This is a lie. No way is Yea Forums this shit after last years ok chart.
This is a lie. No way is Yea Forums this shit after last years ok chart
Other urls found in this thread:
If you ever needed a reminder that Yea Forums is a board infested with manchildren then here it is.
Only 365 people actually voted on this since it was only open for a day, probably so there could be multiple polls over the year. So there should be another one next week or so. So this isn't very accurate right now. Also it's honestly better then any list we've done so far
>twinks and traps
fixed for you
When the fuck was this made? I didn't see anything about it
>vampire rain not on list
Yeah it's shit.
A couple weeks ago, there was like one thread open for an entire day. Only people who say & were in the thread voted on it
>16. Metroid Fusion
You lost me
You know it's fucking bad when Yea Forums somehow has far superior taste then this shithole that only circlejerks NPC level shit
>80% of top 5 is Nintendo shit
Jesus christ
> Bbbut Nintendo, le manchildren how dare they like games!
Rent Free, keep seething
Popular game bad.
>Super Metroid top 2
Finally, a list with good tas...
>Earthbound over Mother 3
>Mother 3 that low
Shit list, never post this again.
Most popular games made before 2007 are genuinely great & deserving of praise, however the majority made afterwards are souless garbage
>last year's chart
Thank god i'm a boomer. I would off myself if i found out i was a zoomer.
>Persona 2
Wait what? I don't mean it's bad but how come Yea Forums only remember it this year?
Genuinely serious, what is the problem with this list? Are people just complaining because it's all popular or Nintendo games instead of niche garbage? Is Yea Forums really THAT obsessed with being contrarions?
>7. SoulCalibur (1999)
Sure is Metacritic up in here.
I'm very sure no one would put the first SC as one of the best games of all time anymore unless they're a Metacritic drone. I mean the game's not even the best in it's own series, and sure as hell not the best in its genre.
>Persona 4 Golden on the list at all
All of these games are better than ANY modern game.
>shtting on persona 4 when magnitudes of shittier games got on the list
yikes and cringepilled familia
T. Zoomer contrarian, nice job outing yourself
this is like the best movie of all time list being filled with lord of the rings and harry potter
they're not bad, but they would never be considered the best by people who do nothing but play games all day
Cram Metacritic up your ass dirty trash zoomer. your shitty nigger website does not make a good or bad go fuck your dad faggot.
This is objectively correct 90 % of time though when it comes to Japanese games
>top100fag still making these threads
jesus man, get some help
Go back to R E D D I T
I honestly don't understand how anyone could disagree with this post
Seek help my dude, you're a danger to yourself and people around you.
> Still thinking these are made by the same boogeyman, when all of their file names are completely different & that user's threads always start with "What's your biggest problem with this list"?
Seriously you are obssessed
>Sure is Metacritic up in here-
Now you do.
I'll help you into a tomb fuck for brains zoomer!
Why is it only on Yea Forums and Yea Forums that its a problem to say older was better. No one cares when you say modern movies suck its all capeshit or say modern anime sucks its all moeblob waifushit, but say modern games are shitty open world cashgrabs and Yea Forums flips out.
Those are the boards infested with Reddit Zoomers & NPC casuals
> but say modern games are shitty open world cashgrabs and Yea Forums flips out.
Because it's true and Yea Forums can't handle the truth it pains them so much and makes them upset...and makes me happy to see them suffer hell i get a boner from it.
Even if new games and albums aren't as good as old games/albums (very subjective mind you !!) there is still merit to some especially if you look hard or beyond whats popular in mainstream. Everything surface level including movies is usually just a quick cash grab these days.
Why is Super Mario World higher than Super Mario Bros 3? I thought Super Mario Bros 3 was the untouchable sacred cow.
> I mean the game's not even the best in it's own series
Based. SCII chads rise up.
What's the matter anons? Couldn't afford the superior sequel?
>Top 4 are all Nintendo
Ocarina of time, I never played it when I was young, and when I played it last year I found it pretty fun for an old game.
