Hes gonna take you back to the past
(guitar strumming)
Other urls found in this thread:
He's going to revert you to times that have transpired
He's gonna remember it so you don't have to
Hes gonna be here for all,
cause his name is Scott
to suck the cum out of his wifes ass
This thread is a shitload of fuck
Your post is a shitload of piss coming out a rhinos ass into my dick hole.
What the hell happened to this guy? Some of videos weren't that bad but fuck him Bad Dudes is fucking great
>dude beans haha beans make you fart
he kept putting out reviews. he got slammed on his history of video games because of the inaccuracies in it, so i think he discontinued that series
Puts out this video a year in 2013 or so
^documentary version
people start to side with bores a little. But as the document states, people also noticed tons of flaws in his apology/behind the scenes thing
Then a year after that, he creates puppet steve in 2015 on a seperate youtube, and starts to make money making vids for minecraft kiddies and figurine collectors. It actually was pretty successful when it start. But minecraft got old, so his videos started to lose fame
Then in 2018, he resurrects the irate gamer from a 3 year hiatus as Chris Neo. The new series has even less views than his 2015 vids that got 100,000 something views.
He probably works a day job. But does Chris Neo reviews and Puppet steve on the side tho
Just goes to show how popular avgn is that it can’t go 20 minutes without some autistic faggot posting some moronic thread like this. “What’s the best episode brah”. Go get laid losers.
>"You know what? I'd rather be an actual fucking Jew during the Holocaust than play this shit. FUCK THIS GAME, I'M SENDING IT TO THE OVEN WHERE IT BELONGS!"
What the fuck was James thinking?!
And releasing it on Holocaust remembrance day, what an asshole.
>This is game so bad I'd rather hide in an attic and write a diery about jerking off
Jesus James
Very good memories watching this as a kid.
>"So I watched this anime called "Love Live School Idol Project"... more like Love Live Shit Idol Project! This japanese animation is a gook abomination! I had more fun watching a salaryman pick through buffalo shit with chopsticks. It follows 9 sluts who want to become "school idols"... What the fuck is a "school idol"?! Back in my high school if you wanted to become popular you just sucked off the football team behind the dumpster. Their leader is a girl named "Honoka", she owns shirt that says "Ho" on it which describes her perfectly. Then you have "Maki", who is voiced by someone named "Pile"... more like "Pile of Shit"! My favorite girl is probably "Umi", you can tell she's sick of everyone's bullshit, I like her. Don't even get me started on "Nico Yazawa", everyone time she says her fucking catchphrase "Nico Nico Nii" I wanna Nico Nico Knee her in the ovaries to prevent that putrid skank from reproducing. Overall this show makes me want to kill myself like the samurai did, imagine what they'd have to say about this shit? They would have been begging for a third nuke!"
Raimiposting doesn't work because James would probably actually do that for a laugh.
Then why do I still remember it when he's done?
>Don't even get me started on "Nico Yazawa", everyone time she says her fucking catchphrase "Nico Nico Nii" I wanna Nico Nico Knee her in the ovaries to prevent that putrid skank from reproducing.
I wish there was more moments like this
ive never watched this guy
Remember when this shit was entertaining?
Fuck, I remember when Smosh of all things wasnt a fucking joke that took itself seriously
Im like 99% sure he said variants of this in his videos over the years
i don't get it?
Yea Forumsirgin Zelda fans are the biggest autists on the web not even sonic tards rival them
Fucking hell user I can't stop laughing
+1 for giggle
>Don't even get me started on "Nico Yazawa", everyone time she says her fucking catchphrase "Nico Nico Nii" I wanna Nico Nico Knee her in the ovaries to prevent that putrid skank from reproducing.
nice one, user
based jimmy rolfe (met him recently)
Fucking hell, he doesn't deserve the baldness.
hes the angry mid-life crisis nerd....
He’d rather have a buffalo take a diarea dump on his head to cover up all the missing hair of his youth
nice virgin hoodie stupid
Best post in the thread so far. It also reminds me when James was singing the Super Sentai theme.
sad avgn sold his soul to mike and capcom shilling a game he doesn't give a single fuck
I think mike is a vampire actually and james suffered over the years guilt ridden for not killing him.
