Is there a Pokemon game more soulful than Crystal?

Is there a Pokemon game more soulful than Crystal?

[Spoiler]hint: No.[/spoiler]

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Other urls found in this thread:

yeah Sapphire

Gen 3

>Trumpet Toddlers
>Tuba Tykes
>Brass Babies
>Jazzophone Juveniles
>Sousaphone Sucklings
>Putatara Pueriles
>Horn Humpers
>French Horn Fetuses
>Cornet Cocksuckers
>Fiscorn Faggots
>Kakaki Kids
>Flumpet Failures
>Buisine Bitches
>Sackbut Shitters
>Cornettino Children
>Pocket Trumpet Pussies
>Ophicleide Ovaries
>Buccina Bastards
>Slide Trumpet Sluts
>Wazza Whiners
>Vienna Horn Vaginas
>Bugle Babs
>Saxhorn Sperm


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Ruby for the music alone and 60FPS. Emerald combines the Ruby and Sapphire into one great big package, which doubles the soul.

That is to say, the remakes were good as well and the music kicks ass as much as Ruby.

Why is nighttime so comfy, Yea Forums?

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Without a doubt the best Gameboy family title.
But HGSS has more soul.

>gen threeurs

>the remakes were good as well
Why do hoennfags have the worst tastes? Get some standards. Nothing on the 3DS or beyond is any good.


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It's a fucking RPG you dumb bastard

Platinum and BW/2 had more soul.

RSE had good music but GSC has god-tier OST
Why do I need Pokemon in fucking 60 fps

Play Crystal Clear or Prism and try telling me that 60fps doesn't make a MASSIVE difference for the game.

2 is better


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>Platinum and BW/2 had more soul
you have to be 18 to post here

Soulful Silver

>Pokemon SOULsilver

>Trapfag has trash opinion
how could this have happened

>more text = more soul

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Sorry Johtocucks, it's the truth.

It's the epitome of soul. Which really just means "game I played as a child/early teen".

>>good content = more soul

>playing as the boy character
>not playing as the girl character
>siblings ask why you chose the girl character when you're a boy
"i-i-it's because it's a girl on the box!"
>they pretend to believe me
>I pretend to believe them
>deeply enjoy the experience
Fun game, 10/10 would play again if my GBA hadn't been stolen.

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>Which really just means "game I played as a child/early teen".
Imagine not knowing what soul means. You literally HAVE to be a nonwhite.

I'm playing it for the first time right now.
It's a good pokemon game but it has a good amount of bugs and the mechanics are a bit undeveloped.

Get fucked barneyfag.

>ywn be fucked while pressed against the window of a train


>but it has a good amount of bugs
Like what? I don't remember ever encountering bugs in Crystal unless I tried to make them happen after looking up specifically how.

Fair enough. It wasn't until Hoenn/Sinnoh the bugs stabled out. But it did introduce a lot of staple features.

I'll agree that Gen 3 has the best base engine for Pokemon, being the last fully 2D entry. 60fps, extremely fast and reliable menuing, etc. etc. Also a lot of nice design choices from a generational perspective with the physical/special split, abilities, running shoes, bike choices, etc.

SOUL wise, though, I don't think it quite meets the level of love and care that gen 2 had packed into it. Ruby and Sapphire were really a marvel to play, but what Crystal was able to do on the GBC was really magical.

If you guys can find it, look into Crystal Clear. Really great hack for Crystal that fixes a lot of its core issues while retaining what made it great.

>good amount of bugs
this one is kind of hard to believe, unless you're trying to break something, pokemon in general is pretty solid.
>the mechanics are a bit undeveloped.
Pokemon mechanics get incrementally better as the series goes on.

GSC is one of the most replayable pokemon game in my opinion, its just full of soul and you feel the sense of adventure from exploring 2 regions

Crystal Clear is so fantastic. I think you're doing a disservice to yourself if you opt to play vanilla crystal instead of CC in 2019.

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Gen II was the first refined crack at the Pokemon formula and has only been dethroned as the best by its remakes.

