ITT sum up Yea Forums with one image
ITT sum up Yea Forums with one image
Other urls found in this thread:
based guy tbqh
nintenddies deserve the noose
Looks like a false flag desu.
Yea Forums loves nintendo tf you on about
It happens for all fanbases.
timeless classic
Crossed is such garbage
>blue speech bubble
Fuck this is accurate.
100% true
mods getting paid overtime tonight?
100% false
a narrative based game having voice acting or not is a normal factor in whether or not a consumer decides to purchase a game now
Based and redpilled.
Great VA > no VA > rest of VA shit
A good performance can elevate text beyond what is solely presented
some of the banner images are pretty spot on.
That doesn't make the game better, that makes it one of many decision factors. I specifically didn't purchase Fallout 4 because of its voiced protagonist. Having voice acting in your game introduces so many hurdles that it almost universally limits your options. There are limited cases where games with smaller focuses can work with voice acting. A good example of this is Furi - each character only has a few lines for their lore and their attacks, yet they're done well enough to be memorable. Compare that to Fallout 4, where relative to previous entries in the series, player choice suffered severely because Todd felt it more important to have Codsworth's VA record 1000 popular baby names rather than have the two protagonist VAs record more than four lines per NPC interaction.
She can't be Yea Forums, she's touched a vagina.
The two on the right had a chance to be decently normal and blew it.
For the specimens on the left, the game was rigged from the start.
This was so transparently obvious with Kingdom Hearts 3
Holy fuck the state of this board
Alright, fuck you too, buddy.
This is right.
Rarely is voice-acting decent.
Only in games in which there’s dialog actually worth something, either story or humor-wise, but the gameplay is too quick for reading is voice-acting acceptable.
Like in Kid Icarus: Uprising.
>I do not like Nintendo
That's not Yea Forums.
What would a modern version of this flowchart look like?
Just pepe, wojack and false flags
Just replace all the images with pepes and wojaks
That someone would go on the internet and make a thread like this sums up Yea Forums perfectly
Skip the "let's talk about video games" bubble.
It wouldn't be a complex flowchart anymore, because the first one spins right into two categories
>actual conversation -> shills
>everything else from Yea Forums -> dicks, memes, and traps
Breath of the Wild was shit though
Name should be Xcuck. Other than that, checks out.
This is like some low key Sprite Commercial
>bump order
>not creation date
The guy on the bottom left is just atrocious
>not "Activity" on catalog.neet
He's right.
I couldn't care less what the general consumer thinks when I am playing a game.
>these things were all guys once
>bottom right
don't rag on monster girl gamu like this
Jokes on the falseflagger, that 0 still counts.
Reminder that Europoors are the only ones that hate Nintendo games & defend Rockstar & Janky PC Garbage
If you had a gun to your head and had to have sex with one of them, who would you pick?
For me, I'd gamble on the one behind the one giving the peace sign (Proto) whose face you can't see.
They still are.
The only problems with the bottom right are Skyrim and Mass Effect.
He's correct
I know, there are actually people who didn't use a normalfag app, and brought its shitty jokes here.
That's what happened to Neptunia back in the day. Was literally impossible to talk about them.
I'm going to try and quit this place again now.
I have absolutely no friends and no other means of any kind of social interaction, and I'm quite certain it's going to stay that way until I die. I can't leave. I would have to spend all my time with myself.
>quit this place again
you're here forever, user
My fellow black.
Yeah, no
The sony trannies at resetera have settled down here
Yea Forumsga's 2018 kinda prove you wrong tho
and I'm fucking sure he's still here. Death is your only escape but I'm 100% sure you'd be here if Hell has wifi
not him but
>Yea Forumsga
absolute trash that nobody liked even back in 2011 yet it still pops up because the faggots pander to reddit
>console war faggotry
Only poor people and children engage in console war bullshit. There’s no reason not to enjoy the things you like in each system.
