How did he not know she was male from this point?

How did he not know she was male from this point?

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>she was male
Why is the world this way?

it's just deliciously puffy bro

micro dick

Girls will be boys and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world

because her bepis is very feminine and smol, smaller than your average female bodybuilder's clit

we all know why but we can't say

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discord cabals pushing their shitpost agenda as usual

Why is that still recognizable?

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discord tranny psy-op

sage for anti-gay game.

You can never un see the things you've seen

god I wish that were me

what is this

Cause he liked it.

Rin is a he stop calling him a she
He just likes girls clothes

I don't get it, but maybe that's for the better.


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gonna take a stab and guess its the nose knows

oh, I get it


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all this tranny spam is starting to make me want to hatefuck a trap

help me bros

You're trained to recognize very specific image by traits that could describe many different ones.
You've been conditioned to keep (((them))) in your head rent free and offer them your thoughts.

Rin isn't a tranny

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1: it's not gay if you're doing the fucking
2: traps aren't trannies. Traps are gay trannies are disgusting
3: it's okay to fuck a boy if they're cute

thanks doc


she's a trap, so it's safe to fuck without being gay

I fucking hate trannies so goddamn much.

and it's gay

He's not a fucking trans, or female, he's a god damn otokonoko. Vincent straight up asks him so in the game and he says yes. Even referred to as "onii-chan" by the other fucking aliens; stop calling him a she.

Its only internet echo chamber bullshit. The real world isn't like this.

weebs and trannies are one and the same


Isn't >she an alien?

>muh speshul ching chong words

it's a tranny

otokonoko and trans are the same shit, mentally ill transvestites

What the fuck does that even mean. What do weebs have anything to do with a crossdressing alien?


t. transniggers

It's a cross dresser who even says he's a he.


>it is okay when japan does it
Imagine being unironically this much of a pathetic weeb

lol stop being delusional fag

>you will never be face-fucked by a trap like this

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crossdressers are trannies whether they like it or not, normal gays don't wear girl clothes

No they're fucking not, otokonoko are just men who like dressing as women, trans are the ones who actively want to be women. He's asked if he's a guy and identifies as such, stop spreading the lie he's trans it's fucking annoying especially because he has no interest in being a woman. Also
>playing a weebshit game with absolutely no clue about jp culture

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Good thing you don't make the fucking rules ass hat, because no

Who cares about Rin? Catherine is perfect now that she has a family with Vincent

Don't know if i can wait for september for all this new content. If I import it from japan will there be subs?

>otokonoko are just men who like dressing as women
Sounds the same as a tranny


>just men who like dressing as women
also known as "transvestites (short form: "tranny")

>I'm too stupid to understand the difference therefore they're the same thing
Fucking troglodyte. Androgynous culture is a legitimate fashion there, and shit like lolita appeals to a similar demographic, otokonoko capitalize on it by partaking in it.

sorry but im at a loss at what thats suppose to be.

Best part is Rin himself doesn't identify as female, he just crossdresses because he wants to look cute like most traps do.

I wish I was a girl but it's literally impossible

>not also able to be shortened down to tranny

Except one wants to be female and the other doesn't. It's like saying females who dress in ouji are trans as well. It's wrong and fucking stupid.

I don't know, sounds a lot like being a tranny just with less steps

Stop responding to bait you retard.

maybe he did the good ol trick of tucking

I don't spend enough time on this board to realize it was bait, I just assumed all Yea Forums posters were really that dumb. My bad.

Irrelevant, the sum of Transvestite and Transexual are entirelly different things and tranny refers to the latter and not the former

>people that take drugs and get surgery are the same as people that just dress differently

>except one wants to be a female, while the other pretends he doesn't

traps, otokonokos, crossdressers, transgenders are all euphemism for the same mental illness called transvestism

are you wearing a pantsu right now, tranny?

Even better. He's a trap without the mental illness.

The sum is that they both want to look like what they're not.

>without mental illness

imagine being this delusional

>admitting you're a newfag
Discord tranny confirmed

>all these different words that mean different things ACHKTUALLY mean the same thing
Do you understand the language you're attempting to speak you 17 year old favela monkey?

are you mad, tranny?

