How are your games going or if not what are your plans so far? I am planning to make a game inspired by the first Mirror's Edge and I want to see if I'm able to get that city skyline ambient to it. So far I have just been working on the story so it is just not another Mirror's Edge clone and have been going for different concepts but still, haven't been able to stay with one that I like yet
How are your games going or if not what are your plans so far...
Other urls found in this thread:
>inb4 that faggot who only pops these threads into these threads to post a screenshot and his twitter
How do I stop being too chickenshit and self-conscious to post my art?
just finished making bloodborne 2
just do it, and use whatever criticism to learn and grow
How do you created sprites liked this one.
just show me user now you have my attention
If user from last night is here
i modelled your gun
pic related was what the artist on a failed game project gave me after like 2 weeks of waiting, so your art is going to be great in comparison
Rip Ya a New One
still waiting for godot to not suck
It's going well!
I got a couple things that have to happen before I can focus on my video game ideas. Namely build a new computer and get married. Computer will come first probably about July and the Wedding taking place in August. Oh yeah and then moving in to fiancee's house.
Sweet, user. Can I QA test?
Forget the sprites, how do you create a background like that one?
I'm trying to get back into the groove of writing.
Not having much luck.
I'm looking to mod Source Engine games but am shit tier noobie (and the fact that source engine is defunct as fuck as of 2013). What's a good game maker to start with?
There were a few more, all the same quality
At least it was free... r-right?
yes thankfully
Just use whatever you're comfortable with, most of the main engines have some good games made with them so there's not really an objectively superior choice. An exception to this is Gamemaker Studio, which does 2D well but handles 3D really poorly compared to other engines.
Well who am i kidding i just go here to get some validation and fishing for replies about not being entirely bad about what i can do when in fact I havent done anything productive in quite a while
i keep getting held up by the most basic shit with unreal visual scripting and having to come back here for help
eventually the generous helpful anons are gonna get sick of my shit and leave me to hang
This is what I'd like to do but I'm too insecure to post my game here so I just lurk
Just got a Switch Dev Kit. I can connect to the internet but I can’t system update. Am I just being retarded or can I just not update with a dev kit at all?
How good is RPG Maker? I can't code but i can do decent art.
I dont even have a game i just have music
And now that i have flat out admitted what i am looking to do, i must not post it. I have some dignity.
Pre planning a new project.
Do I go for the hard shit I want to make that I have no idea where to start and I'll need to work with others, or the easier thing that won't require others for help?
post your work
I'm looking to start out with a low poly basic colored moderately destructible environment steampunk FPS, should i skip Source engine and go for Unreal engine?
Y'all niggas need some idea guys. That seems to be the #1 shortage in indie games.
I have a few ideas but one of the simplest one I'd like to make is Trouble In Terrorist Town but in Unreal Engine 4. So it would be better looking and much more polished. I would also make the gameplay more realistic and the round longer so the immersion and tension are more present. Also more interactivity with everything like physics objects, blood splatter, map destructibility. A little less deathmatch guns blazing fights and a little more forcing the player to improvise. Like maybe pick up objects and use it as a weapon. Knocking down a closet to kill a player and shit like that. A lot of interactivity, immerison, logical thinking, and shooting skill.
Many more things I have in mind but I'm not sure if it's worth mentioning.
>Idea guy are the driving force of video game dev teams
>Sure, idea guy doesn't know how to code, model, texture, or do sound design; but shit, does he have some good ideas.
It's good if you know what you're doing, especially if you can do decent art so your game won't look generic like the other countless RPG Maker projects. I managed to make a custom battle system just with eventing
I'm an idea guy but i also make good music. What now
Why would we want to play Trouble in Terrorist Town on UE4 when we could just play that in Gmod?
Oh shit, looks like you're already halfway through development now!
Y-yeah we're all gonna make it.... Just keep going...
Licensing source is hell, and trying to build something that isn't a half life mod is even worse.
Stick to unreal or unity unless you're already experienced.
>undervaluing the importance of good ideas
It's the major issue with indie games
Don't you ever wonder why indie games just aren't as professionally designed as publisher backed games? It's because there's more money funding them, yes, but you know what they do with that money? They use the money to hire directors and producers whose specializations involve envisioning the "big picture" and making sure the vision is maintained throughout development. Other specializations like programmers and artists aren't at liberty to specialize in these roles because they have other work to do, so when they're in charge of being idea guys, the "big picture" is hurt for it.
Not enough.
Music guys are only one step away from just being idea guys.
I just listed what would be changed. It wouldn't be a copy of the gamemode. It would be an upgrade.
But will there be buttsecks? And furries? Or better yet, fortnite references? You've gotta keep up with the times, bro.
>when we could just play that in Gmod?
that didn't stop the SCP Secret Lab devs from making the Breach gamemode standalone
That looks really fucking familiar.
I'd probably add taunts, there would definetly be skins. Definetly no shitty hitboxes and the taunts wouldn't make noise since that would break the immersion. Maybe there would be wacky skins but nothing too crazy since they do impact the gameplay. Like if you have a camo skin it makes it pay 2 win so I would have to figure that shit out.
My game has been doing pretty good, but I need an ArtFag, and like now.
I just need any 3D modeler who is ok working for cheap or looking to partner up, I have the game basically done, just need assets to start replacing all the blocks I have placed.
Looking to mod Source, not buy a license and sell my game. I've found Unreal and Unity fairly okay to use but damn i can't find any good AI bot packages out there.
Whats the game?
What kind of models?
How cheap?
>AI bot packages
You had the right idea, stick to modding source.
>i can't find any good AI bot packages out there
Source doesn't have good bot support either. The AI system used by CS, L4D and TF2 bots is under NDA except for the navigation mesh.
Achtually... Day of Infamy has its own AI system and it's pretty superb and very customizable.
