

Attached: i miss it bros.png (1600x900, 1.62M)

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hits red sand
Is marrying Asari the ultimate cuckoldry?

This one cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than marrying Asari. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, supporting and preparing a girl for all your life solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man the second you die. All the hard work you put into your beautiful wife - getting money, making her go to the gym, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, marrying her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Married the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who wasn’t even born when she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you taught her. Your own daughters, which themselves the near ultimate cuckoldry and all you’re ever going to get, aren’t even made from your DNA.

As a man who has Married an Asari you are LITERALLY dedicating the rest of of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

Kinda sad when an entire series peaks on the start screen of the very first game.

They just don't make 'em like the used to.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Mass Effect was NEVER good.

Bioware should end whole reaper arch in 1 game.
Analyze Sovereign derelict, research it, develop counter - measure, send shepard on gathering allies across galaxy and finale - blitz reaper homeworld.

Good, you opened it

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Needs a photo of a Turian or Salarian smoking a pipe

What a cool, well written character. I agree with all the people who unironically say 3 is actually good before the ending and not a shitty clusterfuck the whole way.

Rannoch and Tuchanka are kino

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Cry more dumb frog bitch.

zoomer nostalgia thread?

what a retard

Biggest case of wasted potential in the industry.

t.bowsette poster

I like how "zoomer" games keep getting older and older. Started with Fortnite and made it all the way back to me1

Technically the kid culture of Generation Z (Zoomers) can be traced back to when Ben 10 and the 360 came out.

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milennials are generally anyone who is 21-35 at the current moment.
I consider zoomers anybody who is 23 or under right now, but no real definition of that desu
>I like this graph

Here's a "professional" definition of zoomers

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I miss Liara

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>not Uncharted Worlds, science fiction distilled perfectly into a couple of minutes
Still decent though

What's up with the amount of retards nowadays who have no idea about when to greentext?

all they had to do was not have reapers. It couldve been a sci fi series about being essentially space 007, taking down a rougue agent, then investigating colony kidnapping and then dealing with wars and shit. They had to do the "ancient mysterious evil that we'll get around to finish writing someday" and poison what it couldve been

>get drew Karpyshyn back
>make indoctrination theory canon
>make red ending where Shep makes his last breath canon
>title the game "Mass Effect 4" and set it right after the third game
>"Shepard, after we took off you got blasted off by of the shielded marauders, you didn't get inside, they were trying to indoctrinate you it was all a dream. The war hasn't ended."
>let Karpyshyn do his magic and write a good plot with this premise
Did I just fix ME series?

no because ME2 and 99% of ME3 would still exist

ME 2 and 3 are inferior to the first game, but they aren't bad. All you need to do with 4 is less cover based shooter and more of an action-rpg again

After all the updates was this game at least playable?
Also ME1 best ME

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Boring story, bad animations in cutscenes, your choices have no consequences whatsoever since there's only one ending, but gameplay wise and the rest is fine.

asari don't actually need any penetration to reproduce

Hot take: Mass Effect was never that good.

No it's shit.
Whatever devs they are using do not know how to use Frostbite, they should just stick with Unreal.

It's not like they wanted to, EA just decided all their studios have to use frostbite. DAI was the first victim iirc

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kill yourself.
me1s combat was never good

>7 years later
>Tali is still perfect and I still miss her

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ME1 combat was ok, but instead of being thrown in the garbage for ME2 it should have been improved
open flowing combat>gears of war covershootan

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agreed but that gow cover shooter clone was still better and and better than gears for that matter.

it's not fair

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>tfw no gas mask gf to shoot pirates with

But ME2 and 3 had terrible graphics.

>tfw no turian gf

today i learned im not a zoomer

well other species can't even reproduce with humans

Did you know there are other ways to bump a thread you're interested in?


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I was actually testing.

>90% of the time shooting and spamming abilities behind the same fucking cover the whole battle

God why did bioware go down the path they did...

Mass Effect 3 fixed that shitty combat system from 2 with smoke bombs, enemies who throw grenades, and those guys with shields.

>those guys with shields.
Yeah, a lot of good that does

t. infiltrator

"Going big" is usually a mistake, especially for a new setting you hope to make a franchise out of. ME2 with a tighter main plot is how the series should have been.

Because all the talent started leaving when EA bought them.

Singularity is better for those guys. On Insanity you can fuck around as Infiltrator.

back when BioWare wasnt run by SJW's


>peak bioware
>the dawn of "next-gen"
>literally star trek rpg where you're the captain and fuck aliens
>promises of a massive RPG that would remember every choice you made

its ok if you wanted to believe

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from lore/sotry perspective ME2 and 3 are utterly incompatible with 1
if you want to have anything related to ME1, you have to ditch the entirety of both 2 and 3

>tfw no geth gf


This is my favourite game series ever, replaying it all once a year with a fresh shepard from ME1 through ME3. Feels good man

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ME was already after Bioware peaked


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What's his name he cute

bioware up to 2007 had yet to really have a truly bad game

ME1 had this... feeling, you know? It felt different than next games, more down to earth.
Whenever i want some ME, it's always ME1.

>we will never have an ayy protagonist thanks to normie tastes
fucking hell, I don't want to have to give a fuck about humans in sci-fi settings, they inevitably are the most boring and bland shit.
Give me a Turian main character, give me a Salarian, give me a Krogan, give me anything but another fucking human.

ME1 had the best atmosphere

Is it worth playing? I own 1 and 2. Is it too focused on conversations or is it a good balance of that and combat? Not really a fan of sitting there watching conversations for 75% of a game.

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>you never got to see your blue kids growing

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>replaying ME series on hardest as vanguard.
Through the gates of Hell
As we make our way to Heaven

mass effect 1 is cut even
mass effect 2 is more combat and most conversation are optional
anyways the conversations are short, you have choices you can make that are cool and the dialogue is usually written pretty well and isn't pretentious or strung out

I do this as well user along with all of Metal Gear Solid.

1 and 2 are good. 2 is more action-focused, but in a way that I think detracts from the game. It's also an awful sequel in terms of continuity and is rather schlocky. If you get easily bored then 1 is maybe not the best game for you.

Nigger, Reapers don't have a homeworld.

Lol imagine being this delusional

later virgin

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Better than ME1, nostalgia nigger. Mass Effect 1 is shit.

I think I might have to play through the trilogy again once Spring hits. There's just something about ME that goes well with that feeling of the warm breeze blowing in through your window, and the sounds of crickets and frogs outside.