Doesnt matter if you hate Gamefreak, their linearity , lack of content or whatever

Gen 7 is literally the most personality filled generation out of all of them and your dillusional if you think otherwise, it is extremely soulful

This but unironically, does everything that Crystal did but better and more

>most replayable pokemon game in my opinion
>shit pokemon distribution
>easy as fuck compared to other games
>kanto is boring


Moon's games are the best since gen 2. GET SOME TASTE.

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I played this game for the first time on emu, I wish I still liked Gen 2 but Gen 3 is better, Imo. As "comfy" having a day/night cycle is, that's basically all that is good about the game... I wondered by people got burnt out from this gen back then, and I see why. It's just too long winded. Gen 3 had a much better pace with (kinda) less grinding.

You mean Emerald.

I slapped together all the animated crystal sprites awhile ago
Its a bit fucky because it compressed frame data to line up and some of the pokemon I had to cut their animation short or else I would have had to take every single frame and make it last way longer(beedrill and rhydon were really bad outliers with long animations of the same fucking thing)

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Status effects like poison or paralysis have no effect on catch rate and a bunch of the pokeballs have their effect screwed up.

>the physical/special split
That didn't come until gen 4 though

Kanto was supposed to be you blasting through old areas that gave you trouble a few years ago with overpowered pokemon on your way to Red. It wasn't about being challenging, it was the game giving you a chance to flex and catch some pokemon to fill out your pokedex.

You forgot your soiboi image mate.

You're right, my bad.

Fucking fuck no.

>Kanto was supposed to be you blasting through old areas that gave you trouble a few years ago with overpowered pokemon on your way to Red
The fuck, I thought it was about exploring?

>*Catch the rest of the Gen 2 pokemon because the spreading was garbage


I wanna go back.

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All of the Gen 3 games. :)

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>Status effects like poison or paralysis have no effect on catch rate
You wouldn't ever notice this shit unless looking it up.

>and a bunch of the pokeballs have their effect screwed up
Same with this. And both of these things combined actually affect gameplay so minutely. It doesn't constitute as a 'good amount of bugs', you're just a zoomer shitstirrer.

Agreed. I wish they scaled Kanto better, but otherwise this is imo the best Pokemon game. Right before they switched to 3D, right before they started cutting back on post game and challenges.

lol no, if that was the case closed off areas from gen 1 would have been open in gen2. Instead they closed off old areas from gen 1 and gave you the absolute minimum areas to feel like you were a dominating force this time around.

>no saffron tower
>no cerulean casino
>no ss anne
>no safari zone
>absolutely minimal rock tunnel and mt moon
>cinnabar island totally gone (no missingno event)
>no power plant
>no mewtwo cave

Exploration was definitely not the objective. It was about getting the badges and moving on to the Red confrontation.

>and challenges

Be more specific, if your talking about difficulty, that's a horseshit statement cause Gen 7 is actually pretty hard despite the handholding

Generation III might lack soul, but it has the best fucking title screen music hands down.

It doesn't have to be challenging to not be boring. A lot of the issues I have with gen 2's representation of Kanto had to do with it being generally barren- aside from that one Rocket thing in Cerulean gym, and of course fighting the gym leaders, there's no cool areas to explore or legendaries to revisit. How cool would it have been if the building in Vermillion was finished? Lack of Safari zone, non-existent Cinnabar and smaller dungeons like Viridian Forest and Mt. Moon became micro sized, etc.

Why bother talking about difficulty in a Pokemon game, my point was about enjoy-ability not the length of dick you can take in your asshole
Kanto is fucking boring in RBY but the fun part of nuKanto is seeing how things have changed in 2 years
Pokemon distribution is indeed fucked but I have fun with the available mons anyway so idgaf, not like you need a houndoor or larvitar to have fun in a pokemon game

>There will never be another Pokemon game that isn't hand holdy as fuck and actually lets you get lost on an adventure

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Are there any good emerald romhacks?
I tried a difficulty+catch em all one(cant remember the name) but it got fucking stupid by Watson having level like 40+ pokemon while the wild stuff was barely level 20
I know theta emerald exists but doesnt that add pokemon like up to 728 or something? I dont really care for the bloat like that in hoenn even though I really liked blazeblack2 and storm silver by drayano and I just beat last gym on pokemon gaia and enjoyed that despite being OC story stuff its been pretty good
Didnt care alot for all the extra shit added to prism but I got through 4 or 5 gyms before my save file got corrupted after using an updated version of the rom

>Kanto is fucking boring in RBY
Confirmed for not having played it in the 90s. Kanto was awesome when it came out. It only pales in comparison to what came after.