Making sprites for a game I'm working with other anons.
what game
Just created a multi-language settings menu with saving and loading and hoooking the settings into the actual gameplay.
looks cool, what's the gameplay like?
like this.
>mobile game
A Mega Man clone with cute girls starring an evil witch.
wasn't there a cartoon network character that looked kinda like this?
Just got a job a company, I'm in the big leagues now boys!
You might be thinking of Modifyers, but she had blue hair.
Lol prepare to have your video game loving soul to be crushed.
Definitely the best at what it does, but you'll need something impressive to stick out.
>Don't you have phones?
JK, I know it's not everyone's thing.
Depending on how well it does I may or may not rework everything into a HD desktop game later.
Stop being a fag and add an American English option.
Not him, but I don't see why it should. Just because it'll involve hard work?
maybe I'll make it a mix
I wasn't thinking of Modifyers. But I am now
pls don't bully. The player wears a kind of sci-fi hazmat suit.
I obviously still have a hell of a long way to go, but I can't seem to get the gloves right though and it's driving me nuts.
What did you say to me?
I think the gloves should be longer, like the boots, like Moltar's. But that's just me.
This guy's going to eventually be armored, so I think the short tacticool gloves will work better in the end for his style.
looking good
Just made a concept for a platform game, one day I'll start doing it.
Oh shit is that Mischief Makers inspired? Day 1 purchase if so
nice, reminds me of klonoa a little
looks cool but why a is grab and throw different buttons?
Yes, it is.
I don't know, never thought about that, and makes sense be only one button.
That's not much of a concept
yes it is
Don't mock my doodles!
good we've already got 3 of those in aggy. but noone's finished one so far.
we need more klonoa likes i'll buy every one.
why not B to grab?
A should be jump?
>literally not-megaman
Nice art even so
Mostly been doing writing and ideaguying lately. I get so overwhelmed and demotivated every time I try to program.
It's just Magical Quest.
I ain't mocking your doodles. There's just not much of a concept in display there. There's a grab and throw mechanic with a Mega Man skin.
Where do I upload my game once I’m finished ? Play Store? Amazon App Store ? Discord ? All anyone here asks is what engine should I use, what language should I learn, etc etc
What about the end game ? Where do I upload it ? How do I enable ads? How do I make even chump change ?
steams is pretty simple.
Wouldn’t mobile platforms be better so I can riddle it with ads? What are some successful monetisation methods so I can put my finished game on my resume as programming experience and get out of NEETdom
optimize, optimize, optimize. Youre making art for games not for movies
Low poly, high detail texture is best poly.
why not both, just upload it everywhere. try kongregate even
personally man I would follow team cherry's example with Hollow Knight, quality gameplay/story at a bargain price with zero micro transactions. Along side free dlcs, this builds that core fan base that many AAA company's have simply forgotten about. Your sequel will sell like hotcakes.
only if texturework is compentent and lowpoly is competent.
Nothing ruins a model better than bad texturework
Anyone knows a good book, beginner shit or whatever for unity 2D?
Or can link me where the difference between raycasting and rigidbodys is explained.
>tfw gonna make a megaman clone
>throw is something I never thought of
Nice one thanks
Ew, who reads any more? It's all about the youtube tutorials now.
Because reading is faster and better than watching a dude talking 15minutes text, you could read in 5.
But netherless if you got something even youtube, I will still be happy
I will boot UE in the next minutes. But now I will just scroll /r9k/ catalog to see if I can waste even more time haha
Today I have to fuse a separate menu blueprint I made to test a new feature with the base menu, but as the fag I am, I'll redo everything from scratch I did learn some interesting things while making that other blueprint, fuck progression by failure.
this yt tutorials are fucking terrible made by lazy cunts.
>hey how did he do that one thing I need to find it
>cant ctrl f
>have to open up 20 videos and click through them to find the correct spot
yt tuts are the worst shit ever made
Plus they only tackle the problem on the surface instead of digging deep. Like physics, or here you go just do the same shit in the unity tutorial.
the worst possible thing is someone will call it bad or just ignore it
>not using a smug anime loli and condenscendingly asking how the game is coming along
that would leave me feeling bad all day
>no one noticed my post
It finally happened.
you need to depersonalize yourself from your work
if someone calls it bad then it doesn't mean you're bad
maybe it is bad
you can still improve
I sound like a pussy but I only post on twitter because people always give me praise there. Few times I or someone else posted my game here it got mixed responses
praise is worthless, it doesnt help you improve
So I managed to come, by myself to a few conclusions.
>fun is derived from conquering a challenge
>challenge is a type of problem that can be overcome by skill
>skill can be separated into mechanical ones and intellectual ones
>intellectual skill can be separated between short term and long term
>short term generally revolves around adaptability, quick thinking to solve a previously unseen problem
>long term thinking generally involves dealing with information and building something.
Am I correct in my assessments?
You need to get used to people shitting on your work.
People praising your work on twitter is only half the story and they don't want or need you to get better.
I don't need you to post your work right now, this isn't a trick, you just need to start posting it places you think might rip it apart. It's going to hurt a bit, but you need to read all the criticism and make bullet points of the things that hurt most, then really consider fixing those issues or working on the problem area.
Dicks on Yea Forums shitting on your work is an absolute blessing, they will point out and articulate flaws in your work that everybody sees, but that most people don't mention.
If you make your work so good it can't easily be torn apart, that the criticism comes down to preference, then you can have real confidence in your work, not just temporary, highly conditional feelies from twitter likes.
Do you want a group of strangers to call you pretty, or do you want to become objectively beautiful?
I kind of want to make something with RPG Maker or Freespace 2's mission editor, but I don't really have any ideas or motivation.
This looks nice, you should focus on doing this instead of whatever stupid shit you're doing with you're time.
