What are your thoughts on the 90's artstyle and aesthetic?
Do they look too obsolete to non-boomer eyes?
What are your thoughts on the 90's artstyle and aesthetic?
Do they look too obsolete to non-boomer eyes?
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Lain is a shit anime. Absolute trash.
>90's artstyle and aesthetic
I liked the history lesson epsiode at the least
I love it. That kind of watercolor-look is really nice to look at. It feels less sterile and more inspired
New pokemon done in the old style look really good compared to the new art style
It's lovely.
peak 90's artstyle vidya
We're called Generation X and Y. Unpolished 1990's artwork looks every bit as bad to us as it does to zoomers, that are spoiled on Photoshop.
I just miss cel animation in general but I know digital animation is far more cost effective for it to ever come back
Pre 2005 but post 1995 was the golden age of anime art style
Why not the 80s?
The 90s is overrated.
Fuck no, mid to late 80's was the best
As long as they actually animate that shit instead of making them float into predetermined poses in fucking flash I can live with it.
Late 90s and Early 00s are the best.
I'd love for a game recreate 90s aesthetic and style without resorting to "retro graphics"
a man of impeccable taste
I like it.
I really, really miss this level of grit in animation.
It's just so much fun to look at.
I haven't seen the Broly film yet.
And you don't seem to understand
A shame you seemed an honest man.
Why the 90's artwork doesn't look as old as the 80's did a decade ago?
Same 20 years, right?
Why is ABe so good?
I don't think there's one distinct "90's aesthetic." It encompasses everything from Ocarina of Time to Lain to Myst.
the 80's didn't look like that
I miss peak Capcom.
If ABe did the character designs for a game, that would be cool.
something about the tools and practices used then just looks better to me. I'm not a pokemon genwunner but the concept art for gen 1+2 is fantastic, it's something about the white highlight overexposed look compared to the really bland digital cell shading they do now. The execution of the designs is cooler too, there's less of a kawaii uguu influence that I can't exactly explain.
I love the style, 90s shit had tons of charm in aesthetic
I'm more of a fan of the new designs.
>I don't think there's one distinct "90's aesthetic
We're talking about nipponese cartoon style and Otaking would argue in favor of dynamic key animation and wide use of color tones. Animu these days are flat-colored powerpoint slides so I don't blame people who get reactionary like that.
>Flat-colored powerpoint slides.
it's not the 90s who are timeless
just ABe
prove me wrong
you can't
I really can't. Did he do character design for the game? Despera when?
The real Despera was the friends we made along the way.
okay you're accepted.
but nothing else is salvageable
maybe Cowboy Bebop
never fucking ever
>Outlaw Star
aged like fucking milk
based lain poster
That looks like fun, I've heard Ikaruga is good.
something about it makes it feel like soul was put into it. wholesome and passion.
Candlelit smile that we both share.
And you know I don't mean to hurt you
This song makes me cry when I'm depressed...
Oddly enough, it makes me angry/energetic too
It's pretty good, but Disco is Boa's best song. youtube.com
You just blow in from stupid town?
Yes, Lain has a vidya. Try to keep up. laingame.net
Peak aesthetic. Boogiepop Phantom, Lain, Kino's Journey, these were the best looking shows.
Kino was early 2000s, but same director as Lain.
Pretty good.
Not a huge Lain guy, though.
Texhnolyze and Haibane Renmei are both better.
And boy, are they fucking great.
>ywn play Ocarina for the first time ever again
What about this dude right here?
And Cowboy Bebop?
90’s anime looks really comfy, for some reason.
It always cracks me up when people claim that Texhnolyze fans are only pretending to like the show to seem cool. It's as niche as can be.
wtf is this horrendous screenshot
The only thing that was, visually, strictly better in 80s/90s anime was the use of shading. There are a lot of different art styles on offer now, but none excel in detail. I think it's a mix of the usual 'otaku are the audience' thing and lower budgets and faster schedules not allowing for so much work. Other than that, there's way less of an inclination towards introspection and non-chuuni edginess, which is definitely a loss.
What's your favorite 90's game, Yea Forums? For me it's hard to top Riven.
Trigun and Cowboy Bebop were good. Both had great soundtracks too.
Kino is better read than watched, and the art is better too.
OFC you have to learn Japanese to do that, so... not really worth it for most people.
While some designs started getting a little extreme, I think the '90s and early '00s played host to some of the best work from traditional artists and designers while also being their last breath in a rapidly changing industry.
as shitty as that game ultimately was the concept or Gardens was top tier
>tfw no Trigun Maximum anime
>Go to Barnes and Noble
>Perfect Blue, Boogiepop, and Monogatari series are translated
Doesn't mean Kino will ever get translated, but it surprised me.