Why are the Adepts the most cucked class in the whole of ME?
>One of the 2 classes that can only use pistols
>lowest health
>the fucking Vanguard has the ability that restores ALL the skills with a single press of a button and by the time you use all of your abilities it's already cooled down and ready to be spammed again
>can't even use medium armor
>Kaidan is better than you because he can actually open crates
>you don't even glow blue while fucking/getting fucked Ashley/Kaidan

>you're litterally useless on Insanity where everyone and their mother has shields and armor
>you're stuck with 2 SMGs(DLCs don't count) that have horrendous spray
>can't even launch yourself into the faces of your enemies and launch them into outer space
>Soldier/Infiltrator/Vanguard has ammo to deal with shields and armor, Engie/Sentinel have abilities and you don't have anything
>your special ability is singularity... which is basically a lift and it's useless on Insanity
>still don't glow when getting fucked

>you're litterally a Vanguard who can't Charge
>even that fucking nerd sentinel is considered the most powerfull biotic of human race
>still don't glow...

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>The Reapers' motivations and origins are never explained.
>The Starchild doesn't exist. Harbinger is the big bad, and all the other Reapers follow a hivemind that he controls.
>The Crucible isn't some magical "I win" button, it's a weapon that severs Reapers from the Harbinger-controlled hivemind.
>It was completed in the previous cycle by the Protheans, but was ultimately a failure because they designed it to attack individual Reapers. It was wildly inefficient, and ended up being too little, too late
>Leviathan isn't a big squid monster, but a Reaper that was hit by the Crucible in the last cycle, and it's been spending the last 50,000 years in hiding.
>It explains to Shepard that in order to defeat the Reapers, the Crucible has to be miniaturized, and inserted directly into Harbinger's "brain" in order to sever him from the entire Reaper hivemind.
>The final mission involves Shepard's fireteam working together with Leviathan and the Normandy to incapacitate Harbinger long enough for Shepard's crew to get inside.
>While inside, Shepard is hit with all the Indoctrination Theory mindfuckery, including fucked up dialogue choices, and Harbinger taunting Shepard in the form of his/her love interest, and all the crew members who have died along the way. There are dialogue paths that will lead you to a bad ending.
>If Shepard overcomes Harbinger's last ditch indoctrination attempt, they will make it to Harbinger's brain, where they will be met by TIM.
>TIM will try to talk Shepard into using the Crucible to control the Reapers, which can lead to another potential bad end.
>If Shepard tells him to fuck off, Harbinger gets fed up with TIM, assumes direct control, and turns TIM into the big Reaper monster from the concept art.

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>A boss fight ensues, and monster TIM is eventually overcome by Shepard's crew.
>Shepard inserts and activates the Crucible, and Harbinger goes haywire.
>Cut to the battle outside, and chaos has erupted as the newly-freed Reapers collectively lose their shit.
>Some flee, some turn on each other, and some simply shut themselves down.
>Back inside Harbinger, Shepard and crew race to escape, while a disoriented Harbinger throws everything he can at them.
>They make it outside, and the final boss fight is against an enraged (but heavily weakened and confused) Harbinger
>After Harbinger is defeated, Leviathan has gathered all the able-bodied Reapers, and they prepare to depart
>He and Shepard share mutual thanks and goodbyes, and Shepard offers for them to stay and help to build a new life
>Leviathan rejects the offer, stating that after all that has happened, true peace would never be possible.
>Shepard watches as the Reapers depart to create a home for themselves in some far off galaxy.
>A hand rests on his shoulder, and he turns to find Garrus standing at his side.
>Garrus: "Shepard, old buddy, you have truly become the Mass Effect."
>Cut to black, credits roll to youtube.com/watch?v=1QX7nZjr7dI

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Please, dude your sarcasm levels are burning me with hatred from my screen.

>robot metal face with cloth wrapped over it is good character design

kys thats awful

Go back to Fanfiction.net with that shit! Or better yet go back H-foundry and start writting scat stories!

Rannoch looks like such a comfy planet to live on, like an entire Arizona/Nevada/New Mexico planet with slightly smaller oceans

Would Tali make a good mother?

except for the fact that it will fuck with your immune system because all of its plantlife and microbes are fucking beta-cuck symbiotes and don't even try to cause a diarrhea in you.

If she can survive the childbirth then yeah, that's good enough.

Thinking about playing this again, what are the essential mods for these games to keep the experience relatively fresh?

Only boomers cared about the saturn


and this nexusmods.com/masseffect/mods/69

Fly not too close to the sun Icarus and all that.

>ME2 could have been about either rallying the galaxy or dropping the reaper plot by having them take years to get out of dark space
>ME2's recruitment missions could actually have meant something, such as having multiple missions requiring specialists, or having bonuses/alternate paths available for assigning specialists to help out during missions

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Well it was somewhat enjoyable right up until that guy showed his face. So that makes what, half the game?

dumb zoomer


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ITT: post yfw

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You know, on its own it's inspiring and all that but when it's in the background I just can't feel it. The execution just doesn't work.

>ITT: post yfw
>>youtube.com/watch?v=VTsD2FjmLsw [Remove]

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I don't know why, but out of every single character in the Mass Effect trilogy, I always pick The Illusive Man as my favourite. Maybe it's because of based Martin Sheen styling all over the rest of the cast, or how well he was written as a tragic villain trying to do the right thing but ended up destroying the one thing he held believed in the most.

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>how well he was written

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I think that's why I like it so much. In the mission, it kind of gets drowned out by the SFX and voice acting. But when I put it on as I'm jogging, I just go into a full-on sprint.

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>or how well he was written

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I don't want Bioware to go anons

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>how well written he was

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I still play ME3.
Is it worth it?

Why? Every game they've released in the past 8 years has been awful.

You can't deny it, ME2 had some bangers

The dead reaper and the shadow broker were the only interesting parts of ME2. The collectors were dumb, Cerberus being a galaxy spanning superpower was dumb, the human reaper was dumb, all of the followers plot lines were dumb.
The game's plot was just dumb.

Oh come on, ME3 wasn't that bad. With the DLCs.

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Anthem is the only game they've released that I didn't enjoy.

Imagine how gorgeous Shep and Jack's children would be...

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The Cerberus shit still confuses me. How the fuck did Cerberus manage to accumulate enough resources to become an intergalactic superpower with seemingly limitless troops, mechs and shuttles in the span of a measly 2 fucking years?