Don't be so assblasted you fat fuck, I like the game but the devs couldn't even get the catch rate formula right.

Are they even other games with comfy night color palettes like in this game?

It's almost as if the games were designed for children! Who would've imagined it?

Platinum is the one pokemon game i spent the most time in

Especially since this was the Wii days where you can transfer pokemon to Battle Revolution for online battles

It also helps that many of the routes are actually memorable in gen 3. Gen 2 is great, but everything is just forest paths.

So was the first game but it isn't 1/10th as hand-holdy as the modern ones.

fpbp and spbp if you change it to Ruby

Try out Sigma Emerald.

That applies to all things Nintendo. Just drop the Jew company and make fan games ffs.
>B-B-But muh Nintenja though...
Just stop shilling your fangames on Youtube ffs.

>but the fun part of nuKanto is seeing how things have changed in 2 years
They removed the pokemon cemetery and closed the safari zone.

holy shit the yellow windows and red character sprites fuckin POP

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I honestly love Crystal more than the rest, it's so fucking good.
Sure maybe it's a level of nostalgia but I just love the sprites, the sounds, the features, the extended play time you can put in.

I still remember going to the beach on a family vacation and playing Crystal in the car.
It made the long drive seem a lot shorter.
When we got there I'd play outside during the day and when I came back with sand between my toes and the sea air in my nostrils I'd play Crystal by dimmed light.
It was during one of these days I found out that you get to return to Kanto in the post-game.
This revelation was the greatest shit ever back then, this was during a time when such a massive feature wasn't immediately spoiled for everyone as soon as the game released.
Crystal is a good memory for me.

The only challenging fights in gen 7 were the ace fights you unlock for beating every trainer on each route and even then it was barely reminiscent of fighting an average player online. Battle towers and shit dont count because they literally cheat after a certain point.

The only game that does this is the second half of Gen 2

Your fucking disillusion if you think any other generation before their post game does anything

BotW wasn't hand holdy and was pretty good.
It'll never happen because gamefreak lel, but man, would it be nice to get some kind of refresh on Pokemon.



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>*uses exp share*
>*turns battle settings into switch*

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why bother arguing about nostalgia when you too agree about its objective mediocrity
yea seeing those changes are fun, never said anything about those changes being good or bad
the fact of being able to see kanto develop into something new in itself was part of gsc's charm

Unskippable cutscenes and NPC heals/items are what make the game hand holdy, not the optional difficulty settings.

>Your fucking disillusion if you think any other generation before their post game does anything
Gen IV had the Underground and BW2 had the PWT.

Hoenn needs Trumpets to sound fantastic. It's quality is excused by the GBA DSP sampling being a piece of shit.

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Ignoring that they mean why the fuck cant you walk 10 steps anymore without being greeted by a cutscene.

I don't know how there can be faggots who play with switch on. It makes the games so fucking easy.

>He thinks the battles are the only thing hand holdy about the game
>Not the fact you run into a "Special NPC" every 10 minutes for them to give you a pep talk and point you in the right direction

Pokemon lost it's soul like all huge series eventually do.

Nah cuz, depending on your team there will always be atleast 2 totem pokemon that give you trouble.

Also the Elite 4, especially with the fuckers who use bullshit strategies like Relicanth Yawning

The problem with the new games isn't that so much as how much TEXTTEXTTEXTTEXT you have to mash through.
ORAS and SM are the fucking worst at this, those fucking long unstoppable cutscenes wasting time in those shitty stories sours the whole experience.