But I read them all up to like the 17th volume and I don't know Japanese
Sauce on the picture? Neither Google nor iqdb are giving me anything.
Cowboy Bebop is better than Trigun, but they're both solid as fuck.
I was so disappointed in new Kino.
Old Kino was kino.
>Cute Ryushika vidya never,
It’s so fucking aesthetic and the story is so weird and great.
I love that anime and I don’t care what people say.
I heard Kino was translated at some point, they should definitely bring it back though.
There are some ugly ass 90s anime, but overall, they're were far more range with anatomy than the more blob shit of today.
The soundtrack is absolutely fantastic. youtube.com
I would love a Tex video game wandering around Lux.
Look up Yoshitoshi ABe - Gaisokyu.
It never got fully translated.
Ah yeah, I figured it was from Gaisokyu but wasn't sure. If I had the cash and knew where to keep it I'd buy that book in a heartbeat.
The worst part about modern anime is its use of computer coloring. They all look oversaturated as fuck. Even when it's not kid stuff, the oversaturation ruins any grunge anime they try to develope.(I need a better example)
80s,90s, and early 00s had a lot of grit to their coloring.
The first volume was translated long long ago, but they put the story about Kino's origin as the first chapter instead of last, and the author got mad and I think the rights are also stuck in some kind of Tokyopop limbo.
I personally like it. It has a distinct look when put next to modern anime style. On Abe's works, however, I really like that he uses desaturated colors because with it, he is able to bring out a mood I like. However not all old artstyle are that pretty. Kind of unrelated, but I wish pic related art technique would come back. It's so cool, it's like really old film posters.
I...actually think both Lain and Texhnolyze are a bit overrated, but they do manage to capture a certain mood
That's why you need to switch to Taiwanese puppet kino.
>Thunderbolt Fantasy fighting game never
Shinkiro is GOD
Silver Case is the only vidya game that gives you the proper late 90s techno-edginess
I've heard that ABe was forbidden from watching anime or reading manga as a kid, so he developed his own unique style based more on paintings.
It think for the most part it's a stylistic choice. I don't have any facts to back this up, but I'm 99% sure Hellsing and most post-00 anime is computer colored. I could be wrong though.
I totally agree. The Silver Case is amazing.
80's anime had that perfect look. You can't beat that shit.
I still need to play that, the only other 90s techno game I vividly remember playing is Soul Hackers. They still got quite a few predictions about the internet right for the time.
Yeah, it's true. Sharing to other anons, his tocotoco interview. He also likes the messy lines because it brings out the artist's personality. I personally think it depends on the artist if the messy lines will work or not, but it certainly works out for Abe. Really hoping his future projects work out great.
If it's got choices, it's a game. If it's got no choices, it's a book. Katawa Shoujo is a game, Narcissu is a book.
He insulted Lain
Take his foreskin
satoshi urushihara is a solid reference for 90's shit
one of the RPG's he did art for recently released with a '''''remastered''''' artstyle, and side-by-side it holds literally nothing compared to his original 90's designs
his porn's great too but he still did exceptional art
I think most people thinks it looks pretty cool in still since it's generally more detailed than modern artstyles. It's when it comes to getting objects to move quickly and fluidly that the strengths of computerized animation comes into play.
I love ABe so much. Every single one of his works (except Rerided) is basically perfect.
The image is comparing two different genres, so it's not completely fair. Helsing is using a lot of black ink, so it feels more like an actual manga animated.
I do see some more adult anime using those Saturday morning anime colors for darker stories and I hate it.
Eilfenlied, while it uses a near 90s style with proportions, the coloring is God awful, imo. Oversaturated. I suppose it was to contrast her to her brutal powers, but it could have been done better.
Required playing for both of you
Soul Hackers has my personal favorite soundtrack in the series.
The rest of the comic is here: imgur.com
>Own the box set of Elfen Lied from back when I was discovering edgy anime like Devilman Apocalypse
Still haven't played Ace Combat, but I can't get enough of the soundtrack.
Based Haibane bro.
EVE burst error is another weird 90s thing that people overlook
Haibane is one of the greatest television series in the history of the medium, and I will stand by that.
Soul Hackers is soo good.
Last. Sorry Yea Forums I really like these old movie poster art look. Wish more animu artist would do it
Ecco is criminally underrated nowadays. youtube.com
this Silver case game looks rad. I'll check it out. Thanks!
You should give it a shot, I put the series off way too long because I wasn't into flight sims. And I'm still kinda not, because Ace Combat is more of an arcade game than anything.
AC3 is a different beast, though. The original JP version is like a hybrid with a fucking visual novel. It's got branching paths and multiple/true endings and everything. Shit takes place in the future where rather than countries warring it out it's megacorporations, and the late 90s- futuristic style is at its heaviest. Compare to Lain/GitS.
