Name a more rewarding genre than fighting games

Name a more rewarding genre than fighting games

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Fighting, driving and RTS games are vidya peak. It's not a coincidence these genres have the better OSTs


Grand Master absolutely
Nothing better than increasing your rank in that game


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these, FPS and character action games i.e. DMC3, Ninja Gaiden Black etc. Games where I can style on people/NPCs, take risks for rewards and compete.


I've been playing with Mila in training mode. Is DOA6 worth it guys? I swear I'm not a fucking pervert

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What's the least rewarding? Mobas?

Rhythm games, extremely rewarding cause there's very little to no rng or other-player skill involved. While still also being difficult to master.


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I'd say any multiplayer game is at least a little rewarding, any game that requires practice to get good and beat real opponents will feel good when you get a win
Note that I've never played MOBAs so I might be completely wrong

Honestly I don't think there's something in gaming as satisfying as labbing something out in a fighting game and then hitting it properly for the first time.

I hear shmups are supposed to be just as fulfilling as fighting games but I just can't see what everyone else sees in them.


Git gud bitch

Shmups are usually too visually cluttered to be enjoyable, but when they’re good they’re really good

My fucking nigga from another mother.
TGM3 is GOAT incarnate

fighting games don't feel rewarding, they're tiring and frustrating, this is the kind of post that someone from /r/kappa would make

Should probably do some exercise if a game makes you tired.

I lift every other day and play ST

If you guys want some shmups try MUSHA, thunderforce series , ikaruga

Then maybe see a doctor. Sounds like a deficiency.

You sound like LowTierGod

RTS, FPS, on a lesser not there's also MOBAs

Anything 1v1 with depth to allow players to overcome their opponents with technical skill and knowledge, combined with having layers of mind games you can apply until you create chinks in the armor/break the other.

>fighting games require ski-

Racing games. You need real skill to win. Not good luck, combo spaming or button mashing.

To enjoy fighting games you really need to have the mindset of wanting to imprive and that improving is fun

I wish this shit trend of not ending posts would fuck off.

There's barely any luck in fighting games
There's no such thing as "combo spamming", learn how to fucking block or evade
You can't win by button mashing unless the opponent is as retarded as you are

In good fighting games this is true, but as far as I can tell in NRS garbage luck is the only way to win a clash

>Dragonball Fighter Z
>Fighting game

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>There's no such thing as "combo spamming"
t. Dante main

see>i haz no argument so so i insult ur posting style xd

That's the contrarian "popular things bad" Yea Forums answer.

The actual least rewarded genre of "game" would be gachas.

>ArcSys' Baby fighter designed to be played by a retard as proof
Nice bait! here's your you.

FighterZ is designed to have a very low skill floor (or would it be high skill floor? idk)

I didn't say it had to only be fighting games. Overcoming an opponent in something like an RTS is also incredibly satisfying. It's more of the one on one nature of a game where you alone claim victory over another that makes it satisfying, but it demands depth to push one another to their limits as opposed to something like tic-tac-toe.

You sure seem upset about people liking video games.


How does some ecelebs playing a baby game detract from my point

Battle Royals are more rewarding because you're beating 30+ people

Do people still think fighting games are hard to get into?

What is this supposed to prove exactly?

It's not like when people say fighting games require skill, that they're implying it's literally impossible for anyone who's not good enough to even play the game. Any retard can go into a game and mash, that doesn't make the game easy. And fighterz is an infamously simplified game even in the fighting genre.

Even in arcsys' recent baby games, the built in full autocombos are punished by those who know what they're doing are familiar with how the game works vs one guy who's mashing light until he hopefully wins

Yeah, didn't you know that if you don't instantly win then it's too hard?

It's more that most people dislike 1v1 games where you can't blame your loss on your garbage teammates.


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Why are you so upset?

Why would I be upset? Fighting games are dying off left and right, other than smash bros and xenoverse. You're the ones that are upset

>if I reply to everyone that means I'm right
Obvious bait but consider finding your nearest nuclear waste deposit and seeing how long it takes to get super powers.