Mass effect was fucking dogshit.
you dumb zoomers will have nostalgia over fucking fortnite in five years

How did they do all that when 90% of Cerberus projects apparently turn rogue?

>last third of the game is irredeemable trash
>ending alone ruins the trilogy

Only a retard who started playing at 2 would think this.

Top jej look at this no taste faggot

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The Noveria hotel was one of the comfiest places ever in video games.

The DLCs would have been better if they weren't bogged down by the main game.

rannoch was ok, the problem is that there is no real decision to make because saving the geth is superior in every possible way to destroying them

agree with tuchanka

the reapers where a great way to move the plot forward and create interesting diplomatic situations. they fucked up when they made the reapers anything more than a clear evil villain that you just had to kill

Andromeda is actually a better game than ME3 and ME2.

ME2 had better sidekicks but had horrible gameplay. Andromeda has better gameplay but the side characters are all dogshit.

They even made the new alien character gay after release because faggots kept complaining.

Cora will always be better than Michael Jackson.

There's a special place in hell for people like you

I miss these two the most.

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they had to patch in white skin, that should tell you enough.

complete fucking garbage kill yourself

We can all agree that he is the real hero right?
I mean not only would humans have reigned supreme, but the mass relay system would still exist if he had his way.

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Legion was best boy.

>Feel like reinstalling
>Remember that most of the game is just boring third-person shooting anyway
Oh well.

He was indoctrinated, so no




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That's what they get for shitting on their fans and for embracing the rEApers.

>Andromeda is actually a better game than ME3 and ME2

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literally some nerd hitting random keys on a synth

Pic doesn't fit 3rd world countries like Poorland. I still had windows xp in 2011 and we used to be a few years behind up until recently.



How the fuck did they manage to make 4 games that all continuously declined in quality? It's baffling to me.

Visiting Afterlife always made me want to go out clubbing

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Talented people left and got replaced by interns and people who can't handle criticism.

>spacer shep has loving parents that are alive.
>war hero shep takes on 10,000 batarians and lives

how can the other backrounds even compete?

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>spacer shep has loving parents
So where's dad?

Why don't more RPGs do this? Let you choose from a couple of scenarios instead of having a headcanon.
It would let the writers actually make some interesting dialogue that plays into the character's backstory, instead of having to write really broad, general stuff so it won't contradict with whatever the player is projecting onto the protag.

maybe hes a stay at home dad or something

That song...We have to go back!!!!!!!!!

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actually really fucking good

What home? Military families only stay where their next assignment is. There is no "home" to these people.

ME3 tried to explain the infinite troops bit: they just use Reaper tech to make semi-husk troops from untrained refugees.
Other than that, it was really conflicting: a very small organization with unnamed donors as the main income, yet they can blow infinite cash on replica starships and resurrection projects? Come on.

If you played the DLC they actually do but since they were 1st made they just live in space since then.

I actually really feel bad about all the talented people Bioware had or still has that made this trilogy possible, and all the other good games they made in the past. It must really suck knowing you've been making something special that people loved adn have it all taken away from you. Also watching the increasing numbers of talentless, retarded diversity hires shitting up your projects.

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21....stfu stupid zoomer

Why the fuck couldn't we just have a ME where you get to choose what alien to play as and roam around the galaxy as a freelancer with your space buddies where you eventally discover a bigger plot?

Instead we got a ME where you play as another fucking human that is part of the Alliance and has N7 training

Too much potential lost, devs really need to stop putting the boring and generic humans in the spotlight of EVERY RPG that has other races than human

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Suicide mission and TiM's theme were two standouts, I'll admit.

>feeling bad about Casey Hudson

Remember that she only fucked you to steal human stealth tech.

The Shadow Broker's voice though

That user talked about TALENT

Glad you liked it

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It hurts knowing Mass Effect could of been the LOTR of video games

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exactly. if his intentens where actually true then yes but that nigga was a finger pupet.

I fucking hate being a millennial

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classic millennial response

>ME:A Main Menu music hits me right in the feels
>Remember how much I enjoyed playing it despite what everyone said
>Remember how Vetra is the fucking perfect girl and probably the best romancable female in the franchise period

>after they "cancelled" the DLC(s), it turns out they had no plans of making any DLC in the first place

I just want a Sequel

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nobody told you, you have to acept some high horse fags lable

>kiss her
>she dies of 21 different diseases you didn't even know you had before you cum

I-I ain't clicking that shit.

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I feel the same.

What are you, a bigot?

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People who unironically like mea or think ir did something better than originals should fuck off already. Vetra was one of the most boring rpg characters ever made and mea soundtrack is garbage compared to god like original. Fuck you.



And that's a good thing. It's perfect.

No, I don't want to have nightmares.

Funny how all female romanceable characters in ME:A are from the same "strong independent outcast womyn" template. Would it have killed to throw in a "normal person whos currently single" type for variation?

Shit like this reveals quite a lot about the people who write these games. Reminiscent of the endless "daddy issues" loyalty quests in ME2.

ME1 and ME:A are basically inverses of each other. Passable gameplay, good story. Good gameplay, passable story.

The only thing they share in common is the quality of the crew members.

Except for Liam. Fuck him. Everything that was boring about Kaidan, but also in turd form.

Mass Effect was never good


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You ok there, bud?

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>Funny how all female romanceable characters in ME:A are from the same "strong independent outcast womyn" template. Would it have killed to throw in a "normal person whos currently single" type for variation?
So the awkward Scottish scientist and fussy blue doctor?

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Sorry, just memeing. You know, banter.

Just finished me3 and I don't understand why people hate the ending so much.

Well it's not like laugh isn't the last thing about gaming industry left for Yea Forums....

Because your choices from the previous games don't change a figgy pudding in terms of the ending.

>Born 1998

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>passable story

bitch you crazy

The choices were made so you could can build the biggest fleet in the whole galaxy against the reapers.

After replaying, I think Liam would have worked better if he was a pre-existing friend you had

Haha, yeah

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Conrad.. let me make this perfectly clear...
I feel the very same

Still pisses me off how they had a simple but interesting heat mechanic for the hi-tech guns you could modify for your own purposes in the game, but in the sequels they jettisoned essentially having infinite ammo for a "heat sink" mechanic where your gun becomes completely useless if you don't have enough ammo, I mean heatsinks, to use it. Sure is tactically superior.

