Switching to the Epic Store will tank a games sa-

>switching to the Epic Store will tank a games sa-

How much is Valve sweating right now?

Attached: metro.png (820x711, 432K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>UK physical charts
based retard

The idea of tribalism seemed so distant only a few short years ago. Now everything seems to be affected. Even pastime hobbies aren't exempt.

bros we can't let gaben down, we need to bomb its metacritcic and last light and redux reviews on steam


Probably not at all, they dont care how many units are sold on consoles.

>UK physical charts
winnie the pooh

>UKs physical charts

I swear epic just pays journalists to write these propaganda pieces. Never doubt Chinese money and influence.

I played the first 30 minutes or so after torrenting it and the game's pretty shit so far. The hud and lighting make everything difficult to see and the stealth feels really braindead. Giving this one a hard pass

congratulations, you got me

Attached: 1393318140643.jpg (480x360, 12K)

if we keep defeding gabe and valve they will definitely release hl3
do it for gordon

How could it not? Last Light isnt even available on Epics game store.

Uh huh

>UK physical charts
literally laffin' at how irrelevant that statistic is right now

Those are console sales dumbass

Niggers tongue my anus.

And yet, I haven't bought it. How strange. Even with the 10x daily tencent shill threads, I haven't bought it. Even when Chang tells me that everybody is doing it.
I must keep this a secret, lest the government finds out and dissects me in order to discover the secret to my unique immunity

Turns out good game sells

not only it is a specific area, but comparing sales to Last Light, which sold like shit, isnt a good comparison

Attached: 1548282024333.jpg (958x960, 100K)

Shills like you belong on a cross
>UK physical charts

that's an old one

are you really that desperate to defend your beta launcher fag

>battlefield 5's UK sales tank
>exodus' UK sales chart beat last light
>Yea Forums: hurr durr UK sales chart doesn't matter

wow, the cognitive dissonance of pcbros is actually pretty impressive

Attached: b5.png (665x506, 383K)

Does Exodus have stuttering? It seems like Denuvo games are 50/50 with stuttering issues.

can you point me to the threads where this happened, oh sage of old?

Attached: 1466715412591.png (598x615, 34K)

bait, nice try tim

>physical sales reflect tencent sales
Imagine being this Chinese

>UK Physical store
Fucking hell when did Epic Store open stores in the UK

How does that make any sense?
OP is implying Exodus is selling better on Epic than LL did on Steam even though there's zero sales data for both stores and the data is purely for consoles that still use legacy physical media.

I don't doubt Exodus is selling better across the board though, the marketing budget and interest is much higher overall.

Attached: epic tim.jpg (609x593, 109K)

Bfv sales were shit all around the board not only in UK.
This article speaks about PHYSICAL sales which are like 95% console. Which were not affected by steam/epic bullishittery

>third game in huge series
>physical sales
>buying physical for PC for any reason

>>UK physical charts


>but comparing sales to Last Light, which sold like shit, isnt a good comparison
This. Metro has always been a middling franchise of games, and the only reason anyone is giving a shit about Exodus besides the autist “gEt OuT oF hErE STALKER!! xD” fans is purely because of the controversy. It’s free publicity, and the game has been in the media for the last several weeks. If Exodus hadn’t been one of the first non-indieshit games to snag an Epic exclusive deal, we wouldn’t be where we are now.

You are comparing apples to oranges dumbass. Physical copies of the console version don't reflect sales through the Epic store. It would be relevant if we also had the online sales numbers, as it could help establish if the game is severely underperforming on PC, but with that info the UK data doesn't mean shit.

With BFV it worked because it's a multiplatform that didn't have any reason to not perform similarly across all of them

Attached: 1550196441208.jpg (992x558, 69K)

>no more of that sweet metro gunplay from steam
Except it was complete trash and it ruined everything. Keep your game you starving Russian shits.

physical sales in some random town from UK are unrelated to both steam and epic, bye retard

No need to apologize. Just take the L and walk away


>buying hallway simulators
>On rail shooters
>le cruazy soviet apocalypse

Attached: 1548175931925.png (211x239, 9K)

that doesn't mention physical sales, which is the topic here.

did you actually think people here are denying it because its UK?

Attached: 1530327145948.jpg (634x815, 120K)

English isn't Chang's first language, cut him some slack

HAHAHAH Man wouldn't it be great if Valve went bankrupt and they had to take down their servers lmao imagine all the pc mustard bros crying over losing all their games xD
Man I hope it happens soon, hope PC gamers like chinese spyware

Anyone have those image results from fireden showing Epic spamming the Metro switching over?

Attached: 1548695572413.png (707x372, 788K)

>valvecucks seething because steam doesn't know how to compete when they don't have a monopoly
Now this is Epic


tien-a-man square massacre

>buyout developers for 1 year exclusives
>e-epic isn't trying to be a monopoly xD
nice try

Attached: 1545967227426.png (595x760, 495K)

>using steam for anything other than playing games

tim sweeney is /ourguy/ tho valvecuck

Attached: 1550941177742.png (635x626, 71K)

you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

wow its nothing. actually acting like a child lmao

Honestly, the lack of reviews alone is enough to turn me off Epic. Taking away the consumer's ability to make an informed purchase is just straight retarded.

to me its the best of two world ill keep gaming on steam and titles exclusively on the epic store will pirate like i did with ashen i didnt download the crack of excodus because im finishing ys memories of celceta after i beat that game , exodus is next , i dont want the game flop because i like the metro saga but unfortunately epic exclusives to me are pirateable games from now on , the epic store regional price is waaaay worse than steam in my region so until they fix that and upgrade player profiles games released on that store , are games im going to pirate

This game looks like a shit Fallout mod. Why did they even bother?