This is objectively true
>yet it still pops up because the faggots pander to reddit
And yet Nintendo still won most of the important awards
>I was in that thread
rough gamble. the ghoul you're describing is bottom left here
That's not true, though
Maybe the most popular places like Yea Forums and Yea Forums are shit but even there you'd find cool threads with normal people
Not to mention that there's nowhere else to go in the first place
Even if you don't like this place, you'll hate everything else
bottom left looks like a Sam Hyde character
unironically not wrong
Yeah, I'm bitter. My hobbies, my interests, what I find funny, what I consider to be good and evil, everything about me has become the complete opposite of the typical normalfag to the point where I give zero shits about making friends. I do treat people respectfully and try to work with them to maximize productivity, but I make no effort to converse or grow closer, as I know that I will not find what they say to be meaningful.
Don't try to be "based and redpilled". Stay bluepilled if you want to be happy.
I can do it if I keep myself occupied with actual video games.
>you'd find cool threads with normal people
It really isn't worth sifting through all the shit on here for as long as it takes to find those threads and their numbers get lower every time something happens and attracts more baiting nu-shits who don't know what they're talking about and spam the site with their garbage.
>Even if you don't like this place, you'll hate everything else
I know that everywhere else is even worse, but the amount of time spent here is way too absurd to accept.
where did the yellow come from?
I'm in the same boat and you absolutely should leave. Even just moving to a place where you have to manage your reputation is good practice for socialising in the real world. If you're anything like me though you won't unless some external circumstance forces you to.
this is not the first time i've seen this and i've felt this way for years but couldn't express it this succinctly.
i tried blocking this site a few years back but got bored after a few weeks and came back
i like the comfort of the anonymity here combined with the activity of the boards. you cannot get anonymous posting about specific interests at the speed of Yea Forums elsewhere (at least to my knowledge) but even if you could the faster the conversation gets the lower the quality of responses are. and slow boards are boring (and it's often easy to inadvertently kill threads if you have the last post and people don't want to respond to what you wrote).
i'm not sure what the answer is. i'm never going to give up anonymous posting. there needs to be a better way to up the signal to noise ratio.
That opinion is correct.
This image was never right but Anons always suck its dick
How come?
>up the signal to noise ratio
No, I do not want to become like leddit.
the only way i can think of to improve posting is if everyone learns how to not take the bait long enough for ebin memers and shitposters to leave.
too bad anons are addicted to (you)s.
Imagine taking on any of the beliefs promoted on this site and thinking there's anything intelligent or enlightened about what gets spammed by the 98 IQ retards here. Normal people are idiots who believe whatever they're told to believe by whatever authority or popular figure they are exposed to, but you're even worse than them if you allow yourself to be told what to believe by anonymous, blatantly ill-intentioned and agenda-driven shitposters on here.
>There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere
>Nobody [here] is interested in the truth
>You are not having fun
All straight up wrong for instance
Me on the bottom right trying to start AG racer threads
>>There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere
Give some examples then.
>>Nobody [here] is interested in the truth
This is true for the most part, 95% of the shit argued here is subjective trash that takes focus away from the truth.
>>You are not having fun
How are you having fun in this hell hole?
>I do not want to increase the average of quality of posts here because then we'd be more like Reddit
I get still wanting to shitpost, for fun or out of laziness. But there could be a way to sort the wheat from the chaff. Right now all we have are responses, which usually indicate a post is controversial or aggravating. Not quality.
Anyone who would argue with that is a retard.
Does anyone really think that Bethesda games "improved" by adding more voice acting over time and less dialogue options. We went from Morrowind, to Fallout 3, to Fallout 4 and the games got progressively worse.
Good voice acting and animation can elevate cut scenes, but it certainly isn't necessary for making a good game.
On the other hand, shitposting is a way to break out of conformity. Some dude purposely posting the exact opposite of what most people (and likely he himself) believes in for the replies will allow the opposite viewpoint to be put out there for analysis. In other words, shitposting can act as an unintentional counterargument or devil's advocate. Reddit literally encourages conformity by giving you a mechanism (which is enabled by default) to sort by the most well-liked responses, even hiding the most disliked responses.
