What should Resident Evil 8 be about?

What should Resident Evil 8 be about?

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Wonder if Jill will still be pale and blonde the next time she appears in a post-re5 game

A residence containing an evil.

unlocking doors and backtracking

Business simulator, with the player running a small Umbrella branch.

A doctor in training who commits deeds of questionable morality.

It'll probably be another first person VR game where the absolute nonsense RE plot still doesn't matter and people just somehow forget that the world has ended several times and go about their lives regularly.
>Hey guys remember the time China got fucking nuked and like half the world became super zombies?
>Boy that sure was weird, pass me a beer.

Illegal immigration pushed by globalists.

i guess it depends how much of Wesker's experimentation has worn off

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Leon and Ada

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sorry, meant to post Leon and Claire

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Female Tyrants

RE8: user breeds with Jill

she should be in

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Ethan owes Chris for saving his ass at the end of RE7, so he will try to force him to pay his debt

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Let's see, they've gone from one virus, to another virus, to a parasite, to a flower. Maybe they should retcon again and this time turn the source of the plague into a chemical fume.

I want Leon to leave his super special agent bs behind and become a Private Investigator looking into small-scale outbreaks and other things involving BOWs, and somehow cross paths with Jill

prove it, faggot

sfw board

>licking your fingers


me and Jill getting happily married and enjoying our honeymoon

You havnt seen the movies?

hey Chris, did you miss me?

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probably the all stars characters looking in a place like new york

I saw the first one with my gf in high school, hated it. I saw about a half hour of the second one at a friend's house and decided I'd rather go out joyriding. No, I haven't seen any more of these fuck awful Paul Anderson odes to his untalented wife.

what would you do to her?

well he's got the drunk burnout part of the noir stereotype down

Nothing. Capcom should retire the series after releasing Remake 3 and Outbreak 3. Move on to fixing Dead Rising if they really need a zombie franchise.

I want a spinoff in which nothing happens and you're just a Raccoon City Resident (EVIL) trying to go about their daily life in the absolute clusterfuck that it is.

>Have to fax work documents to boss
>Need to find the Fax Part A and Fax Part B which are hidden inside vases and behind paintings on opposite sides of the building

for me, resident evil extinction is the best one

That’s romantic Chris.

Scrap it and do a soft reboot after REmake 3
Fuck all this parasite and mold shit.

>Every single work email is written as if it's an exposition dump by the person you are corresponding with, filled to the brim with cryptic clues about how to unlock the safe on the third floor

Now this is a dynamite idea

Isn't Revelations after RE5?

>give jill skintight suit
>give her loose, baggy sleeves only between the shoulder and elbow

why is this so funny?


When the hell is this movie going to be on Netflix or Amazon Prime?

no it's a prequel

friendship ended with Umbrella

now Leon is my husband

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close enough

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Josh and Jill going on a mission and getting closer with eachother

Another virus outbreak, but this time in some small Jap city who resembles OG Raccoon City.

Narrow alleys and streets filled with chaos is kino design.

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A new city one basically take the formula from re2re and apply it to a new interesting area.

haunted tacos

Female (male) Tyrants

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Needs to be taller

>Chris and Jill getting happily married and enjoying their honeymoon


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Becca's undying love for my huge cock.

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I don't even know where the story of Resident Evil is now. In the latest movie they cured people with Zombie Virus. The story has gone too far/retarded and nobody knows what to do with it. I bet they just bring Wesker back to life.


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heres your racoon city bro

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oh, don't worry, she's got you covered
begone tranny titan

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Why are Resident Evil plots so retarded? Even as a little kid, I thought it was ridiculous that a major city could completely lose all communications with the outside world and nobody would notice? They didn't even block traffic off so Leon and Claire easily got in. Out of a population of millions, nobody got curious that deliveries weren't being made, relatives weren't answering calls, local news had even gone quiet.

Set in the 1960's with the original founders of Umbrella and about the progenitor virus.

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Anyone who says Code Veronica is any good should be shot and killed like the rabid swine that they are.

You mean Josh and Jill

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Chris and whatever the guy from 7 working together with Leon to save the world. Again.

and put that fucking jacked boxed guy from the DLC of 7 in because punching zombies to death and suplexing them to death is the tightest shit

>what re8 will be
more of the same thing

>what i want

Or...they bring a clone back. Like what Alex Wesker did.

she gets scared if they are too big

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Not bad, but the OG is still better.

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the same fomula of resident evil 6 (different characters for different perspective)
a prequel to a game, young claire, young leon, young chris


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>canonically only 100k people inhabit this city
what the fuck were they thinking

>it's magically just pollen that magically is also a parasite worm thing that magically gets turned into a virus

The fuck is next, Umbrella is going to turn people into zombies using sound waves at a very specific frequency?

Daily reminder that someone had to change her out of her clothes to put her in that wedding dress so she probably got sexually molested and maybe even raped while she was unconscious and naked.

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>High IQ post-doctoral researcher uses company email servers for correspondence about selling weapons of war to third parties

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Jill and Who!?