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>i haz no argumint so i point out le number of replies XD
Every time.
Does your mom know you're on 4channel, newsoy?

so much seethe from this guy you would think he is that bloody roar fag

>le S E E T H I N G XD

How do you do it anons? How do you encourage yourself to keep pushing forward and get better at fighting games?

>watching game grumps
>watching game grumps after jon left

>no you
Sure bud you're totally not upset, that's why you came into the thread seething at everybody.

Try to not care about your losses and focus on learning from them.

I'm a weirdo who genuinely enjoys grinding training mode

>i can't discredit your post, but I noticed your video is from a channel I don't like heheheh (you) dun goofed chief
>>no you
Nice reddit meme. I'll take it as your concession

I haven't seen that guy in a while so it could actually be him trying to use a different tactic.





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You mad af chieftain

find a game that really makes you go "holy fuck this game is sick" and you will love practicing, getting your ass kicked, and getting better

this is the only thing in my life where I haven't given up on immediately
the fact that it's video game makes it so easy to stick with it and keep trying, because ultimately what do I have to lose besides time?
watching streams of tournaments also helps, I want to be as good as the guys on stream doing hard as fuck combos or completely reading their opponent

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Being this upset about video games isn't healthy.

Wii fit

I am not mad.
You just bait (you)s and retards are falling for it.

>Game Grumps
You fucked up, but yes. They require skill

Jokes on you I set all your posts as mine so I am cucking you out of (you)s with none of the work.

Screw you cockmongers. A year ago, you were touting it as le based mahvel/sf5/Xenoverse killer. Just admit you and your gay genre got utterly dabbed on

>I am not mad.
okay, kid :^)

No. A year ago I bought it and the season pass, played it, didn't like it, and stopped playing it.

Totally not mad my dude

I wasn't touting shit, stop assuming Yea Forums is a hivemind.

The entire FGC literally did. Look at this

>still butthurt almost a year later

>under 20 replies
>The entire FGC
Kill yourself, really.

Puzzle games. I'm really into room escape ones myself.

Puzzle genre, partixularly Tetris. Nothing more satisfying than landing a t-spin triple or getting back-to-back tetrises. It satisfies the Primal urge to wants to organize things, and fighting all at once.

rhythm games are sick

I just spent four hours stomping some scrubs in Tekken in Tokyo arcades. What a great way to spend Sunday

NES for me. I feel most satisfied when I'm hyper tapping my way through higher levels on endless. I also like making huge fucking rockets fly off into space.

co op RPGs

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Stay mad your game is dead, Furry Gay Coon

You sure are mad

I'm not mad. I'm laughing at you. You're the mad one

Do you have any recommendations?

>Train day and night
>Practice combos, counters, neutral game
>Learn every fighters kit for perspective
>Go online
>Get wooped
>Delete game
Literally any other genre is more rewarding

>I-I'm not mad, you are!
Stay mad.

>no, you! haha you!
stay mad

Zero Escape

57 people actually

Absolutely seething.

you're bad lol

>try to get good at smash
>moves are delayed like 1 second most matches
>try so hard anyways it feels like i'm about to get an aneurysm
>still lose
I have to quit this. Smash is the only fighting style game here that has a scene, but if I can't find some way to get consistent daily practice I have nothing to do but drop it. If I can't find some group to play with on discord, it's pretty much over.
And I have my first tournament this Sunday morning. I don't know if I can take even a single stock.

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dont bother with online.
and dont try so hard. you'll only get mad

Just staying in practice mode isn't going to make you good. You have to actually face real opponents.

just talk to the TO or someone and see if you can get an invite into a regional discord

Your first tournament should be more about learning than winning.

Strategy, for me.
There's nothing more satisfying than thinking out a massive plan, then executing it perfectly and having everything go smoothly.