Then they had the audacity to give the people who disliked the dumbing down of the gunplay the finger through their pathetic wannabe character that Shepard interacts with.


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Passible in the relative context against ME1 gameplay.

That might have been good, but honestly, I think they needed a character on your team from the previous ME games - somebody to "ground it" that this is part of ME.

Otherwise, the game is entirely disconnected to the franchise.

Well given the time frame of when the Initiative left (inbetween 2&3), who would you say should have been in the squad that was in ME 1/2 and wasnt in 3?

Maybe the Noveria Spy Reporter lady? I know she was on Ilium in 2, not sure if she was in 3

Gianna Parsini? No, she's not in 3

It's a difficult choice.

Maybe Sidonis (assuming you didn't kill him)? He certainly has a reason to get away and isn't that close to Shepard to be lore impacting.

its dead Jonny

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Here. Proper ME3 for you.

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lads.. what happened to bioware

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I care about you Ash... Miranda!!
D-damn it!

EA bought them, the talent knew what that meant and slowly they all bailed out.

Unironically, women.

>Still lost the fight against a guy who was in the terminal stages of his cancer and could barely breathe

Fucking lmao Bioware trying to make this guy a threat later in the game

>no plans of making any DLC

at the end of the game they had a NPC throwing out hints that a Quairan ark dlc was coming. They canceled those plans after the backlash and then canned the whole damn studio.


Your game is bad and you should feel bad

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Incompetence. Poor management. Writing checks their bodies couldn't cash. An evil entity saved them from premature extinction but turned them into something worse in the process.

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What the fuck was the point? Why the fuck did an assassin with years of experience decide to run up close to someone with every advantage in close combat? HE HAD A FUCKING GUN?

A lot of people say "its EA" or "the sjws" and shit

If anything I think its the upper management

They dont go over who is best for the job, they pool all their resources into 1 game etc

I just hope with the poor anthem reception, Bioware gets reformed

>implying I don't have several ME soundbites on the playlist at all times
Noveria theme still best.


Bioware left 10 years ago user

Because Kai Leng had to survive the encounter despite what choices you were made so Thane took the fall and acted like a retard to give him the win

>An evil entity saved them from premature extinction but turned them into something worse in the process.

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You can't spell reapers without EA.

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ME1- Cerberus is a rogue alliance black ops group
ME2- Cerberus is a very well funded pro-humanity group
ME3- Cerberus is a galactic superpower

rEApers - EA = rpers

Nevermind i mis-read an article

Have this cool art instead

>"Joker go faster we cant let them show us up!"

Fuck lets debate this now

Is the Tempest faster than the Normandy?

The Tempest is built for being a scout ship and its Drive Core is based off of the Arks ODSY Drive, which IIRC the Arks drives are the fastest ever built

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>Every military force on the Citadel as well as every group of mercenaries, bandits, assassins, even private gun owners who are only interested in self deference all upgraded to thermal clip weapons in a couple of years

At least it's cool when they literally explained game mechanic through lore.

Yes it's great when they shit on established lore to justify a shitty gameplay change

Would've been better if it was just a retcon that went without comment

It's time to let it go.

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>all the updates
Didn't they only release 1 update and then drop it?

It's over.

anwar is not a scottish last name

And that's a good thing!

She's ginger and has an accent, for all intents purposes she's a filthy jock.

Nah 10 patches I believe

Its got 1.10 on the title screen

>brown skinned "ginger"

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Ignore the shit flingers, this is a pretty good alt-ending.

>want to save everyone in Suicide Mission in ME2
>fuck up and lose two
>restarting doesn't let me change my picks
>last save is too old
>don't want to start 3 before finishing 2 with everyone alive

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Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Assuming Control
This hurts You

Attached: Shepard.jpg (600x600, 52K)

I feel you bro. When the game came out and I played through the Suicide Mission for the first time I reloaded it so fucking often until I got everyone through. I played on release, back then it created an auto save at the start of the mission, can you not use this? First choice is who to send through the vents I think

Blame that on the iron curtain, my man.

>losing 2 on the suicide mission
what did you do you fuckin idiot


>literally a stock photo

Miranda and Jack?

For some reason my save, even when restarting, has everyone already picked up and can't change anything. I guess I'll just play the old save on a few months when I forget how long it takes to do all the things I did up until that point.

Mordin and Legion I think. I don't know, I went full retard.

If you lost them because of missing loyalties or ship upgrades, then you're fucked no matter what you do. Might as well go way back and prepare better.

Mass Effect was the perfect game for 14 year old me
Also driving on the planet surfaces for the side missions was comfy as fuck. There wasn't anything there, but it looked great and the music was good, too.

I lost Legion and Miranda.
Rocket to the face and debris at the end.

>on my first time i only lost the black guy because despite the obvious hints i wasn't going to send tali or legion in the ducts or whatever

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She's the hardest one to kill

>being straight is RENEGADE

ME1 and ME2 are such fantastic fucking games... Fuck ME3 and the fucking wannabe artist "muh left to your imagination ending" piece of shit that it was.

That would've unironically been good apart from the very end, but you know that already

There's a lot wrong with the Mass Effect games, but the very worst thing they did is railroading you into being either full paragon or full renegade by having the dialogue options be based on how often you chose paragon or renegade before that. Whoever made that decision needs to leave the industry forever and I still don't know how they didn't change that shit all the way through (at least until 3, I haven't played Andromeda)

ME3 is better than ME2

>ywn have a collector gf that will say "assuming control" while she rides you cowgirl style

Pleb opinion.

ME2 was a CHILL AF game, no constant end of the world pressure, alot of interesting environments to explore and do stuff in, with all sorts of different companions. ME3 was just constant "end of the world" forced bullshit.

welcome to nu-bioware

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Best track coming through.

I never got the hype for 2. That was literally the first game I can remember that I was hyped for and incredibly let down on release. I don't get how now everyone holds it up as the best of the Mass Effect games. I actually agree with that 3 was better. Sure, the ending was shit, but so was the ending for 2, or don't you remember the giant retarded Terminator-looking boss?

The writing in ME3 is abysmal and the gameplay is also inferior

>ME2 is good because it completely ignored its own storyline

Says it all, really

Exploring the ME universe with low-intensity storylines is much much more interesting than the fucking Reapers end of the world bullshit

The ending is a red herring. Most of Mass Effect 3 was shit too.

TIM is very successful, in only a few years he accomplished that

Not really, without her loyalty there's plenty of opportunity to kill her off.