Alex didn't clone herself, she just put a copy of her mind into a little girl

In zombie fiction you have to make concessions to suspension of disbelief. In real life a zombie outbreak of slow-walking biting guys would be really non-threatening since they die from just being shot once in the head, and if the infection only spreads via biting then it would be a non-issue. What happened with Resident Evil is typical franchise exacerbation where every single game needed to be more dramatic and have higher stakes than the last. "Isolated incident involving a suspicious company in the woods" became "an entire small city gets turned into zombies" became "an entire country becomes crazy fucked up monsters" became "half the world gets turned into zombies by smoke" then it reverted back to a small incident in a single house. The Japanese also can't help themselves when it comes to power levels, so everything needs to be more extreme and overpowered than its predecessor.

That is the faggot version, post the original from the Dreamcast in which Wesker is a total bitch

>she probably got sexually molested and maybe even raped while she was unconscious and naked.

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Which Parasite Eve game is this?

Keep dreaming

maybe the city limits are just of the pic, people don't realize what makes most cities population so YUGE is that the city limits are like 50 miles in every direction and include all them suburbs.

They could,you know,finish the plots they let unfinished like:
>Jill status after her saturatuon
>The whole Natalia/Alex thing
>The whole red Unbrella/blue Unbrella nonsense
The connections is such a generic invention that is perfect to tie lots of stuffikw being Ada secret organization,being something that all parties in the game wants.If they want to finish the series(wich i fucking doubt now) this is the time.

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Stopped reading your wall of text at suspension of disbelief, the battle cry of retards with shit taste.

Glen wouldn't have let anyone else molest his replacement waifu

>what re8 will be
>A resident evil game
>what i want
>Dead Space
Fucking moron

Umbrella tried to make the biggest coverup in history

and they didn't get away with it obviously, they got found out

>and if the infection only spreads via biting then it would be a non-issue
most of the city ended up infected due to the contaminated water supply from infected rats swimming in the reservoir, not through being bitten

Umbrella scientists broadcasting the Z-Note.

>same formula of resident evil 6

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Flowers being the source of the T-Virus. It doesn't really make sense.

>researchers & lab staff are absolutely clueless about IT
that's pretty accurate desu

That would only be sexy back in the original or her photo in the STARS office where she looked 12.

sauce, please.

That totally Worked for Dino Crisis right?


Is she going to get BEANED in the RE3Make

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>young claire, young leon, young chris
what the the fuck could you do with highschool, police academy, and the airforce that would carry a game, short of entirely rewriting their backstories?

Blue Umbrella is just Chris' idealism flaring up again. It's a PMC created to mitigate the biological arms race that normal Umbrella started. Everything else that was set up in RE6 and the shitty CGI movies is non-canon and forgotten, sorry buddy.

2 hours of the main characters eating like this disgusting slob is. Then when they pay the check and leave, the credits roll

Leon and Sherry. RE2R cucked us out of it.

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That's their chance to explain all that, plus seeing James Marcus and co. young, noir costumes by default and vintage guns.

The one thing the Resident Evil 2 plot (specifically the remake) got right is that when Leon and Claire are driving into Raccoon, there's an announcement telling people to go to the one police station in a city the size of Chimpcago. That last part is retarded beyond all hell, but the fact that Umbrella owned Irons, had survivors go to the police station, then let X loose on them to kill anyone left alive was a clever subplot.

Well, that's what I meant. Thank you for correcting me.

I finished it for the first time yesterday and I didn't think it was that bad. There were some awful enemies and bullshit instakill bosses like the tyrant, Steve and Nosferatu but it had some interesting locations and concepts. The soundtrack was pretty good too.

I want to fuck sherry so bad! I even drew a picture!

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>All this fags wanting the same shit over and over and over.
Its the sole reason the need to Change in the First place people.

Fixed camera angles traditional survivor horror, RE2Make is a new timeline , RE8 takes place a year after RE2 featuring Billy Coen as the main character

Drake and Josh

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yes thank you for the explanation

just somewhere unique.
not some spook mansion

A dating sim

>Everything else that was set up in RE6 and the shitty CGI movies is non-canon
you wish.
that's capcom's official RE site, btw.

Leon refused Bigears for Chinky and Memefield once, he'll do it again. That yellow whore has his heart forever.

Chris chasing after Leon.

RE2 was essentially the same as RE1 but changed the character dynamics, gave it a more open-ended level design and had awesome boss fights.

RE8 can be functionally the same as RE7 and still be an excellent game.

Suspension of disbelief is a valid topic of discussion. We can't all be winners, I know, but you can at least try.

this would honestly be pretty interesting

gibe alternate reality starting with the mansion incident where Alpha team gets sent in first and fucked up real bad where Jill is the only survivor and Bravo team for the most part makes it out alive, minus Enrico and Kenneth

is fitgirl ok for the remakes
please respond


Viruses, Please


>Chris looks scrawny as fuck and has a new voice actor in 7
>figure they're just rebooting things, okay
>he still punches boulders and shit in Not a Hero

Did they just change the cast for shits and giggles then? I guess 7 is in the same universe as 1-6?