One on the left is pretty hot.

in times like these I am reminded of this image

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>love fighting games but don't have fun under pressure
>if you don't enter tournaments or participate in the ego shitflinging you get ostracised and treated like an alien
fuck this shit

If I don't do online, I'd have to make friends. It seems hard to make friends on the level where they'd be up to play/practice smash every other day, especially because I'm such a typical antisocial loser.
I got into the discord for the locals but it is basically dead.
I just fear getting outed so fast that I don't even learn anything. With no way to practice it feels like I didn't even have a chance, I just got bodied last time I went to locals and it feels like the same exact thing approaching.

>Being this worked

Fuck off, fightan is dead
If I spend days trying to learn your game, I deserve victory for my time. Denying me that satisfaction is a no-no

I'm not mad. You are.

t. drowned in pools
neck yourself loser

make some friends at that tournament you're going to. getting beat by people who are better than you is the best way to improve

You shouldn't worry about losing. Ask your opponents about the match after it as usually they can give some good insight.
You can always ask to play some casual matches with people too.

not an arugment, FGCuck

Fuck, that image is based. Never thought of it like that.

just get good lmao

>replying to your own retarded propaganda

Arena shooters

>le dank suns meme is an """""""""""""argument""""""""""
Yeah, reddit's that way, kid

more like Arena shooter, since everything that doesnt have Quake or Halo in its name is dead as fuck and Halo is fucking trash for 1v1
>inb4 TF2 or Overwatch are Arena shooters
>inb4 Halo isnt an arena shooter

all you gotta do is get better at the game dude

porn games

I can't stand the feeling of losing whenever I play an online fighting game. Losing vs friends is fine, but losing to strangers pisses me off. Not sure why.

What do I say? Just propose we hang out and practice some time? I would be up for it but I suck at socializing. To be honest, though, requiring someone to practice with in real life is probably an inevitability. It just seems so important once you get to a tournament setting that you're used to playing one-on-one, even if you attend locals otherwise.

Or, I could play a game that actually even a single redeeming quality

you could play games that have redeeming qualities.
fighting games.

Nobody likes losing, that's normal. It might just take more time for you to realize why you're losing and that every strong player went through the same thing at one point. They probably just learned to prioritize learning and enjoying yourself even when losing, or at the very least they just grinded much more than you could imagine to get where they are.

why is no one addressing this

Yikes, that's a cringe from me

because there is nothing wrong with not joining in a tournaments and playing with friends and random like a normal person and he is making this shit up

Because the 2nd half doesn't happen?

Because everyone here is a weak bitch, why do you think they're crying here instead of practicing?

We live in the age of qte and cover shooters. Push x to jason destroyed people's reflexes and abilities to think.

For the last fucking time. NRS games are a joke in the fgc, no one takes mk or injustass seriously outside normies and retards who play for the money that nrs throws at toruneys. Enough of this shit, if i see nrs trash in any fg thread i swear

>I spend days trying to learn your game, I deserve victory for my time
The other guy probably spent as much if not more time than you. Denying you that victory because you got outplayed is absolutely fair.

I have gotten shit directly before for not ever entering anything

>No team to blame loss on
>Have to actually know how to play to get somewhere outside of 3 second latency online games with auto combos
>Other person can adapt to your style requiring you to outsmart them and possibly have them get in your head
Too much for the casual gamer.

Work smart not hard, and also work hard because why not

You can't learn neutral in training. You can only fine tune what you already know in training. Neutral is the most important part of the game and you will lose if your can't hack it there.
Just learn some basic starter stuff to get you by and play other people.
No amount of training can replace actually playing people.

>no real arguments, only the same memes and insults
Every time. Stay mad your faggot genre is being dabbed on by actual good games, FGCuck

he's right though
you're just bad lol

Well yes, anything with quake is worth having because it's duel theory is the pinnacle of shooter play. Though UT comes very close and its 2v2 scene isn't anything to shrug at.

First of all
Don't pretend you're a different person
Second of all, that's not argument. If a game sucks, it sucks. and that's the tea, Furry Gay Coon. Go back to /r/kappa

That didn't happen.