Yea Forums fingers their boipuccis all the time though
He's right though. Only autists who care too much about semantics would argue otherwise.
You know how I know you're from /pol/?
How can you make an effective indicator of quality? Voting is absolute shit and the only other way people have thought of up to now anywhere.
what the fug
Possibly the best thread I was ever in
Oh shit! I remember that thread! First time I've seen a cropped image like that, and I remember posting in it. Bless his little heart.
What kind of video game isn't a game: a structured form of voluntarily, intrinsically motivated activities done for recreation or education (from Wikipedia). The electronic program provides the structure. You use the interact with the user interface to derive enjoyment or to learn something. It doesn't matter if the shit game doesn't actually give you enjoyment/education; its purpose was to do so.
spotted the mid 20s morrowind baby you are the most cancerous posters on this shithole. the decline from morrowind onwards is nothing compared to the sheer cliff dropoff from daggerfall to morrowind
Literally will never happen. The boards have steadily decreased in quality the more popular they've become. Your posts aren't tied to your identity here so you aren't judged based on what you post and the rules are lax enough you don't have to put effort into your posts. These are good things, and are integral to what makes the site what it is. But it means the board is flooded with shitposts. The only indicator of a post's value is the responses it gets, and that usually just measures how divisive it is or how angry it makes people. Often dumb reposts spark responses too. They're only being reposted because they've made successful threads in the past, and they've made successful threads because they're dumb and therefore easy to respond to. Additionally, people have learned how to respond based on previous threads.
I know I'm not allowed to say this, but R*ddit would be fine if it was anonymous, post history didn't exist, if the rules were less strict (and gay) and if downvotes didn't lead to comments and posters being censored and didn't affect the way people perceive comments and respond to them (e.g. someone probably isn't going to chime in to support a previously unvetted opinion if it's deemed unpopular by the votes it receives in that thread).
None of what I've said here is ever going to affect anything so it's a pointless discussion to have, especially here, but it's interesting to think about.
> Sauce are these 3 threads
I'd be interested to see how voting would work if the values weren't visible and posts with negative values weren't hidden and their posters weren't censored in any way. The most liked posts would go to the top.
Only Sonyfags hates Nintendo
And Microsoft, and PC, and Also Sony and video games in general.
They’re more hated than Sonic the hedgehog fags
>my county hasn't changed
That wouldn't work since the majority of "people" will like the same trash bringing the site down. There would be less bait and less quality threads but everything else would be the same.
It would be no different from the catalog toggle.
this image and "fun is a buzzword" should cover most bases
>R*ddit would be fine if it was anonymous, post history didn't exist, if the rules were less strict (and gay) and if downvotes didn't lead to comments and posters being censored and didn't affect the way people perceive comments and respond to them
It would still be full of normalfags though.
I mean nowadays so is Yea Forums, but everything else being the same I'd still rather browse a site with 90% normalfags than one with 99% normalfags.
Having a voting system at all encourages conformity. It basically tells you, before you read the post, whether you should like what the dude has to say or dislike what the dude has to say. This is no different from Ted talk videos telling you that the speaker is controversial/wrong/Ted doesn't endorse his views in the description. The only kind of "vote" that would work is basically something that a billion replies already do: some kind of mark that denotes significance but does not imply goodness or badness at all. Not a like or dislike but a "neutral like". Then, you would actually read it and decide for yourself whether the poster indeed sucks cocks or not.
This site is one of the most popular sites on the internet. The vast majority of posters are normalfags. The thing that sets it apart from Reddit is the anonymity, which is what allows the culture to develop and be reinforced.
That would be a reasonable view if anyone actually took anything here seriously in any capacity, as used to be the case. Differentiation between serious views and random horse shit is impossible as it is, and no one even gives a shit.
All fucking Wojaks because the niggers here lack creativity for anything outside of that lame shit
Depends on the thread I guess. FUCK JANNIES obviously wouldn't be constructive but OH NO NO NO HE USES X CHARACTER HAHAHAHA would more likely prompt discussion.
