


please be in bagdhad

The people who want vidya?

>watching streamers causes eye damage and skin cancer

Attached: 1436919238057.gif (250x141, 983K)

lmao everybody get a load of this based retard

>Stops being a bitchy girl
>Becomes a cute girl that likes games
Literally an improvement.

corporation =/= big company I don't like

Then I guess you have no recourse left but to kill yourself. Maybe take your embarrassment of a father that raised such a weak son with you.

cor·po·ra·tionDictionary result for corporation
a company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law.
synonyms: company, firm, business, concern, operation, agency, office, bureau, house, guild, institution, organization, trust, partnership, federation, conglomerate, consortium, syndicate, group, chain, combine, multiple, multinational; More

Middle right is best

>thinking something is bad is the same as being "triggered"

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lmao he fucking counts@ I lost count in college, which I dropped out of (if you graduated you are confirmed gay).

Just wanna let people know everyone in this thread has been me. I wrote a conversation bot

it's still the symbol for fascism as generally understood

He's shilling his comics and people like him because he "BTFOs the libtards" even though there's dozens of funnier people that do that.

Literal improvements. 3 is the cutest, though.

>being this triggered

>went from jeans to a short skirt with stockings

Attached: 1488442497928.gif (312x185, 316K)

all me

>radical centrist

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>becomes a dumb slut who watches streamers

Kill it with fire

Gross, keep it to the left

sory i dont fuck camels

People get really mad over it and can't help but reply as opposed to the usual LOL threadstarters that most have grown bored of.


Source on pik?

political parties that mostly disagree happen to agree on certain issues. capitalists and communists are both woke while libertarians and fascists are bigoted

middle two are the best

What's the trashcan with an axe logo?
Is there a faction of garbage warriors out there?

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This web comic is definitely right.
I mean, the guy in it always looks really smug and self assured at the final panel. It's probably right

I don't get it.

So why does Yea Forums hate this guy? You would think everyone would love him around here considering the political demographic of Yea Forums(nel) users.


the man is s, he has a nice hat

Only zoomers would think anything past the far left is acceptable.

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Is there anything more embarrassing than being labeled "woke"?

Ben Garrison for Zoomers

>le golden mean fallacy

I would argue that communists would prefer for the market to fundamentally not exist rather than to have a market that is totally regulated.
Any other stance is a corruption of true communist ideals.

Oh are we posting TF now? You should have told me.
I wish that guy would do more "actual" things but he started that girl cyoa thing before patreon existed so that's all he ever does.

Attached: f295e0bd2634b9857f99e12a10a4e1e0779763a0c387d6053395f306d307566b.jpg (1600x3564, 2.17M)

>Short skirt with leggings


being a libertarian

Wait, I get it. It's transformation fetish porn except a casual becomes an hardcore gamer. It's actually drawn by a transformation fetish artist. What the fuck.

Red pilled?

>Not appreciating a cute girl in a skirt and glasses

never went. straight into the workforce. fact that i can think back and count em don't mean shit ya specky fuck. say it to my face faggot not online see what happens

Attached: (you).jpg (123x125, 2K)

stone toss edits are infinitely funnier than the actual le ebic what if the child consents though originals

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Imagine knowing the name of an artist. The worst!

I'm triggered by him being an unfunny strawmanning faggot that goes the usual route of completely isolating a problem and cherrypicking two opposing arguements that makes his side look clever.

I like this one though.

delusional tranny

Why is international politics so fucking retarded lmao

this is true though, and is just an observation about american politics these days. You can literally look up examples of this comic being true. Billionaires have been funding leftist protests to the point of literally hiring people, and facists have appropriated many libertarian talking points because they also happen to be anti-communistic and they just eat around the small-government libertarian talking points.

Why is Yea Forums having trouble understanding it and/or being triggered by it?

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pls, I just like them. though if I had to choose between them, it'd be middle right.

I wish I knew. I'm posting it in hopes someone tells me.

You are my nigga.

How did you not get that from the start?


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He's thinking in the context of social media because it's likely where he spends most of his time. Places like Facebook and Reddit are pretty open about their intent to censor anyone to the right while letting similar "offences" from the left pile up and these fringe leftist communities will often that admit that they're protected, that's the angle he's coming from with the "commies and capitalists allying" thing.

...but all his webcomics end with the guy looking confused or nervous.

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I'm not very smart.

based poster

No you fuck off commie.

I'd go 3>2>1>4, but I respect your opinion. 3 and 2 are very close.

Does removing half the comic from good comics make them funnier, or is that exclusive only to shitty ones?

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b-but it's literally on the pic!

Not him but what do you do for work?

I see why people here are getting upset over these now

Attached: boobs-butt-and-feet-comic.png (1000x1000, 67K)

People that aren't smooth-brained dickheads.