Otokonoko means boy. 男の子
And no they weren’t using internet slang because you cannot differentiate the two with speech retarted weeb

Degenerates rot at approximately the same rate when buried in mass graves.

well you're not wrong Yea Forums really is that retarded

there's a concept called synonyms, here is the definition:
a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language, for example shut is a synonym of close.
All those words all relate to one thing, transvestism

haha, he said it

Why does everyone keep calling traps trannies? Trannies think they're women! If a trap just dresses like a woman, they're just a cute boy!


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They're not synonyms and you're mentally inept. They refer to different things. This discussion is as worthless as you are.

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if you're a male and you dress as a woman, you're a tranny (and also mentally ill)

it's that simple

Why do trannies have to ruin a perfectly good game? Gays finally got gay romance in an Atlus game and trannies have to take a big shit on it all, because their mentally ill asses can’t handle an sort of empathy. What the fuck.

Because it's not male. It's fucking genderless.

Trannys are the ones that want traps to be trans you dumb nigger, not the other way around

>playing a weebshit game with absolutely no clue about jp culture

or you just want to be fucked in the ass

It's /pol/'s new gambit to try and purge "degeneracy" from Yea Forums and make it into a /pol/ colony. Equate as much of the shit as you can and try to take it all down by pointing at trannies.
Which is funny because trannies are also trying real hard to equate the two in hopes of making people like their disgusting asses more and gain acceptance. Just a few years ago trannies were calling the term trap """"problematic""" but now they're trying to co-opt it since no one gives a shit about something being problematic or whatever.

t. boy who likes to dress like a moe animu girl, but thinks he isn't a tranny

>The Anglo-Saxon "cross-dresser" has largely superseded the Latinate "transvestite", which has come to be seen as outdated and derogatory.

The alien body is, but the human body is male and Rin identifies as a male.

I mean cmon guys... if traps are trannies then I guess I support trannies now!

>I hate these trannies kill them all

>lol why do trannies kill themselves

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from what I've seen they're still saying that trap is a problematic term

>They refer to different things
Keep telling yourself that bud. Maybe one day you’ll come to terms with your homosexuality

The word transvestite is defined differently than tthe word transexual and "tranny' is internet slang. Again, this is fucking pointless.You're just horribly retarded.

but it's not coming to terms with homosexuality

because traps are gay and I want to fuck them!

>words work how I want them to with my feelings
fuck yourself discord tranny

Which goes back to the mentally ill part.

>"tranny' is internet slang

imagine being this much of a zoomer

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Semantics for the mentally disturbed.

>fuck yourself discord tranny
don't you have a trump thread to be in

Projection much?

I only come here for a few weeks every few years. This cesspool is intolerable aside.
Wrong phrase. 男の娘. He would have just asked if he was a 男性 /女性 because it's the more polite/proper way to refer to gender.

Yeah it's this one
*unzips dick*
fuck yourself cunt, traps aren't trannies and you can suck my entire flaccid crossdressing dick

They still do absolutely bitch about "trap", because the connotation is a man who tricks people into thinking he's a woman while still being perfectly fine with being male. This is a super big no-no in SJW land, which is why they have to headcanon traps into actually being trannies in denial (see: Chihiro)

You're mentally disturbed if you browse Yea Forums. Welcome to the club.

>"tranny' is internet slang
Dude you're 100% retarded if you believe that.

>Traps are gay trannies
>traps aren't trannies

Make up your mind, bro.

It’s always the Americansand their pathetic little crusades. What the fuck is wrong with all of you?

this sort of toxic shit is why I tried to leave this horrid place

It’s intolerable because we don’t allow discord trannies like you here

How? How do I know?

>no amount of bitching from electionfags will ever purge traps and other gay shit that's been here for over a decade from Yea Forums
>same with anime
feels good, man

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Good, get the fuck out to somewhere where (you) belong pretty princess and don't fucking come back

Then why haven’t you left?

Resetera is SO much better, am I right?

>otokonoko are just men who like dressing as women

And using feminine pronouns, and living as another gender, and portraying themselves as females.

Face it, traps are fucking transgenders.

Except I'm neither from discord or trans. Just a catherinefag sick of the /pol/shit and sjw outrage infiltrating a game they don't even fucking play. IE scumsucking faggots like you.
Feels fucking good, man.

but it feels good

you don't even have to be gay to like that

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I hope you find some form of happiness to bring light to your horribly dark life

At least you admit that you’re a faggot

>trying to feel morally superior on an anonymous image board
You're pathetic faggot, get out