>physical sales
>op mention epics store
based retard sticking to his guns

>the lack of reviews alone is enough to turn me off Epic
They adding reviews dumbshit.

>Taking away the consumer's ability to make an informed purchase is just straight retarded.
(((Consumers))) are entitled shitcunts and need to earn right to be taken seriously. Letting them review bomb is shit fffuck.

and how many actually own it on Epic versus Steam? I never canceled my pre-order and I'm sure anyone who was remotely interested in the series didn't either

>complain about how blue checkmarks on twitter are tied to corrupt social credit system
>ally with authoritarian regime that invented social credit system
he'll get a red checkmark when Epic Games rolls out Chitter and begins bribing celebs to exclusively communicate through it.

>game sells physical copies
>this is relevant to steam/epic feud

Do you realize how stupid you are?

>E-E-E-Epic totally isn't a monopoly! S-S-Steam is! If I keep repeating that, it will become true!

Attached: epic wojak.png (683x751, 136K)

Fallout 3/4/76 are all shit oblivion mods.

nv gets a pass simple because the writing is a bit better, everything else about it is an oblivion mod.

wow another oldfag :^)

>E-E-E-Epic totally isn't a monopoly!
It literally isnt, retard.

I guess it has a monopoly on Exodus sales.

There hasn't even been any sales data for digital stores, only console sales.

That's... Actually kind of based. Still not buying from tencent tho

Only one of those stores actually engages in anti-consumer monopolistic tactics, can you guess which one?

>steam is a monopoly
>epic, origin, gog, and a thousand other sources for video game software disagree
>virtually none of the games on steam are only available there, it's just the most popular way to get them
This is what Chinese people actually believe.

>epic isn't trying to be a monopoly

Epic is trying to be competitive in a market that valve almost has a monopoly on.

Mind you the definition of monopoly is exclusive control of the trade and supply of a service/commodity.

Valve doesnt have a monopoly simply because gog and shit exists.

Epic isn't a monopoly, but they're sure as shit trying to be one.

Yeah pretty much, but for real, this game looks like ass. The lighting in it is almost worthless without raytracing, and they can fuck off if they're feeding Nvidia's bullshit. The environments, especially outdoors, look crap. Half of the textures look muddy and stretched. The AI is an embarrassment, given monsters used to circle you and shit in Metro games. Fuck me, who cares if it's only on the Epic store, this is the worst Metro game they've made, and I can't say I was an avid fan of LL.

>They adding reviews dumbshit.
ESL chink confirmed.

>which includes consoles

Im not the one you responded too.

all i said is Epic isnt a monopoly. Cause it isnt.

Brain blastingly retarded

How is it?


Attached: nathan one big yikes to valve grayson.png (613x626, 273K)

its fucking amazing actually. plenty of kino moments

It literally is, retard. Epic are buying exclusives left and right to keep them of ALL stores, not just Steam. If they weren't a monopoly I would at least be able to buy some of the games they moneyhatted on GoG or Discord or itch.io or something, but nope, Epic Store exclusives up the ass, no way for the consumer to choose where to buy them at all. That's a textbook example of a monopoly in the making.

>uk physical sales equate to epic digital sales

Attached: AAA4D168-AC67-4BDA-A2EB-BA1C479DEE77.jpg (990x682, 57K)

Nothing Steam does is monopolistic, even if they had a 100% market share it wouldn't be a monopoly since they don't enforce exclusive control in any way and all it takes for someone to carve into the market is making a better service or engaging in monopolistic tactics without offering a good service, like Epic is doing.

Cool might give it a look

do chinks even know what a monopoly is?

Just a few more years and Steam will be dead.

Nah because their leader is Winnie the Pooh the only thing he knows that tianmen square massacre didn't exist and Taiwan isn't Number One.

Looks boring


The janitor isn't going to like this!

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Tim Sweeney is a fucking hypocrite.

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can someone explain this meme to me? i mean, Yea Forums(nel) is banned in china so to browse/post here you have to get past the great firewall in the first place

What did they mean by this?

Attached: Valve.png (1879x863, 483K)

shhhhh. let the keyboard warriors think they're accomplishing something

And guess what? Epic Store is gonna be dead way before that.

Attached: Epic shills respond to Tiananmen Square posters.jpg (749x453, 165K)

>posted this before and got banned
>expect ban reason to be spam
>its "forbidden text"

Attached: 1550626474872.jpg (720x318, 11K)

>sold a lot better
no shit, 2033/last light and redux versions were pretty niche and unknown compared to those exodus has AAA blockbuster levels of "hype" from normalfaggots
those sales are also from consoles

The XUA Region gets filtered, I believe.

Can we still say Ching Chong ding dong at least?

Youre not wrong. But all I said was valve was almost had a monopoly(on digital sales).

>E-E-E-Epic totally isn't a monopoly!
The epic store is not a monopoly.

Epic is being monopolistic but theyre not a monopoly.

As for the Epic store having a monopoly on Exodus sales. It was literally sold on steam until two months before release.
Epic almost has a monopoly on digital sales on Exodus.