Barry and his newly Un-Bitched daughter hunting down Evil Natalia

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a natalex & jake game, the most awkward family reuinion

A good writer convinces the audience to suspend disbelief. "Dude, just do it" is what a fanboy has to tell everyone else to go along with unimaginative writing.

Where would the story go at this point?

I love Claire Redfield dearly.

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The real question is, is the FPS thing permanent or was that a gimmick for 7?

Or could they go super fucking nuts and make 8 have third or first person depending on who you're playing

Back then when second resident evil movie was about to come out. They had a flash-based game in which you mixed genetic samples to create a bio-weapon. The art was cool.

the most overplayed joke in relation to RE is underrated?

can't use any mods or model swaps on the repack version

How fucking bad would the Adacucks be if RE8 happens and Leon chooses Claire?

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Y'know, I would play the hell out of that.

Call me when any of that fits in with the stuff shown in Remake 2 and RE 7.

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a sequel to operation racoon city

RE7 is on that timeline, too, user

A bit bummed out but would go along with their day.

I wouldn't mind RE8 copying RE7's game play so long as the theme isn't as hideous as 7's with it's yellow everywhere

This is the only correct answer thus far.

I just want to fuck Jill bros, I need to breed Jill.

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The hookman demo; no first person please, it's bad for resident evil.

The ending of the game will be a TerraSave chopper landing at the site of the final battle. A beautiful, middle-aged woman with brown hair and blue eyes comes out from it, her hair in a ponytail. She introduces herself as Kennedy.

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Reminder that Natalia is now 18.

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I want it to be revealed he married Ashley and just didn't tell anyone.

Since Capcom for some reason wants to everyone forget the cool ass Goofy Leon,they could made Ethan the new goofy cool guy with in the next game.
>He is all serious autists in RE7 because He tought He Lost his wife
>Now that he fucked her for three years non stop He is literally another personality(or actually get one in First place)

>Wesker left a copy of his mind in Jill's body to infiltrate the BSAA.

Chris, calm down.

100% gimmick
it was pretty much a sequel to the silent hill demo

>in the distance, an echo of 'NO WAY FAG' can be heard

I'm going to spell it out to you. It doesn't matter what it says if the games don't acknowledge it.

>tfw no leon and jill game

whatever you need to tell yourself

So do I, she is so perfect bros.

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That's just going to piss Chris off.

>in an underground science lab with a Death Star reactor core, scientists can't into computers

Billy should've bleached those emails.

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Revelations 3: Return to the Boat

more wolfmommy please

pls no

>Tap X rapidly to impregnate

What about new characters in their own game?

RE2 did it and it was a hit. Why recycling the same characters so much?

Remake Outbreak

>Or could they go super fucking nuts and make 8 have third or first person depending on who you're playing

Both OTS and FP available, there's no reason to not happen.

>Here's your REmake 3 Nemesis bro.


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Probably is the plot of Revelations 3

When was the last time Capcom came up with a decent character? They've had new characters in RE games. Nobody gives a shit about them for a reason. Shit, nobody cares about most of the old characters too. If it weren't for waifufags crap like Rebecca, Sherry and Claire would have never been seen again.

having skin tight leggings doesn't hinder movement thanks to muscles in those respective reasons. If it was tight in the arms as well then her reactions wouldn't be as fast or accurate due to restraint from the clothing. It all comes down to muscles and how they work.

yes i would like to play as the dork who let zoe die

Bruce McGivern teaming up with Rebecca and having to investigate someplace where they get infected with a virus and the virus psychology fucks with they minds (similar to the RE4 beta)

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H.R Giger/Hellraiser reject design

I'm jealous of Jill in this pic.

it's not like it's the research staff's job to maintain the death star core, most of them probably know how to record data on their lab workstations and that's it. no time to learn extra skills when your commute involves wading through a sewer and at least one arcane puzzle lock

His general disillusionment with the US government lately would suggest a change of occupation might be forthcoming.

Is there an edit of Claire and Ada kissing in the cable car yet?

I hope they keep the trend of Leon being in even numbered releases, not necessarily as the protagonist, but just featured

I want to fuck 18 year old natalia


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i think leon should be in every game

even in the remake of REmake

Numerous times.

Jill is disgusted by you, and wouldn't even let you lick her boots

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X-com rip off.

True but i am talking about people Just wanting REmakes now.
In the old times,shit was already boring by the time of RE3.For me the more changes(escalating simple zombies to diferent kinds of BOWs)was a good change,they Just need to maintain tense and spooky(things that RE5 and RE6 failed Miserably)
RE Engine may be shit for girl faces but is fucking amazing for make Scary places

>Bruve McGivern
>Not Ark Thompson


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her and the rest of that team are all horrible fucking people though

Please post. I was in Jump school right after Chris posting blew up and missed a lot

RE XCOM when you play as USS troops would be pretty sweet

they will need to change his design to make him scarier than Mr. X. Nemesis in re3 just looks like a bad Halloween mask

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not even the best girl in that shitty game

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wasnt that game poop though?


