They're remaking this. Looking forward to the best action/horror ever made, again

They're remaking this. Looking forward to the best action/horror ever made, again

Attached: re4-box.jpg (500x638, 83K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>They're remaking this

>They're remaking this
They're not and they won't until they're desperate

>re4 with re2 gore

Attached: 1529089311996.jpg (638x716, 38K)

Semi-Auto Rifle is the best (NG) weapon in the game.
Red9 is genuinely not worth using when the Blacktail exists.
Striker is a meme weapon only good for glitching and Riot Shotgun is better.
Broken Butterfly is the best boss killer.

Other weapon opinions out you as a shitter

>Can hold hundreds of rounds that can stun regular enemies in one shot for melee hits
>Can use the SHITFUCK of ammo you save up to laser through mini bosses and bosses
If you're not using this as your sidearm, you need to get the fuck out of my face.

Attached: tmp-with-stock.png (400x320, 49K)

I didn't mention TMP cause everyone generally agrees it's a great weapon.

Will never be topped. I guarantee it.
>inb4 boomer relies "re4 wasnt all that good hurr"

6 is better than 4.

It is actually quite overrated.

Why would they remake it when they can just re-release it on everything from the zeebo to alexa. A perfect game doesn't need remaking.

No way fag.

they aren't remaking this game any time before the year 2030. It is a very distant thought.

Can their engine even handle the CQC?

Really? I thought people hated it. Must be a meme.

RE2make topped it and that's saying something since RE4 was one of my favorite all time games for years and still is.

I personally think it'd be smart to "Remake" 4 using the Hookman/Fog version. That way the original version is still kept for those who love it and the grumpy old fucks that hate 4 get a chance to be satisfied.

Red9 is the biggest fucking meme in that whole game. It's an okay weapon, but there is no reason to use it over a blacktail. Or even the starting pistol with the exclusive.

what is this hookman/fog version?

I've heard of this twice now but haven't pursued it.

Some Alpha/Beta build of RE4 that was scrapped.
It was more like the original games with slower controls and fixed angle camera stuff

>what is this hookman/fog version?
Basically the original prototypes. Sometimes referred to as "Resident Evil 3.5". I love RE4, but I'd love to see how these versions would've played out. I think there's 2 known versions.

Hookman, the most famous:

Fog version (Airship):

Re4 was developed and scrapped several times, the first version was developed by kamiya, but was too action focused and changed into DMC, the second version developed was the hookman version, got so far into development that it was shown off at e3, but was eventually scrapped due to the gamecube's hardware limitations preventing many of the ideas from being completed, this one was more like classic re's in its camera and gameplay, which is why classicfags have been salty for decades that it never released. The re4 that was finally released is the 3rd version they made

Which one will come out first, REmake 4 or RE HD fanmake edition?

I see. I Always knew that DMC 1 was meant to be a resident evil game, but i hadn't know there was a version between that far into development.

Apon looking at this i think that it could have been interesting to see released instead of resident evil 4, However now that we live in the time line where the resident evil 4 that we know has been released I find it hard to see the appeal of this game. It would have to be something completely different than resident evil 4.

maybe a spin off game that takes place between 2 and 4? maybe explains a little bit about the organization leon now works with? it could be interesting, but I don't see them "remaking" it as this game.

>Other weapon opinions out you as a shitter
The Punisher is the best pistol, go fuck yourself.

i would prefer de re4 we never got

Wasn't Leon supposed to die in the fog version?

It's weak as shit and there's far FAR more efficient ways to deal with crowds

It's the absolute worst pistol in a landslide.

>Semi-Auto Rifle is the best (NG) weapon in the game.
Bolt action rifle does way, way more damage
>Red9 is genuinely not worth using when the Blacktail exists.
Blacktail's only significant capability is its super high fire rate, and if you need high fire rate why aren't you using the TMP?
>Striker is a meme weapon only good for glitching and Riot Shotgun is better.
Striker's exclusive practically breaks the game
>Broken Butterfly is the best boss killer.
Nobody disagrees with this and listing it doesn't make you sound smart

Re4 is still rated higher. Of course there are people who like this more and some who like remake 2 more. Its the closest thing we have to having a overall score.

The fact that it can punch through multiple targets at once makes it one of the better pistols in the game. It also has more ammo than the Red 9 which people love to fellate for some reason. Its lower damage output is offset by the fact that you can dps multiple targets with one shot. It works especially well if you can line up headshots like that.

>Bolt action rifle does way, way more damage
Semi-Auto fires over 4 times faster
>Blacktail's only significant capability is its super high fire rate, and if you need high fire rate why aren't you using the TMP?
It aims faster, reloads twice as fast, holds 13 more rounds in the mag, and is nearly as powerful as Red9 in raw power, and takes up much less space in the case. It shits on the red9.
>Striker's exclusive practically breaks the game
Holding 100 rounds is not that useful when it only works well in literally melee range.
>Nobody disagrees with this and listing it doesn't make you sound smart
Surprisingly high amount of people who think BB isn't very good

What, it can't be rated that much highe-
God damn! You might be right.

>offset by the fact that you can dps multiple targets with one shot.
Like I said, other weapons are a lot better for multiple targets.
It's biggest advantage over other pistols is barely relevant in the grand scheme

We're looking at pistols themselves in a vacuum, retard. By your logic there's no reason to ever use a pistol for anything because every other weapon in the game can do what it does better than the pistol can.