Yeah, I'm gonna pick that game up again as soon as I'm in the mood to scan planets for five fucking hours. At least driving around on the planets in 1 looked nice.

That track really homes in that feeling of arriving back on the Citadel. I can see it now, stepping off the elevator, just hearing news about Exogen.

>a time before higher ups and share holders shit down your game design


This is fact btw

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Sure, but so was most of 2. Just because I said it's better doesn't mean it's good.
But to give credit where it's due, 2's opening sequence was fantastic. It's the first game I remember that nailed the cinematic look.

Bullshit, unless you're an extremist you can easily not the loyalty level required for the standoff with Jack.

Heard this played live by an orchestra, shit was pretty lit not gonna lie.

there was no exploration though, and the combat was dogshit gears of war, ME3 had better weapon customisation and movement at least. None of them can hold a candle to ME1 though
Gameplay at least was great in ME3, ME2 didn't have gameplay, story, or exploration. I think the characters is why people actually like it

Your arrows point the wrong way.

I agree that ME1 athmosphere is unmatched by any game I know of, on the same level as Dragon Age Origins, the two titans of single player games if you ask me. But ME2 is a very very good game still, even if the atmosphere is DIFFERENT fom ME1, it is a very good atmosphere

Do you guys remember the hilarious bit where the media complained about there being sex scenes and naked butts in ME1?

Funny how the exploration part became just more and more retarded as the series progressed.

>drive around real planetary surfaces, explore and have fun
>grind through all planets in boring scanner mode
>just blip to find everything in this half of the solar system lol... but not TOO many timer or you'll switch to playing pac-man with reapers

>ME1 and DA:O
>two titans of single player games
Goddamn man, play some more games and get the fuck off Yea Forums until you're 18

You don't agree? Tell me some better single player games, no weeb bullshit please

ME2 is just too bland. Fighting nothing but mercs and mechs throughout the entire game it felt like, the cyberpunk-y feel and music of ME1 was gone
I actually prefer andromeda to 2 just because andromeda had gameplay more reminscent of ME1, though it was fairly bland as well

While I liked the exploration part in 1, I still understood why many people hated it. But still, it was hilarious how they managed to replace it with something worse every single time.

ME1 and DA:O aren't even the best games by Bioware, and neither of those game's atmosphere is a match to the atmosphere in something like STALKER. I feel like I was the perfect age for the ME games when they came out (I was like 15 for the first one) but they really are something to be grown out of.

Literally nobody cares about STALKER

heroes of might and magic 3
roller coaster tycoon

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Soulless franchise.

Idi na hui, pizdiet!

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The kind of people who still play Bioware games and fawn over Mass Effect sure don't, but the first STALKER and CoP are both obviously better games than anything Bioware has done since BG2

>there's no overpriced merch and slutty cosplayers at my local comiccon for STALKER so it's shit

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stalker is shit and anyone who's not a slavboo can see that

fuck off zoomer shit

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Enjoy your progressive western shit, cyka.

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It's both.
EA destroyed their upper management and creatives via constructive dismissal, and those left are too incompetent to handle the company.

I will, thank you

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I haven't played BioWare games in years, because I'm an adult with adult responsibilities, but with age comes wisdom and maturity, and I recognize those two games I mentioned as far superior to any weeb or unknown bullshit game you guys just mentioned

I don't buy merch, I'm very responsible with my money, I haven't bought any AAA game in many many years, last one was Witcher 3, which I enjoyed like a true patrician, after first reading the entire book series and then playing the first two games, a masterpiece of a series.

I just want an ME:A Sequel okay?


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>space jew

I do agree with this though, most western games are progressive SJW cringe bullshit.

>I just want an ME:A Sequel okay?
Did...did someone really write this? HERE?

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>I just want an ME:A Sequel

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They just want more autistic Sara fan-service.

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>I'm an adult with adult responsibilities
>with age comes wisdom and maturity
>I'm very responsible with my money
The more you say it, the more people will believe you!
>I haven't bought any AAA game in many many years, last one was Witcher 3
Witcher 3 was 2015. Literally no one over the age of 15 would call 3.5 years 'many many years' so maybe shut the fuck up and play some STALKER you uncultured swine

Damn, Mel Brooks used to make some good comedy kino.

>I'm an adult with wisdom and maturity
>yet i post on v
>i diss Homm3 and RCT

scale it back, its getting too obvious

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I hope that ME:A isn't dropped and forgotten.

>nostalgiaing over ME

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Fucking kids

It's not nostalgia. It's not getting over its death.

Here's your Tali, bro

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>you get to choose what alien to play
t. discord tranny

>demiurge studios

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Nothing wrong with wanting a GOOD sequel to happen, right? The setting and background had potential for a lot of things.

Goddamnit I'm born as the first zoomers but majority of my classmates are millenials.

still would

Nah, you can keep it

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Oh, there's wrong with WANTING that. Expecting it to happen realistically is a whole 'other thing.

Yes I said that

Sure ME:A still sucked, but it still built up enough and acts as a nice launching point for more games, make a sequel semi-detached from ME:A (give it a different subtitle, have a 5-10 year timeskip and only keep around Vetra/Drack/Jaal as Squadmates, while the others are just regular NPCs/Killed off, Obviously still play as Ryder


They were both shit and you're a stupid faggot

>M-muh krogan Renaissance

Fuck you.

Mandibles are my fetish, nigga, imagine the kisses

Ryder sucked

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Now THAT would have been a proper Tali face reveal.

Did the suicide mission got didn't lose anyone... apart from most of the crew who got turned into Reaper shakes because I didn't realise time suddenly passed in this game that until then didn't give a shit how long it took to do things.

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>intentionally blowing yourself up and your crew in the finale in order to skip 3
Best game.

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First time I let Shep and everyone die. 2 years later I didn't reget my dicision when 3 came out and rolled a fresh/random Shep.

Imagine the face shredding.

You know, when I see Turians and now this Quarian with their mandibles, I can't help thinking what kind of extra appendages they might have down there...

Just imagine the carrot is your dick but smaller

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This score will never not make me feel.

Does the composition remind anyone of halo 3's theme, or is it just me?

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It was overrated dogshite.
>It was a sub-par RPG, none of your choices mattered. You had the choice of playing Vanguard or playing with less efficiency
>It was a sub par shooter. Reason: See above.
>Two of your party members mattered, rest were filler.
>There's ~4 levels in the game as far as I can remember, rest are recolour copies of them
>Only focus on aesthetics was placed on the handful of main characters, rest are KOTOR level copy and paste.