My favorite Siege operators are Shitty netcode

>licks fingers
>after having touched a sandwich

Re1 group should never interact with re2 group. Its just weird

When I started playing this game, I was partially spoiled on Natalia = Alex, but I thought Alex sewed her head onto a child's body and was pretending to be Natalia. The mind transfer machine thing was not as cool imo.

Sue Valentine

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well they're uss, it would be worse if they tried to whitewash them

t. person who never ate a sandwich

>Jill wears sunglasses whenever the Wesker personality takes over

You better delete this

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This concept art looks pretty good to me, except the maskless one.


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what poor country are you from where you have never eaten a sandwich?

are you talking shit about Joe motherfucking Baker?

I eat sandwiches regularly, cunt
there's usually fucking nothing, not even breadcrumbs unless you slathered that shit in mayo

what uncivilized brute gets shit on his fingers from eating a sandwich?

Thank god the RE2make didn’t make some nod to survivor like having Leon’s roommate before RC being Ark or some stupid shit like that

You disgusting fuck i was about to go to sleep now i will have nightmares of this tranny abomination

eh, Ada probably killed thousand with all those virus samples she delivers in her missions and everyone loves her.

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mayo or mustard, do you not condiment your sandwich?

Not!Umbrella creates a virus that splices the genes of previously infected creatures onto new victims, creating chimeras, zombielike hybrids of man and beast. This Chimera Virus (C-Virus) spreads across an isolated town in Arizona after a train carrying the C-virus is derailed by some bumpkins and a bet on how many train tracks they could steal before the cops come. You play as a tourist who has found himself trapped in a mansion-turned-history-museum.

Better than the cartoony original

There already was a C Virus in RE6

I expect it will follow the new threat of whatever the molded is.

Is Evaline still a threat? Was she the sole reason for it? Either way the only possible way this game will be great is if Leon is MC

I dunno, CH1M virus?

Bring back the burger

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desu sounds solid, a southwestern setting is fresh

if they won't outright retire them, then kill off one of the long starring main cast in RE8, because RE feels safe as fuck on account of no deaths

Nemesis will have a mask in the RE3make and nothing will stop that.

CH1M-P0 virus

Fixed camera is shit and only nostalgic boomers like it. It will never come back.


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Ada unleashes the WMAF virus in multiple locations around the world and it’s up to Chris to stop it

That has to be based of a Hardees burger, no other fastfood borgers look that good

and I can't imagine a greasy trucker having them time to get one from a sit down joint on the go

What feat of strength will Chris perform next?

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there should be a dream sequence with fixed cameras, and when the character wakes up, they have some hokey line, like
>woah, what a nightmare!

With his thick white cock.

Umbrella creates a cosmetic virus derived from the fountain of youth. Chris is infected so badly he becomes a baby that Jill has to breastfeed with her milkers while Barry and Rebecca team up to take down the evil company once again.

_he cute

helping Jill get past this

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Why contain it?

i'm fine with this as long they kill Ada first

Something that'll really get Jill wet. He already has a boulder feat, he needs to suplex a train or something next.

>New Ghost Survivor mode where you play as the burger
>Stranded on the streets of Raccoon City after the truck crash, hundreds of ravenous monsters want to feast on your delicious beef and toppings
>The burger, armed with only a few explosive bottles of spicy mustard and some pepper shakers, has to make its way out of the city to safety

by fucking other white guys?

flipping a car as the villain tries to escape in it

>*ahem* excuse me m'lady

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4 is getting a remake right?

Have you seen that thing nude? if you have and still think it's cute you are beyond help

They need a new super villian. Wesker needs to stay dead and Jake needs to stay forgotten but we do need a reoccuring bad guy along with the reoccurring good guys

>Four Eyes
>Only member in the team not wearing some sort of visor or goggles

His sister is not AF

The virus must be stopped

Yes. There have been official Capcom leaks here for REmake 4, 5 and REV2 so far.

>That guy's a maniac! Why'd he bite me!

White women are better. Take jill for example

Would definitely like to see a burnt out Leon get his shit back together as he starts to care again.

Ada shows up again

it's because her zombie control syringes give her an extra set of eyes when she controls a zombie


I can't be the only one that wants to fuck that

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>first 2/3rds of the game are leon going freelance, cleaning up, and starting to feel like he's doing good in the world
>ada shows back up and the rest of the game is his relapse

Plus the Chimera Virus could give us interesting enemies, like coyote-snake hybrids, vulturepeople, and a boss that's a writhing amalgamation of 20 different people

How come nobody gives a fuck about Chris' face capture model?

I'd imagine she had that name well before the T-Virus shenanigans.

I never understood what the devs were thinking with hers and Leon's shoulder armor with exposed torso.

it's because she's a NERD who probably got bullied by bertha and lupo

It was pretty good

Too bad

all I can think about is four eyes dressed like a cute nurse with glasses and it's not helping
was the bullying lewd at all?

The only thing RE4 needs is a proper remaster and thats it.

no big deal, he'll just resurrect 3 spinoffs later

How is Jesus gonna get out of this one? I mean, he already died once before. They can't keep bringing him back for shock value.

What the flip did JC ever do to you, lad?

Well who's in charge of Umbrella now? That should be the BBEG


/ourguy/ is in his redemption arc, say something nice about him.