What the fuck are you talking about? All of those are valid arguments.

And why does it suck may I ask?

>tfw i could go pro in league of legends but im stuck in bronze and my teammates make me lose every game
I sure hate ELO hell

i mean despite what Yea Forums thinks dota 2 is pretty much the deepest competitive game around right now. Dont get me wrong fighting games are incredibly rewarding and pretty hard to get good at, but playing dota at a competent or competitive level takes heaps and bounds of more time than any fighter

>it didn't happen because I said so
I literally avoided going to a tournament entirely today because I didn't want to deal with getting shit on for not entering
go fuck yourself you stupid nigger

>Calling someone gay
>Using "that's the tea" unironically

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it's a bait, dummy

No you didn't. Stop lying, man. I've attended weekly tourneys for months before entering once and I've never gotten an ounce of shit. Sure, I eventually dropped in, but that was my choice.

Clearly you guys haven't been to /fgg/.

Is that a serious question? It's complete BS. You just spam combos, and Any monkey could play it. Just look at the video I posted demonstrating that very thing. Not to mention they put in Dragon balls

>no argument so I insult your typing
Predictable. I knew you'd pull something like that. You have literallhy 0 argument

Fighting games changed my life for the better. I don't think I will ever play a team game again unless it's like 2v2 in Smash or something.

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>Going on /vg/ at all
I only go on /aceg/ and even that place has its cancers.

>my completely detached anecdote proves that your experience didn't actually happen
like I said, go fuck yourself you stupid nigger

SHMUPs and Roguelikes
Mainly because, being single player, you don't have to worry about the games "dying" after a few months. If you haven't grown up, or spent a lot of time with fighting games, you
ll have to go through the hazing period where you're a punching bag for every player online to get any actual practice, as playing along and playing against a player are very different and most developers don't bother to bridge that gap.

With SHMUPs and RLs, I can practice the game on my own and try runs one my own time, whereas I'm in trouble if I can't find a community for a fighting games I like, as that's the only way I can improve my play.

They were mashing. The video that you posted doesn't represent the virtues or flaws of the game outside of DBFZ having short auto-combos. You cannot judge a game, much less a multiplayer game that is supposed to be competitive based on how two very casual players play. If we were using your logic for everything, then most if not all multiplayer games would be trash. For example, let's say they play Quake 3 and then start killing each other with the nail gun. You can't say the game lacks depth because of them, only thing you could infer is that on a very surface level the nail gun seems to be a good option. This assumption could be proven wrong by more experienced players or even yourself had you decided to play Quake 3 and improve at that game.

Because it actually probably didn't, lol.
You're trying to come up with some bullshit reason to not like fighting games, like all the other scrubs, and it just doesn't make sense. The FGC likes weeding out the scrubs, but they also love it when people get involved and try to break in. If you really got shat on harder than a little hazing, you're a fucking pussy and the genre isn't for you anyway.

>You just spam combos, and Any monkey could play it.
>Just look at the video I posted
Why did you never respond to these videos, then?

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Simracing for sure, anyone who has done any significant amount of it will know exactly why.

-Nearly infinite skill ceiling, to the point that just cutting laps by yourself to improve is entertaining.
-Can be relaxing (cutting laps to improve) or as intense as anything (doing a proper series).
-Actually has real world benefit too if you're into cars.

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You're an intellectually dishonest faggotron

That's because the environment 99% of people learn in (online matchmaking, often with random players on your team) is awful for learning how to be a competitive player on a consistent team going to LANs and such. In my first month of playing fighting games I learned more about having a competitive mindset than in my 1500 hours in dota 2 because the 1v1 and offline nature of the genre forces you to. If dota 2 players were forced to form permanent teams to practice and play with it would likely take a lot less time for people to become competitive.