Read it all in his voice fucking lmao
The last video game you played gets an AVGN styled rant. How does it go?
>reddit dead redemption 2
its a shit video because he doesnt like new games
you arent missing much
he has like 3 or 4 actually funny videos and the rest is juzt okay
are ya winnin, son?
No I meant come up with a rant that sounds AVGN-ish for the last game you played.
Daddy uwu
Lois isn't here Craig.
James rolfe is our furor.
im not creative like this guy
I remember that episode it's the Spielberg games episode.
I used to be in movies you know...
This jew keeps stealing James' batteries
I wish someone else would remember him so I don't have too
>They would have been begging for a third nuke!
Golden Nerd
>This japanese animation is a gook abomination!
Plebs think this is funny but it's completely off character since James is a pussywiped prude, atleast on camera, that would never make a joke about sucking off a football team and speak ill about women.
>Go yank your cock through your ass you fucking butt mongrel
Is it, dare I say.... kino
>everyone time she says her fucking catchphrase "Nico Nico Nii" I wanna Nico Nico Knee her in the ovaries to prevent that putrid skank from reproducing
fukken saved
He's gonna make his triumphant return any day now.
>Doom 3
He'd have a looot to say about this piece of dogshit.
>Doom 3? More like Doomed to endure the same three fucking hallways. Might as well be, I can't see a fucking thing. It's darker than the inside of John Carmack's soul. And all this talking with other people, why can't it be like the original doom, look at this shit. Yeah get that shotgun and blow that guy's fucking head off, no need for this physic puzzle shit while a door opens revealing the inside of the clown car closet with all these assholes coming out of it. Speaking of shotguns listen this shit. It sounds like wet diarrhea coming out of a seventy nine year old's priest asshole while he is exorcising a demon out of some girl's puke stained body rather than the manliest fucking weapon in existence. What the fuck were they thinking?!
I know, lets drop it out the window!
SCP Secret Lab
So point of the game is that there's this super secret facility that researches monsters and paranormal stuff using deathrow inmates as testsubjects when all of sudden this AI monster in 90's PC gets access to the security system and releases the monsters and inmates. Man, they are really screwed now. My role this round is a scientist, or as they are commonly called, Nerd. I start with a key card that opens fucking nothing and a medikit that is real useful since almost everything kills you one hit. I start on the same floor as the d-bois and I better find gun or better keycard before they do or else I'm dead. Luckily I find this machine that can be used to upgrade your keycards but I also had to let in a dboi who does everything to steal my card or prevent me from upgrading it. Fucking asshole, get your own stuff. Anyways I managed to get better card and I'm off to next floor but then situation goes shit when the monsters find us. This doggo monster can't see you if you stand still or sneak but it can see moving and running humans even through walls. The fucked up thing is he can't hear you if you stand or sneak. HEY MUTT, YOU GOT SMELLY BUTT. I'M RIGHT HERE, COME AND GET ME. Fucking loser, he just walked past me. We got in to elevator and are heading to next floor. You hear that sobbing? It's 096, the shyguy. He's slow as fuck but if you see his face he gets enraged and charges into you screeching like bat from hell. The problem is, in the game you need to actually look at him several seconds before he gets enraged and the rage build up animation takes over 7 seconds so you can easily just enrage him and use elevators to run from it. Now we know why he's crying, he fucking sucks and he knows it.
I think Containment Breach would be a better fit, I don't think he's ever reviewed a multiplayer game
Agreed, but last game I played was SCP SL
>And just like in Simon's Quest, you walk through the empty caverns to fight the easiest end boss in video game history.
>Rip and tear?... More like shit and puke all over this fucking game!
if they were a gay couple mike would definitely be the top
>newest avgn still hasnt hit a million views
My only knowledge of him (And other early ecelebs) literally come from watching them wrestle in the VGCW
Is he obligated by a contract to keep his hair?
Or could he change his title to bald video game nerd
based screenwave