You can’t

You can’t

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I think it'll be a lot more fun when the multiplayer mod is more developed.

without mods skyrim is absolute shit

>One of the best
>One of
Yeah it is ONE OF the best rpgs.

yeah, it's up there with fgo and granblue

Yeah it is. Definitely in the top 1000.

It's completely, utterly, and totally average.

Bethesda really should stop thinking their shitty coding and bugs makes them endearing.

It's not even the best TES game

It's not even the best in its own series
It's not even second best
Even third best is debatable

Its better than those boring-ass top-down crpgs, that's for sure.

It's just THE best, hands down.

It's an adventure game, there's no class specialization.

I played it for 60 hours then stopped. It was decent. Top 1000 RPGs for sure.

>normalfag meme

It's not even a good RPG game

a solid 6/10 without mods

Typically idiots don't change their mind, so no surprise there.

Bad chosen one story
Terrible combat
Non functioning AI
Boring side content
Glitchy as fuck

Basically a worse botw

Morrowind and Oblivion suck. Arena is the best

It's also a lot older than Botw, a game that also has a bad story, combat and side content.

There are a lot of good things about Skyrim and although people shitpost about it all the time I still love it.
But the companions are garbage, the combat is shit, the quests are handholdy, the leveling system is unbalanced, and the dungeons are lifeless.
And if it weren't for mods I'd be shitting on about a dozen other shitty things.

People shit on it because they compare it to what it could have been if those things weren't true. It's still a good game, but it could have been great.
The potential of the next TES is huge, but Todd needs to get it right this time.

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>No enemy variety
>Difference between fire and ice spell is whether you shoot red or blue from your hand
>No real reason to side with one faction over the other; they're all shallow
>Level scaling, ruining the sense of becoming more powerful and advancing through the game. Why should I level up if I'm leveling the enemies up with me? So that my armor and weapons look cooler?
>Dark Messiah did everything it did but better

>The potential of the next TES is huge, but Todd needs to get it right this time.
It's going to be the Elder Scrolls equivalent of Fallout 76

Agreed, but in botw at least the physics feel good sometimes
Plus there are games from long before Skyrim that are miles better

For sure. The physics are fun to mess with, especially compared to skyrim's jank. Coolest things you could do were shout someone off a mountain, get launched by a troll, or telekinesis

>Plus there are games from long before Skyrim that are miles better
The whole appeal of Skyrim and the reason for its popularity is the fact that it's really easy and basic. The more simplistic you make a game, the more well-received it will be. Most people are talentless and don't want a real challenge. That's why they look at something like Dark Souls (not really a hard game), and deem it "the hardest game of all time", "artificial difficulty", and whatever retarded bullshit the internet says about it. If you don't buy this explanation, just consider what games people consider their favorites. Ocarina of Time, where you can just spam spin attacks on most enemies. Or Mario 3, where the stages are 10 seconds long.

Given the unmitigated disaster that has been Fallout 76, there's no way that happens.
It will be like Fallout 4. They'll step up the companions, maybe bring in some of the settlement mechanics. They'll definitely do away with the voiced protagonist as they've publicly admitted that was a bad idea. But they'll probably keep the shit where every dialogue option is "Yes" and you have to play the good guy. Because Todd is a hack, and doing it that way makes development easier for them.

Personally my main hope is that they improve the combat. FO4 had all sorts of problems but I loved that they updated the shooting mechanics to something professional. If they can do something similar for TES I'll overlook all sorts of other problems. In hindsight I'll be disappointed they didn't do everything right, but at the time I'll be loving it.

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>Given the unmitigated disaster that has been Fallout 76, there's no way that happens.
I wouldn't assume that. There is no low these people won't stoop to. They'll probably make a TES battle royale.

With mods the non-stealth melee combat is still shit. It's either running around poking at a damage sponge, or getting one-hit KOed by anyone with a warhammer. No timing, no hit placement, no positioning, the dodging and blocking mechanics from most mods are shit, and you have to augment your playstyle with magic to have any fun.

it was shit


I think the most they'll do on the multiplayer front is co-op. Which I'll probably never use but might not be so bad. Unless it introduces a bunch of stupid bugs into the single player.

You cant name Skyrim “the best rpg ever made” without arguments. In my opinion, a game which can be beaten while ignoring its rpg elements is not a good rpg, but that is juat my opinion

That's where you're blacked

Ahahahaaha daaaaaaarling, don't you see? Skyrim isn't an RPG, it's an "Immersive Sim". That's the PROPER term for that game, sir, so I'm afraid I cannot possibly define it as an RPG. hmMmmmmhm hahah if only you had an education dear sir you could know better ahaha oh yes now if you'll excuse me I have to go play osme Immersive Sims

it honestly is, why would anyone dispute this?

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