While I understand the idea behind this argument, and agree to an extent, I don't like people posting copy/pasted stuff like this with no thought, so I will argue against it:

Fighting games are video games. One has no need to actually "get good" at games, as for most people games are a leisure activity, not a job. The people who are most interested in getting to be the best and ONLY play the META, play games as an actual job for actual money. So, for a person who's looking for a good time and not in to money matches, why should they "get good" if they're not actually having fun during the process, nor are they being reimbursed for the unfun time with pay, like tournament players get?

I've probably been going to tournaments for longer than you've been alive you dumb nigger
it's different when you're actually decent and could probably outplace everyone but still refuse to enter everything
>inb4 you're not actually good lol

Oh yeah, didn't someone playing games like those manage to find success against real pro drivers in some event recently? I don't know a thing about racing or the sim games but that's crazy to me.

I love sim racers too, but I just can't fork over the money for a good setup. I wouldn't wanna half ass it, so I don't really dive into it.

>Shares one specific video about a bad game
>Is replied to with 3 different videos, each with different games
You're not getting a (you) outta me again. Kill yourself.

>Lying on the internet and doubling down
Not getting a (you) either.

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name a more satisfying hole than OP's

>STILL no argument
Thanks for your concession. Stay dabbed on, FGCuck

I didn't mention anything about other footage but yours. If you can't read a simple post I will simplify it for you: A gameplay video of a couple of two people who doesn't know anything about a game will not be representative of the actual quality of said game's gameplay. This is true not just for fighting games but for a vast array of other games.

it's actually not very expensive to dip in, just any FFB wheel with 900 degrees of rotation will be fine. I personally like to recommend the driving force GT because tons of people bought those when GT5 came out and used them once, you can pick them up for next to nothing in their original boxes on craigslist/your local equivalent and they work fine on any PC based sim.

Hemming and hawing about the perfect wheel and pedal setup is nowhere near as rewarding as just getting started with it, seriously I deliberated for too long it's more important to just get going.

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If you're not having fun improving, you shouldn't be playing in the first place. People who are into fighting games enjoy the improvement process, especially the ones who are the best at it. Just because you aren't having fun doing it doesn't mean everyone else isn't.

>get intellectually, utterly dabbed on
Nice. I reiterate: You're an intellectually dishonest faggotron

You are yet to make an argument.

Reminder that these guys exist, and you can do anything if you really love the games you play

RPG, Puzzle, Strategy

I'll take a look at it, then. I got a PSVR recently and as much as I'm lukewarm on GTS, that shit is incredible in VR. Dirt Rally 2 looks like it might support it as well, so I've got some options if I were to shell out the cash for a wheel. Thanks for the advice, friendo.

Stop replying to them. They're just hungry for attention.

Fighting games cater to a niche that enjoys the act of improving. If we have to make a comparative, it is similar to people playing sports. There is a whole lot of people who just like to watch them, others who just play them very rarely and just at some backyard with their family/friends, there is also many people who want to improve themselves despite knowing they will never make it to the NFL/NBA/World Cup, etc. They just like the thrill of competition and will go to local tournaments in their neirborhoods and other areas. Fighting games are meant for people with the same mentality as this last crowd. That is not to say that you can't enjoy playing with your friends and mash around but just like with sports, don't ever expect to beat anyone who puts in the hard work.

Just because you're in denial about how utterly destroyed you are, doesn't mean I have no argument


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Stay mad. You got shrekt by my intellect. Fear the might of a triple digit IQ



How so? Please explain to me how is this kind of footage representative of the game's quality? Because if it is, then any toddler playing a game and beating it/ beating their friends is a 100% accurate depiction of the total quality and depth of said game.

>any toddler
Typical FGCuck arrogance. Those aren't toddlers, they are adults and also REAL GAMERS. Arin himself said he plays it all the time. You didn't even watch the video, and you're talking trash about the players instead of properly defending the game. Just like you did to me.

All I see is two people who are really bad at DBFZ. What's your point? I mean, these guys aren't even getting 50% damage meterless, which is like saying Chess is hella easy because some middle schooler hit someone with Queen's Rape.

Once again, you're insulting the players instead of providing a real argument. Ask your teach what an ad hominem is on Monday.