Totem pokemon were a welcome addition. Though as a replacement to gym battles not so much. The next gen needs to have both.

now that I think about it I'd rather them just commit to jrpg anime/in game graphics cutscenes if they're going to put them in anyways to prevent mashing a to move forward

Battle settings is always by default switch

Pokemon games are very noticeably harder when your not told what Pokemon is next.

>take 2 steps out of town
>met with group of retard trainer ""rivals"" that suck your dick
>2 more steps
>2 steps passed thing
>oh hey trainer let me heal your pokemon teehee

nope, Its the best PkMn game.
I loved playing as a girl and ever since then I've played as a girl on every game
inb4 faggot homo gay
I am 100% straight which is why I like looking at a female character when I play.
It would be gay if I played as a male character because I would be looking at a dude the whole time.
thanks for listening.


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Sun and Moon was designed with exp share, but DEFINITELY have battle settings on set, the game is much funner that way

ctrl+s, faggot

gay faggot homo tranny

Smooth, lag free gameplay? Dunno.

faggot homo gay

The sampling being shit is what makes it sound so good and crisp. Fact.

It's only slightly more challenging until you do those things user. I was breezing through the game even with Exp Share off. Only time I remember struggling in Sun/Moon was at the Wishiwashi Totem fight when he brought in Alomomola, and the Lurantis Totem fight (can't remember why I struggled on that one). Totem fights were great. Rest of the game was a breeze though.

Heh, gen 2 zoomers. Give me the original any day.

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Those areas were cut due to memory limitations.

>exp share
lol what
I always beat the game with my starter

>Why do I need Pokemon in fucking 60 fps
Navigating the menus in the GBC games is annoying as fuck because there's a delay to everything

I like my meaty menus

go play Dragon's Dogma on PS3 then tell me that nerd

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Not true at all

t. retard

Basically this.

It wasn't that bad

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This threads gay

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Yes true. They could barely fit Kanto onto the cart. It was nearly cut entirely

>Hoennfags sent into a frothing rage by a simple OP mentioning gen 2

I really didn’t care for Crystal as a kid. Yellow, FireRed and Emerald were my favorites.

Gen II is pretty much the gold standard for how to make a sequel to a game. The power gap between gen I and II is staggering when you go back and play them one after another. Gen III is where the series lost a lot of charm for me, probably because I was already an adult by the time I got around to playing it. The downtrend in poke design also started becoming noticeable.

Gold, now eat a dick faggot

>Game is a mess with memes/"jokes"
>Only some redeemable sprite work
>Last Pokemon game I've enjoyed
What sucks is now I can't play any other rom hacks without comparing it to Clover.

those sprites were fucking perfect

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So are your tastes nigga

Gen 2, Tooie, and Gravity Rush 2 are the model sequels in my opinion

Exp share is a QoL update and doesn't make the game "easier"

No, grinding wild battles to level up is not "challenging"

Exp share exists to skip the tedium of grinding, nothing else.

Exp share is a QoL update and doesn't make the game "easier"

No, grinding wild battles to level up is not "challenging"

Exp share exists to skip the tedium of grinding, nothing else.

Except for the fact that it gives you an inordinate amount of levels just from the process of going town to town and fighting all the trainers and wild battles you see along the way.

Every single Pokemon game can be beaten by only fighting trainers and the wild Pokemon you run into on your way from A to B. If you can't manage that you absolutely blow dick at video games because it's basic, babby tier shit.

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based. what do you think about mario sunshine and hotline 2?

Or just don't capitalize spoiler.

Sure why not?

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i still don't understand why gen 3 got rid of the day/night system and why it didn't have multiple regions. that shit blew my mind as a kid.

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Yes? It makes your whole team able to fight anytime instead of having some low level shitter on your team only wasting space.
All it does is save you the tedium of grinding battles.

Are you retarded or actually pretending that mindless grinding is """hard"""?

