Yea Forums from like 2016 and prior:

Yea Forums from like 2016 and prior:
>AAA games are way too linear! I want more open, less restricted gameplay! FF13 is a hallway simulator!

Yea Forums now:
>Well-crafted linear gameplay experiences are the best! Open games have no direction and all the fun is fake! BOTW is the worst Zelda!

What the ding-dong diddly hell happened?

Attached: Ninamori's thighs!.png (1036x1751, 484K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>games are linear movie hallways
>Publisher: Oh we hear you, let's make some open world games :))))
>games are now non-linear empty boxes with endless chores or randomly generated tasks with little story

Nothing "happened". Yea Forums is contrarian

>Well-crafted linear gameplay
Pick fucking one

>2006 Yea Forums
>Enjoys videogames and discussing them

>2019 Yea Forums
>Hillbillies from /pol/ influence threads

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I was sort of like this
When versus 13 was in development and they were talking about adding an open world, i was wishing they would
When XV came out i realised the giant world was boring, long car rides, empty fields, repetitive content. It sucked ass

But there is an inbetween. You can have exploration and openness without it being an open world like GTA

Does anyone have that one video showing Lara Croft climbing up this treacherous zig-zaggy surface and all the tension is bombastic and thunderous

And then suddenly it switches over to what the bare gameplay is and it's a white circle traveling within a linear vertical hallway, and occasionally has to hop over a gap to get through the rest of the hallway.

I've been looking for it again and I can't find it.

>typing it out

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>people act like this is the most brilliant shit ever
>when it war just gainax fellating itself over previous pieces of work
>which is what half of what it makes now consists of anyway

Isn't Ninamori like 12 or something?

>when it war just gainax fellating itself over previous pieces of work
It was..?

the best is a mix of both

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>me 2016 and prior: god I fucking love thighs
>me now: god I fucking love thighs and hips

I always went with "I was 13 when I liked her so it's ok to still like her at 28".

it's almost like...over saturation of one genre happens... whoa

Lol fag

smug-chan's super soft thighs!

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Do not.

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>games has open world structure
>it's ass

>what happen???

and.. Yea Forums isn't one person.. damn.. how could this be...

no u Ninamori is also the reason I started reading lemon fanfics at that age

Sachiko is such a healthy girl



God I fucking love Sachiko. Imagine shoving your face in between those thighs and telling her she's cute

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key word is 'well crafted'
any style well crafted is good, what was the hype and often poorly crafted back then changed into another hype that is often not well crafted

>Yea Forums then
>games that once had mostly linear design with lots of side content and secrets hidden throughout became overly linear with bland hallway level design, extreme amounts of handholding/railroading and very little satisfying side content

>Yea Forums now
>instead of looking to their previous games for inspiration, devs "solve" their hallway problems by jumping on the open world bandwagon, creating games that feel completely aimless

Surprise Surprise, quality shines through in a game regardless of how open or how narrow the experience is, while AAA will only produce games quality maybe once every two years. Retards will complain about genres/game design, when in reality it's the lack of quality for 90% of games

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Meant to post this.

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Basically, all the games were shit linear corridor shooters, now they're all shit open world shooters

No I didn't you fucking liar

Linear games and open world games can both be good.

>those tummies
I want to feel her tummy on my fist. Sachiko is such a bap slut

STOP. being reasonable.

Yup, I was 14 I fell in love with her in 2003. I practically wore my VCR out, rewinding and pausing the scene where she's in the bathroom, and when her bloomers get pulled off and her entire butt is exposed. My first eyebrowfu

geez OP it sounds like you're saying people don't actually know what they want

Open worls games are always shit. No exceptions. Even the "good" ones like Sleeping Dogs and Red Dead Redemption would have been better as a focused game.

And linear doesnt mean hallway, it covers everything from Super Mario Bros, Final Fantasy 6, 7, 8 and Resident Evil 2 remake to name a recent one.

Down on my hands and knees beggin ya to have sex ya pimple-faced geek

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