First of all, Yea Forums is not banned in China. Just Google so chinks can only post with a pass.
Second the mods cucked to the Chinese months ago and made that pasta autoban you and everyone flipped they shit so they reversed it.

>reminding chinks of what they are is forbidden on gookmoot's 4channel
wew lad

>hates monopolies
>steam monopolizes pc game sales
>releases your game on a competitor platform to stop steam's monopoly on pc games
whats the problem here

the second thing is the problem, since it's a lie

mods banned the chinese text because its fucking annoying
its toleratable if theres like 10 posts of those but you spastic valvecucks are literally spamming the entire Yea Forums with it 24/7

>it's a lie
do you get all your latest pc games on steam?

Again. Steam doesnt have a monopoly.
A monopoly requires exclusive(as in only you and no one else) control of digital sales.
They never have had a monopoly. Their market share is huge but not a monopoly.
If we're going to be using that word dont be loose with it.

t. chink janny

Attached: For Free.jpg (1280x800, 220K)

I bought Devil May Cry 5 and Sekiro from Greenmangaming because they have preorder discounts. So no, I didn't.

Personally yes, I do. I haven't purchased anything that is exclusively sold on steam that I know of. I simply prefer the convenience.

Being a better service has given Steam my business. That is not a monopoly.

This thread:
>While valve has the lion's share of the digital market, they do not actually engage in monopolistic practices; whereas epic is actively engaging in monopolistic practices in order to forcefully gain control over the market.
>ching chong bing bong ni fong

>physical sales only stats mentioned
>trying to generalize from the specific

Attached: 122547.jpg (1000x726, 102K)

selling 50% is a HUGE LOSS, bigger market, better game, better game/brand recognition, way bigger marketing campaign, hype outside of it's niche, a shitload of people streaming it which didn't exist on the last games

It should have sold at least 3-5x more, but physical sales on Britain alone is a retarded metric anyways...

Attached: Witcher2.jpg (1366x768, 67K)

*50% more

fuck china
fuck epic
fuck bugs and their communist bullshit

Attached: 1544916253927.gif (548x401, 192K)

No duh it sold better. The controversy had everyone talking about it. Every single pc user was alerted to the game coming out, whereas the previous titles had a very tight knit community.

*cough* Metro.Exodus-CPY *cough*
Get fucked ching chong bug men


What is monopolistic competition.

They're using monopolistic tactics to take market share from their biggest competitor, but theyre not a monopoly in the digital sales market. They have a monopoly on all future exodus digital sales as of a month and a bit ago, but who knows really for how long.

While exclusivity contracts are shitty for the consumer all their competitor has to do is match them.

Why would you, as a customer, want more companies to act shitty?

Dont put words into my mouth retard.

You know what this reminds me of?
Back when Blizzard payed Lol and DOTA pros to play HotS.

Nah I'm with the jannie. That stupid spam needed to go. Feel free to post jannies and frogs though.

>sold a lot on consoles

wow who cares

Every single major release has a sweeping "influencer" bribe network across all social media sites.


This is just proof that /pol/ language has been hijacked by marketers

But that's what going to happen if they try and match them. This whole thing sets a terrible precedent into the future of locking exclusives behind mediocre launchers, and I'll bet they'd be looking to implement Netflix-like fucking subscriptions once they get away with it.

>They adding reviews dumbshit.
Nice attempt at english, chink
>devs have to opt-in for reviews

Britcucks are console retards.

Attached: 1408571358363.jpg (677x525, 73K)

Publishers basically just want to have reviews exist as free marketing. You can't market bad reviews, so they have to go. Opt-in reviews are fucking worthless and only cemented my refusal to buy anything on the Epic store.

I never said once I want companies to act shitty.
Dont put words into my mouth, retard.

If Valve cared about having Exodus sold on Steam they would have bent and matched Epics offer of only taking 12%.

I'm so fucking tired of console/platform/launcher wars.

Epic paid millions for the artificial exclusivity, it wasn't just the revenue share.

you speak like you were homeschooled in the southern states

>download Epic launcher
>no annoying popups
>no cluttered storefront with thousands of shovelware games
>no retarded social media shit
>no autists arguing in the forums
>no cringelords making """""""funny""""""" reviews or keyboard warriors review bombing

I don't understand why it's getting so much hate. Other than the lack of an easy refund system, it's fine

I assumed that you condoned it by wanting the competitors to match it, my bad.

So? Nike literally paid LeBron one billion dollars ($1,000,000,000) to advertise and only wear Nike shoes.

Literally everything you mentioned can be disabled or has to be explicitly opened by you like the forums, fuck off chink.

I'm not even mad. Isn't competition supposed to be a good thing?

Completely different situation, not relevant.

Now change the analogy to one company paying Nike to exclusively sell their shoes in their store.
How does that benefit anyone?

Adidas is shit anyway

It's also just $50 on Epic.

If Nike wanted they could have their own chain of stores and only sell them in those stores.
They own the shoes and decide where to sell them.

As it turns out tho having other stores do that part for you is beneficial for reach. If you dont care about that reach you dont have to sell them else where.

So why aren't raging that you can't buy a new Ford at a Chevy dealership or vice versa?

It's pretty ridiculous there is still little info on overall games sales, unless it's during an earnings report

>physical sales
>no proper numbers
>site can only be accessed by people in the industry
Also worth mentioning that for that Far Cry game, physical PC sales were just 1% of all physical sales.