>So I managed to come
Get over the fear of your feeble little brain and just deal with it otherwise you will never, ever achive anything.
t. pro inna industry artist.
But I'm already achieving it. It's just that I don't post on Yea Forums
then dont post. But if you are afraid of showing your works you are in the wrong field.
the three types of fun in video games are:
you can say that gameplay can be further broken down into strategy, skill and luck
your seperation of short term and long term intellectual skill is the definition of tactics and strategy - tactics between what lies between abstract strategy and raw mechanical skill at the game
if you're afraid of criticism and you've never recieved any then you aren't achieving anything
What do people think about including "speedrun mechanics" that dont look intentional but allow you to play the game at a much faster speed and the whole game isnt designed around them so it could still be fun without "abusing" the mechanics
>designing mechanics in a game that the game isn't designed around
what did he mean by this
I'm not afraid of criticism, since I make pixel art for a living and I always ask customers to correct me if I'm doing anything they don't like
I was referring specifically to the fun of gameplay on that though. The other elements are less of a conscious thing you have to mechanically work on, and more of an artistic undertaking. The concept of "self expression/ creativity" does fits the gameplay element so it's something I'll add to it.
I've always had some people on here say my work's "not so bad" so as a result I don't really do anything more about it except feel good about getting my dick gently sucked
Do we really need this thread 3 times a day?
It's helpful to make a distinction
creative fun is orthogonal to gameplay and doesn't exist in 'pure' games like Chess for example but there are video games built around it like Minecraft, and you can see little bits of it here and there like character customization
>I'm not afraid of criticism
you just said you were afraid to post your work on Yea Forums
Hidden mechanics that you might not even encounter on your playthrough, for example doing a specific jump in a specific place that launches you very fast and allows you to skip parts of the game. Things for the speedrunners
Been making a ton of non-visual progress lately but that's boring af
Well the game I'm planning on isn't a "pure" one so it's something I have to think on.
good single-player games are built on the marriage of gameplay and aesthetics
You want to make a game with original Persona combat? Brave, though I do like it, they just needed to cut down on amount of elements, most of them weren't even utilized, demon resistances most of the time boiled down to "repels magic" or "repels physical".
you're right I fucked up
Having less lights, but have them be brighter and bigger really helped me solved my lighting conundrum.
its nice, you could do with a really low subtle non dynamic light that illuminates the black just a tiny bit to a blue or something to contrast the warm colors of the light.
I really miss lighting environments, it was so fun.
What did you expect? They're likely not professionals and are only making videos to try to make money, if any, or put down on a portfolio.
The plan was to use post-processing volumes to do some color toning and add color to the blacks, while also tweaking the individual zones of the dungeon, because ambient cubemaps just give a really flat and boring look.
I do wish i could think of more lighting sources that are not orange/red too. Alas, the only things i can think off, besides foliage, are all bullshit magical things i'd rather hold out for the last resort.
>mfw AAA games have an employee entirely dedicated to lighting each scene
recently added screenshake effects
remove it
Either remove them, tone them down, or make them optional. This shit is getting people headaches.
there was some neat video about lighting alice in wonderland or whatever. Opened my eyes to that lighting is not supposed to be realistic, if it were itd look like shit. You gotta fake the fuck out of it and focus on WOW and guiding the player.
But it looks nice. If you can be arsed and have extra time grab and set up texture blending so you can paint dirt and water stains and shit onto your environment in engine and get good non tileable feel for tileable textures.
nice my friend
it looks fine you curmudgeons
>video about lighting alice in wonderland or whatever.
The game or the cartoon or the movie? I assume the game, but i can't quickly find anything.
>set up texture blending so you can paint dirt and water stains and shit onto your environment in engine and get good non tileable feel for tileable textures.
Already done, every dungeon material has a moss/dirt/puddle vertex color layer, i just haven't had the time to go over the whole level to paint everything.
if it looked fine then people wouldn't be telling you to remove it
There's no need to be upset, combined with that horrid framerate/choppy camera, it is looking very crappy.
thats nice but those big poles really need smoother fucking edges cause its so obvious they have 2 polygons each
well I think your opinion is wrong.
Thanks, i'll take a look at it.
>container city
/diy/ would love this, heh.
>it is looking very crappy
That's a bit of an exaggeration, the game looks great even if you don't like the screenshake
Ow. Even if the sprites are nice, having the combination of choppy and laggy really makes it hard to watch.
Oh an having everything dark and pixely with round glowy lights is just poor taste.
My progress has been slow for the past couple of months. Mainly because I discovered plenty of new / old games and I have much more fun plying these than making my own. Still. I added most of the planned lizard mutations for ages 10 and 11, mutation status screen and the actual process of mutating.
>poor taste
Not all pixel art games need to stick to an old retro style, that's just obtuse.
i haven't said that you need to stick to any style, i just wish you've had a style.
Can you get her pregnant?
>you don't have a style
what does this even mean, it's a totally empty phrase
horribly slow, I still don't have the main loop done after months and barely integrated a little art here and there. But it's progressing anyway
That‘s why I am asking for some anons who know good sites to read through. Having a little bit more in depth explanation of stuff.
That‘s why I am asking again, anyone can give a good source (may it yt or not) for learning the difference between raycasting and rigidbodys in unity?
slow and steady, friend
Raycast is a straight line used to detect colliders, Rigidbody makes Unity physics affect a gameobject
A rigidbody is a physical object in the world that moves about according a physics simulating
Raycasting is a utility feature of the physics system where you can draw a line from one point to another and see what it intersects with. It's useful for checking line-of-sight, testing the path of bullets being fired, etc.
tell me about horribly slow, stalker
tfw made so much progress I have stopped posting in here because I'm afraid.
Didn't you already post this?
I posted it in agdg, yeah.
