ITT: it's 2012

ITT: it's 2012

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Other urls found in this thread:


>putting your ketchup in the fridge

>2011 is almost a decade ago
goddamn im old now

yo you guys heard of death grips and mass effect 3?

Can you imagine, years from now, Generation Z kids getting nostalgic for this Late 00s-Early 10s era we're in? Ugh such cancer. Hopefully that day never comes.

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>been on this shitty site long enough for these threads to start talking about 2012

i miss tribes and tortanic.

Guys, imagine a game where there is 100 players who all drop into a map at once with nothing, and have to fight to the death with weapons and equipment they have to find. Sounds like a billion dollar idea, right?

psh that'll never happen user.

dayz was a thing in 2012 you newfag

You guys think it'll be good as 3?

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did you guys hear there's going to be a new devil may cry game? i wonder how they're going to continue nero's story


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friendly reminder: DMC5 never ever

Nothing you do matters because the world's gonna end in December...

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Oppa Gangnam Style!



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man i cant wait for assassin creed 3
looks so fucking good

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this post makes me feel old as shit now

yuck, I hated this looking back now


I’m in middle school looking at 9gag memes

fuckin introduction to sjw bullshit and gamergate nonsense, 2012-19. It was the start of a horrible decade

plus tip

holy shit Bioshock 3 looks so good!

it'll be just as good as Ezio I know it

>it's 2012
>too young to be posting here


lollipop chainsaw

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me too

Yeah man, some of the guys who worked on Metroid Prime are working on this, it’s bound to be awesome.

Do you guys think we’ll see FFV13 next year?


you still are


2012 Yea Forums was a special time
I miss it

Imagine not quitting your job to make thousands off the auction house once it comes out? hahaha lmao'ing@urlifes

sanity not included
all your history are belong to us
sonic for hire
inside gaming
khail anonymous
respawn inbox

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If it were 2012, i would not have been here, and i imagine most of the people in this thread wouldn't have been either. I came here from reddit after people in r/the_donald started promoting /pol/, and from there we migrated to Yea Forums in 2016. I, along with many others (who i assume compose many of you in this thread) came from donald but are now here to stay


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I think we will. Square will have a GOTY once it comes out

based and redpilled

>Mfw it's still not 2006

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And Minecraft hungergames peaked around the time too

The overwhelming majority of nu Yea Forums wasn't even browsing here then


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I love Catherine. It has no traps, glorified trannies or any of that shit. Hope it stays the same forever.

>implying it's 2011+1

I'm pretty mad about Mass Effect 3 but I'm sure Bioware have learned from their mistakes

Hey M00t, can you give us another Harmony day?

Look at all the personality in this pic. There hasnt been anything close to this since Gamergate happened

>The Donald
Plebe, half the people here probably came after the fappening

I want to die

bitch we already have Counter-Strike; just make a big server

I am unaware of the fact that I'm a loser, I still have hope for the future, I shitpost on Yea Forums every day and I actually still play video games.

>2002 was ten years ago
make it stop

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> back when TheIntelligentCodFanboy used to post his updates in Yea Forums

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In 2012 I was pretty much exclusively visiting NeoGAF.

who else planning on playing Majora's Mask to celebrate?

its crazy how big that game was

I've never heard of this.
I got here 2008.

wish my school let me look at memes

Yea Forums during E3 will never top 2012

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The world is ending this year, what's the point of anything?

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That's all it takes for a burglar to break in and steal your vidya. Why haven't you bought a gun yet?

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the depth of field on that pic makes her look like she's two inches tall

Yeah GamerGate really kicked off a chain of events that went beyond Yea Forums and fucked everything up

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I know the last few years we've been plagued by brown and bloom shooters, overpriced dlc, and phone games but surely in the future things will get better. I mean really what could be worse than horse armor and overpriced cod map packs?

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Fuck I feel old. I was in the /m/ thread when some guy made the Gundam Style edit.

how did we go from shitty overpriced $15 map packs that got a lot of criticism, to $20 virtual outfits for your characters that zoomers love?

>Implying you actually think nintendo is good
I shiggy diggy doo you don't shiggy diggy do that, Yea Forums. The Wii U is such a gigantic failure that Nintendo will never ever recover. Sony won, just give it up nintendoddlers.

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I'm from the future. Mega Man, Ridley, King K. Rool, and Simon are in Smash Bros. Trust me.


I don't feel like killing myself and life is worth living.

The waitress is a tranny you retard.

I was on Yea Forums in 2012

[post that isn't about politics]

real new characters for sm4sh - starman, geno, and shadow.

That'll be $19.99
plus tip

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>black guy on the couch w/ pizza
that was my favorite one.

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thank you for reminding me that this exists

I miss Raven Posting

>In Smash
>He really thinks this is going to happen
>He really really thinks Ridley isn't too big for Smash
>He REALLY really R E A L L Y thinks that if they even do put him in it won't be a mini Ridley that's just as big as Mario

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This is my last chance to achieve my dreams, and I'm going to do it or die trying!

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i sure hope that Yea Forums stays fun forever and doesn't get taken over by newfags in the future!

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shut up stupid puke chan poster

I now want pizza but its 1:30AM.

