What video games were you playing in the 90s and 2000s Yea Forums?

What video games were you playing in the 90s and 2000s Yea Forums?

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Nigga i was just learing to speak.

at the 90s I was playing sperm racing simulator, and about a year later I remember playing pro tit sucking 2 a lot

ooga booga

Sonic and uh

Warcraft, Alex Kidd, a crapton of demos of various games and sharewares in the 90s.
Diablo 2, Worms 3D I think, Warcraft IIIm DoW, CoD4 in the late 2000s.

Pic related and wolfenstein

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I doubt there was a single person on the planet who owned all those games at that time. Everquest, Starcraft, Warcraft 3, CS, Diablo 2, Unreal Tournament. Like who had the time to play that many different multiplayer games.


Reminder that abandoning physical PC games allowed the market to be flooded with low quality indie garbage, because they don't have to pay for manufacturing costs.

Be more specific, 90s and 200s? Twenty fucking years?

Everything from Astroids to Zelda Twilight Princess.

starcraft counterstrike wow

I played Tiberian Sun, Settlers 4 and Panzer General 3D. Spend dozen of hours with these games.

Tiberian Sun is the best C&C game btw.

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TibSun has best atmoshpere and music, but RA2 has best everything else.

I played Sonic 2 a few times as a child.

UT 99, Halo, Timesplitters, CoD 1, Pokemon Yellow, Runescape, Super Mario World 2.

Pic unrelated.

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digital distribution would still exist even if literally everyone bought "real" games exclusively as physical media.

Oh and I forgot AOE 2 and Warcraft 2.

90s Duke 3D and Blood
2000s Halo and Painkiller

Alot of Resident Evil
Star Wars Battlefront

But shitty indie games wouldn't.

born 86 here, mostly a PCfag back then
off the top of my head:
-Unreal tournament
-Resident Evil trilogy (yes, on the PC)
-C&C Red Alert
-GTA 2 and 3.
Most of my life back in the late 90s/early 00s was AoE II.

Fuck off zoomer

that is the dumbest thing i think i've ever heard.

The 90s were over 20 years ago gramps. Are you literally a boomer?

What was the last "real" era with soul here?

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Why? If you can't cover the cost, you can't release your game. The industry needs professionals, not amateurs. Art studios, not bedrooms.

millenial era

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Tarzan ps1

Transport Tycoon, XCOM, AoE, C&C series, Star Fox 64, Ocarina of Time, Tribes, Liero, Wolfenstein ET

Those were the days

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god that looks extremely comfy

A lot of Pokemon games. Mainly Pokemon Gold

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Magic Carpet
I only played half-life mods. tfc, firearms, dod, cs, sven-coop, etc

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Battle zone was mind blowing for me as a kid
Tibsun was my first c&c, loved it

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LOTR, 2002

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HAHAHA fuck these old farts. Fortnite and mw3 were the real childhood


I love it. Played mostly the ps1 port tho. I think its better

>the movie came out almost two decades ago

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>90s and 2000s
>still playinf vidya

late millennial/early zoomer

I got a PC in 2001 and first thing we bought was Starcraft and Fallout Collection (1,2,Tactics)

>early zoomer

Super Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Star Fox 64
Bomberman 64
Mario Party 1-3
Donkey Kong 64
Paper Mario
Super Smash Bros
Turok 1 and 2

-This is not all of them, fyi.

TOO many to count.

Doom, duke nukem, shadow warrior, mdk 1&2, crusader no remorse, mortal kombat 1&2&3, wrestling games in the n64 as well as all the 64 classics, everquest, diablo 2.

Those were some good times.


Damn I wish PC still got physical releases. Actual physical releases, not Steam or digital download code in a box which isn't a physical copy. Fuck Steam and fuck paying for digital distribution.
Got my Warcraft 3 collector's edition and battlechest right here. *sip* I think I'll go play a custom match against the computer now.

>Tribes 1
>the incredible machine
>where in the world is carmen sandiego
>golden axe
>road rash 2
>sim city
>ground control
>age of empires 1
>battlezone 2
>empire earth
>freespace 1/2

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You physical copy is no different than a digital download I burn off.

Here's that boomer shit you wanted

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Hercules, Aargon Deluxe, Snowy
N64 games, PSP games, NDS games, Maplestory, SNES games like kirby wonderland, MMBN, etc lots of emulation basically

Homeworld Nuggets!

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Unreal tournament/Quake and laughing at CS casuals (basically the cod/fortnite from back then)

Revenge of Shinobi, Mario, Sonic, Stunt Race FX, Wipeout, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, V-Rally, Dino Crisis, Street Fighter, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Metal Slug, Italia '90, Streets of Rage, Puzzle Bobble