Got nothin new to post until monday
>Not overtly pixelated
>not full-sized sprites
>realistic effects
>stylized effects
>oversampled bloom
>pseudo(?)-proper lighting on the bricks
>pillowed lighting on character sprites
Visuals have no set-up rules and there's nothing that can make it easier for you to explain to your friend what game are you talking about, without mentioning it's name.
Also, damn is it drab. The thing with the most color (and brightness) is the background torch, not the enemies or the player, wew.
Don't be afraid to add some color and contrast for the gameplay reasons first, and then put the mood lighting on top.
why is everyone critcizing this like it looks terrible and killed their entire family? Is it jealousy? It looks better than the usual pixelshit people post
This is why I never post here
First day here?
That's not a normal reaction, it's like someone has a personal grudge
>It looks better than the usual pixelshit people post
What a high mark
You're not that guy in the /gdg/ thread with all the "placeholder" kickflip animations are you?
Thanks for the free art and ideas sucker!
a lot of artlet devs here have immense trouble finding someone to draw for them so when someone shows up with halfway decent art the reaction is seething envy
just an idea, maybe instead of the camera lagging behind the player it should actually move slightly ahead of the direction the character is moving in, so they have a better idea what's right ahead of them? Right now a character running forward can only see about 1/4 of a screen worth of stuff in front of them.
Lynda has a 2D Unity learning path
Humble Bundle usually has a Unity or programming bundle that includes some books from Packt and others. I'm sure those are easy to find.
I'm sure Pluralsight has some guides, but they're rare to download or their tutorials require online interaction
Huge thank you to you guys!
the footage has actually been zoomed in and cropped, there's going to be camera controls so you can look further in a certain direction with the analog
so if I want to do a jump run it´s better to use rigid body on my mc and raycasting if he throws something?
Should I learn Japanese or make a game?
use Lua
learn japanese and make a japanese game
Hitstops > Screenshakes
you would use a sweepTest for that Unity I think
it's like a raycast except you do it with a shape instead of just drawing a line
hitstops are for gay japanese games
I'm supposed to be working on my game right now.
>with eventing
That game with the animals, right? Cause that shit is insane, what the hell.
Yes! I'm surprised someone from here knows about it
It's the year of the web user. West shit keeps flopping. Jap shit keeps winning.
Yeah I follow your game on Twitter sometimes. The art was cool but I was mostly impressed that you got that system working with fucking eventing. I did some cool shit with RPGM back when I was still working with that but nothing like a new battle system.
I wasn't aware there was a competition
but isn´t this for 3D games? I wanna do 2d user.
Thanks friend
I can't decide what engine to use. I am moving away from RPG Maker VX Ace and scared. I only want to make 2D top-down shit or "management" games, so I assume godot or Gamemaker Studio would be best, but the Unity meme is a meme for a reason. Friend of mine gave me GameMaker Studio 2 to try out, so we will see.
I'm just dragging my heels. Need a push. And an engine.
Did you hire a literal child?
I have no idea how Unity handles 2D physics, I assume it uses the same physics engine for both so the same thing applies
You can't fuck the textures with Substance Painter
You could probably get a decent job as a concept artist.
Fuck UE4 networking. It's embarrassing too, because I'm a network admin by trade. But I can't figure out how to get it right in my game without it being jittery, janky, unsynced shit. It's the last thing on my to-do list before release and it's infuriating. Mostly my fault though because I only mildly considered the networking aspects during development, even though I always knew it would be part of the game.
I had fun and plowed through development until this, but now I'll hop in the editor for 30 minutes, get frustrated, and not touch it for a week. Which only makes it worse because then I forget what I did the last time and have to backtrace. I try to leave good comments for future me, though.
got a name/twitter for the game? Actually curious about how to get more in depth with rpgmaker mv.
is this a lewd game
/ic/ what you did there
Just writing out the story of the game right now to avoid confusion later in development with the friends who will help me. Though since I'm making an RPG, I fear how long this story is gonna be and how much effort it is for my friends to read through it.
Still better than just keeping it in my mind though, did that on a past project and it just caused a mess.
Also designing characters and the artstyle so friends know what the style is like so that the game can look consistent.
Planning to make it in unity. Learning to code myself, though will have to work together with another friend of mine who's much better at coding to avoid it being a broken mess.
If you are making a multiplayer game the game has to be designed that way right from the start
Also I'm still using VX Ace, I imagine you could do cooler stuff in MV.
>it's an "I wrote the entire story before even starting on the game" post
I read that they use box2D, so it´s not the same. But many people say "use the 3D physics either way" so I can´t say for sure.
Yes I've realized that. I've made decent progress retrofitting everything, but it still has issues that just aren't fun to try and fix.
could have been good
Haha yeah
Anyone? Any other people made the jump from RPG Maker?
>A couple of years ago I was always working tirelessly on something
>Would stay up all night working
>Last thing I thought of before going to sleep was one of my projects
>Would dream about the project
>First thing I thought when I woke up was the project
Now I feel like it's impossible to focus, end up watching videos on youtube I've already seen a hundred times and shitpost on Yea Forums
Send help. I'm been down in the slumps before but this shit is killing me.
Are you me?
Not getting a response because you tore him a new asshole with proper criticism. I like it when uptight devs get their shit pushed in after looking for feedback and then bitching when people dont like it.
>I like it when uptight devs get their shit pushed in after looking for feedback and then bitching when people dont like it.
he literally posted one video and that's it
This would be the freakiest out of body experience ever.
Do you feel lost? Need some spiritual guidance? Join the Lost Cathedral today and learn the truth about life, straight from the divine construct!
I know that many JRPGs portrait the church as the bad guys, but these are the good guys, despite their appearance. Just don't drink too much kool aid and you'll be fine.
maybe it's time to dump your project and move onto another one
pathetic attempt at samefag.