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He's always got one life left.

I can't believe capcom would kill jesus christ himself before chris or leon

no matter who it is, watching people eat is sickening and kinda aggravates me

I thought Umbrella tirned good?
Also, I'm sure the guys who made the Mold are the new bad guys. They could make "designer" viruses for the rich & evil

she's more of a scientist than a doctor though

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Doubt it, they'll stop at 3.

>Michael is trying reverse psychology on us to get us off the hype train

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nah, I'd dick it

some of them went legit and formed blue umbrella, but there's still red umbrella going around doing dirt apparently
it's kind of a clusterfuck

she's cute and all that matters
they'd most likely do something with one of the pre-4 side games

>Christ with a pregnant Jill

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New T virus outbreak in a massive urban area (Chicago, New York, Hong Kong, or similar large city).

Players take control of a random survivor. This character will not be part of future games, but they will bump into recurring RE characters like Chris, Sherry, and Ada.

The game initially has three campaigns, each following a different set of goals for the survivor. "A" campaign is about getting from a downtown office to a home in the suburbs, constantly trying to move through large open areas filled with filler trash zombies, but the player is mostly unarmed, and only occasionally gets melee weapons that can stun or knock back zombies. To break up the pace and provide tension, hordes of zombies or packs of zombie dogs will force the player into detours and provide harrowing encounters that must be escaped. "B" story follows a soldier under Chris's command. Naturally he gets separated and has to keep working towards an objective in the center of the city (secret Umbrella offshoot lab). Periodically, they will team up with Chris or other RE characters for brief sections to solve puzzles or fight through boss encounters before getting split again. "C" route focuses on an unwitting test subject who wakes up in the labs. This route is designed the most closely to the original games: small, thoroughly designed spaces, puzzles and keys, limited resources, and moody atmosphere.

After the three slightly intertwined campaigns have been completed, a new campaign opens up, showing Chris's side of the story. This links together the bits of other character's stories seen in the first three campaigns and shows exactly what was going down. Everything is played-off like a grind house thriller and Chris constantly channels Bruce Campbell.

How so!?

The Mold guys ARE umbrella, just the old version


>New T virus outbreak

>Various crimes he reluctantly stops
>Finds a case that makes him give a shit
>source of problem ends up being some BOW shit
>old Leon reemerges
>turns out its Umbrella again
>starts to get in over his head
>Ada shows up just in time to help
>they defeat Umbrella together
>Leon finds himself caring about doing the right thing again
>Ada disappears into the night

Why do I need this

no, they're not, they're another organisation that were working alongside HCF, Wesker's group

Say what you will about 7, but it took the title more literally than the others.

yeno! it was just wholesome ribbing

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The next Resident Evil game should be a far prequel that occurs in a city during the middle ages in the midst of the bubonic plague. Not everyone who gets the black death dies, some turn into bloodthirsty monsters. It would bring it back to more of its survival-horror roots with the lack of guns. The setting would also lend itself to some kino scenery.

>Townsfolk being eaten by their recently deceased family members
>Hordes of bodies shambling out of mass graves
>Castle filled with zombified knights and royalty
>Random "witches" and "warlocks" being burned and hanged for casting spells on the dead (and then coming back to life)

You would play as some sort of constable or investigator sent to investigate the rumors of people coming back to life in this particular city.

did you not play RE1 or the first REmake, user?

That is why It is compared with RE1 soo much.

That ginger bitch with the full face clear mask was the sexiest chick in RE for a while.

>You will never have 3 other m8s to play ORC from start to finish with

It hurts

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So, if Jill is basically Revolver Ocelot and Wesker Liquid, who's Solid Snake?

Reminder that ponytail blonde Jill is peak performance, like it or not.

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I did
it was a horrible experience

Anti outbreaks missions, with big lab in the end.

Mom bod

That's not how constricting clothes work.
99% of constriction is in the shoulders


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God, what a putrid piece of shit.

I'll bet thos niggers at capcom will roll with this.

it's a shame how few period piece horror games there are

Fiona Jill is best Jill, brainlets need not apply.

pure kino

Resident Evil 0 should be erased from canon and another prequel starring rebecca should be made.

Alex is still around. I highly doubt they would leave that hanging in the air and she could easily take Wesker's place.

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more like sjw board

this is the coolest idea i've seen in this thread so far

a motocross game with claire

When will they remake Dino Crisis and Haunting Ground

Capcom has a lot of dead IP that could use reviving.

>Resident Evil 0 should be erased from canon
>and another prequel
>starring rebecca

If there's a Fiona Jill, who's Shrek?

Those faggot costumes they wear turned me off. Did they get an 8 year old to design them?

I wanna say a BOW outbreak/terrorist attack in the middle east. They could do Riyadh.

They've already done terrorism in Europe, America, and Africa.

Alternatively they could do Tokyo so we could have cheeky shit like these characters in this japanese game not being able to understand Japanese

Man of culture.

Cringe and yikespilled.