Pro-tip: pandaren animated pixel_art

Oh hey, I made this a while ago when people complained that had too many words.

Attached: 1543902975651.png (988x988, 256K)


No one ever claimed they were supposed to be funny, it's a political cartoon

use yandex, it'll find it
it's also very disappointing

absolutely based

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>if you're not far right you're a commie
crawl back into your crevice ya wrong'n mincer cunt

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Unironically 4>3>2>1

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fuck feetfags

The right can't understand non-binaries

An unfunny political cartoon is the most flaccid form of media in the world. If you can't laugh and go "ha, that is true", then you're just sitting there like a retard going "I agree with this, so it's good" instead of actually finding any entertainment.

>trump supporters like to view themselves as 'don't tread on me libertarians' and try to vilify both the commies and the capitalists by making them seem all buddy buddy
Can you provide even one example of a Trump supporter doing this? Trump supporters do not benefit from trying to make the commies and capitalists seem buddy buddy. That doesn't even make sense. Trump supporters are capitalists.
>when really the capitalists have just fucken brainwashed the libertarians
How so? When did that happen?
>the commies are actually the 'woke' anti gov people that the libertarians think they are
Wrong. The antifa types are just angsty teens, going through an "it's cool to contradict yourself" phase. Saying that you are an anti-fascist communist is like saying you want a "freedom dictatorship" or something. The ancaps are the people truly questioning the concept of hierarchy.

Why not just post funny comics instead of some lame edits that at best will get a "good job there little buddy" in a tranny discord?

you always post this same picture, i know this guy has a ton of more quality TF pics. you need to use his other comics more often.

once again proving that imagination is better than the real thing.

It's wild to me that some of the 90% don't see this and want to change it. Instead they white knight like betas for the 10%. What kind of wack, fucked up mix of nature/nurture upbringing could cause this?

oh fuck

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I really don't know how I feel about this.

Can the left unironically not meme?

Oh god please go away with your agenda drivel. You can't even describe two different sides without desperately connecting one to nazis and trying to justify why the other has actual people who self identify as nazis. It's an fuckin mystery which side of the fence you're on, isn't it?

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>there are low test faggots in this thread who wouldn't want to play vidya with 4


Yusei and his Junk Deck followers

I find it ironic that you yourself just created a binary in posing that generalization

>when you kill nigs lmao


video games

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>actually liking anything past the far left
fuck off zoomer

The corporations swiftly took hold of all media, which is what dictates public thought.

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why did they make him black

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>If you can't laugh and go "ha, that is true"
Then you're clearly not the political demographic he's aiming for. Sorry, but if that's not your response to something like this then you're left wing.

Attached: consent-and-circumcision-comic1.png (625x605, 48K)

>commie trannies so enraged they have to make constant edits



I post his others it's just that that's his most recent (i think) and his others are now several years old at this point. I think that one's probably pushing its age a bit at this point too.

Attached: d381o4z-9288cff4-65d9-4ef2-a5d9-6a79d3316a54.jpg (619x2379, 436K)

I just edited the text because people were complaining that the first one was too long.

god fucking dammit

Attached: 1546995194727.png (598x559, 597K)

You're right, it's not supposed to be funny. It's supposed to reassure proto-Nazi incels that the left is evil and the right is humanitarian. :)

on point

You're right. It doesn't really make sense because it uses American education and plays on the liberal political spectrum bullshit. My assumption is that it's playing on the fact that communists would rather work against their interests if it mean't attacking groups that ideological opposed them. I can understand this because it has played out before in which Socialists have voiced support for dismantling workers rights under capitalism just to punish a minority of ideological opponents.

should change that first panel to watching esports/twitch streamers

Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to mention that I don't give two tranny suicides about whether you agree with my politics, or whether I was presenting it in a way that met with the requirements of your safespace.


See, this is funny because they're both clearly uncomfortable with the situation but at the same time believe that moving away would be too rude.

Is the implication that he'll seem racist?

if this is the alternative then I definitely still prefer vaguely racist humor

>race isn't real

C'mon tranny you can do better then that

Jokes on you, my standards are low and thus I find it incredibly hot regardless.

Attached: 6.jpg (235x238, 14K)

impotent raged and bluepilled

This one is actually funny. You can tell it pisses off autists too with replies like "t-the left can't meme"

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Finally some good web comics.

holy last I truly see...race doesn't exist. thanks libtard

seething and (you)pilled

>convincing children to go on hormone blockers and cut their dick off
>not evil

Attached: 1525450886759.png (205x246, 5K)

>The Vatican

Attached: 1528838831639.gif (350x196, 1.74M)

It just works

Me on the right

Circumcision is not a left v right issue anywhere in the world except America.
It's actually currently being developed into a big, attention-grabbing argument solely to take peoples' eyes away from actually important shit By participating in the argument on either side you are literally giving them what they want.