It never helps that an air of superiority seems to surround everything Nintendo does which makes it hard to have an argument about things they do poorly without being called xyz.
The literal cum dumpster know as Yea Forums has better Yea Forums threads than Yea Forums
It's such an obnoxious format, though. It's the wojak of text.
Everything about modern Yea Forums reminds me of modern movies. Reuse and misunderstanding to the point of getting sick of it of classic material. Wojak and Pepe were ebin maymays, sure, but they weren't even close to ALL we had, and the entirety of our existence wasn't focused on pre-established shit; new ideas and "OC" (which were really just new jokes or ways of communicating) were frequent, and good. I'm just rambling now. Just fucking hate the lifeless direction everything's gone in, and I'm starting to wonder if it's merely human nature and inevitable where normalfags are found.
OC gets made up all the time, but they aren't re-spammed over and over.
Greatly depends on the game. I'd say voicing full RPGs is way too difficult, but games like Bastion or Darkest Dungeon are carried by their voice acting.
It absolutely doesn't. Once a week some unremarkable post gets "INCLUDE ME IN THE SCREENCAP" spammed.
I will admit there is very much a Nintendo Halo effect but at the same time I have to admit they have been putting out incredibly solid titles earned that halo
Between BOTW, SMO, Smash,MK8 DX and Splatoon 2 I’ve spent almost 3000 hours between 5 games
(Not counting 3 parties)
Every other game I’m lucky to get 12
I'm not sure what makes you think Yea Forums isn't extremely conformist, just in a way that is opposite to a lot of (but not all) views of the mainstream. A lot of people here are very insecure and value the things that makes them winners in real life such as financial success, having a girlfriend, traditional masculinity, good looks, being popular, etc. It regularly laughs at losers and nerds and people who don't fit in because it is populated with them and they are insecure about it.
The people here are contrarian, but they value a lot of the things normies do, and some ways moreso due to how insecure they are about lacking them.
I think at its heart you can tell by the content of a post if the viewpoint is popular or not. Having a voting system just indicates appreciation for certain posts (which is not necessarily an indication that it's more conformist than the rest, but that it presents a good take or is interesting or helpful).
A voting system may not be the thing that improves fast anonymous boards. But there has to be something that gets them closer to the signal to noise ratio of Reddit (when there is a good post, you are more likely to see it) without sacrificing the anonymity or lax rules of Yea Forums.
Why not just prevent people from posting wojaks/pepes and overused text like ?
WE3 2017 was fun.
>ironically pretending to be playsoytion fan
yup, that's Yea Forums for sure
>Yea Forumsga
lol faggot
because interactive movies are called video games these days and theres nothing you can do about it because they have the money
This is out of date. It's all about shitty politics threads now.
I didn't read your pic but I'm saging just in case.
That image hurts me. There are actually faggots that make these images and think they above everyone else who is having fun while they spend all day hitting f5 on Yea Forums.
>false sense of fun
at least it includes smash bros in basedfun. looks great for triggering those retards that think they are playing a real fighting game.
me on the left
how coincidental
time to die
the bottom left caught me off guard and i almost vomited from laughing so hard
poor dude looks like a fish
>witcher 3
>fallout new vegas
>dont want to be lumped in with the normal crowd
god dammit betty
>furry enraged by a falseflag
How so? I'm not in the threads for KH3 because I figured they'd be god awful anyway.
If it makes you feel any better or more validated, I read this user
I personally think the only way to really "fix" things is by having a moderation staff that understands what really makes this site tick and can weed out the truly awful shitposters that do nothing but degrade the board quality (as opposed to the funny ones that help build the board culture and humor)
But this is pretty much impossible and would take a monumental amount of work and require people to pay fucking hawklike attention to their boards. They'd have to live here to really "get it" and if they live here then they're not motivated enough for the job. RIP.
If you screen capped this post, it would be Yea Forums
Throw in some wojacks and /pol/tier bait posts with maybe some actual decent jokes and meme shit when E3 or other stuff happens and yeah that's modern Yea Forums, just a shithole
Big cringe. whatever helps you feel like your life wasn't a failure. Pretty pathetic but hey it got a chuckle out of me. At least you did one thing today worthwhile.