I don't recall seeing Adidas shoes fall apart during a basketball game

Doesn't necessarily make him wrong though

Game devs literally have no incentive to give out solid numbers. Don't want to say a game sold poorly since it might tarnish the franchise, drive away potential buyers, and drive away current players. Don't want to say how much a well selling game made because players would get pissed on why you have microtransactions for a game that literally made a billion dollars

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>physical charts
Well its official, they sold 10 physical copies intead of Last Lights 5. I HATE STEAM NOW EPIC 4 LIFE

That would be 100% more you stumplicker.

i love you

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

The 200 iQ move is to just launch games from discord

Did he just REEEEEE because someone helpfully pointed him to the verification department?

Valv-who? Guys who made Half Life 2? Yeah, but where is Half Life3? Fuck them and fuck niggers.

Reminder that Chinese lose their shit if you praise Taiwan.

>UKs physical charts

k man u got me u b8d me

Taiwan is the true China, not this fake commie crap that's been around since Mao decided to JUST the region.

Honest question pcbros, why does it matter where you buy your games from so long as the price is right?

How much do people get paid to shill here?

I guess it would be similar to buying a game on PSN on the PS4, then having to sign in and buy and play a game you want through a Uplay app

for the most part it doesn't. but for what purpose do we need a dozen poorly optimised, bloated storefronts installed?

More importantly, how do I get a shitposting job?

Shame on all of you for making PC gaming even worse. Shame and tsk tsk.

Taiwan sub culture is more cool that's for sure. Not nearlu as faggy. As far as everything else goes though I have no idea.

That's mainly what I want to know.

You can do a couple of those by adding it to steam as a non-steam game but cloud saves should be epics #1 priority desu

This response is exactly the reason things are the way they are. Gfy.

Yeah fuck Steam users clearly Epic is better for the consumer

Attached: Screenshot_20190218-111128_Firefox.jpg (1071x630, 193K)

type ctrl+f "because" on the image and read what he said next to understand why my man

It got a lot of free publicity from buttblasted incels. I say long live the Epic store, the incel free alternative.

"gives developers a better deal" is not an argument for consumer benefits

I got my account verified without owing any favors and I talk shit all day long. seems like he just assumed and sperged out.

It is if you're the gaming press.

Come on user don't you think giving more money to your favorite devs like Ubisoft is a benefit since you get to see more of their quality servi-ergh I mean GAMES??

Attached: e85d71c0a4.png (578x363, 46K)

>Consumers paying the 30% store tax
>Moves to Epic store
>Becomes more expensive than Steam for me

what did Tim mean by this

Game prices haven't changed since steam gained popularity and why aren't games 45USD elsewhere?

Timed exclusivity is clearly the best competition that benefits consumers. Why just look back to Rise of the Tomb Raider to see how satisfied everyone is.

Attached: hlh6jmpertfi3fdkzdp2.jpg (636x780, 111K)

At least there are a few games $10 cheaper. Now it would be better if all of them had the same discount.

Is that partially why the series sold worse after the reboot?

Tim clearly is trying to benefit us consumers who totally can't afford another $10. Evil Valve is clearly the only ones forcing that sinister 30% cut.

Attached: d0cd15af3c.png (499x292, 31K)

Of course not, all they learn in school is how to make cheap products in their factories

>being able to choose a service means it's a monopoly
That's not how a monopoly works

>last light sold way more than 2033
>exodus sells way more than last light

Attached: shock.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

That and the fact they did nothing new with the series after the first. They made no innovations and kept the exact same style of open world, crafting, skill points, fast travel, etc. Once you played the first one, the rest are the same shit.

Attached: 1545127771970.jpg (614x1024, 64K)

I don't give a fuck about storefronts. If I buy this game physical, I shouldn't then need to install an online store on my PC to play it.

This^ commiefags btfo

Yeah but is it comparing last light's PC sales to Exodus' PC sales or is it comparing all platform sales together because if it's the ladder you are just conveniently ignoring two other variables.

>Epic store is so shit people would rather buy off Uplay then go through that trash

Attached: Untitled.jpg (588x582, 96K)

>look at the new word I learned mommy!

>immediate response is to just go Ching Chong. Steam Kong. ValVe Chan. Walawala ting tang.

Attached: 8BBF554A-F580-4D61-BEDA-5E06AA867DC0.jpg (578x433, 355K)

>steam monopolizes pc game sales
You know, if it was in steam it would be available in both stores

So apparently Tim jumped into some ribbit thread to respond to some people saying his store fucking sucks

>Of course the consumer side of stores is great right now. Steam is easy to use and has great features. We’re still working to catch up on features, but even if we had far more features than Steam, we don’t think that alone would be enough to jump-start a successful new store, in a world where Steam has a 15-year lead and 90% market share. Here’s the thing. The developer side of stores is lousy, because most stores take 30% of all revenue, and make more profit on most games than the developers who put years of their lives into making them. This is the problem we’re working to solve, and in all of the ways we can, love them or hate them. Fortnite, a free game every two weeks, exclusives, cross-platform services, and more.If we succeed, the result will be better deals for all developers, resulting in a combination of lower game prices and more reinvestment in new games. This is why it’s worth considering the possibility that Epic’s underlying motives are reasonable, that the approach is necessary, and that the inconvenience of the great PC store shift that’s underway will ultimately prove worthwhile in the long-run. At any rate, it would be easy enough for Steam and other stores to compete through project funding and better developer revenue sharing - they can certainly afford to do so, and the number to beat is 88%. Any future claim to being the default PC game store depends fundamentally on satisfying both gamers and game creators. We recognize we have a lot of work to do to win your business, and the other guys have some decisions to make too.