>proper criticism
>it's looking pretty crappy
Sure he elaborated later, but he was just being a salty asshole. Probably jealous because the game, with that one webm, looks better than half the shit posted here. Screenshake could be toned down, but it looks good.
>inb4 do you know where you are
I don't share my game here anymore because these threads are full of a bunch of "better than you" nitpicky bitches. Sometimes there's decent criticism and discussion, and I like seeing what everyone else is working on, but it's usually just nitpicking and trivial stuff made to sound like someone's project is terrible because of it.
Unironically get a shitty used laptop powerful enough to dev on and go to a coffee shop or any where remote without getting urself an internet connection. If you have money rent out a cabin or something small in nature and let ur mind rest and regenerate for some mind work.
>I don't share my game here anymore because these threads are full of a bunch of "better than you" nitpicky bitches
you probably posted it too much and people got mad at you for attention whoring
That hat guy looks like a pimp
If you think somebody would be so obvious with same fagging you are either a child or brain dead. I bet on both.
Name of the game?
comfy track
Also I'll ask you because you seems to hate it so maybe you can give me proper criticism. Someone in another thread said the main character idle animations irks them. Do you have any idea what I should change to improve that?
Maybe three times in a two month period. And I didn't really have the problem I mentioned, most of the criticism I got was constructive. But I see it happen all the time to others, and I just don't want my game to be associated with it, frankly.
The species of your entire cast.
no way, I've seen anons post progress with hardly any evidence of attention whoring but they get absolutely shit because of various minor and ultimately meaningless complaints
I'm convinced these threads are full of retards too incompetent to make their own game yet they still feel they have the right to tear others apart
the people getting irrationally mad over things probably have some personal histroy from some gay /agdg/ discord or something
No I'm just talking about that specific animation
>That hat guy looks like a pimp
The nuns can get unruly sometimes, gotta keep them in check.
I don't have a definitive title yet, but you can follow here:
don't waste your time with that retard user he's obviously a crab asshole
what fucking genetic mutation caused furries to exist
>they get absolutely shit because of various minor and ultimately meaningless complaints
fucking THIS. For some reason I always see this happen to projects that actually look good or competent enough
I just booted up my laptop and then realized I had no idea what I was doing. I forgot you're supposed to plan stuff out.
I want to die
Jealousy is the only thing I can think of.
well thank you user, I was just worried about that animation because I already redid it twice based on past suggestions from here. I've seen an archived thread criticising it just now and I wanted to know what's wrong about it
>yet they still feel they have the right to tear others apart
Where do i apply to get that "right"?
>yfw you'll never pure Soul ludo like the ones in pic related
when you post your fucking game and subject yourself to the same criticism you deal to others
I don't even know whether to use actual physics or not
Done, what now? Do i get a certificate?
Do i have to attach it every time a new thread is started?
If you don't need it then you shouldn't use it. Full physical simulation is a huge pain in the ass to get right. Most 2D games can run just fine on simple box physics
The animation is still stiff. Being furry just makes it worse.
its super easy to fuck textures with substance painter.
How is it stiff?
I won't need it for the most part, but one thing I want to have in my game is the ability to pick up and throw objects.
Since it will be a top down 2d game though, I'm trying to figure out whether or not the actual maths will be simple enough to implement myself or whether or not I want to implement a premade physics system.
Right now I'm planning on having square tiles so the math for an object deflecting off those is pretty simple, but I'm trying to brainstorm how I want to handle objects colliding with other, potentially strangely shaped, objects.
>posting progress is considered being "uptight"
Jesus user you have quite the inferiority complex
I can't code at all and have very little time to learn. I can draw reasonably well, and have a shit load of puzzles and mysterious plots etc planned out from running tabletop shit with my bros back in the day.
I'd love to make a game that's similar to silent hill in that it is a puzzle adventure with light combat. (not necessarily horror though, just mystery)
Reckon it's worth smashing out something in AGS to get basic plotting/puzzles down? it's the only game studio software I'm familiar with.
When I have a bunch of free time I'd wanna learn to use unreal or something to make a proper go of it that included combat. Not sure if I'd go fixed cameras or not.
>tfw all these basedboys actively developing their dream game and contributing to their medium of choice while i'm sitting here thinking of ideas but too lazy to learn to implement them
I hate you all. never give up anons
Thanks buddy
It isn't. Checked out your twitter and I think it looks great.
Good shit mate, may as well ask what are you making this in and what art programs? I'm currently starting out and am wanting to draw my own assets since programming is not my forte, what is your process like?
Getting mixed signals here but thanks anyway! There are some things I definitely need to tweak though
Just remember; all negative feedback is just people being salty. Everything you make is perfect.
Well sure, there's always things to tweak. It's not really even my type of game but it looks cool and the art is great. I think there are just a couple trolls/haters here giving you shit. Always remember that when you post here, you have to filter out what's actually constructive criticism and nitpicky bullshit.
You can make your dream game too user. Take your idea, start small and build up from there.
Ah shut the fuck up there are devs that post shit and people beg for more wembs and progress posts its just thst currently the threads and games are mostly trash and just because somebody cobbled some shit together in unity. Fuck everybody in here equally
i'm thinking about wrapping houdini in unreal and utilizing its node system to procedurally generate levels. thoughts?
These threads have always been like this. You don't see many good games here because salty jealous fucks like you run them off.
If you say so :)
"It's shit" isn't feedback user
Neither is "it's fine just ignore them".
Not really
People making good games don't plaster them all over imageboards because it's basically shitting up the thread with self-aggrandizement
>its true because i said so
I made a functioning menu system that can be scaled up and added to without ever breaking.
I'm so damn proud of myself.
>it isn't true because i said so
What was the point of this post? Moron.