Went through that phase myself. 80s has a good edge, while the 90s was more grunge. A dull buzzsaw after the the long use.
It sounds like Mario Kart with planes, which I'm totally on board with.
That plus anime.
Good but hard as nails. Which is the best kind of good.
24/7 english dub stream of Serial Experiments Lain
Sounds pretty awesome.
Getting dropped into a random scene is one of the best ways to experience Lain.
Indeed, volume 1 was translated, and it was somewhat of a... decent ish to subpar translation, but I suppose not god awful considering the time.
The translator could have at least made it read a little less like a sub-par YA novel and aimed for something more respectable sounding, since the stories themselves are actually quality in terms of content. After all, I didn't particularly find that the Japanese releases read so... badly. Or maybe Hermes just doesn't seem like as whiny a bitch in Japanese. Who knows.
If you can stomach the book sounding less "Lois Lowry" and more "Stephanie Meyer" (ok, not THAT bad but still) it's worth a read.
Are both the US and Japanese releases of AC3 worth emulating, or is it a case where you should only stick to the Japanese release + guide/english patch?
Where do you even start with AC as a franchise? Emulating the originals, the remake on 3DS, jumping into any of them bar Horizon?
buckle up fuckaroo, you’re in for some wild shit
if you like it, here’s this chart
There's something about the late 90s/early 00s look that really speaks to me. I can't put my finger on it.
The singer for Duvet still alive. Kind of a shame they never took off. Same with the Delgado band,, the one that sung for Gunslinger Girls OP.
^that link was for their 20th anniversary of Serial Experiments Lain
There was another recent remix of Duvet, though I like the old Cyberia version more
Cyberia remix
I really liked certain aspects of Elfen Lied but hated the nya-nya shit. It was conflicting. In the end I gave up on it pretty early. I realise there's purpose in the contrast between the brutal bits and the cutsey bits but the latter was just too awful.
Acoustic Duvet>>>>Regular>>>>>Cyberia. youtube.com
US release removed all cutscenes and dialogue, because the localization team didn't think games should have stories. So yeah JP release all the way.
You can start with any of the better ones (4, 5, 0, 7, maybe 6 or the 3DS remake of 2) and work in whatever order you want. Sure you'll miss some references in your first playthroughs but catching them later on isn't bad either. Source: my ass.
What's the best Slayers game?
I wouldn't touch US AC3 now that there's a translation of the JP. They basically gutted the plot, removed some missions and the branching structure, and slapped what was left together. You'll be playing the same missions but missing what makes the game actually great.
You can start wherever because they have self-contained stories, but probably the PS2 games are best to start with (4, 5, and 0).
It feels cool. As in literally cool. Late '90s aesthetics make me feel like it's a rainy day.
I think a lot of shows and vidya were able to do more with less resolution and resources than a lot of new shows and vidya are able to do with more resolution and resources. New anime and vidya also overuse color grading which is shit when over done and not just used for special scenes to accent drama.
I guess it felt like a time where you could feel the passion behind the people who worked on some titles, or it was still a time where people could afford to be creative due to lower budgets.
Thanks for the heads up, I'll remember this when I get a chance to touching an AC game, or if I want to try out 3.
This style of cyberpunk will always be my favorite. It feels like a rough world where people actually live in, yet there's still clearly the ominous presence of incomprehensible machines.
DBS: Broly is fantastic, it has the best animation the series has seen in decades. The story is pretty good too, if you don't mind DB Minus.
I wouldn't really call lain cyberpunk.
I wasn't referring to Lain specifically, just the style in general.
I think the author just draws stuff to sate his piss fetish now.
Texhnolyze is similar.
There's certainly high technology. Low life is debatable, but considering how deeply everyone is entrenched in the Wired I'd say it qualifies.
Does 3DS Soul Hackers retain the 90s magic or should I just try the oldie?
Most are translated on bakatsuki of varying quality, and another guy is retranslating/translating them all at about a chapter a week. At Volume 9 now.
He's pretty adept at translating though, he also did Baccano. And Allison and Lillia and the rest in that series. And a bunch of other light novels, but I haven't read those.
i want more 80s style japan
It does. I don’t think the Sega Saturn version even has a translation, but if you can get your hands on a copy and can read runes, play it on Saturn for maximum 90’s.
Thanks Ollie.
DeviantArt and Tumblr ruined cartoons.
good thread
Any other anime with the lain aesthetic?
Good post.
Haibane Renmei
Key the Metal Idol is like Lain v0.5.
Finished Ace Combat 3 today, what a fucking ride that was. Loved the slick menus and that 90s aesthetic.
That soundtrack too, so good.