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Why is replayabilty even an issue? The game encourages you to play through it 4 times to get everything and if you are speedrunning from the get go thats like 8 hours if you were a perfect human. I'm very sure games like TLoU and Uncharted didn't have much replayability either


resident evil 0 was a fine game

Who hipe for the inevitable outbreak remake staring face scanned Tom Cruise?

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They made Hunk too cool in this game.

this post made me angry

I wish.

Only videogames can make it possible for Tom Cruise to have a proper manly voice and be over 6 feet tall if required.


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Hey, watch it user.
The Ecliptic Express, the old mansion Training Facility that was also connected with the Re2 lab, the relationship between Marcus, Birkin and Wesker... All those little details make the game pure KINO. It needs to be remade but keeping the spirit of the whole story.

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No one is going to fucking play it. For as much as you fuckers whine about wanting to play Outbreak again, none of you hop on to play on the private server that's easy as fuck to set up and get to.

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it's a shit game

Jill getting cucked

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Face model is and shes better then ada

>Why is replayabilty even an issue?

Because the game is short af and the 2nd runs are half-assed content.

I personally think that adding randomizer and the enemies from Ghost Survivors in the main campaign would add a lot to its replayability

>God, what a putrid piece of shit.
Don't hurt his feelings, bro. He's a living being.

I still need to go back to REmaster, I never played the original, but I can't decide between tank controls and the more modern ones, they both seem like they have their perks, though tank controls is truer to heart.

I fucking love the Jill model from it, so good.

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>Jill getting cucked
But Jill has no interest in Leon whatsoever?

based and frogpilled

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>fucking love the Jill model
tell me something that isnt common sense

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I played tank controls with KB+M but modern controls with a controller

No way fag

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That guy wasn't even a cop. He's just Tom Cruise fucking around in a police uniform he had from a movie he filmed in Raccoon City. Yeah, the first 3 times he tried to apply into S.T.A.R.S. were funny but then he was just plain creepy. Of course his shady past with the Scientology didn't help. Even after filming the movie good old Tom spend his time wandering around the streets of Raccoon City pretending to be a cop and messing around. Eventually the people started to actually like him and even the cops at the RPD began to let him in to the station and accept him as one more of the team. By that time Tom felt something that hadn't felt in a long time. It was something he was looking through all the fame and hedonism of Hollywood and the Scientology church but never could actually reach. He felt glimpses of what felt to belong to something and to be able to fight for it without worrying about what would happen to him. Until that point, he never had too much self-respect. He viewed himself as just a Hollywood puppet, helping rich men get richer and be compliant with the leftovers. But something was different. He actually cared for the people of that small midwestern town. And by the time the outbreak happened, he realized he could be a hero too. But that's a whole other story, for another time.

How is Jill getting cucked here, was she secretly gay for Claire?

modern controls definitely make the game way easier than intended, but I think either control option is fair enough. And yes, she's the best model in the entire series.


have you seen the CG movies?

>anti-cruisefag starts talking about scientology
every fucking time

Realistically speaking, If i was a civilian just chilling around during the outbreak and these semen demons found me, how could I manage to fuck them?

it's pasta, user

Also side note since the virus is psychology effecting them we could get some more Lovecraftian looking monsters

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I want Jill to get gangbanged in a sewer!

Zombie-Chan finding love with a handsome user male (living)

that would have been pretty cool, tbqh

Jill is hapa. Jap/French

jill is for rebecca!

Why didn't Ethan just use the clearly functioning phone or the dead cops radio to call in a SWAT team or the military or something so he wouldn't have to do the vast majority of the game single handedly?

because that would make for a very short video game

why not go full Bruce Campbell and make the game protagonist Ash fucking Williams acting like hot shit around the survivors thinking the outbreak was caused by the necronomicon

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the bigger question is why did capcom punish the players who chose to save zoe

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because it's a silly choice

how did that company punished the players?

Based and approved by CapGOD

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explain how

Because it doesn't make sense, and because Zoey was saved later anyway, dude kept his word.

That would be pretty funny.

Apparently he was boring, not goofy in the Japanese version of RE4's script. Hence why goofy Leon never appeared again, as far as the writers knew he'd never existed.

Rebecca being such a wet blanket in RE1 makes no sense given what she goes through in 0; the Final Fantasy antagonist that is Leech-Marcus was simply awful; the exposition it provides does nothing to strengthen RE1, and in fact does the opposite; Billy is utterly unlikable; only the train was an interesting map space

I actually kinda liked the way it handled item management, though, even if it was a bit of a gimmick

Impregnating Claire.

ive read enough doujins to know that the trick to getting with any older woman is to just be a cute shota, everything else will fall into place

I hope so too. I want to see more Leon.

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Glenn had good taste.

Well If they love to appeal to western audience soo much they should get the fucking hint.
I hate RE6/CG movies Leon they ruined such cool idea.

resident evil: battle royale


something with barry

Poor Leon

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Claire and Leon's 100 children thrown into an island to decide the true heir

This, but Ada stays.