>there's no reason to ever use a pistol for anything
Besides getting tons of handgun ammo in the game there's really not.

>Semi-Auto fires over 4 times faster
I guess if you feel like you need to spam bullets it might feel better, and it's more like 2 times faster, not 4
>It aims faster, reloads twice as fast, holds 13 more rounds in the mag, and is nearly as powerful as Red9 in raw power, and takes up much less space in the case. It shits on the red9.
I'm not sure what parts of the game you feel need lightning fast reload or fire rate but I'd much rather have a slower, more powerful weapon that actually only takes up two more squares than the blacktail because only shitters buy the red9 stock
>Holding 100 rounds is not that useful when it only works well in literally melee range.
You mean the range you should be using a shotgun at because you have several other weapons that are more useful and suited for longer ranges?
>Surprisingly high amount of people who think BB isn't very good
I've never seen anyone talk up the killer7 aside from obvious memers but alright

Only if it has fixed camera angles, no camp dialogue, tank controls and Claire in it.

Yes but by looking at pistols themselves, which is what I was assuming we were doing since we were comparing the pistols, the Punisher is one of the better pistols in the game. Saying "ok but the other weapons in the game work better for crowd control" is dumb because we were only ever talking about the pistols. No shit, the shotgun is the best crowd control weapon, but as far as pistols are concerned the Punisher is at least the second best pistol in the game.

>and it's more like 2 times faster, not 4
.8 vs 2.73

Over 4 times

>no camp dialogue
are you even a resident evil fan

Sure doesn't feel that much faster, also how often are you standing in place cracking off more than 1 or 2 shots with the rifle at once

Well done user, well done...


Attached: Rita.png (411x651, 245K)

RE4 still has the most gruesome death animations.

That fucking Novistador one. Goddamn.

So we have quite a bit more going on.

While, Kamiya's RE4 did end up becoming DMC, we also had Sengoku Bio being developed at the same time. Becoming Onimusha.

The Fog and Hookman RE4 builds are one in the same. This time directed by Hiroshi Shibata. The big issue this time was that, despite the Gamecube being rather powerful in it's own right, what they wanted to do was just simply not possible at the time. Shibata was let go after this and Mikami, who had stepped down as director for games after PN.03 was forced back into the director seat.

RE3.5 was more or less made in Haunting Ground. Fiona and Hewie (the latter is still in RE4) were both pivotal characters and MUCH of the assets were reused, including the castle.

i hope they don't remake it because no doubt they'll go full action again and it'll be fucking boring like re4 was

re2make was amazing and i hope they continue making actual horror

Bolt action is aesthetic as fuck, so is red9. But as for the best loadout, its determined by costume
Handgun, shotgun, bolt action, broken butterfly, tmp
Matilda or Blacktail, riot gun, semi-auto, killer7, tmp
Chicago typewriter, handcannon, infinite rocket launcher

Reminder that ALL weapons in RE4 are viable and you should use the ones you like the best.

Attached: 13526283316.png (633x480, 280K)

I did a mine thrower only run once and it was actually a fucking blast, I never got the hate for the mine thrower

>I never got the hate for the mine thrower
People who buy the exclusive upgrade

>But as for the best loadout, its determined by costume
I honestly thought I was the only one who did this

>.8 vs 2.73
>Over 4 times

Source: OP's gaping cum-filled asshole

You fire 4 shots with Semi in 2.4 seconds

Yo retard, re4 is still the standard when it comes to tps action games. demake2 literally copied it because of how well the market still responds to this style. What exactly would they be remaking, you imbecile?
>We made castle and island less shit! That'll be $60 thanks

>Semi-Auto Rifle is the best (NG) weapon in the game.
The bolt action rifle is better.
>Red9 is genuinely not worth using when the Blacktail exists.
The Red9 does more damage. It is mathematically the best handgun in the game. Even if you get all headshots with the normal handgun maxed out with its exclusive ability, the Red9 still does more damage to the body. If you "disagree", you aren't disagreeing with me, you disagree with math.
>Striker is a meme weapon only good for glitching and Riot Shotgun is better.
The Striker has more spread, more damage, and better magazine capacity. Enjoy your aim speed I guess.
>Broken Butterfly is the best boss killer.
It's a good weapon, but everything else you said was wrong.

I watched a pair of Australians play through RE4 recently; one had never touched it despite playing all the other RE games, while the other had beaten the game on Pro mode and all Mercenaries rounds: the latter was extremely vehement against using the mine-thrower and the former bought it anyway to spite him.
It ended up trivialising the run. Particularly the final boss.

Have a watch if you're bored. It's got some good commentary (however it's a casual playthrough, so don't expect a 3 hour speedrun):

Perfect example of an idiot who thinks dmg numbers automatically mean best

Well yeah I'd never use the mine thrower for a first run but after probably 40+ times beating the game at this point I like doing gimmick runs or themed runs and the mine thrower only run was super fun and goofy, it's a really enjoyable weapon to use

t. Punisher fanboy

I think a LOT of the mine thrower hate comes from people who played the Gamecube version.
Shit was bugged and ammo never dropped from enemies.

I played the PS2 version for years and never had that issue so that might be it

No I think the Punisher sucks and so do you

t. Blacktail contrarian