RTS but for the same reasons

>not one single argument in favor of the genre
>just say LOL GAEM GRUMPS XD and spout insults

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>tfw all my muscle memory is actually shitty because I was practicing in a lazy way
>my execution is shit as a result
>lose to everyone at locals because I keep dropping basic shit
I don't even know why I play this genre I'm fucking retarded trash

You're really new to this trolling stuff, aren't you? You're supposed to be subtle.

End this thread already. The falseflaggers are too powerful now, they’ve gathered too many (you)s.

Got you seething, FGCuck.

False flag harder

Stay mad your retarded SF clones got dabbed on

Rhythm games. That was easy, ask a harder question next time.

>All this samefagging autism
Sage goes in all fields nigga.

How about literally all of them except Mobas?

Wait what SF clone, where did SF clones come from

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>what SF
Look at DBFZ
Then look at SF5
Then look at MVCI
Then look at Skullgirls
Then look at KoF

There literally isn't. The only games where I've had people throw their controllers because of the gap in our skill have been fighting games. I don't even like the salt, but it being there is indicative of something truly great.

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>empty health bar?
>just spam buttons and you'll win anyway!
Thanks for proving why this genre sucks

Brolylegs is a god, dare I say, a HIGHtierGOD?

You need to watch more Core-A bro, not even going to relinquish this (you) since I'm pretty sure you count them or something.

Maybe I'm just getting tired of the bullshit on this site where no one is ever sincere, but I'll take the bait. You know that the reason they are dismissing some gamegrumps video as an argument against fighting games, is because they are just hitting buttons and having fun and in no was playing in a competitive manner. This is perfectly fine in its own right, but doesn't detract from it's greatness when players truly dive in to what the genre has to offer as a mental test.

Wow, STILL no argument.



Imagine being this mad people like fighting games.

Imagine being this mad people don't like fighting games and projecting your anger on them.

The best thing about fighting games is there is always more to learn, at least in the good ones. There is always some nuance to your character that you can work on. UNIst has been giving me the same feeling recently, there is so much you can do with those characters. Doesn't have to be a hard thing, you can achieve a lot in that game by knowing when to delay stuff as it opens up a load of new combo options.

Some people can't handle that though, they just want to be able to do everything. You can strike a nice a balance but it becomes clear what some people mean is they just want to have mastered the game with no real work. They'll just demand each wall is brought down when they come to it. It is losing they can't handle.

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Nice post, junior, but Reddit is more age appropriate for you. Also, love how the based record breaker Smash Ultimate lives in FGCucks' heads RENT FREE.

I just wanna voice a fighting game character.
How do I do it bros?

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Who is this dude freaking out in the thread? Like half of the last 50 posts seem like one extremely mad autismo.

>if u dont liek muh retarded ded jonruh, u r autistic

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Literally any videogame genre that's functional, you piece of shit

Is this the new attempts from bloody roar fag? The posting seems similar.

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I assume it is the guy who is always spamming /fgg/ and getting banned. But he is also the only thing keeping that place alive. Glad I branched out into other fighters desu.

play melty

Gotta respect the dedication to the autism.

City builders and management sims. eat shit.

ur a nerd lol!

Not a genre but a series.
A SaGa, if you will

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>Racing games
>some drivers get a head start from the very beginning
>drivers start at the very back lmao, have fun losing idiots
Lmao, what a joke.

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That's pretty hard considering my bias as I play fighters myself, but loot based dungeon crawlers with HORRENDOUS drop rates (I'm looking at you phantasy star online) might be close. It's ultra rewarding when you finally get that item after all your effort.

I dont get it, what is this meant to prove
Its like if I posted a video of some retard scribbling on mspaint and saying "see? drawing is easy"

There are a few, but I'm glad fighters are usually niche to keep the retards out, like the spammer itt. Glad I'll always have scenes for any game no matter how "dead" things get, feels good.

It's ironic you refer to his age when you are a manchild worshipping a Pokémon game.
