Why did rhythm games all but died outside Japan?
Why did rhythm games all but died outside Japan?
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weeb outbreak and trannyosu
Because Japanese people and webs are the only ones that buy it now
Autism threshold
Plastic toy guitars just fell out of style.
Rhythm games are pretty dead in Japan though too
They'd be incredibly niche now if it weren't for the waves of idolshit gacha games
What is that gif from?
Americans will only play rhythm games if it has licensed music.
Because American music games cost far more to produce because 90% of the cost is from licensing overpriced music.
You don't recognize Lum?
Guitar Hero and Rock Band oversaturated the market too quickly and with too expensive games / peripherals.
Urusi yatsura.
No. What’s that?
She used to be everywhere if you read magazines, but you cant expect newfags to know when it's always about flavor of the month.
Westerners have to buy an expensive peripheral to try them at all
Nips have them built into cabinets at their arcades
Other than Patapon I won't touch any rhythm game that doesn't have anime girls and jpop (kpop is close enough tho).
As with most games, there should be a release model that closely follows Counter-Strike.
1 game every decade (longer as time goes on and diminishing returns on progress apply)
All playable content is free
Support additional content with cosmetic microtransactions
I'm sure there are actually earlier examples of each, but she's among the first tsundere, monster girls who actually had a shot in hell at the MC Bowl, and member of a harem for a shithead MC strung along into endless Harem Anime bullshit.
You just reminded me about Patapon, user. Those were some good fucking games, dare I say SOULFUL games. Do you have the PS4 port? Is it good?
what do you mean, I'm American and love rhythm games
My wife Lum is so cute
must have been hell trying to make new songs every fucking week
play bandori
i need to watch this
Have any of the pastels even shown up in S2 yet? Episode 1 doesn't count.
>mfw people on Yea Forums over the age of 40
holy shit, what are you grandpas doing?
>youngfags think 'you're here forever' is a joke
I'll let you in a secret, young blood. You will be old, just like us, but you won't notice it. Someday you will wake up and realize that you are 30, and you feel the same as when you were 20.
Then some young kid will call you grampa.
episode 5 was pasupare episode
i'll quit this place before I turn 25
I won't turn into you two
Assuming they're 40, played their first game at 8 years old, and it was a new game they'd probably had played Contra, Megaman, Metal Gear, Punchout, or Double Dragon to name a few. I'd understand why they'd be here
See you when you turn 30, champ.
It’s the greatest long-running comedy anime.
My favorite anime in general, too.
haha i said that back in 2005. good luck kid.
the only japanese cartoon I've ever liked
Music industry went retard with licensing fees.
Activision and ea would LOVE to sell yearly updates, with mtx out the ass.
She’s not tsundere at all and UY isn’t a harem.
why do you think Counter Strike pioneered this model?
Has anyone in the west actually made a rhythm game? or just these licensed "music games"?
You can't run away from yourself, boy. You like it here, there's no rational reason to leave.
Crypt of the Necrodancer did pretty well.
>tfw my arcade has sound voltex, groove coaster, pop n music, jubeat, and museca all on free play.
Anyone know if the DDR scene is dead in the states dead? that was my shit like a decade ago