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The hell is up with that lighting?
Who is this guy again?
>eceleb trash
fuck off
He's so bad st analyzing shit I'm floored he has so many followers
Lmao, I was expecting a 6/10 but Joe is too based, as always.
Some fat Puerto Rican people think is mexican
Delrith is feeding him redpills for some time now.
Literally no different then IGN reviews that recieve over 300 comments without being deleting everytime a popular game comes out
Joe Vargas AKA Angry Joe. He's a youtuber who does movie reviews and sometimes game reviews too
Another InfuriatedJoseProgram thread on Yea Forums
Why do people keep posting this fat arab?
Furious Felipe
they fuck me off as well, I'm not biased
stfu del
if only he could feed him better taste in games and being better at games
oom, i love myself a new AngryJoeShow™! Boy oh Boy, I wonder what the AngryRating™ is for this game I am curious about!
so there are gamer paypigs
funny intro
didnt this guy loved suicide squad? why should i care about his opinion?
The fag in the OP has tons of biasing incentives due to the way he monetizes his reviews.
An IGN reviewer receives a steady paycheck and doesn't have to worry about losing access to review copies due to a low score, whereas Youtube influencers have zero accountability and are constantly desperate to maintain viewership.
>Le general consensus man comes out with a review a week later than everyone else that conforms to public opinion
>Newfag doesnt get 1991
I'm not your "bro," cockbreath. Go discuss your e-celeb somewhere else, you underage fuckwad.
>calling out a beaner youtuber is being a shill
Why does he even bother making a full review of this trash game? For the views?
There’s literally no difference between Puerto Shitans and Mexicunts. Both are subhuman shit stains the world would be better off without.
IGN reviews also suck and shouldn't be posted
he also loved man of steel
He shills every DC movie
to pile on the shitheap
Maybe the world would be better off without hateful attitudes like yours.
His audience is 70% casuals who only play AAA titles and 30% strategy game fans.
They're the ones who actually need to know why Anthem is shit.
mad that we take all your jobs and fuck your women?
So he has shit taste, and also make a fool of himself at the game awards if i recall correctly, why do poeple watch him again?
>Mexicans getting any girls outside their race
It does seem that way, seems it started with BF V where Joe was still hopeful but Del said he was done with Dice
Juanito Clavo un Pablito
i guess he has more energy than all the other grease filled slow talking reviewers but thats not saying much
I saw Suicide Squad and didn't hate it. Change my mind.
pudgy pascal
who gives a shit about this fucking bitch
you faggots are no different from retards that are on twitter all day or zoomers that give a shit about twitch
he also likes to have drooling retards compliment and agree with him and is basically real lazy and his shtick is to shit on something and "get angry" which is why he reviewed metal gear survive poorly
you'd be surprised
>Stares at you for 2 minutes.
>You fucked it up *insert studio here*.
>He repeats it again, you fucked it up.
>Somehow the video last 30+ more minutes, like we'd care why they fucked it up beyond them fucking it up and we shouldn't waste any time with it.
stay mad real life incel
>Pernicious Pedro
dont remember a single thing that happened in that movie, all i remember that getting up to take a piss was the best part