>Great PC store shift that's underway
What the fuck did he mean by this

>a free game every two weeks
how much do I need to pay for this?

>those fucking responses
You know kids, if you don't know what a monopoly is just don't use that word or you will end up as retards like this faggot

Attached: 1544078182249.gif (236x224, 1.86M)

>Pre orders already higher than the first Division

Well no shit the first one was the first game from an original IP vs Division 2 being a sequel

The cost is installing chinese spyware on your PC

>Forced monopoly leads to lower prices guize, we promise!
If only there was some sort of precedent that would indicate just where these sorts of practices lead...

How to make everyone switch off of Steam-
Make your chat UI look exactly like Steam's used to look.

Tim is foolish to think the very people he signed like Ubisoft or Koch media would ever pass the savings on to the consumer. He also has no idea what Valves operating costs are and bases his statments off what his company pays while he continues operating a store with 30 games and nothing else running. He thinks Valve is doing it to be greedy when they established they do it to match the others. If they were being greedy you'd Apple Store levels of fuckery with Ads everywhere.

Attached: Screenshot_20190222-201304_Firefox.jpg (1070x574, 183K)

He will never acknowledge the fact Steam is not the only ones who take a 30% cut, since every console maker already does in addition to GoG. Doing so would hurt his reputation with them.

Monopolies and higher profit margins never lead to lower prices for the customer and 30% is nothing by media distribution standards, it's Steam that bought the industry standard revshare down to begin with.

Nope all 2018 and 2019 releases I bought on greenmangaming

>mfw Cyberpunk 2077 is GOG exclusive

Attached: 1547260891503.jpg (184x184, 11K)

I get mine on GOG

I was going to pirate it anyway. Based Poles don't even put drm in their games so I can pirate it day 1.

CDPR isn't retarded and knows it's important to make things as convenient as possible for the users.

>Hey we're gonna force you to use a shitty launcher with none of the bare minimum stuff you expect for the same price, if not then you can't play it
>But the consumer wins


Attached: 667160.gif (480x360, 189K)

>Exodus is exclusive to Epic Game Store
>Preordered from Humble Bundle so got a steam copy
>Sold my stupid trading cards for 50 cents each

Attached: anna_banana.jpg (3840x2160, 858K)

CDPR will most likely release on steam as well, like they did with the Witcher games. Like they want to maximise sales rather than maximize profit at the cost of sales.
>It doesn't have drm so I can pirate it!
Guess how I know you've never pirated a game in your life

I don't know how you know because I have over 500 snatches on gazellegames. I literally never ever bought a singleplayer game.

Epic launcher is as far from lightweight as i can imagine.
It's the equivalent of carrying the fucking world on your shoulders.

Wow, imagine all those lost sales if the game sold 50% better than last light and last light sales were mediocre and exodus is really good game. They could have sold twice or thrice as much. Really dumb move for publisher.

Witcher 3 effect. The first two games were relatively niche and not heavily marketed, but then the third game goes for the "big open world" meme with trailers shown at multiple large video game events and what do you know, the normies jump on that bandwagon like Stacy jumps on dicks at a college frat party.

Attached: 1418842717045.png (600x664, 302K)

It's from Idiocracy

How are the Ps4 versions of the other metro games? Series seems cool but I heard the remasters aren't that great

Repeat after me. China wins.

President Xi is a faggot

Too bad it's shit and will fail

Is it, dare i say it, ebin store?

Attached: e20[1].jpg (800x450, 30K)

>nathon grayson
How is he not embarrassed to ever show his jimmy numale face again

Well on PS4 they run at 60fps at least, unlike Exodus

This is correct.

If epic store can offer greater profits to developers against consoles (88% vs 70-50%) with no online subscription fee, and is more than happy to play the exclusives game, what's to stop epic from merely releasing their own console? Other than billions of dollars?

That's where tencent's 40% share comes in. Epic makes a case for its store being the most pro-developer compared to sony and microsoft and tencent funds a download-only/streaming "epic box" off epic's good image.

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>off epic's good image.
Found the flaw in your plan

>what's to stop epic from merely releasing their own console?
Why do that when you can just import consoleshit cancer into PC like they are doing now?

>epic's good image.

>streaming games
Good luck with that in America

really want to play this game but I don't want to download epic store
oh well

>bare minimum stuff
Entitled faggot. It’s just meant to be a launcher, not Facebook.

it's already pirated

oh thanks, I didn't know that I'll check it out!

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Wowie gee I can't fucking believe BOTW had more preorders than Wind Waker

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>UK physical

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How come they didn't put Exodus on both Steam and Epic store with the game costing $60 and $50 respectively?

Epic paid for exclusivity and is now going hard on "look how much better Epic games does sales-wise!" instead of letting it launch on both platforms and using actual comparable data.

Because Epic wants it to be exclusive.

>Even pastime hobbies aren't exempt.

Yeah, I wish we could go back to the 90's, before all this tribalism of console wars or which FPS is better than which other similar FPS.