What the absolute fuck are you niggering on about?
I dunno. Playing New Vegas without voice acting would feel lacking.
I wish I saw more LOL threads. They seem somewhat a rarity these days, or then I'm just unlucky with my timing.
If you're okay with no voice acting then you're a weeaboo faggot that should just stick to Yea Forums to discuss your faggot dating sims... imo
Inevitably degrades into Resetera vs. /pol/.
There are some people who want to clean up or remove toxicity from the video game community. I, however, will always love that it is and has always been a fatter, sweatier version of the Player Haters Ball
You have to just look out for a thread with a random comic in the OP, threads autosage if you just put LOL in the OP now
i think im gonna need some context to understand this one
i swear every day i see something that makes me feel like a newfag
What game?
War... War never changes...
where do you think piss comes from
Every time I say that the only way to fix Yea Forums is heavier moderation, people call me a leftist.
I think somewhat recently he kept making threads about Ion Maiden.
>Peer pressure
Wanna know how I know you're butthurt about phone games because you either don't have a phone or a real job?
GamerGate was the turning point for this place
>oh no! he has empirical evidence that I have no argument against! better call him a faggot lolz
>Nintendo still won most of the important awards
6 Smash awards and 1 Octopath award if you count that
You faggots always blow things out of proportion
>Someone today is an idort
>Becomes a gigantic tantrum from poors complaining about people giving money yo jews
Poors find a way to overcome their handicaps I guess
The issue is you need the right kind of moderation, and very few people have the understanding and self control to prune out what actually needs to be pruned and ignore their own personal bias or agenda.
It's only possible in theory, it'd never work in practice. I do think thread based post IDs would go a long way towards helping this place, since those still maintain anonymity and the samefag problem is intense enough that it's worthwhile.
/trash/ especially needs this due to the no life autists that spend every waking moment there
I never even see the original idort picture anymore, it's all just fucking wojak edits
ahh the megman/zero thread
that based retard
fuck me i remember literally all of these
what a friend
I'm coming with you
user why are you doing this?
whats the sauce?
This is painfully accurate
nvm i found it
ur still a cunt though
Why are those two in the bottom right so bald and piglike in appearance
welcome to nintenweebGAF
>2016 invaders spam nintendo threads everyday
>Yea Forums loves nintendo lol
Cry more bitch niggas
He's right though, Nintendo is a disgrace. Last year was an awful time to be a Nintendo fan. One major release and that was it.
>all this smash threads
most Yea Forumslads have correctly assessed its an unpolished mess that relies on character and story over gameplay (like it always has since KH1/KH2)
i think half the people who realised this now realise how shit 1/2 are and that they were conned with le epic characters when they were young
and then of course redditors defend anything and everything
>bottom left is a snoyfag
Why has the Nintendo/Sony rivalry gotten so bad in the past few years?
>most Yea Forumslads have correctly assessed its an unpolished mess that relies on character and story over gameplay (like it always has since KH1/KH2)
gameplay is the best in kh3, difficulty and bosses suck dick
pretty much this.
I find myself coming to this site less and less.
It's amazing how nu-Yea Forums has nearly killed my urge to ever come to this shit site.
>gameplay is the best in kh3, difficulty and bosses suck dick
>gameplay is shit
>No it isnt!
>look mom im discussing video games!!
your game is shit faggot
As of late, nobody seems willing to be genuine at all in their discussion about games. I don't even know why they're here. I guess some people are just super lost in the world.
More like "this game has shit controls, bad gameplay, and is 99.999% fucking storyshit but that's what I've been brainwashed into thinking is the ingredients in a 10/10 game so fuck logic"
I think I lost a few brain cells reading this
i've been here since 2009 and without a doubt the past 2 years have been the worst in history and im pretty certain its unsalvagable
t.only played kh1,2
ok retard enjoy your shitty opinion
Yea Forums is very obviously a nintendy board though. People praised the fuck out of botw even though its average at best.
