How the fuck have they not made a modern version of this game? I miss them so much...

How the fuck have they not made a modern version of this game? I miss them so much. Not made on the 3DS even though it would have been perfect there.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I want Mayl to sit on my face.

I'm still waiting for the 1-6 compilation port. Where is it Nintendo?

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A 3DS BN game would've been perfect, I'm gonna miss having a second screen.

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They don't make Megaman games in general anymore even though they sharted out a ton of them in the 2000's. Besides 11, most of the recent ones were re-releases of old games

Literally how did they get away this??

Capcom doesn't really make games for kids anymore, and MMBN made its money off of that audience.

Japan knows boys like girls.

I unironically want a gacha MMBN where you have to buy chips.

Publishers now have the mindset of every game has to be big budget AAA schlock with an even bigger marketing budget and be super serious "experiences" that have to sell at least 7 million copies to be considered successful. Fun little games like BN are not allowed anymore.

iirc the studio that did the BN anime previously worked largely on hentai

It's fucking Japan, that's how, you dense motherfucker.

Many kid animes dont have ecchi.

because it's easier for nu-crapcom to shit out a nostalgia pandering indie-tier platformer with no content every few years instead and pretend they're still supporting the ip.

This is how I know you're shitposting.

This is all I can hope for. Replaying 2 on the wiiu tablet was amazing. I'd love it on the switch.

>because it's easier for nu-crapcom to shit out a nostalgia pandering indie-tier platformer with no content every few years instead and pretend they're still supporting the ip.
That means they could very easily shit out a new MMBN, I dont think it would be that difficult.

I'm seeing this way too much in threads about dead games. Seek help for your addiction and keep your disgusting genre away from IPs I like.

Already exists.

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>Just realized almost all of the mainline ROMs on my PC

Should I play the restored 3(blue restored), either version of 4, 5 or 6?

>took a break from battle network just before the first tournament in 4
>decided to read an LP to see just how bad it actually gets
that was a bad idea

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Ribbita is a qt

What's the difference between vanilla 3 Blue and 3
Blue restored?

Why is 2 so strangely adult in jokes and plot compared to the others?

can you addicted gacha whales please stop trying to ruin gaming?

Maybe they were going for a tonal shift.
It's funny because I specifically remember plenty of curse words and people actually fucking dying in 2, but it was great.
2 is definitely the darkest one, I wish they did more like it. 3 was close at points, but eh

Do you really trust them to make another good battle network?

I don't know, that's just what it says. I grabbed a collected file of the games for use later someone posted a while back. That's the only version of 3 in my files. I feel like I remember one of the versions of 3 was missing content or bugged so maybe it has to do with that.


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Could you point me in the right direction for that?

Can't find anything on Google

Capcom didn't, but a fan dev did.
But then the fan dev went full jew, and incited a C&D before the final boss and post-game were finished.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, you're better off not finding out.

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Is it related to Chrono X?

One of the scenarios is even a plane high jacking and the game was released in NA a year after 9/11.

I got the link from a thread like this , downloaded and forgot about it. I'm sorry user, idk where.

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>Battle Network games tend to come out in June where I lived
>Couple of years of spending the summer playing the newest BN with friends and even at summer camp

Those were the days

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I have one of the old versions of it up to as far as you could progress. I want to boot it up and collect whatever chips I didn't have and just fuck around, but I can't bring myself to do it.

That's weird, things didn't start being cut from localized Battle Network games until 5, IIRC.
>one of the versions of 3 was missing content
I mean, White is missing a boss battle compared to Blue, but that's really all I know of, and the reason for that is because White originally released a few months prior to Black in Japan, Black was like a special edition of 3, like Pokemon Yellow is a special edition of Generation 1 games.

No. It was a different fan game.
Consider yourself fortunate to have never discovered and played the demo when we thought it would actually be finished.
There was a big resurgence of Battle Network threads at the time.

That LP's a fucking goldmine.

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OH, WAIT SHIT I remember now
The localization of 3 removed some minor animations, specifically the Jack-In and Navi Customizer animations because they ran out of room.

I'm willing to bet it's just blue with white exclusive chips hacked in but who knows. I think I'll play it tomorrow afternoon regardless.

Does that insane anti-cheating shit actually happen

The guy LPing obviously had no qualms about using savestates and fucking with the game just to speed things up, so it's hard to believe the game was specifically dicking him over for it

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Good times, except when the anti-touhoufags started shitting things up.

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I want to hear her call my penis small

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I don't believe they were ever on par with what's in Pokemon, but Battle Network did have anti-cheat measures.