>predecessor nobody played sold worse than the new game everyone likes and big twitch streamers shill
Stop the presses, it's over, Steam is finished.

Attached: 1548420409677.jpg (720x960, 70K)

Exodus sold better because 2033 and LL made the entire franchise famous. It would have had many more sales if it was available on other stores.

But Epic didn't force the excusivety on Exodus publisher, they could have not taken the exclusive deal and put it on both platforms.

Imagine being loyal to video game shops lmao

doesnt tell us anything about pc sales though, which are 99,99% digital

is this game good

Epic Games must have given them an offer they can't refuse

>UK physical
nice one imbecile

Not just that, but this data only relates to physical copies sold in the UK, of which the majority were PS4 copies. I'm pretty sure it bombed digitally on the EGS, but we can't say for certain what happened without actual numbers.
If I had to guess sales would probably look like this: PS4 Copies = Steam preorders > Xbone copies > Epic copies (not counting physical sales which were advertised as steam keys before the last minute change)

And Epic could have not offered the exclusive in the first place.

What the article actually says:
>physical copies
>aka console sales
"console says are 50% higher due to epic ruining pc sales"

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Does this include all the console sales and steam preorders that happened before the exclusive deal? Because if it does then it isn't very representative of the successfulness of the epic store.

>game is on Steam, GOG, Humble Store, uPlay, Origin, Amazon Digital, Discord Store and more
>game is literally only on the Epic Store, and more expensive than the standard price
Free market, Valvecucks. I bet your stupid money goes to America instead of China too.

Also, for Epic shills outside the US: Holy shit, this game is ONLY $70? It's predecessor was $60 on Steam, this is fucking great.

>talks about Epic Games store
>...but In the UK's physical charts!

Who gives birth to these journalists?

>don't buy our fucking games you shitlords
>sales tank
>move game from steam after a year of preordering
>sales don't tank

>Again. Steam doesnt have a monopoly.
Sure, buddy. Name me ten digital stores with equal to Steam user base.
I have no idea what reality you live in but in my reality as developer I do not have a choice but publish game on Steam. Shit like Origin where my game won't sell at all isn't an option, GoG which force DRM-free isn't an option either.

All of that shit can be ignored,turned off or filtered if you're using steam though.

>Game is about a strong, make protagonist and his normal wife denying the degeneracy of mutants, cultists, slavery, and naturalists to have a family in a world gone crazy.

There's a reason why soibois don't play this gane

>the move to Epic store didn't affect its sales
>here are the sales that are completely unrelated for that matter
bro... you're just desperate

I just want a comfy train base building game

>UK phsical charts
Oh boy.

>Move game from multiple stores to tencent exclusive
>console sales unaffected
ftfy Chang
Don't feel bad, English is tricky until you get the hang of it

Based and chinkpilled.

>Physical sales
>Epic store
Not even fucking related, stop grasping at straws

>Cant put game on GOG because muh Denuvo
Have you considered killing yourself? That may be best for everybody

>literally being a newfag in 2019
with almost every single new release people look at uk physical charts to get an idea on the projected future of sales.
this isn't even isolated to video games either

So, you just look at vinyl sales in the UK, and you can predict the impact of a label refusing to put their album on iTunes?
Sounds like a super power to me

>So, you just look at vinyl sales in the UK, and you can predict the impact of a label refusing to put their album on iTunes?

>The first ever and main 1st world country
>"Hurr sounds like a superpower"
It is and we'll be behind them forever if half of our schools are constantly letting black people get away with not having an education

I thought botposting was contained to Yea Forums

Can't for him to leave Ebic Gaems and start back a proper company with Blazzinga like good old days and switch from being a nvidia and intel cuck to AMD CHAD at both fronts. Mark my fucking words. Also CHINA BTFO soon.

>"american education lol" is a botpost
its literally majority opinion on the globe

Well they're both under tencent, buying from either platform is getting cucked eitherway.

And completely unrelated to my post. Unless you're just trying to derail, in which case you need to step it up

After 2 months of non-stop seething its obvious that epic store is here to stay and grow.
We can expect that their show will be most interesting on e3.

>And completely unrelated to my post.
awwwww, is this your 1st or 2nd week?
your mistake was using the word "superpower", /pol/ can spot their buzzwords from miles away

>Game 3 in a story driven trilogy has sold more than previous installment
I never get this.
So you're just ignoring what happened previously?

Oh, I accidentally used a homophone of a /pol/ buzzword, which rustled your jimmies to the point that you can't even address my argument?
Damn, I'm good

>Oh, I accidentally used a homophone of a /pol/ buzzword, which rustled your jimmies
literally 2nd week here guy cant detect that me ()
are completely different posters

>this digital store is doing well because more console copies are being sold

Attached: disgruntled.png (261x359, 8K)

>physical sales

Attached: 979809896959388258.png (846x900, 509K)

Oh so your just shitposting. Cool beans. Chang already got btfo in this thread anyway, so thanks for doing your part to keep his defeat on page 1

Every big game usually hits the top of the UK charts.
So when Metro does "better" than it's predecessor, you can't gain much or any information from this.
However when BFV does poorly on UK charts, that is clearly indicative of how badly it sold.