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>Good graphics
>He thinks Rock actually had good graphics

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Funny how all this shit i never knew the actual original source

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>tfw we thought 2012 was bad
>little did we know how much worse the future could get

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2011/2012 is where it all when to shit and most off topic threads were fags trying to get their latest epic forced meme to catch on.

wouldn't it be funny if someone wore this exact outfit while lipsyncing to a song that would be released in the future for a video platform that specializes in lipsyncing videos? haha

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We'll think 2016-2019 were great in 2022

its not the same outfit brainlet

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I'm sure someone will, but I'll always hate the 2010's.

Why ISN'T it then? That's the only thing I can think of whenever I see that shit.

Who's hyped for the new MGS game Konami just announced? That graphics look amazing.

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guess it was a miss, huh

I come from the future. Here's your next smash roster

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because hitormiss-chan is wearing nico's cheerleader outfit

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guys i'm scared the world is gonna end!!!

remember tokyo jungle?

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wtf nico is ripping off lolipop chainsaw? fuck anime.

What the fuck is a Incineroar? Get your furry OC outta here

dont make me cry

2012 was the year bullshit picked up, then 2014 happened. Fucking identity politics

If it was 2012 the front page of Yea Forums would have literally nothing to do with vidya.

You might as well give all your money to me, it won't be useful to you during the apocalypse anyway!

man i cant wait to play max payne 3 on my xbox 360

and that's a good thing

>Fitting in


Fake and gay.

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man the two best friends play heavy rain letsplay is so fucking good

I sure hope the Mayan's were right, I bought 17,000 cans of tuna fish

Guys! Jontron and Arin from Egoraptor are starting a gaming channel together called Game Grumps! No really these two just sit on the couch together and play games! This sounds like the start of something beautiful I encourage you to check it out!

are you guys excited for the TERA beta?

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>ancient evil awakens was8 years ago
Holy shit I miss that one.

>tfw blasing through an enemy base as tech and dropping turrets as I go
Never gets old, I hope this game never dies

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Man Yea Forumsirgin Quest is so fucking good my dudes. I really hope he can make that sequel after he finishes taking that quick break.


Man wouldn't it be cool if dice remade battlefront 2? It would be just like battlefield bad company 2! Tons of cool vehicles! Fully destructible environments! Cool guns! Huge classic maps! New classes! A cool campaign where you can fight as a clone trooper! I wouldn't even mind a few dlc map packs if they include new planets and stuff.

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>looking up video
>was even earlier than 2012
where does the time go

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Yeah, Galo Sengen.

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>mom says it's my turn to play
>pizza guy
>ancient evil
>ur in the club with your gf
>why don't you own a gun
>latest rage face comic from reddit
>and when none of this shit was clogging the front page you had the same 5 generals over and over

god, people really think it was better back then?

The world is going to end in December, praise the mayan calendar. Me gusta with trollface

yo i heard if you die in zombiu, you play as a different character and you can go get the items you dropped where you died

cant wait for this game, wii u library is gonna be so big and might have a bigger library than the ps3


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God I hate Ebaumsworld and 9gag, they're always stealing our fucking OC, why can't the users there just fuck off and stay in their shitholes and regurgitate their own terrible memes instead of ours!? I've never seen such toxic sites and community before in my life, fuck Ebaumsworld and fuck 9gag

I use to reply to anons like you, but then I took an arrow in knee.

>only 9 stages
Come on Sega, this is the best sonic game since sonic adventure 2, give us some DLC stages

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>Decide to play as a dick ass infiltrator for a round and be a useless fuck
>Go to enemy gen room and destroy the generator
>Single tech comes in
>Kill him
>Now two techs
>Kill one then pick off the other after a quick chase
>Literally their entire team comes in
>We've captured the enemy flag
>We've captured the enemy flag
>We've captured the enemy flag
>mfw the entire disco party never found me

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Have you guys seen the rage comic memes that Yea Forums keeps posting? This is getting fucking outta hand.

im still waiting.....

Let's hope it does, I have a feeling things will only get worse from here

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Half of 2011 Yea Forums is 2012 Yea Forums

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>Not posting 2012 version
>I shiggy iggy

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Yea Forums, if Mitt Romney played video game, what would he play?

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Todd! I'm you from the future! I only have a short time before my timeline collapses in on itself so I have to keep this short. Due to a game you'll release in the year 2018 a sequence of events will lead to complete societal collapse, mass starvation, nuclear war, and eventually complete destruction of reality just a few short years later. DO NOT RELEASE FALLssshhhhhhpzzz SEssshhhhhhhzzzzzz beewoooIX! DO NOT LET THEM BUY YOUR GAME! I REPEAT DO NOT LET THEM BUY YOUR GAME!

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Do you fucks really want this man to be your President?

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I think Rosalina should be in more Mario games, now i'm not saying she should outclass Daisy, i'm just saying she was kind of a weird choice for Mario Galaxy to put a really hot chick and do nothing with her after

Actually Im fairly certain Nostalgia will not go past the mid-00's with the popularization of hundreds of thousands of internet subcommunities dividing our culture into pieces for every single person

She could get her own game on the Wii U. Hell, we might even get Galaxy 3 on it.

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he's been president for 4 years
get your facts straight
better go consult your binders of women

nice pics of young Michael Jackson, RIP

Cant wait for DMC5 to be announced this e3!
This is the year lads!


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psh whatever

what the fuck is an inkling