Just start by making a "mini" version of it, in a basic engine or dev software.
EG, make a VN in renpy, or a simple rpg in rpg maker.
That's what my mates and I did as kids.
We made like 30 different micro game versions of this one retarded idea.
Why are you so ass ravaged by some random user?
Which was in response to your shitposting
Consider suicide
Sounds like Madness that I don't quite understand.
Do it.
Because I'm drinking and it was a stupid, nothing post.
>sharing your game in a gamedev thread is "self aggrandizement"
Listen to yourself, retard
This is proof you're a jealous nodev
I think you misunderstood the intent of my post
I'm saying good devs don't post their games because to them it's more like advertising, they aren't asking for feedback
>what are you making this in and what art programs
Making it in Unity. I work as a software dev, so I picked it up fairly quickly since I use C# on a daily basis. Even if you don't have any programing experience, the official Unity website has some great tutorials from zero to hero in a couple of weeks. It's the best engine for beginners in my personal opinion. I use GIMP for art and LMMS for music, they are both free.
Even though Unity isn't a dedicated 2D game engine, you can make 2D games with no problems if you know what you're doing (Cuphead, Hollow Knight etc.), just make sure to follow Unity's recommended coding practices for the 2D physics/rendering components and use the Profiler to check for any potential resource hogs (NPOT textures, unoptimized sprite meshes with a million vertices etc.).
>what is your process like
It's hectic to say the least, since I'm doing everything myself, I'm jumping from one part to the other depending what I feel like doing that day. If you have any specific game idea in mind that you wish to develop, post a short summary of features you want to make and I'll be more than happy to give you some pointers where you should go from there.
Does it properly display on my vertical monitor?
>want to make game
>new game in the series I wanted to copy has been announced
>another similar one might be announced soon as well
>already would have to compete with established titles
why bother
is that a giant vagoo
Just pretend that it's not yours.
Helps during the early stages till you can handle criticism.
I'm surprised you have a list of shitty substance texturejobs, more than anything.
You can also cry like a baby, it won't help, but at least it'll keep the thread from dying.
That may be at least part of the reason for some devs, but others really don't want or need to hear that their entire game is shit because a particle effect should be a slightly darker shade of blue.
>If you have any specific game idea in mind that you wish to develop, post a short summary of features you want to make and I'll be more than happy to give you some pointers where you should go from there.
Thanks bro.
Main thing is just making the art assets since I'm using RPGMV. I know some basics of programming to do what I want done and I know how to draw in general but digital art is sort of a pain. Any tutorials/brushes for gimp you would recommend?
Fix the babes already
X-Com lite, no geoscape just a click menu to do management things, top down simple turn based strategy game that is grid based with simple random maps. I'm no stranger to coding, but rusty.
uh nice
would you buy a game with MS paint tier graphics
y-you just dont understand how deep it is
Started making an open ended zelda clone on gamemaker. The worst part is making assets,which I'm terrible at.
>alright let's start making a game
>oh this looks like a lot of work
>maybe next time
>moving to fiancée's house
Pls show tiddies
Oh, you know my strategy for the past two years
yes since I've ben practicing it for the past 5 years at least
now I need to figure out how the hell to stop it
I remember when I was 15 and started drinking, looking back you'll be ashamed of your edginess when you grow up.
If you're doing your game in RPGMV, consider an art program called: "Aseprite". In the past I've played around with RPG Maker and it's very finicky when it comes to assets that isn't pixel art stuff, so be careful with that. For my own art, I use the basic brushes that came with GIMP.
I will add the toes in post production.
You're in luck, recently they added a lot of tools for isometric games. You can make them in 3D, but even cooler you can make them using just 2D sprites and sprite atlases as well. Meaning that you don't need to draw the art assets in an isometric style, you can use plain old flat sprites and the engine will help you with the rest, like this:
Don't quote me on this, but if I recall correctly they do have their own Tilemap data structure tools and helpers so you don't have to start from scratch in that regard. Search for Isometric Tilemaps tutorials and tilemap tutorials in general, I recommend browsing through Unity's 2D tutorial library and manual to get you started.
>I remember when I was 15 and started drinking
So about a year ago, then?
>is that a giant vagoo
Realistically, can a game even be successful using generic/free art? Especially if it doesn't have online capabilites or revolutionary gameplay?
So Unity isn't a total waste of time for 2D games? I was debating gamemaker studio, but I guess unity would be more flexible.
theres lots of 2D Unity games
>So Unity isn't a total waste of time for 2D games?
Unity gets a bad rap becomes of all the unoptimized games made in it. People put together a "Frankenstein monster" of bought assets and scripts from the Unity asset store and of course the game will be an unoptimized mess. However, if you carefully build and optimize from scratch, you won't have any issues and only a small overhead compared to a dedicated 2D engine. Like I said previously, experienced studios that made games like Cuphead and Hollow Knight are examples that you can make amazing 2D games if you follow the rules.
I went on artstation for 5 mins.
Issue is that I'm not making a platformer, it's more of a knock off Fire Emblem meets knock off X-Com. I wouldn't even say it's as complicated as a "good" platformer.
Yes. Minimal graphics let you use your imagination
And one more thing, if you have a specific genre/style/idea for your game, search for devs that make games similar to your genre/style/idea on social media. Contact them and I can guarantee you that most of them will be more than happy to show you the ropes and talk with you about game development. That way you'll get all the info and advice you need without needing to spend days on research.
If you know of any games that mix management sim and light turn based strategy outside of x-com I would be happy to hear of them. I was hoping SRPG Studio would be decent, but it couldn't really cope with what I was trying to make it do.
That's infinitely more complicated than platformer.