Nah, this is the perfect game:
- play the 3 through Priority:Rannoch
- take the disc out of the drive
- burn the game
- bury the ashes to a crossroads with a stake through them
- forget it ever existed

I tried playing the games but gave up a couple of hours into 1
Still, i've nutted to tali more times than i can count since i was a kiddie

3 was Shepard being indoctrinated and never happened


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Congratulations, you're enjoying Mass Effect in its best form.

I think you meant
Analyze Sovereign derelict, everybody gets indoctrinated, Reapers get an easy win.

>tfw Vetras Mandibles start making expressions when you select Flirt Options with her

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His name was Marauder Shields.

>no mass effect 4 where we play as an older shepard who finally grew out his hair and facial hair

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>this will never be finished

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>that codex reading voice

>Vetra will never get the amount of porn other ME girls had
Worst timeline

>she still has decent porn

Okay timeline

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Is the emergency induction port supposed to be a sex joke?

I'd like a crippled old war veteran Shepard as the main character. The whole game would be about him limping around rebuilding era Earth yelling at young people, with his love interest from ME3 in tow. They'd be the classic old married couple constantly snapping at each other.


Anyone else with the headcanon that Vetra is the daughter of Saren?

>punished shepard, kind of like wolverine in logan
>saved the galaxy from the reapers, but it's complete anarchy
>He has to choose to unite the galaxy 40K-style or if he has given enough
I'd say there's potential

What if they did actually do that?

Or at least made her related to Sidonis or someone

>everyone's starting to get old
>jokes about retirement, old age, and death abound
>Liara realising that the most important people in her life are going to die real soon (to her) and doing a bad job at hiding it

Fund it.

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headcanon is some tumblr-ass shit

That wouldn't even matter though because she's no longer of this galaxy.

>I actually prefer andromeda to 2 just because andromeda had gameplay more reminscent of ME1, though it was fairly bland as well
I'm going to second this and add that the exploration was decent, which is all I ever wanted out of this series. It may have been a bad game but at least it felt like it was trying to be a real sequel to Mass Effect.

Sounds truly comfy user.

See now that would be an interesting character reveal and give impact to Shepard killing him.

Gives her a good reason to get the fuck out of Milky Way.

It wouldn't, but it would be a way to tie it down to the ME story, whilst being a 100% common thing between ME players.

>tfw can never play any ME again because of 3
Still mad.

Come to bed

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hell no you fucking gypsy, you'll steal my money, wallet, clothes and all other belongings once i fall asleep

Well her "reasoning" is that Kesh asked her to get some things for the initative, and asked for some different things again and again, until she asked Kesh what it was about, then she "bought the sales pitch"

Worst Dextrowaifu

I would rather go Celibate Shepard than sleep with a space gypsy

Illusive Man was a great character concept but the bungling of the story ruined the character

If I remember right, doesnt the Levianthan dlc basically say that there were something even bigger and badder than reapers? That created the reapers using the leviathans? Like how collectors tried to create a reaper using humans.

Yeah it's the void but they retconned the story. Plus now there's Andromeda. IIRC it was supposed to be that our galaxy in particular got surrounded by a black mass of something and it infected the Leviathans which made them go out there and return as reapers becoming and thus the harvest/cycle of sentients happens.

>7 years later and talifags are still cancer

What do you mean by that? Or do you just like posting that?

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The original idea was that a secondary main threat was "entropy", but this idea was dropped halfway through ME2 development

And my thought doesn't disagree with that. Given Turians are all about family honor and shit with being pseudo-Romans, likely Vetra and her sister had to leave their entire life behind after Saren falls into disgrace post-ME1.

Then making/faking a new life as who is going to carry the second name of a genocidal monster. Having to do that, probably makes you very resourceful and so her supply jobs for Kesh plays into that.

There is literally a line in the third novel, Retribution, in which TIM laments to himself in his thoughts that Cerberus projects an image of strength and being all knowing but that the truth is they are tiny by galactic standards with very limited funds that can't possibly hope to stand up to the real big fish in the galaxy if exposed.

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>"lol here's that child no one cares about as a way to communicate with the catalyst"
How the fuck am I supposed to take this shit seriously? Couldn't they use the same method from me1 at the end where you talk with a prothean vi?

see the video in

They really hate consistency, don't they?

Wow, too bad it didn't make it into the third game and is therefore completely meaningless

>that magazine ad
Holy fuck I remember seeing that in 06 or 07 in a Game Informer.

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Or just have it so she is his kid, but due to spectre rules etc he had to hide it, so her "father" is actually her adoptive father (however she believes this guy is her biological dad), which is why they left Palaven before she was 15, otherwise the military would find out she has the same genetics as Saren and that would get him in trouble

Then just have Sid as her "Sister", who is the daughter of the Adoptive father

To be fair that would probably break her, which would need to be comforted by Cuddling

I thought parts of it were still in ME2, i.e the sun on Haestrom?

Mind you this novel takes place six months before ME3 and in it TIM is experimenting with Reaper tech to understand indoctrination with the hope that he can learn how to prevent or even reverse it. He's concerned with the danger the tech poses however and so terminates the experiments early rather than risk anything getting out of hand. When his base gets attacked by the turians before the experiment can be purged he risks his own life to try and terminate the experiment himself rather than immediately escaping.

So yeah, consistency is anathema to any of the games post ME2

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It perfectly represents the feel of the game I think, should have been the cover art

Yeah, that was there as well as a few other hints in ME2 in order to set up ME3.

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It was a fun mission
>muh krogan renaissance
I agree with you here, the Krogan were fucking monsters who didn't deserve a second chance. Even Wrex, the "best" and "most reasonable" krogan consistently demonstrates he's incapable of learning and thinking further than 20 minutes into the future

Just replay it. You do own all 3 games right? Honestly, I like Anthem, and after playing Andromeda, I'd rather BW focus on a new franchise instead of trying to reanimate the corpse of Mass Effect. They'll never make a new ME game better than ME2 anyway

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Star cobtrol 2 was better in termsnof world building and explorations.

>mwf Clan Nakmor had the right idea and fucked off and actually have 2 braincells as well as do LARPing and making Gingerbread

I can work with that.