I want to like Key, but it seems (as of Episode 3) to just be several different storylines haphazardly thrown together. And not confusing in a good way a la Lain. Maybe it'll improve though, Key is really cute.
I like early-mid 90s anime aesthetics (specifically how coloring is handled. computer coloring a moe-shit), but for vidya, the Ps1/N64 era graphics were clearly just aping new 3D tech before it looked good.
This was a topic about vidya, right?
It's kind of a trainwreck of a show to be honest, it's just intriguing because it did a lot of things before everyone else did. The best parts are all about Ajo, what a wonderfully fucked character that guy is.
I've been trying to steer it back to vidya just because I don't want it to get deleted. The Lain discussion is also nice though.
I rarely use this word, but Texhnolyze struck me as pretentious compared to Lain. In Lain the overly "artsy" tone worked well since the whole anime heavily features themes of cognition, parallell realities, simulated realities, etc. Texhnolyze however is at it's core a relatively straight story, yet it's told in the same way as Lain which in this cases comes off as convoluted just for the sake of being convoluted.
Oh and the art direction + music is top notch pretty consistently
Fucking this.
Is there a name for it?
Yeah, I can see that. It works really well for me, but the show certainly isn't for everybody. Video games.
>mid 80s to late 80s style
>late 2010 animation studios
I'd love to see more of this.
No mention yet of the greatest?
I don't think calling ABe 90s style is fair. It's not really a distinct style for the decade, it's more his own personal style. It's like calling FKMTs style 90s style.
Retro anime? Couldn't tell you, but you'll see a lot of New Retro Wave using 80's anime cyberpunk for their vids.
There just isn't many artists causing a resurgence of the style. Looks like prime real estate for a patron account.
I didn't "get" Lain.
How does the 90s have more soul? What is the secret sauce? You know its 90s, but there aren't many more adjectives to describe it than 90s.
a patreon lmfao
this type of animation takes not only an insane amount of talent and passion, but also time. there were scores of people working on these high profile projects as well as an absolute truckload of money to back it
They hadn't quite gotten to the point where everything was drawn on computers.
Good point.
"Not getting it" is half the fun.
>80's cartoons
>Outlaw Star aged like fucking milk
I have so many anime, soundtracks and games on my to-do list now, thanks to this thread
People who developed their skills elsewhere brought them over. They had talent beyond what was needed and adapted to the limits of gaming. There was still time to make a name for yourself and others wanted to work alongside them.
Now you'll get people emulating what they've seen or heard in the past, like those shitty indie pixel games. They go to school to learn how to do what everyone else already does. That or they settle with just posting their work online.
90's anime aesthetic is the definition of generic. For all of the bitching about "moeblob" anime art these days at least it's fucking colorful and has some goddamn personality.
>90's artstyle and aesthetic
Me too.
>We will never reach this level of peak aesthetics ever again.
And no Valhala DOES NOT FUCKING COUNT! It's just nuAnime with a pixelated photoshop filter.
That's specifically Sailor Moon.
What game’s this from?
They were just big glowing symptoms of what was already happening everywhere.
virgin angel
I remember trying to read the trigun manga. dropped it because of how bad a shit show it was visually.
the fact that none of you fags mentioned shogo is depressing
Why were ALL of AC7's sunsets yellow? It's such a disappointment for me wanting to recreate this.
Shogo and Slave Zero are fucking great
Legitimately one of the best fantasy settings in an RPG. The game didn't fully realize its potential but it was fucking mindblowing for a game in the 90s.
When it comes to games, there wasn't yet a defined method or standard that games were yet developed by. There was a ton of experimentation and a ton of techniques used in other forms of media that they tried using for games. Traditional art from talented artists who had already worked in the industry previously, etc. There are a lot of people now who only work with games, who have never used their skills for anything else.
It's tragic how many absurdly talented people you see just whoring themselves out for Patreon or Bandcamp or whatever it is. Nobody picks them up for a project, they just do commission work and Patreon rewards.
>people born in the 40s and 50s
Please stop with this stupidity, children. Holy fuck. It's as bad as you using "literally" wrong and putting the dollar sign after the fucking dollar amount.
Pay attention in school.
Yusuke's outfit is so fucking dope. I wish I could pull that shit off.
you can't trick me user, i know bait when i see it.
it's a meme you dip
I liked the show but her manhands always triggered me.
Why has the screen been raped?
Who has done this rape?
He's probably american so that's useless.
Those styles haven't changed at all since mid 90s if you don't understand it you are just a normal fag.
The world has simply stagnated. Lain is a sort of sekaikei or funniki kei.
>90's artstyle and aesthetic
the peak of japanime
I want to stuff that duck.
Digimon Tamers
The 90's were the peak decade for everything, movies, music, anime, cartoons. Shit, fuck this thread for making me so nostalgic,