>ive literally never played any videogame which involves melee combat
KH3 is literally like babies first attempt at hacknslash or whatever kids are calling it these days, the game doesnt anticipate the player using their thought process at any point in the game
of course the target audience is american children though so that is expected
for modern Yea Forums, just replace "bronies" with "SJWs"
>slower than reading
I am dyslexic
what is it?
yandex and iqdb/saucenow gives nothing
reminder that he was talking about reddit when he said that you could get quicker quality content elsewhere
combat and exploring is best in series
story, difficulty and bosses is just kiddie easy shit
I hope final mix will fix this, im not defending kh3 user
learn to read properly retard
greatest troll in a while
Are Nintendofags the jews of Yea Forums?
Always feeling victimized despite being one of the biggest and most powerful communities on the board who's reach and influences reach quite far.
combat literally cannot be the best if the difficulty is kiddie easy shit, user, you are contradicting yourself
yes but their influence doesnt even reach that far, they are simply the loudest minority on Yea Forums
worst still they are becoming a majority thanks to underage and 2016 invaders
considering their video games aren't filled with interracial lesbian kissing
>group of boys walked in
i closed it with extreme prejudice
[Ryoumoto Hatsumi] Amefuri no Gogo wa, Minna de
Yes bro, only your political side is objectively right and everyone else is objectively wrong.
I'm so sick of politics.
I hate the left
I hate the right
I'm sick of the falseflags
I'm tired of every insult being politically charged
I'm tired of every meme being a pepe and a wojak
I want to have fun but fun is dead.
What the SJWs haven't killed the rightwing pendulum swingback will finish off.
Being niggers in Habbo was fun back then. Nowadays people would treat it like a revolutionary act.
I want to die
>how do you do my fellow olfags
This shit is cringier than wojak edits. Fuck off back to SA, nigger.
>shows me a video of shit combat
look mom im doing it
oh shit i have to dodge
ok i nailed it
why are you pretending to be retarded
no, thanks. I'll continue shitposting
In any poll that features something related to Nintendo they usually win. I think you are underestimating how many there already are.
Which is odd when you think about it because the fanbase itself is one of the most SJW friendly and diverse fanbases around. You would think the trannies and shit would be more into Sony who are actively trying to ruin their games by making them filled with SJW shit.
>X X X X X X X X X X X
no its not play the game first and watch more then first 1min... you dont even know how combat work in kh3...
not only have i played it, but IN YOUR VIDEO and throughout the entire game the game constantly reminds you to press X if you're on retard difficulty
>I think you are underestimating how many there already are.
its called denial user, if i dont enter their threads they're not here, luckily they still get shitposted to death if they leave their safespace
im talking about COMBAT about comboses, shotlocks, keyblade forms, flowmotion etc in kh3 you have best arsenal to have fun
I agree difficulty is shit but the game is still solid 8/10
>lol the moveset changed therefor its deep and meaningful
equiping a new weapon and mashing x again is not fun and exciting, sorry but i am over the age of 18, maybe i should have started off with that
The day moot sold Yea Forums, multiple clones were made. A couple of them were really comfy. I lost the links, and I regret everything because the only chance I had to leave this place without joining cancerous communities is now gone.
I'm sure they're all dead by now.
>mash X and triangle
nothing new just like every kh
if you mash only X in this game you are just braindead
>>mash X and triangle
>nothing new just like every kh
yeah thats my point
>mashing X is braindead
>mashing X and Y however.......
Probably, still regretting tho. The few generals I'm interested in are mostly singleplayer, so making a discord server wouldn't make any sense, and the two multiplayer ones were riddled with drama and shitposters. Between this and /vr/ become worse as years go by, I'm at the point I'm considering fucking off to reddit, after 12 years on this shithole.
Good, stay here. We already have enough of you SocJus cuckchannel refugees on the other imageboards as it is.
The problem with redshit is that it's slow and populated entirely by the most insufferable smug assholes you'll ever see. Good for finding out factual information, really REALLY bad for casual discussion.