If you think BOTW, Smash Ultimate, and Destiny 2 are comparable to Sicko Mode, SAO, and the Emoji movie, you're a faggot
Destiny 2 is definitely comparable to the Emoji movie.
You should have said BOTW, God of War, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Smash Ultimate for maximum Yea Forumsermin seethe while also not having shitty tastes and defending Destiny 2.
>Destiny 2 is definitely comparable to the Emoji movie.
Yeah, that'll be a yikes from me, chieftain.
What a shit list, you can smell the sõy from here. This is not the old Yea Forums that I knew. Since when did Yea Forums become Resetendo and be filled with manchildren and Tumblrwhales?
>Bioshock is still in the top 100
These lists will always be bad until that mediocre game goes away. Hell Bioshock 2 was leagues better
Rent free
for anyone wondering, OP's image never happened and last year was the absolute lowest Yea Forums has ever fell
It literally did though newfag, it was up for a day a couple weeks ago. 364 people were the only ones who voted on it
and that is why its stupid
unless you use catalog or LOOK AT THE FUCKING CATALOG, you won't see shit.
Here, this was posted the day after the ballot was conducted
Your games are shit deal with the truth or neck yourself OR better yet blow your faggot head off.
every year this top 100 gets worse and worse.
>i only play le contrarian, i mean, """"""""soulful """"" games for contrarians, i mean, """""intellectuals"""""" such as myself
Not gonna lie, i unironically think my personal list is far superior to any list you faggots have made
>Only list Starcraft was ever on was 2008
Jesus we've fallen so far
all these games have been well-regarded though. majoras mask MGS3, mario 64 haev been loevd here since forever
That's the point, nu-Yea Forums is literally obsessed with being contrarian by hating on anything that's popular while circlejerking niche western games that nobody cares about
Reminder there is some autist making these threads by creating and falsifying that we made these lists. Ive been in the board 24/7 on the hour and have yet seen a top100 list
The Ocarina of Time joke is getting old. It would be nice to see an actual sincere measure of Yea Forums's opinions instead of just memes.
just dont bump these threads and hide them, expect him to reply with seething or obsessed or any other one line word
I honestly can not tell what Yea Forums believes or what it pretends to believe for browny points anymore, I mean this list has been almost the same for years. I bet it's newfags voting like they have """taste"""" or some shit.
You already posted in this thread & got BTFO’d by 2 people already. Do you ever tire of obsessing? Also someone already posted a link to the original thread in this thread, but everyone ignores it. Same with the voting, only people who view through the Catalog actually saw it since it was up for like 4-5 hours. Most of nu-Yea Forums doesn’t know what that is though
>Your games are shit deal with the truth or neck yourself OR better yet blow your faggot head off
>cucktrarian this mad
They have no incentive to do that though. In reality what I think it is, is that Yea Forums constantly recommends these games as the best so newfags come see these list, play some of the games, and end up agreeing they're the at minimum above average games. They're certainly better than most of the random assortment of niche/AAA they played throughout their gaming career, using myself as an example
WHAT IS THE APPEAL!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!
The art style isn't shit, don't pretend. Definitely great enough to make up for lack luster "graphics" or "performance" (who even cares about performance?)
The appeal of zelda isn't in the difficulty of it's puzzles or combat, that's a misguided interpretation. Adventure is key, and any difficulty can facilitate that if the game is designed around it like Ocarina
>does nothing remotely interesting
Now, sure. In 1998? Fucking revolutionary on multiple fronts. Games today still model themselves of that original OOT game design
>Finished 13
>Started but never finished 46
>it's good because time travel was so freakin epic in my 14 year old imagination even though it meant jack shit story-wise and gameplay-wise
The game has nothing going for it. It's not an "adventure" because it's about as linear and forced as a on-rails shooter - backtracking through a giant empty field and towns with some nice music in them does not count as "adventuring". Being the first to popularize (not even invent) a bunch of mechanics and concepts means jack shit if you do it incredibly poorly, it makes no sense that so many people pretend it remotely holds up today and hasn't been bested by other games by a long shot.
Same reason people love FF7 so much.