the witch to live
A game focused on escaping a Necron tombworld could be interesting. Dodging the wraiths as the come through walls, dealing with scarab swarms, trying to avoid waking the rest of the troops and so on.
Flayed Ones are FEASTING
Necrons are gay
that's an unrealistic stereotype and you know it
more or less mechanicus
How can we fix Dawn of War? Go back to DoW 1 gameplay?
Newcrons are gay.
Get a Job
Follow the idea behind FoK and make the RTS operate like a tabletop game that follows the most-recent edition's Codices. If they were smart, they would patch updates every month to fix things that work differently on the turn-based table-top compared to the RTS run. Plus, by giving it patch support, they won't need to release a brand-new game. All they would need to do is release an expansion of some sort every year or so and they can basically maintain the same assets for years.
Add in online play, allow ease of modding for single-player / offline hijinks, bring back the over-the-top voice-acting and scripting, and let the franchise have fun again.
And keep Primaris out of it.
Bring back sync-kills.
Add a custom map and mission creator.
Bring back the cover system of DoW2.
Have a skirmish mode where you deploy a set amount of units not unlike the tabletop without base building in multiplayer.
Technically the specialisations system of DoW3 was not bad but expanding it to factions would allow meaningful differences between say, ork clans, marine chapters, Craftworlds and whatnot.
Bring back the Last Stand mode.
Make base building optional in multiplayer depending on the game mode.
Have the Space Marine campaign play out more like the DoW2 campaign where you don't build a base, you just mostly move forward with very few but powerful units.
By contrast, have some other campaigns rely on map control. like Orksm or IG. Eldars and Tyranids are more hybrids in that sense.
DoW3 had nearly everything to be a good game but they lost themselves and it was crap. Oh well.
>necrons are the only ones who can stop the chaos, they are the only reason of why chaos didn't destroy the universe
>Necrons only want the bodies of other creatures to pass down their memories so they could live again
>Necrons were the only species who killed their own gods
Necrons > everything else
skelly pls go and stay go
we don't tolerate skellies in these parts
t. gene stealer cultist who knows the metal skellies are their doom
Necron are the niggers of the 4000k universe.
they are just metal squeletons but aren't spooky.
fuck them.
Orks are the niggers of 40k by behavior alone and I don't care how Cockney you make them sound, in text they are speaking like straight out of Africa blacks.
>make the RTS operate like a tabletop game
Fuck off that's retarded.
That could just mean special units for a given subfaction or different caps on elite units.
Why haven't they made a PC version of the tabletop game? I assume they are afraid everyone would stop buying the models?
tabletop simulator can do it servicably
>I assume they are afraid everyone would stop buying the models?
Presumably yes.
Though they might try to make you pay for units on a per model basis and colours can only apply to a set surface area.
Any unpainted model only counts as that model base profile with no special rules.
i could never get into cron, they're too base oriented
Because most of the appeal of the game comes from building and using your own miniatures (unless you're a shit). I played on TTS a few times before going to a Games Workshop, I got into it and dropped TTS because it just feels kind of soulless after you've played the real deal.
Da humies kall dem shootas boltas.
Even in death I still serve.
Now they are, yes.
What's next to his plan?
Armageddon bored him so making a big WAAAAGH the likes of which has not been seen since M32.