The Mega Man IP was a little busy being dead during the entirety of the 3DS's life cycle.

No idea since it's been years since I've bothered playing 4, but I wouldn't doubt the shit happens. I recall 1 had a horrible anti-cheat system where you'd run into a battle every single step you took.

oh jesus what is this

oh, Shangai.exe Not only are you completely wrong, it would have taken you literally 30 seconds to actually check that Xebec did the animation for it, but evidently you're too fucking retarded to even do that.

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Best bitch

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The whole "the studio does a lot of hentai" thing is something that gets spread around quite a bit. People need to fact check more instead of blindly believing everything people tell them.

Is he a better rival/character in this timeline instead of the robotic one? What's the difference betweent the two versions?

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Not really a rival character, just an obscenely powerful Navi that keeps popping up. 4-6 no longer try to include him in the story and just use him as an extra boss.

Whats Your favorite combo?
Mine was stacking 5 plantmen in mmbn3 for MAXIMUM FUN


wind fan gateman

Honestly I just want another post-modern game that isn't cyberpunk or some edgy setting like Persona or Danganroppa.

Battle Network series was one of the few to do it right and i'm tired of this medieval bullcrap.

Is there anything special about him that makes him powerful, or did they just slap on the name as reference to the Classic version?

I will never stop believing that Capcom will put out a new Battle Network game someday.

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He's Cossack's Navi, one of the best programmers in the BN universe. Unique to Bass is the Get Ability program; just think of old Mega getting weapons from beating robot masters. Bass just kept assimilating data and grew in strength as a result.

Bass was also created as a project to create a Navi able to exist more independently from it's operator.

There are quite a few fangames/piritual successors around you just have to look for them.

Inst the creator dumping everything he completed so far? I'm pretty sure someone else can start where he left off.

>Trusting current Capcom to do anything right.
Like don;t get me wrong they have made some games recently, but way too many blunders to have hope.

No. He's not.

Remember every morning to pray to your god, and the Battle Network he provides.

Yeah I just looked it up again and it was just the planned story. What in the absolute fuck he was even getting donations. Shanghai.exe was the absolute dream.

Has anyone played Operate Shooting Star? How good is it?

It's just BN1 with an extra scenario Starforce crossover, plus some 2nd screen features like an area map.

Because they went full kiddie at 4 and ruined the series. They even made the over-world look kiddie.

And some rebalancing and adding of features from later games like being able to run from battle.

Hanging this by a string.

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Ugghhhh I need a fix. How good are the StarForce games? Do they capture the same level of comfy and fun?

Can we all agree the first 6 seconds of the boss theme in 3 is the hottest shit

I think the whole thing is fire. Hell, I even like most of the soundtrack the best in BN3. Best internet theme, best battle theme, best boss theme imo. Has the best' digital' sound to it.

My favorite thing to come out of Shanghai EXE has to be the addition of two elements, with the double weakness, double advantage thing they did as opposed to just doing a normal wheel

I actually liked BN1's internet theme in a sense, because it really felt "Vast and Cybery"

>that tummy
I'm sold.

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I think the BN1 theme just sounds too eerie and cold for me to truly like it for the BN games. I like BN3 because it sounds like pure digital fun.

wow that game looks ugly

mayl time!!

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There's also this but it goes for that weird pixel style and uses a 'loading' system for attacks that I guess I would compare to BN4.5.It also uses a 4x8 grid as opposed to 3x6 which I'm not sure how I feel about. Makes the field feel...too big?

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I'm all for a 4x8 grid as long as it removes or at least tones down area-stealing abilities.

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Might just wanna cut your losses here.

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Area grabs with double point and super vulcan

capcom are a bunch of retards and no, demake 2, casualized monster hunter and goblino may cry do not redeem them

Make an HD release on PC would be nice. I remember Blue Network 3 was my first battle network and it was amazing.

There is no way that shit would fly today. They'd probably redo almost all of the Netopia scenario from the ground up as well.

Area Grab+ Drill Arm or Air Hockey

My god, that's slow.

Game was pretty fun, but difficult as fuck at times. Like, unfairly difficult.

>no comp that forces you to play each title to unlock the next one

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I never really used any combos that went really well. I brought a shitload of fire chips and 3 Pawn chips usually. The Pawn chip is still my favorite chip, although my set one was always Roll V3.

>there will never be a streamlined 4 that isn't so retarded, glitchy, and repetitively requiring multiple playthroughs

Its a shame man, combos are really fun
Vulcan And +damage chips are a big favorite of Mine
I think the highest i ever Got was like 1000~ damage with the super vulcan