A platformer is the least complicated genre of game to make
Those are some general examples of popular games, but for your situation it's even better because you don't need to do a lot of checks in update functions like a platformer or action game since most of your game logic is turn based. You only calculate/process data when the player issues commands, once that is done the game returns in an idling state in which it just waits for the next player input.
Regarding programming, look into terms like "State Machine" and "Event handling" to get better idea of the basic building blocks of your game logic for your Fire Emblem / X-Com game.
>good platformer
I mean, I could make a shitty platformer in no time. Anyone could. Turn based games are great to make and people should start off with those instead of platformers. See:
no even a good platformer is very simple to make, programming wise at least
turn-based games require things like user interface and AI
>literally amy rose with sonic hairstyle
Then you have the audacity to talk about character design, get that trash fixed dude
>If you know of any games that mix management sim and light turn based strategy outside of x-com I would be happy to hear of them
Sadly I don't know much about the genre, but what first comes to mind is "Into the Breach".
>I was hoping SRPG Studio would be decent, but it couldn't really cope with what I was trying to make it do.
SRPG Studio is would be a good engine for the game you are trying to make, similar how RPG Maker is a good engine to create a JRPG. You have two choices, either start to from scratch with an general engine like Unity, or learn a specialized one like SRPG Studio. I wish I could give you a "one size fits all" answer, but sadly that's just how it is when it comes to making more complex games.
this feels like those micro machine games on the snes
How the fuck you suppose to have the energy to game dev when you got to work too? It's Sunday and I don't want to do anything because I know I got a week of shit to do and need to save my energy.
This menu is the last progress I made and it was weeks ago.
thats why i dont have a job
If I didn't do something to make money I wouldn't be able to game dev either because I'd be living on the streets.
That's why I have a part time job.
keep falling for it buddy
Depends on what you mean by successful
Making any money at all, probably
easily possible
In GUI hell for weeks now. But there is only me to blame for my laziness. Level design is so much more fun. Should stop making mobile games for a while and start doing my game for Steam.
what do you guys like on a 2d platfromer game?
It's called merc_wip newfag.
>How are your games going
I did some completely unrelated sculpts today. Gonna get back into it properly tomorrow, I've almost got the design for my MC finished.
>what are your plans so far?
I want a vertical slice ready by this summer. Which if I continue to get stuck on visuals, is not likely to happen, so I need to properly commit.
Where can I collab as a programmer for an h-game? There are so many poorly programmed h-games out there and I can do a much better job. Holy shit I would even do it for free
since when do h games need programming just use renpy or something
get money
hire someone
people play for the porn not the intricate and deep programming
Are there any tutorials and shit worth pirating?
>not making an h-game with actual good gameplay
you're never gonna study it so why bother
need help, how do you make character models like this. is it 2.5 d?
Just work on hellmoo or freecities. They have intricate systems that require complex programming.
Did a lot of work. Made it so ships will catch fire as they get lower on health, NPCs have improved AI (namely in that they'll smarter about their decisions on how and who to fire), did some quality of life stuff like adding an indicator if the player has tractorable loot or making the target closest enemy thing actually work or adding a filter that lets you turn engine trails on off, player only, NPC only, etc.
And also added some more proper ship models for stuff. Should have the space train looking way nicer in a few days too.
>h-games are VN-games
neck urself
this isn't bad at all, I would just make something more unique about him. he's kind of generic looking, don't you think?
yes they are
or alternatively you can use RPG maker
hentai games with actual gameplay are retarded
Those boxes that disappear when your ship bubbles them need an intermediate effect
going just fine as you can see
Okay, I might want to make a game
What should I learn? Right now I'm going to stop bothering with story and I know nothing, absolutely nothing. I need actual knowledge to be able to come up with a "new" way of doing bullet hell/rhythm.
jesus christ my ms paint doodles from 10 years ago are better than this, and i'm a programmer
RPG Maker is inflexible as fuck unless you learn coding, at which point you're better off using another engine. Otherwise you'll have to rely on other people's scripts and they don't always offer what you exactly want so you're working with plenty of limitations.
Then again this guy managed to modify the default battle system by using events, giving it a sideview look, a custom UI, character animations and mid-attack button input, which is impressive. I wonder how much effort it took to achieve that. Still, if you know a programming language you're better off using something more flexible.
i know this is a meem but can someone remind me why exactly i hate how this looks, besides it being kind of bland and static
>I don't like it thus it's retarded.
A huge amount of people think otherwise. Your opinion is disregarded
>a "new" way of doing bullet hell/rhythm.
what the fuck does that even mean they're the most basic bitch genres of game you can make
no if you gate your porn behind gameplay people are just going to go to the internet to get to the good stuff
if you want real games with porn you're autistic
>hentai games with actual gameplay are retarded
lel let's point and laugh at the brainlet
They're not the main stuff user, I'm just thinking about giving the option you see. You get it now?
i mean i guess, but until you create something substantial out of these abstract maxims, they aren't worth much
>I wonder how much effort it took to achieve that
A lot, but I agree with everything you said. If I knew how to actually code I would have switched engine long ago
I also don't understand that some people want a good story for porn. I just accepted that some people swing that way. And you should do the same..
I'm so shit at texturing i turn satisfying 3D meshes into disgusting things.
So i'm making a user interface so i can test my stuff for now.
Hint: Fiancee is female; fiance is male. I'm the guy. She bought the house almost ten years ago. My rent, while not rent controlled, doesn't go up so I haven't moved.
Yeah I plan on it, not sure what. I'll probably make it them getting pulled towards the ship.