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I don't think Rebecca personality change was that important. I actually think it made it more interesting even if it doesn't make change.
I agree, though, that Marcus could have been better but he reminded me to David Bowie in the movie Labyrinth which made the game more funny and pleasant in a weird way.
I think Billy was pretty generic, can't say anything bad or good about him.
Overall It's true that 0 makes no sense and has many inconsistencies but it has beautiful aesthetics and serves as proof as the potential it has all the Re lore.

Chris Redfield in Europe investigating Umbrella during RE2/3. RE2 remake gameplay.

What about Australia

>but it has beautiful aesthetics
I wouldn't fight you on this, it's a very good looking video game

Doesn't even remotely looks like one, so whatever.

This sounds pretty cool. Plus we get more Wesker.

I want a Barry and Joe teamup game where they have to rescue Moira and Zoe from Umbrella which tragically ends with the latter 2 being fused into a horrible monster which fuel Barry and Joe into the ultimate pissed off dad revenge story ultimately takes down Umbrella once and for all.

8 will be another first person game, probably set in an arctic environment. We haven't had that since the horrid 2nd half of CV.

who the fuck eats a sandwich like that?

Why would you post this

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I hope they rework this motherfucker into something cooler than Mr. X or even Nemesis.

Demons amd ghosts. Tired of zombie shit.


now that VR is dead again hopefully it won't be so obviously designed around it

>cooler than Mr.X or even Nemesis
That isn't hard.

That's not the real Chris

almost certainly not, despite what autistic waifufags might want to believe

There IS a chance, but they'd probably reremake 1 for that

Only if it pokes fun at itself and isn't super serious.

UUNNNFFF the brapper on the right

yes, it is, Koshi Nakanishi confirmed as much when people were asking if it was; it's simply due to them using a face scan model on account of the RE Engine

best resident evil girl coming through

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is jill canonically like Hispanic? idk why but i always got that vibe about her, like she's half hispanic or something.

she's canonically half Jap/half French

>Best autist not only get his waifu back but get a cute southern belle Just wet for hin(that "Thank you Ethan" says alot)
>You Will never see Joe wanting to meet this Ethan Guy,find hin a fucking weak ass boy andstart teaching hin boxing/wrestling that combines with both the roids and the mold infectocontagiosas turns Ethan in the First good Guy B.O.W.


No, she's half french half jap, I believe full white later on.
She will get beaned in the REmake 3 though


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Well that fucking sucks

I also can't imagine Chris as anyone except Roger Craig Smith, he did a fucking fantastic job. Worst part is that I just looked it up and Chris still has the same Japanese voice actor he always had. Is this because of some body capture stuff ala MGSV?

Who also got the greatest ass.

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That would be pretty fitting for a Revelations 3 actually.

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it's probably because of capcom cheaping out desu. you can tell they were really lazy when casting face models, theyre all just noname gaijin models living in tokyo

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sweet jesus

i don't know my lore super well, but it's any bodily fluids that turn you zombie right, not just saliva and blood?

I mean you could still triple bag it I guess

nah, the voice actors getting replaced (including REmake 2) is due to the other VAs being union actors, and as such, their contracts stipulate that the more times you play a role, the more money you get, so it's cheaper for them to just get a new VA or a non-union VA; it's why Hunk still has the same VA, he's non-union

Did Chris get BLACKED?

what a chad

No, he went "muh Jill" for the entire campaign.

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>tfw leon would rather shoot his aryan load deep inside a stinky zombie pussy than have sex with your sister

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>Last Boss have a impenetrable armor
>Barry shoots with his Colt cracking It,but get stuck
>Joe finish the job punching the bullet and exploding the last Boss in the process
Pure Ludo

He should just fuck Sheva, nothing wrong with it. Even Jill or hell Wesker would understand.

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Wasn't Sheva basically a hanger-on to Chris' story for that game? Like the only attachment she had was that one dude who surprisingly didn't die within the same mission you ran into him on.

Any anons want to get together and play Outbreak?

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why is Jill wearing Converse when she isn't a fifteen year old

Where did the meme about Chris wanting Leon to fuck his sister come from anyways?

Revelations 2 was actually good. Fuck you guys for lying to me. Definitely better than the first one though the cruise ship was a more unique setting to me.

>He should just fuck Sheva.

Prob 30's crisis.

Chris is just too full of mission autism and a sense of self-sacrificing duty to really pursue any of the women in his life. Sheva and Jill are partnahzoned and he treats Rebecca like a little sister in Vendetta

reddit obviously

Both REvelations are pretty ok.Before REmake2 are the best alternative for actionfags that want horror

It's not psychokinesis, she's throwing her blood at them which lights on fire after coming into contact with oxygen for too long or something.

Goddamn it, I want them to bring Matt Mercer back.

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i ended up really liking rev2 also, it had fun storytelling and i appreciated that alex was somewhat unique as a villain in both her forns. plus playing the weekly releases added a lot imo, it was fun to anticipate and speculate

Rev2's Gameplay is tigh, enemy design and settings are meh, Rev1 had great setting and enemy design, but god... I hated that scanner shit so fucking much, also the support characters besides Parker were all meh.

>also the support characters besides Parker were all meh

Holy shit this. RE isn't the bastion of creative writing but all of those new characters were extremely annoying. Rev2 kept things a lot tighter and simpler and was better for it. Moira and Natalia were solid.