And no "them" does not mean "the jews."

>Is a Nazi
You're retarded, fucking everyone's a Nazi these days.

Attached: problematic-artists-comic.png (1000x1000, 96K)

The right is much more humanitarian than the left.

>Rhodies against the Queen

Oh, I'm laughing at that one alright. Poor cutfag is seething.
The rest of his comics are garbage, though.

I literally only follow nsfw trap artists and sfm animators and they all retweet this guys stuff

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>stop making fun of trannies, anyone who does is a nazi

>strawmen are evil

You're right! :)


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what's with the stonetoss shilling threads over the last few months? There's been a crazy amount of them on Yea Forums

the implication is that it's weird to move away but also weird to stay there
pray for ronnie

God I wish that were me

copied my comment and droolposted

Like, these are a full decade old at this point.

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I'm not gonna judge you, I'm just looking for survival jobs to make money while I do what I love for awful pay

Circumcision is a big issue and it needs to be dealt with permanently. It is a symbolic thing. We should not be allowing Jews to mutilate the genitals of our children.

Attached: st circ.png (940x300, 39K)

Based and redpilled

Attached: l2k1jmbc57h21.jpg (1000x1000, 271K)

>Foreign aid bad
>Medical marijuana bad
>Euthanasia bad
>Universal health care bad
>"The right is much more humanitarian than the left"

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based, gas all footfags

Attached: thingslikethat.png (256x238, 84K)



George Miller isn't a bigot.

its reality fuck you tranny pedophile

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Im genuinely curious what you think a free market is and why you would think corporations would have any effect on it being one

Wow you’re right no one can question him and in fact anyone who does is also as just as bad!

D-d-dont make fun of stonetoss, you're not even funny!... Tranny! (Heh, that'll shut him up)

The "loser" in this comic isn't wrong, though

as do we all

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Have you never ridden public transit? You lucky fuck.

/pol/ raids

Instantly proving my point.
"The Jews" do not care about circumcision, but they love it when you keep discussing it.

Just used it as an example. Here's another. Is this a "ha, that's true"? It is for me.

Attached: israel-immigration-comic.png (1000x1000, 87K)

>leftists don't encourage children to ruin their bodies and ruin their mental health, just ignore it sweaty :)

Attached: 59534d436ebdd047d8f7171867421f76.png (577x628, 618K)

Actually made me laugh.

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>not important
ok rabbi

Attached: arrow.jpg (320x191, 25K)

that's the point, spouting facts and posting /pol/ charts makes you look like an incel

Define "humanitarian."

Attached: d1vaglhryfh21.png (1460x489, 674K)

Or this?

i work in a food factory for good pay (for untrained work), but the job is monotonous and shit

Literally prove it.

foreign aid is bad, let the niggers clean up their own mess.

I wanna make lewds of it for some reason.
I made this.

Attached: 1549325959698.png (401x407, 56K)

>stonetoss is a nazi
You literally saved these from reddit. That's gonna be a zoinks from me, scoob.

When abused, yep.
When abused, yep.

>118 posters 38 minutes


i don't hate jews, i just think that the wealthy need to fucken spread the wealth around because they're hoarding it and that's just not good for the economy

just happens that a lot of the richest ppl in the world are jews. not my problem, i don't give a shit who or what their god is.

>fox news is gay

I am not a fucking zoomer

>Political bait thread
Hard pass. Partisan politics genocide when

where's the joke

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Attached: zm6vornwsdh21.png (625x605, 116K)

Jews absolutely, 100% do care about circumcision. It is a symbol of absolute cultural control. If you can manipulate a father into mutilating his newborn child, you control him completely.

They evidently do indeed control you completely. They rely on the existence of people like you.

Attached: circumcision excuses.jpg (720x266, 44K)

So then you agree that the right is NOT more humanitarian than the left.

So being humanitarian is bad, and the right is much more humanitarian? Got it.

yeah it really isn't. unless you're some shizo freak. not like those people will ever show another person their dicks anyways LOL


Attached: rp circ2.png (928x336, 79K)

This is a false flag post! I repeat, this is a false flag post! This user is baiting you! And you are falling for it!

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This is unironically amazing.

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How the fuck does this prove your bizzare point?


>just happens that a lot of the richest ppl in the world are jews.
Haha, yeah, it just so happens.
Just happens.
Total coincidence.

Attached: jewish expulsions 3.png (928x8800, 1005K)

>reddit filename
like pottery

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hey man i'm gonna go need you to get a mirror so i can say "you're looking at it"
please respond to this post when you have one so i can make the joke

Are you actually implying tranny kids aren't a thing now that leftists encourage? bait