>Calling anyone else a fag

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You can beat the game with a team of 6 without grinding you utter fucking casual. gitgud

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>I never played Platinum

I sort of see every single Mario game as it's own separate entity unless it's something explicit like Galaxy 2 or 3D World.
But from a simple comparison standpoint it's a very satisfying leap from Mario 64. The increase in detail and scale is used to great effect.

Hotline 2 I haven't beaten yet but I feel like it started to move away from it's strengths with the focus on shooting segments. IIRC the Vietnam levels were the ones that kind of dragged the game down for me, and when you're going for a big variety after having a fairly focused first game having a weak link is killer. I plan to go back and try again at some point though.


Just learned how to play GBA games on 3DS and want to play Gen 3.
Any reason to play Ruby/Sapphire over Emerald? Is Emerald the definitive Gen 3 game?

>Emerald the definitive Gen 3 game



What blew my mind is how FRLG introduced a whole new "region" with the islands and had no mention of Jhoto, and that HGSS ignored the islands.
Jhoto + Kanto was a one-time deal for Gamefreak.

Is this pokemon zoomer(tm) edition

no bully

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Anniversary Crystal restores Kanto while sticking to the same 2mb limit as the original game.

>Platinum was hard

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Today I will remind them

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Soul Silver

Krogre is such a shit legendary. Probably the worst. And he's the game's mascot

leavanny master species

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gen 2 is pure kino and the remasters are also kino. I can't believe gamefreak has been unable to top those games after so many years.

Due to clever modern optimizations that weren't possible with the technology of that era.


The first new character avatar for a pokemon game was a legitimate reason to pick Krystal.

I'll get right to it then, thanks.

Not really, there was still space on the ROM to add new maps and expand existing ones.

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Johto > Hoenn = Fire Red > all other gens > Kanto.
You know it's true. Kanto, or rather, RBY lacks soul, and Hoenn has the least of soul.

>and Hoenn has the least of soul.
you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

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but emerald

Thank you for this.

neat, thanks

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>BW2fags have started co-opting stadium and mystery dungeon now
no, fuck off

why is the owl stopping her?

forgot Pokémon Snap. Such an awesome game.

holy shit imagine being this much of a delusional unovabortion

Better than being a sinnohsperm.

I've literally never played Pokemon, where should I start? Do you think the games hold up without nostalgia?

Laziness and arrogance, the same ole story.

Sun and Moon has days and nights.

nice try faggot, but Sinnoh isn't my favourite region

>This immensely dangerous Pokémon possesses overwhelming physical strength. Its habitat is generally off-limits.
>This Pokémon has the habit of hugging its companions. Many Trainers have left this world after their spines were squashed by its hug.
>It waves its hands wildly in intimidation and warning. Life is over for anyone who doesn’t run away as fast as possible.
>It boasts tremendous physical strength. Many people call it the most dangerous Pokémon in the Alola region.

I never got around to playing USM but SM was pretty good if you don't care about post-game (and I never really have).

I heard USM was standard third game stuff, improved things slightly etc etc but i think the story was pretty different last I heard


so what do you guys feel about pokemon prism? I've been trying to find an updated version but all i can find is a patch link and no version compatible with it.

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Pokemon crystal clear, gen 4 and gen 5

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Gen III fags need to be fucking purged

scratch that, i'm retarded.

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No, not even later generations managed to capture the perfect night time aesthetic.

get lost johtard

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It's okay. Remarkable for being the first "big" Crystal hack, but it's not the most well put-together game.

Capsule Monsters is better

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do you have any examples of what qualifies of 'not well put together'? or any suggestions on better ones. I'm a big fan of originals and gold/silver if that helps narrow it down.

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Don't start with Black and White 1 or 2 they're the shittiest in the series

I'd give Crystal Clear a shot if the creator wasn't as much of a faggot. He's such an egotistic his name is bigger than the games title screen, not to mention he made himself the Champion and 4 friends as the E4.

tried out polished crystal a few years back, what does crystal clear offer?
i'm not joining a discord to ask basic shit

We all know and agree that 2nd Gen Pokemon are the best Pokemon games ever made.

