Our boy is MAD, he gave Anthem a 4 out of 10

Our boy is MAD, he gave Anthem a 4 out of 10

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>50mins review, 20mins loading

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Reminder that Joe is a NPC faggot

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>You dun fucked it up [/spoiler]nigger.[/spoiler]

What did he mean by this?

>fallout 3
get out

Goddamnit Joe has done it again. I knew he wouldn't let Yea Forums down.


Just finished watching the whole thing, actually hilarious. What a completed dumpster fire that game is. I think papa EA is finally going to take BioWare out back.

>like clockwork, waits for the general consensus to come out before making review
classic pedro

You dun fucked it up

Joe did it again! We did it Reddit!

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So is other Joe his brother or just a friend?

>YouTube """"personality""""
Gtfo faggot

He's been shitting on it since the first demo, his Angry Reviews just require a lot of production time.


>Our boy
Fuck off, fag.

an old friend

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What's wrong with RE1? If you answer is that REmake is "better in every way", you out yourself as someone who's never played the original.

what did the original do better?

Dont get me wrong, i fucking LOVE RE, 1-CV+4, REmake and REmake2, to me, which classic RE is your favorite is a matter of taste and all opinions are valid, people who insist REmake somehow makes RE1 obsolete should be shot

That being said, the reason i doubt RE1 is one of his favorite games is because he has time and time again demonstrated hes clearly not familiar with the series pre-re4, complaining about camera angles, tank controls, bad voice acting etc

All things that are entry-level, first result on google on whats "wrong" with classic RE, when in reality they are not flaws, but features loved by classic fans

Thats why i seriously doubt he has ever enven played re1, let alone it being one of his favorite games ever

get over yourself

Might be really niche, but I think the pacing was a little better and the Mansion felt more important. REmake got a bit more carried away with the underground lab shit than the original, changing up the whole idea that these monsters were in an otherwise unassuming mansion. Felt like it was a mansion on top of an underground lab instead of an underground lab that was part of a mansion.
Love both games and I DO slightly refer REmake as a whole, but I think RE1 has plenty of merit to be considered its equal.

Fair enough. You've got a good point.


Fuck off angry jew has been.

>if you say that the objectively better remake is better than the original, YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S WRONG
The only thing original RE had going for it were those live action FMVs and I won't let this end as a dream as a credits song.

Joe is my favorite spic. He almost looks like a white guy.

>game A is 9/10
>game B is 10/10

>Gave vanilla Skyrim a 10/10
>Our boy
AJ is on the same level as DSP when it comes to credibility. Nobody takes him seriously

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Sounds about right, its a pretty crappy game that only looks good.

seems valid

>Reading comprehension
A game being better doesn't make a game bad, first of all. Second of all, a lot of people who say REmake is better than RE1 do so with extremely heavy handed selection. Both can't be great, one has to be outdated and terrible in their eyes. Basically, what said.

Who is this again?

>post videos holding guns
>says america is racist and should accept immigrants
>talks shit about ign after they give a lower score for dragon quest because of "sexism"
He is always triggering people of both political sides

Serious Question for my Fellow Yea Forumsbros


he's a hit or miss

I guess he never miss huh?


Bloated BolaƱos

Pissed Off Pedro