This is called logic, chink.

retards buy any game with pretty graphics
the game is shit else

>How much is Valve sweating right now?
why should they you brain fucked retard

>lets give women a place in civilized society, what can go wrong
>wow, why is our society reverting to tribalism? who could have expected this to happen?

shitposters and shills don't want you to read beyond headlines

Attached: file.png (767x523, 89K)

>I told them to fuck off

>it's 2nd after New Dawn
it sold less than a low effort shit looking FC5 reskin with ugly niggers on the cover that everyone hates
really, this is what brain fucked shills don't tell you

Why are some of you so happy about getting console wars on PC?
I was happy at first that Valve's monopoly is getting challenged; maybe they'd get off their asses and start making games again. But then Epic had to fuck it up with their exclusivity deals. Now no doubt the other stores will follow suit.
Good thing I always pirate single-player games.

what monopoly

>Why are some of you so happy about getting console wars on PC?
it's brain damaged autists who think they are epic trolls

It's chinks chinking chinks

You can put your game on Steam and as many other stores as you want, Steam will not stop you because it is not a monopoly just because it is the best out of all available options, which again are not closed off to you by choosing to use Steam.

>uk physical
>reflecting on an online store

It doesn't even matter which store the game is sold on, the mere fact that you need to install and use a store as a launcher to play a game is consumer unfriendly.
That is the reason many people pirate games, even many who could easily buy it, because a pirated copy doesn't
>force you to install 3rd party software
>doesn't require online verification
>doesn't require setting up accounts
>doesn't collect marketing data
>doesn't have always-online crap
>doesn't require a separate launcher
>doesn't have performance reducing DRM (in some cases)
and I'm sure there are even more reasons. Sad part is, they will never, ever again go back to more customer friendly practices. GOG is the only thing that comes even close, but pretty much no one is selling AAA games on there.

You realize the price is set by the publisher right? Deep Silver decided to pocket the money instead of lowering the price.

Tim is actually pretty based, tencent can fuck off though.

Valve is just a middleman and the internet eats those for breakfast.
Even Amazon will die and Bezos knows it.

The thing is though that Steam is videogame Facebook.

Muh friends
Muh library
Muh reviews
Muh forums
Muh profile
Muh achievements
Muh trading cards

Attached: Renne_Hayworth_-_S-Craft_SC_Evo.png (474x237, 29K)

no one who lives in reality thinks that any form of "competition" will arise from this. just underage trying to fit in and be apart of history or some shit

I bought AssCreed Oddsy and I have to run Steam and Ubisoft launcher at the same time, the game requires always online to have access to all the features in this single player game. And 20% of the items are store or pre-order/special edition exclusives.
Oh, and there's Denuvo running in the background keeping my CPU busy.

How many stores sell a game as a direct download or through their launcher that just isn't a key for Steam?

Why do i need epic store if it doesnt do anything then?
I can use steam and use the features i want or i can use epic that does nothing.
Id rather get the game directly from the developer than use a store in the middle that does nothing for me

Reverse pyschology. It can't really be more obvious can it?

> uk physical charts to get an idea on the projected future of sales
I thought people looked at UK physical sale charts cause that place is filled with cock gobbling soccer monkeys

Retard. The fact EVEN UK physical charts were shit for BF5 was proof it was shit as fuck.

>use a store in the middle that does nothing for me
And supports the Chinese economy and influence. Which does indeed nothing for you if you live outside China.

>no cluttered storefront with thousands of shovelware games
Cuz TencentStore has no games

ive never been more than semi-reclusive in the UK and ive met more people who dont buy fifa yearly than people who do
i live in the north too where people are footy mad
the secret is people just like an excuse to get drunk and shout COME ON DICKHEAD

So is Epic Store you giant fucking retard.

No shit

>can't use the tools given to him so blames the company
>less features is good just because he doesn't like them
>complains about benign shit that has no effect on him
>would rather give money to china just for his autism to not be triggered
>thinks Steam is shit but funds a bigger evil

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Reminder Valve fanboys inherently know Steam is a monopoly, which is why they make posts like this

Reminder that they wanted Apex Legend to succeed because it was the only way for Epic Store, the only competition to Steam, to be defeated

Attached: valve fanboy.jpg (1526x472, 160K)

>>game is on Steam, GOG, Humble Store, uPlay, Origin, Amazon Digital, Discord Store and more

None of these are trying to be competition to Steam - especially GoG

GoG is Steam's subservient bitch boy, the guy in the dog mask in the Shining to Steam's old man

Attached: dog mask.jpg (612x456, 47K)

Chinese please go and stay go.

gapen btfo by hohols

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This is why piracy is popular

Is the UK against digital or don't have the speeds for it?

>open world sold!!

Hahaha you sound like a idiot that knows nothing about human history, shame really.

Don't take our shit taste as gospel too much, you might just get even more crazier than you are.

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people are thin enough to leave their house in the UK
the real answer is speeds are pretty average

speak for yourself shitlord my tastes are superior and i wont have a weeb tell me otherwise

The license is hard to get

The whole of our country is shit-taste central, we buy FIFA every year like its a fucking tradition user. Your taste is shit, my taste is shit.

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lol ESL chink

no one buys fifa anymore user its a meme
football manager is all the rage these days

Attached: yamasaki.jpg (250x250, 9K)

>no one buys fifa anymore
They do though, enough to get it best selling for the entire year.
Or they just play fortnite
>football manager
Its always fucking football

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>Sure, buddy. Name me ten digital stores with equal to Steam user base.