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It's been a few years since I played it, but I remember there being a few points where it wasn't clear what I was supposed to do next. It was also sort of easy to get lost within the region(s). I thought certain segments like ones where you control a Pokemon seemed out of place and were more of a "because we could" addition.
It's a Pokemon game with no sense of progression. Roaming Red is better.

absolutely, and their remakes were just cherries on top.

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based and fugpilled

I don't give a shit about buzzwords like soul but Crystal will always hold a special place in my heart. Listening to that OST always puts me at ease.

That said, Prism was engaging enough for me to see it through to the end of its 20 badges, but I hardly remember anything about it. Around the tail end of the game I was just using a Tyranitar, Metgross, and the OC Missingno-based legendary bird.
Can't hurt to start it and play until you lose interest.

Replace Black with Heartgold and White 2 with either Pokemon Snap or PMD: Super and it's perfect.

pokemon 5th gen was also comfy but nothing can top gen 2

BW are totally redundant if you're including BW2, they're worse in every way.

Pokemon is shit you retards

sounds good to me. Do trainers give you their phone numbers so you can battle them again?

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I wish I could make my own pokemon game and have it licenced by nintendo.

I don't believe so.

Wario Land 3 comes to mind if we're just talking GBC games

This is fiction.


Pokemon game discussions have always been permitted on Yea Forums, /vp/ was made to contain the tangential shit like anime discussion, trading threads, etc.

I haven't played Crystal, but I have played Gold and Silver. Have I experienced enough of the soulfulness?

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>no animated sprites
>no Extremespeed Dratini
>no Battle Tower
>no legit Celebi capture on 3DS version
Close, but no.

>no mareep
>no octilery

HG/SS and R/S/E are soul incarnate. D/P/Pt has a fair amount of soul too.

I'm playing Pokemon Clover right now.
What the fuck were they thinking?

I believe they call that game SoulSilver.

Is there anything else that has the right mix of fair, challenging, and fun as World Leaders in PWT?

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I love HGSS but they fucked up most of the music. What is this shit? So much unnecessary noise, it's like whoever made this totally misunderstood what made the original version so good. That overbearing 12 second intro makes me wanna vomit.

what are some good challenging pokemon rom hacks? i liked fire red omega

and now i have the urge to play Platinum or Emerald
thanks a lot Yea Forums

It technically had a day and night cycle,but it wasn't displayed. It was only for espeon and umbreon evo as far as I know.

It's not like it's inclusion even matters anymore since people still hated X/Y and Sun/Moon despite the latter selling on the premise of different timeframes.

Why was Dragon Warrior Monsters the better, more challenging series with more heart and soul poured into it in one frame than the entirety of every Pokemon game and yet it died as an abortion?

but there were pokemon that apeared at night which were more immerse like hoothoot


Yeah, Gen 2 did that. Gen 3 didn't which is what I was referring to in the earlier post.

>people didn't like XY and SM so day-night cycles don't matter
What the fuck is this logic? The reasons people didn't like those games have nothing to do with their day-night cycles. A feature being in games people don't like says absolutely nothing about the feature itself, especially one as universally liked as day-night cycles. In fact most of the extraneous features in Pokemon are great, it's when the core gameplay is lousy that people sour on the games in question. Amie/Refresh is a great feature that should be in every game going forward, despite it debuting in a Gen most people agree is decent at best. Same goes for LGPE's HM replacement.


Pokemon gets me rock hard because I insert myself as a 10 year old kid running around from city to city with all these thirsty milfs.

Can't wait foo the next one.

Gen 4 was the best, because it was the first time the games didn't feel like a broken mess.

and it's under 1mb. Nice work user.

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ironic considering DP were actually broken

Silver sprites >>>> Gold sprites

This and like one specific gen 1 sprite are like the only games where Gengar doesn't look goofy and retarded.

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>Pokemon gets me rock hard because I insert myself as a 10 year old kid

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Gen II sprites are pure fucking kino. Every other generation completely fucked Pokemon like Gengar and Feraligatr

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where do you think you are?