Why do I act the way I do? Because video games are video GAY, Yea Forums.
Why do I act the way I do? Because video games are video GAY, Yea Forums
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Fuck I'm old
what was the message behind this series
to show off his animation skills
literally just this.
>Can't be fucked to make a 5 minute epilogue
Biggest internet flash cliff hanger, follow up never.
>he's a brony now
Idk but his brain dump series is so safe, boring and gay that I can't believe the same guy made it
He wrote a blog post saying what his idea for the rest of the series would have been at least.
No, he's an anti-Semite and a racist now according to Twitter.
But that's a good thing.
Too bad the series making fun of game parodies came out too early. Everything was a game parody back then....no one was sick of it yet.
twitter thinks everyone is racist
Is he really? The .mov didn't really feel like a genuine fan making a vulgar parody and more like taking the piss out of that type of shit.
I watched the first episode of this. I didn't really appreciate the "edgy" humor that could be reduced to the teen version of saying "ha ha pee pee poo poo".
It's probably because of this.
No, he did a joke drawing of Steven Universe as a jew and people flipped their shit. The most obvious joke most edgy people have done and everybody acts like he said nigger.
It'd be different if he made good animations between this but Brain Dump is literally the ONLY thing this guy produces anymore. I think he's just burnt out on the youtube animator thing.
He says nigger at the end of the video I linked once or twice.
He says it in his Africa pals video too.
He's parodying Quentin. That's what he does. Says nigger.
Jerry>WGJ4K>.mov>Isabelle Ruins Everything>Anything else>>>>>>>Brain Dump
Still the best Flash series ever made. Wish Max would finish it.
The whole video is based on a quote from Pulp Fiction.
He did have a whole tumblr page dedicated to a seperate story that was happening during the .mov series, that's where you'll see how much he was into the show
It probably just some random series that HDD made for no reason, besides showing off how quickly he could make episodes. Which If I remember correctly he did rather quickly.
His Mega 64 animations were pretty kino I wish he did more of them
>man from nairobi got memory holed
Just now learning about this series. Why isn't there any r34 of her?
why would you want any?
I like ditzy girls
>ending never ever
>It's a brutally mean spirited rant that feels like it belongs in a Family Guy episode episode
Why the fuck do they do this?
Why is this series delisted on his channel?
i just wanna say that you might think i'm bad at video games cause i'm a girl but no and i will beat you at super brawl brothers if you do not believe me and i-i am good at video games and i will beat you.
... Nothing prompted that...
...nothing prompted that.
>ree not edgy enuf
He's probably tired of all that, he did a shitload of it.
>the idea was like, it's mario but he's in the real world and it's like all gritty and serious. wouldn't that be funny?