This is true tho. I see myself skipping dialogue in rpgs everytime except if the VA is worth shit (Tim Curry in DA:Origins for example does a fantastic job), bust most of the time they aren't. Which is why I enjoy old rpgs often more. Also you can built a lot more dialogue options and story into it than through spoken dialogue.
VA is great for games without any real dialogues (ie silent protagonist) like diablo2, path of exile etc.
in PoE the VA is simply amazing and it makes the plot so much better
>chinchongchingchong i hope i dont die
b-but shotlocks and arrows to change keyblades and flowmotion moves
2x more shit to do woohoo
Imagine playing a game and reading everything.
triggered tranny
i bet youvoted for shillary
Absolutely based.
reddit wins again!!
I don't mind i being slow, but the voting system is what's putting me off, and dicksucking any "celebrities" there are in their subreddit.
I'm gonna find you, and when I do, I'm gonna spam my smug anime girls all over your boards.
A literally who screencap from Twitter.
name some good games for you user
so i can laugh too
god dammit
rimworld is comfy
im in the top 5 for forza drifting, you could make fun of that since its normie shit
damn. I cannot argue with this logic.
oh that explain a lot
if you like it have fun, im just rpg-autist
have a nice day
>go to thread on fireden
>start fucking wheezing from laughter at all the replies, can't breathe
Am I really wrong for cross-board /pol/ posting?
This whole website has undertones of /pol/.
Yes, you uber faggot.
More like villains and victims.
updated for 2019
>/pol/ existed in 1997
So where is this screenshot from and do you have any other ancient screenshots of video game discussion on the internet?
The only people who complain about "/pol/" posting are leftwing superfaggots and moderators who want to turn this site into reddit 2.0. They even filtered the word sóy thats how gay these niggerfaggots are.
never liked most rpg's, they simply dont pull it off well enough
i have felt more attached and invested in the protaganists of none-rpg's than i ever have had in a rpg character
theres just too much responsibilty on the player to fill in the gaps
rimworld is my perfect example desu, its not an rpg but the whole game is to just create a story, ive had loads of colonies and loads of people with their own deal chilling out in them and been devastated at losses etc etc
whereas an rpg im just some dickhead with some gay backstory and im constantly pushed towards 1 of any number of preplanned destinies
real exciting
thats my deal though i understand RPG and why its good. i just think that WOW back in the day ISNT an rpg but hit all the "rpg notes" better than any rpg i've played
forza is pretty fun and thats all i have to say about that really
if you have 5 minutes to kill here is some gay shit
Voice acting is objectively superior over text in cutscenes.
Anyone who disagrees is a contrarian retard who supports ISIS
>2016 was 3 years ago
Fuck me what the fuck
>2010 is almost 10 years ago
Fucking hell in my head fucking Skyrim has just recently come out and it's like early 2012.
>slowly poisoning you with narcissism
Did the opposite actually, helped me get a thicker skin.
Yea Forums has historically never been the cleanest board and has always had crossposting with Yea Forums and other boards, but thats simply because Yea Forums used to be almost exclusively losers and weirdos, so we all played video games
but even then, we'd go to Yea Forums to shitpost about video games, and Yea Forums /pol/ to shitpost about basically anything else.
i dont think "/POL/ CROSSPOSTING!" is as bad as people think but its more visibly obvious than it used to be, but thats just because its tasteless shitposting.
thanks to 2016 newfags, pretending to be retarded for about 3 posts in a row is all it takes to derail a big thread, imitating a /pol/ boogeyman takes about 1 post
thats basically all there is too it
He's not wrong.
Only fags hate mario
Yea Forums has been a Nintendo fortress for as along as I can remember. Around 2008 up to now.
If Yea Forums isn't a Nintendo fortress anymore, then it isn't Yea Forums anymore.