And what if Sid knew that Vetra wasn't her real sister (but doesn't mention the Spectre part) and tells you in a later moment after you've committed to Vetra.

You then can also decide to tell Vetra or not, which can lead to the quest line of Vetra discovering her true father.

Based taste

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Or they could just make some backstory comics

I think having every prominent character in subsequent games be related to characters from past games is lame. It makes the galaxy seem very tiny. There are billions of turians in the galaxy so what are the chances that you keep meeting members of the same family by random chance? It's stupid.

Mass Effect is a fucking terrible series and a perfect example of the shit that was the 7th gen
>Half the game is the same old same old cover based shooting
>The other half is a poorly written visual novel with "le moral choices"

Quarians with beautiful hair are best

Attached: blush_compare_all.jpg (1548x920, 341K)

So what do you consider good?


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Hold on, that's Kitty Pride/Shadowcat from X-men comics!

Still boycotting ME3.

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That's not what I'm advocating though. Having a single character related to someone else isn't that bad, especially since this is a way to connect ME:A to the franchise.

looks like the volatile from dying light

C looks like Michael Jackson.

just take the assault rifle bonus talent you retard

The landing and not-Mako sequence at the ending of Andromeda was unironically kino. It was the only good thing to come out of that abortion of a game. Plus Vetra.

Still, I can’t really say I regret spending $5 and 25 hours on it.

This. I couldn't take a guy seriously after he loses to a fucking dying frog.


>Nyreen Kandros' Brother is in ME:A (Kandros)
>Conrad Verner's Sister is in ME:A (I forgot)
>Zaeed Massani's Son is in ME:A (Bain)

over 10 years bro
Similar time frame separating Super Metroid from World of Warcraft

I used to say that but i played the game it wasn’t that bad i got really invested in the world it shame gameplay sucks balls

I won't lie I can see where you are coming from and it did bother me but I hoped no one would notice.

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>tfw i let her die in 2

I will have to make revisions.

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>cares about the most water down BioWare game of that time that was ground zero of things to come

You guys are such faggots

Earthborn, Sole Survivor Soldier is kino
Much like Human Noble in DAO

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Has anyone played ME1 with that 2k/4k Texture Overhaul mod?

I wanna dee how it looks

that's cool. If she dies you get more interaction with her hot milf auntie Raan and you get to talk to Xen more

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Plus Raan is voiced by that old Indian voice actress isnt she?

Is this some kind of Cell-Shading mod?

The game looks a bit higher resolution. You can see screenshots on the Nexus

Yes, and Xen by Claudia Black

Attached: Xen_beautiful3.jpg (214x314, 32K)

That's just a painting, my guy.

Sauce? Nothing is coming up

That just looks like Kat.

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>t. underage fagboy

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I always picture him jamming to this tune for some reason.

>3 was so bad it has forever killed my interest in the ME IP and i embargoed EA and Bioware ever since
Indoctrination Theory would have been a knio ending
It would have been an ending championing the human will

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>Andromeda has better gameplay but the side characters are all dogshit

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Here ya go, mateolino
Its nothing great, really

>mass rape cube

Sci-fi peaked in the 2000s

>expecting a kino ending from an EA game post ME2
>expecting any ending that would meet their absurd deadlines and still be considered good

The more I think about it the more I realize that people who paid for ME3 were among the first to prove EA right about treating your fan/customer base like a bunch of scat-loving gimps.

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I just wanted a good ending to arguably one of the best space operas, but no, we got shit on a plate
I should have know after the joke that was DA2
But i was young and i still thought artists cared about a good story over money

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Are any of the comics or novels worth reading?

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I don't know about the comics but the first three novels, which were written by Drew Karparshyn, are good reads if you like Mass Effect. They flesh out the universe a bit more. The first novel is about Anderson's mission with Saren then the latter two kick off ME2 and book-end ME2.


I've heard good things about the latest novel that is a prequel to Andromeda; Annihilation. I haven't read it though.

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The comics are trash

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Playing Baldurs Gate 1+2 for the first time, what am i in for? Any tips?

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Anyone able to give a quick Synopsis of Annihilation?, I wanna know what exactly happens in it

I'm not boycotting it, I'm just not interested.

So, um. A-anyone?

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It's about the Quarian Ark to Andromeda, which also includes batarians, volus, hannar, and drell.

The quarian captain engineers a plague that she intends to release in Andromeda to thin the numbers of the Council races so that the quarians will be dominant. It escapes early though and infects the ship and mutates, infecting everybody. In the end she is stripped naked and injected with the cure and walks around touching everybody until she dies in the high pressure ammonia rich volus habitat.

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>me3 could have been so much more and have a better ending if it wasn't rushed

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are you me?


And this is why we should NEVER Trust a Quarian

Yes I'm sure the person responsible for Cerberus being like 80% of the enemies in the game would have done differently if they'd had the time to think of someone else to fight

Idiotic dream sequences? Time constraints. Day 1 DLC of a major, on-disc character? Also time constraints.

imagine EA didnt exist

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Quarians are good people and misunderstood and MISTREATED by the galaxy! They are a warm, welcoming, generous people.

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Two of them are, how should I say, negroes

best shepard. how anyone could use a femshep or even a custom male shepard is beyond me. this FACE plus the iconic voice acting by mark meer = instant, undying classic


>Creates AI and Breaks Galactic Law
>AI is peaceful, does nothing harmful, asks Hypothetical questions
>Quarians Over-React and try to kill the sentient AI Machines
>AI completely BTFO's them
>Scream about how they were the victim here
>Steals your shit for their "Fleet"

>Quarians are good people and misunderstood and MISTREATED by the galaxy! They are a warm, welcoming, generous people.
Who also steal from those that trust them.

>"Commander. Is this some kind of game? Are you calling in a report just so you can cut us off again?"
>"You know it."

Literally every single time.

Attached: sensible chuckle.gif (250x250, 992K)

>take in poor quarian girl on her pilgrimage
>awesome roommate who gets you free netflix
>one day come home and she's gone
>your bank account is empty
>get strange phone calls from debt collectors and pissed off batarians
>your credit rating is ruined and it takes you twenty years to sort everything out and start over

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>tfw could never apply any model mods, only gameplay changing ones

All I want is the girls in my crew to walk around in underwear. Is that too much asking?

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We gotta let go user, I know it hurts but holding on like this is cruel, for you and for them.

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fuck...that's hot

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>tfw no me3 remastered to revive multiplayer

Honestly I used to fantasize about making Legion my gay boyfriend.