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Where did the Jill sandwich thing come from?Barry clearly said "gibble" sandwich.

Cake Claire is a hottie.

Claire kinda looks like Julia Voth

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>and somehow cross paths with Jill
Oh god imagine the pure seething rage of the Chrisposters

Its like they just experimented on her to make her more fuckable

Can someone tell me what noises this inconsistent fuck Tyrant considers worth investigating

>start sprinting after the bell drops in the clock tower thinking "alright well there's no way he didnt hear that"
>get bit by a zombo and scream in pain as I practically kick a door open to escape
Light footsteps, then the footsteps move away
>literally stand still in the corner of a room, leon has done nothing for the past 40 or so seconds, was checking my phone for something

I need a rundown of his triggers. Does he notice if you shine the flashlight on him? Can he hear leon's grunts when you walk around injured? Can he hear you knifing zombies? I know you can sometimes survive being in the same room as him if you stand perfectly still outside of his cone of vision, but can you tiptoe around him like you can zombies?

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Leon and jill
Jill and her BSAA will a USA SS rep leon go investigate a previously umbrella owned private island where a secret lab was discovered, theres a mansion and other facilities and an underground lab, with new and old bows to deal with

Gameplay and camera like RE2 remake

He'll eventually find you even if you're standing still but certain actions like running and shooting will bring him to you much faster

I concur

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when do the RE girls get tired of not getting fucked and just fuck each other

If you shoot he hears you and goes to investigate, if you run in his vicinity he hears you and starts chasing you, if you stay still in any area that he can travel to he can find you, since he is literally always moving around the RPD

Desperate measures need to be taken to ensure they don't end up 40 year old virgins.

They can always just date civvies.

I didn't know RE girls used Yea Forums

i agree

every man Claire tries to date dies horribly

I bet rebecca shitposts on Yea Forums all the time

>investigate a previously umbrella owned private island where a secret lab was discovered, theres a mansion and other facilities and an underground lab, with new and old bows to deal with
so Code Veronica

He won't hear scripted or unavoidable sounds like the bell. It's shit you do that you have control over. So basically running, opening doors quickly and shooting. I rarely saw him by sticking to walking most places and avoiding enemies. It's possible to sneak by zombies via walking as well. Also, if X finds you it's possible to hide from him and lose him. If you have the lower floor of the library cleared its pretty easy to lose him there.

Yes, but good

That dude from Revelations 2 did it to himself and she was interested in him not the other way around.

RE7 still references shit like Revelations.

So Code Veronica


getting tired of this game having literally every single fight revolve around 10 ft.

>T-Virus 'Strayan wildlife
>Villain is just some Strayan whose making a bit of bants

Aye there Redfield. You see i've toied you up over the Crocodile pit, yeh? So when the rope snap, downahole you'll fall, and me mutated crocs will have their way with you yeah? Good luck cunt

why would a game where the enemies only have melee attacks have long range combat?

Nah, CV is passable

This, but only on the condition they hire real Australians, since for some reason they're the only ones who can do the accent.

Half the game revolves around Chris not being able to understand the locals even though they' ostensibly speak english

All he knows for sure is he's a right sick cunt

>the immersion is ruined because no one says cunt thanks to the rating rules

I can't wait to see what mutated aboriginals would look like.

Exactly the same as normal ones

That would require there to be a sizeable portion left.

Chris' new face model is Australian, funnily enough

They are immune but are still confused with real mutants and killed by the BSAA anyway.

crossover with the big lez show would be kino

>Huh? Killing that infected, he was coming right for us with a gas can!
>Naaoo mate fuck mate, that waren't infected, s'just an abbo!
>A what?
>Yknow, an Aborigine! Native cunts! Shit mate, they just look like that yknow?
>Wait so I shouldn't of shot him?
>Oh nah, nobody cares if ya shoot em, just don't waste so many bullets next time yeah?

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this sounds amazing and kino, a small scale spooky noir resident evil. It'd fit perfectly in the franchise.

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Noise levels aren't as complicated as people might be lead to believe.

Walking is basically silent to him, but he still has a very general homing beacon on you. He will find you, it's only a matter of time. Running sends out a sort of AoE ping that will cause him to investigate and home a little bit better, and shooting at all will give him your pinpoint location at the time of shooting. He'll also come fuck your ass just because he's Mr. X.

I wonder how Leon would do in an Australian re

It was a good game, but it felt more like silent hill than resident evil. One enemy was straight up pyramid head.

get to axe murder wife and zoe still lives

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>Claire? Are you crying?

A series of wave based hordes that hunt you through 8 small free roam sandbox stages where you solve puzzles and traverse the environment to get to the next stage.
Like if super stardust and mercenaries mode had a baby. But the baby had a story.
And fuck dead nation.



Your future HINGES upon this fight!

>He then kicks chris through a door with hinges

Who fucking licks their fingers that much when they eat a sandwich?

Someone whose life earnings hinges on being a somewhat sexual video game icon for basement dwelling virgins.

shes implying she wants more than just a sandwich

You should start a webcomic user xDDD