Of course, that doesn't mean you can't dislike Nintendo, but most of the people on Yea Forums back then are nintendo fanboys.
this is literally not true
nintendo Yea Forums is the earliest example of an tripfag echochamber hell
i was fine with those guys though, nu-Yea Forums cant take the shitposting, nintendo releases cardboard(tm) and when, of course, it gets shitposted to death, they are shocked and take it personally
the Yea Forumsirgin Nintenfag vs chad SEGA /vr/o
Why do people even like pictures like that anyway? Seems like a niche fetish thing.
i like this political compass
Why is everything on Yea Forums "based" these days? I know that word has been used on here since 2012, but it's spammed way more now.
I feel the same way, I feel like this entire decade has gone by way too fast. I miss the early 2010's, those times were nice.
i used to hate it too but its ideal for if you're just skimming a thread and someone is talking shit and you just pretend to agree with them so they shit up the thread you're not even in for longer
i gave up on the idea Yea Forums can be salvaged a while ago
Yea Forums is a proven nintenyerold board though?
Based = upvote
Cringe = downvote
(You)s = Reddit gold
>OP clearly posts a joke about console warring
>Butthurt console warriors take it as taking sides
Stings when it hits a nerve?
the autists of 2019 can no longer detect sarcasm, satire or irony, not that most of them ever could
me on the top right
>There was a time when Yea Forums's most hated things were just cartoon horses and Reddit's rage comics
Would take those times back over all the political stuff these days.
The PCfag is pretty accurate.
It didn't. This shithole is not the whole world even if loud minority tries to convince anons otherwise.
Voice acting is great when exposition does not need to interrupt gameplay. Agree when it comes to cinematics/dialogue boxes/whatever.
I honestly just dislike how everything on Yea Forums now has to revolve around political fighting. I'll admit that I'm a newfag from 2011 myself, but I feel like Yea Forums was more fun back when everything on Yea Forums revolved around "Yea Forums culture".
Is it just me, or is Yea Forums's obsession with Twitter a recent thing? I feel like Yea Forums wasn't flooded with Twitter stuff until around 2014 or 2015.
2011 wasnt exactly peak Yea Forums culture but i do agree, there isnt a culture anymore, everything is shit and everything is a target and you're either WITH US OR AGAINST US etc etc
Yea Forums has been dead a while son, i just come here for the same reason i always did, laugh at autistic people arguing. the flavour of autism is different, thats all
>hurr durr what was 2016 invasion
fuck off newfag
The truth face of an idolfag.
I was on Yea Forums before 2016, it's just that I have a shitty memory, but I get the feeling that Yea Forums didn't have as much Twitter stuff in the early 2010's as it does now. I was just wondering if my memory is correct.
yes i'd agree with that, i was just pointing out the answer, aka why it is that twitter is so popular: its cause of all the 16 year olds
>i just come here for the same reason i always did, laugh at autistic people arguing
All the arguing on Yea Forums feels tiresome to me to be honest, because I've seen it all before. I mainly just come here out of habit these days, but I do remember having fun on here back when Yea Forums did stuff like that Ace of Spades game that used to be popular on here.
eh its the same as always, you find a gem every so often, it is how it is
I think I remember that. Wasn't there some guy back in 2012 spamming "samefag" accusations in Japanese game threads?
>proto-/pol/ vs proto-reddit.jpg
I do feel like Yea Forums is way too addictive for me, probably because I'm a NEET with way too much free time, so it's too easy for me to end up just spending all the time here.
>no gangrape
You seem hard triggered tranny
It's a pretty long series.
making fun of people from twitter is actually fun sometimes the real problem is faggots repost shit from reddit here they got offended by
wasn't this a smash thread?
is this you taking it personally?
That's how dodos disappeared.
This user gets it.
twitter today = tumblr of yesterday
everyone jumped ship so it's the new cesspool
>bottom left
>mercy for the poor wizened child, mercy..
Skyrim was released 11/11/11
Great hentai right there
Nah he says that he didn't like the games for PS3.
Nice try toddler
Fucking dead.
>Skyrim will have been out for eight years this November
>that's about one tenth of your entire life
Holy shit these are so terrible
It's like they were made to make anyone who cares uncomfortable.
Fuggen save'd
Yea Forums/ in one pic.
Bottom left with less hair and slightly less fat is boomer wojak