How hard is to use me3 explorer?

for me, it's ilos

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>used to

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they had like 1 big patch that addressed some of the most glaring issues but support for this game was done in about 3 months. It's playable, but it's not good. The main story stinks, the cast is probably the worst bioware has ever put in a game, and all of the open world stuff is junk. They should have never abandoned the hub-based gameplay. Hopefully The Outer Worlds fills that niche.


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The suicide mission was the peak of the ME series.

it was literally 3 rooms with cover shooting, a dumb boss battle and melodrama

lmao, no.

The peak was the climax of ME1.

>aimlets not sniping through the eyeslot.


Attached: MassEffect 2018-03-05 20-34-06-25.jpg (1920x1080, 223K)

>saren kill yourself
>lol okay

>muh sjw boogeyman

i got some bad news for you user, pretty much every classic crpg was made be some sjw type.

You are a fucking moron if you think this.
The suicide mission from pacing, to music, cut scenes etc were all better than the final mission in ME1. Exactly what did that final mission do better than the suicide mission?
Saren's suicide was the only real cool moment.


>replay ME3
>combat is fun af
>wanna replay the rest of the ME games
>think of the clunky combat

Attached: 1541807016091.jpg (250x250, 14K)

>this platform is not available for experimentation

Post source/link to the full pic

no homo

Yeah what the fucking fuck is up with sheppard breathing and all the hints of indoctrination?

and? a lot of great rpgs let you defeat the final boss via dialog. no one ever shits on fallout for that.

I love ME1 and wish they would have stuck to that formula just made those random ass planets a little more defined / easier to find the unc missions.

Source is me. I can assure you is not that good, I'm still working on it.

The Suicide Mission is garbage. The final act in ME1 is way better. It's a better story, with better pacing, and higher stakes. I don't just mean the confrontation with Saren, I mean everything from Virmire through to the very end. It's a perfect rollercoaster and is executed perfectly. World shattering revelations, low moments of frustration and hopelessness, danger, new revelations that heighten the danger but increase your motivation and resolve, and an epic finale against an army and up the outside of a space-station for a final confrontation with your rival while the doom of the galaxy and all life as you know it is in imminent.

I feel like I'm the only person in the world that actually enjoyed the ME3 online. It was a simple horde mode, but it was fun and we at last got to play as different races.

Bioware is already gone. It's a shell of what it used to be

Imagine being such a contrarian redditor you think ME1 is bad

>still milking shepard like he's god damned mario

Sticking to Shepard was the biggest mistake the fucking series made and why we got stuck with goofy ass space jesus.

Hope you don't mind I shave that pic though, it's cute.

When simple audio engineering induces ejaculation.

I replayed 1 and 2 year ago and I had more fun with 1, even though 2 used to be my favorite.

*save kek

ME3's multiplayer gets routinely praised as being genuinely good even on Yea Forums, you must not be paying much attention to any discussion of it.

No, shit writers completely missing the point of what made Shepard special in the context of the setting is what gave us space jesus

Newfriends don't remember the days of Yea Forums -Tali'Zorah nar Rayya

>Saren's suicide was the only real cool moment.

>anderson punching udina
>hijacking the normandy
>boning liara
>ilos music + atmosphere
>"Suit up, we're going outside"
>ending choice suited the themes of the game much better (get along with the aliens or put humanity first) and actually paid off in the future games

ME1's ending was filled with balls to the wall moments, major plot/lore reveals and constantly escalating stakes. The suicide mission was alright but it doesn't feel anywhere near as climactic or exciting.

Attached: me space battle.webm (1152x720, 1.45M)

No problem, here's the full unfinished one if you really want. As I said, it's barebone with no background props.

shooting out the window of the elevator and running along the wall of the citadel was so cool. throwing geth primes across the space station because gravity was all fucked up. the final battle taking place in the spot you had first traded words with saren, killing him in the same room you once told him you would kill him in. even your squad pulling your ass out of the rubble. great ending to a great game.

>>boning liara

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Not that user but what does that mean, user?

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>regular goblina human bitch
>blue alien with psychic fucks
i know what im picking.

Nice, where will you post it once it's finished?

Idk, I don't use a name or a blog for my sfm works since what I'm doing is subpar compared to others and I don't feel like I deserve a name. Maybe on e621 if I'm lucky.


Where did it go so wrong Yea Forums?

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Andromeda is unironically fun to play despite it's bland story and forgettable characters.

no game will ever elicit this extremely specific emotional response ever again

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Liara was fucking insufferable.

Once i get around to finishing ME2 and ME3 again (With DLCs, extended cut mods, and some other mods) i will play Andromeda.

I get many don't like her personality much but don't go full homo.

Nah she was cute, endearing and strong.

The best choice is to save yourself for the sequel.

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traitorous gypsy bitch.

I love the series to bits but it's clear BioWare shit the bed continuously throughout every single one. Big ideas, constant fuckups.

ME1 = Huge ambition and intention in multi-choice questing and system hopping with complex rendering engine. Couldn't match their own scope and had to dial back the visual quality massively, quests complexity streamlined. Cumbersome development with UE3. Buggy. Had no long term vision of the Reaper plot, as were unsure if they'd get full funding for a trilogy.

ME2 = Regression of scope and game system detail in favour of accessibility and narrative variety. Had to cut massive portions of the narrative and dial back the total non-linear squadmate recruitment order. Retconned Cerberus. Had no real focus on what the Reaper threat would entail or climax with, instead seeding multiple "ideas" that could be developed later. Wrote in a suicide mission wherein every member of the core cast could potentially die, acknowledging they knew full well it would make profile import and NPC continuity a nightmare in ME3.

ME3 = Wrote themselves into a corner. Had massive ambition for the Earth assault being like Suicide Mission x10 in terms of game choices and influence. Cut all of it due to time. Left the actual ending writing until the very last minute, deliberately wrote it ambiguous, and had to patch in significantly more exposition for free.

MEA = Started off with hundreds of generated then hand tailored landmasses plus spaceship flying with intent for an "open cluster" to explore and land on every planet in some capacity. Complex character rendering variety for all species intended using nodes and texture generation to diversify every NPC no matter the species. Big focus on building survival gear to explore hostile wastelands. All of it cut, none of the tech worked, the team was in unfocused shambles, director fired, Walters begrudgingly moved to the project by upper management just to finish it in the last year or so with tons of outsourcing.

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