I don't see what's wrong with most of these. Explain please
you've written off unity for being a "meme" so i think people just think you're stupid
i'm making a top-down game in unity and i have had no issues after i got the initial hurdle of learning how shit should be done in unity
I really hope you guys are working in an engine you made yourself
why make a game in the first place then? Just release the porn. Is good gameplay such a foreign concept to you that people would only consider it a chore?
rip bottle
oh oops, i think i misread. i think you were saying that unity is popular for a reason, and not calling it a meme derogatorily?
hey just wondering, are you using the canvas for 2D or doing without? Or only the UI in canvas?
just the UI, although some elements, such as the movement ranges and available-cover symbols are 2d objects as well
I made a literal tetris inventory with randomly generated pieces of any size. You can drag and rotate the pieces around and it will check if it fits. Ignore the phone aspect ratio
It's a white male. POC players might not be able to relate to this little character.
If he had asian features with dark skin he's probably appeal to a larger demographic.
a common problem, usually happens when your game is advanced enough to be playable but still miles away from being ready, with tons of tedious 20% stuff to do.
solution: every week write list of goals for the end of the week and every day decide what goal you're going to finish today. in addition find something that you really love doing (like a silly non addicting game or whatever) and reward yourself with some minutes of game between long sessions of work (for me I like to play a bit to relax - really fun and easy to start / stop).
also no YouTube. stop that.
im still a super beginner, but what can I do in UE4 to help me learn? what sort of super simple game can i make to practice/learn on?
i don't really know any code, so i use blueprints. but shit i'd love to learn.
>Making assets before program the game's core.
Dont do this.
nuh uh you have to make it pretty before you make it playable!
>not building a beautiful world and then adapting your mechanics to the surroundings
never gonna make it
3D FPS, Rogue-like
A mix of low poly and just normal models.
No clue, enough not to break the bank.
Sorry I was asleep ^^"
Is there really an issue with this if I may ask? It feels a lot better if I make the assets and then put them in. Or is it one of those dev things that keep you from ever finishing the game?
oh so you're making undertale
alright how do I play this
I refuse to work for anyone who isn't going to give me assets I can work with. I'm not your fucking 3d modeller, I shouldn't have to make my own placeholders.
>why make a game in the first place then? Just release the porn
a valid point
I work in an engine I made myself, but I haven't met anyone else around here who does
no not really some artfags just made a whole lot of art and never program the thing
the really issue is people who write stories and game design documents before they make the game
>the really issue is people who write stories and game design documents before they make the game
>Literally me
Fuck, how do I undo this and get productive
>not writing a whole 500 page novel before even thinking about making a game
never gonna make it
then you turn game to be like kenshi
stop procrastinating and make a game
if you can't make yourself do this, you're just not cut out for it
Hey not like that, haven't even played it you know. But I guess so.
I could tell as soon as you said "bullet hell", you amateur developers are predictable as fuck
First walk before you run, and then I just liked Nier/Drakengard. No more bullying me user.
I'll bully anyone who tries to clone shitty games instead of having their own ideas
rude (but I agree with you on the shitty game part)
Hey, cease.
Drakengard is not bad, not the best there is.
I've had other ideas ok? Small, but I'm trying, I'll make it.
does it count if you are copying like 5 games at the same time while trying to avoid their mistakes?
I was talking about Undertale
I can permit that but "copying games while avoiding their mistakes" still sounds like you're being a bit too derivative
Oh well again, I've never played Undertale, does it have both of them, really? Oh well
I mixed up my "oh well" just change them
Then you need to communicate more clearly because I thought you said you were cloning Undertale
Yeah, no I'm not, but you made me realize something, the end product would end up being too similar, so you're partly right.
My dumb shitpost game is going to be finished soon
nice, you managed to make a walking simulator out of pacman - that is an achievement.
>someone posts proper criticism
>shit devs get butthurt because they want a safe space
Yeah no fuck off faggots, this user is right and you should thank him he bothered writing all that for your shitty game for free.
parts of it are actually walking simulators but there's a game in there somewhere
How hard is it to program a multiplayer game, bros?
I really like the idea of programming a team-based .io shooter
Not that hard
Except nobody got butthurt...
How do i make it fun, though?
Making a multiplayer game requires you to think like a programmer. You have to plan out how things will work before development starts. If you're just a game dev and not a programmer and just cobble things together as you go along, making a multiplayer game is hard
>Time to code
>I'll just whip up a real basic function to equip/unequip a weapon so I can get to the real work
>four hours later
speed up the reload animation by 400%
You insert every bullet manually. Click faster and with rhytm and you'll reload as fast as you want.
faster movement
make the gun animation less mechanical, and not take up so much of the screen
that's not very fun
The fanning animation takes up too much of the screen, it even covers the crosshair for several frames, move it lower down. In fact the gun in general could probably afford to take up less screenspace.
You also can do twirls, but you have to move the mouse in ellipses. It's like MGS3 revolver, but autistic.
okay maybe it's fun after all
What engines/ language should I start with if adapting to multiplayer is my long term goal?
I want to make a pvp centric Realm of the Mad God pseudo clone once I accrue more coding skill and logistical knowledge and resources
Go for Game Maker Studio. Whatever you want to do in RPG maker, GM does it better
>Realm of the Mad God pseudo clone
So Survived By?
if you're into that.
>Thanks for the free art and ideas sucker!
So you weren't aware of Megaman?
Check out for a better idea.
SB has some problems I want to avoid:
Cluttered graphical style, a minimalist aesthetic works well with schmups
Lack of ability options, 1 ability per class is an easy convention to break, and if is any indication you can make certain classes feel distinct by altering their bullet mechanics and tank attributes
Lack of pvp-centric gameplay
Limited class variety, a progressive class tree is a great format that could give a game like a pvpcentric rotmg alot of repeatability
heh you're pretty good
>How do i make it fun, though?
High tempo rock and/or Drum and Bass soundtrack. Big ass explosions with overpowered guns that make you feel like a god.
get out DMC fag
That's it, 8 hours later I'm finally out of /r9k/, time to code guys !
Which megaman game is that a screenshot of?