What is the saddest fighting game in existence ?

What is the saddest fighting game in existence ?

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>Yea Forums would defend this

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Honestly fun to play, if you pretend the auto combo isn't there.

Bloody Roar: Primal Fury

because it was the last time the series was good and we’ll never get another one


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Skullgirls just cause MikeZ is still assblasted to this day. Also but mostly cause it would be the biggest furry bait in existence, shitposting would be glorious though

there was some 6.99 bullshit on wii u eshop.

Probably Cross Tag

man this game is not even out yet and street fighter fags already fuming and spamming threads

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not MK that for sure
it had the best comback in vidya history

how fucking out of touch with other fighting games and its players are you that you think only SF players shit on other games?

Skullgirls, but unironically

because they do

>just want to have fun beating the shit out of a cyborg ninja mole man as a sumo wrestling elephant
fuck this gay earth

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Probably DOA. No one who plays it gives a single shit about the fighting game part. Usually waifu games use JRPGs as a platform because they're already pretty simple and the fans are used to mediocre gameplay.

Bruh the fighting game community is infamous for being extremely hostile against anyone who doesnt agree with exactly their choice of game (and/or preferred character).

Street Fighter fags are agressivelly against Mortal Kombat, and seeth at it's renewed sucess nowadays they are also mad at ArcSys fightans as well. It got to the point where anyone crying about a NRS game, is automatically labeled a "salty Capcomcuck".

>"""fighting""" game

Skullgirls for getting absolutely ass fucked by singstar

Hol up.....

This comes with a FREE phone card?

Game? Maybe If franchise, than Virtua Fighter

This. This product was sent out to be a zombie of a game.

no thats just street fighter kids crying about every other game

100% this.

Most of the peeps I know in the community actually play most fighting games. It's too bad some games cant seem to grasp the concept of polished/feature complete releases.

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Lmao no. Everyone I know who plays non-NRS games thinks NRS games are bad. Arcsys players ESPECIALLY, and refuse to touch them.

Bloody Roar was never good. Even garbage like DOA makes Bloody Roar look like shit.