Playing Jackbox in a bit, join and shitpost and do some racial slurs in a rap game or something.
Twitch channel to see the game is:
Play the game here:
Code will be on the screen, type it in at, see and hear the actual game at the Twitch channel.
Attached: header[1].jpg (460x215, 55K)
By which I mean it's up now, get in if you're gonna play.
Don't be shy, come and rap with us.
Parappa would be ashamed of all of you
Five dudes so far. We'll do trivia or something later, it'll be fun. Or maybe one of the art games.
Got a game going, but you can still get in the audience and help choose who wins. Also can get in on the next one.
Next round's starting soon, get in here
By which I mean NOW the next round is starting soon.
Wrappin' up, get in here.
New round's starting, get movin' dweebs
Might try Split the Room next
These threads used to be more popular.
You used to be more attractive.
You don't know that for sure
Gonna have to ask nicer than that
New game going, get in here and play some video games with us
This is the hardest trivia game of all time
starting split the room, get in here worms
We're splittin' the room again
These captchas are getting out of control.