None exist on the same level. The userbase exist because users choose steam, not because they're forced to buy from Steam. I can get a key from any of my preferred stores like GMG. I can't do the same with Epic.

>sequel sell better than the previous entry
woah, who would have thought....

normies in every country have shit taste anyway what do you expect, the advantage with UK over USA in terms of consumers is that most of us are spiteful and untrusting and therefor dont eat up obvious pandering shit quite like the goblino's, so i find that if im playing a niche game like SCP secret lab, theres alot of UK on there

Why isn't Tim going after Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony with this same logic? They take a fix cut, and developers must clear their licensing standards before they can even appear on their store, something that cost time and money. All these tweets and articles like OP's has me convinced that there's a fucking agenda against Steam. No one is bothering to do some actual fucking investigative journalism, they're just buying into the press releases and the indie woes.

And they wonder why they're not taken seriously.

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Does someone have that pic where is shown that Epic actually uses almost twice as much memory as Steam?

Because they have actual leverage. They spent a lot of time and money to get consoles into those homes. Steam is just a piece of software that reddit gets real defensive about because they don't want to run more than one storefront on their PC.

>indie woes.

Friendly reminder that indie devs bitched and moaned for years that Valve was way too strict allowing games into their store
Friendly reminder that Valve tried to reach out to these cunts by introducing Steam Greenlight, a portal separate from the store page that would allow consumers to vote for games they would like to see on the store
Friendly reminder that indie devs bitched and moaned that Greenlight catered to the consumers and not to those poor indies
Friendly reminder that Valve listened to these cunts and made the process to get on the store far easier than it has ever been before
Friendly reminder that this new floodgate forced Valve to redo their search engine for their entire store so that users have full control over what they want to see on their front page
Friendly reminder that these indie devs throw a fit because their games aren't on the front page for max exposure over the hundreds of other indie games that come out.
Friendly reminder that these same indie devs bitch about the user review system that has been in place for years on Steam and the recent automated refund system because it warns consumers about shit games and gives them the option to return said shit game
Friendly reminder that after all those gates were open, these cunts are now running to another store because they're literally being paid and nothing else

These fucking indie devs deserve no sympathy for the situation they created for themselves. Don't even get me started on the big publishers "leaving" Steam for Epic.

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>Digital PC store exclusivity isn't represented by physical sales
Gee whiz, who would've thought?

your own fault for buying assassins creed odyssey you stupid fucking robot

Valve spent time and money to make Steam worth installing
by that logic, they deserve the cut

Apparently not, or devs wouldn't be willing to jump ship.

How quickly they forget
Devs wouldn't be jumping ship if they weren't getting checks from Tencent. I guarantee you none of these games would be on EGS if they weren't being bribed.

Attached: DWSbi[1].gif (384x108, 13K)

>Apparently not, or humans wouldn't be greedy

devs are jumping ship because Epic pays them

>not because they're forced to buy from Steam

Why don't Steam drones know the history of Steam?

Attached: Half-Life_2_cover.jpg (264x376, 18K)

>A Valve game released exclusively on a Valve Store
Might as well start questioning EA, Ubisoft,Blizzard or Epic for making their games only available in their own launchers.

So now you're justifying exclusives - thanks for proving my point.

Thats not even an exclusive since its been released on consoles.

If the guys behind Metro had their own store by all means make it exclusive there if they want.They'll see if It is worth it.
It makes sense than a company wants to release their games un their own platform. However I don't think It is the most ideal situation or that you can always afford to pull out that move, but hey at least they aren't bribing anyone.

t. wristlet zoomer that couldn’t make it on ranger mode

Aren't bideo james haram anyway?

the whole point of this debacle is epic buying third party exclusivity to their store
nobody fucking cares that fortnite is exclusive to their own client, and if you're implying people we're okay with half life being exclusive to steam back then you're wrong
people have already come to terms when a company makes their own game exclusive to their own store, it was inevitable, but now you're buying 3rd party exclusivity? which valve has never done unless you can prove otherwise

>muh epic store is great
>physical sales in UK
They almost have something to do with eachother but not really. Kind of like eceleb threads on Yea Forums

>despite *talks about digital shops on pc*
>metro exodus sold 50% more on console *physically*
Now you also need to keep in mind that Last Light only came out on 360 and not PS.

Need a reminder desu?

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I'm 99% sure epic shit store has regional pricing

Seeing people shill for steam post 2012 is jarring. I'm convinced its entirety braindead magapedes.

Epic games must be hurting pretty hard ever since Apex Legends came out. I don't think the Epic store will save them.

>cognitive dissonance

Time to stop watching raycevick youtube videos, faggot. You probably majored in art history or some stupid shit like that.

Artifact was a failure.
DotA 2 is slowly dying, with Autochess giving it an unexpected second win.
CSGO is ok, but trending downward.
Valve doesn’t have either of the premier Battle Royal games.

Publishers are starting to realize that Valve offers them and players very little. It should scare Valve a lot. They haven’t made great games in a while, and their unending passive revenue stream is being challenged.

Netflix faced the same problem and countered with Netflix original shows.

Too bad Valve can't make games anymore to save their ass.

Attached: ten-years-later-and-still-no-episode-3-for-half-life-2.jpg (600x375, 38K)

Sorry Steam drone. Just from last night, and it hit 700k

Guess reality has an Epic bias

Attached: steam drone btfohiso.jpg (1548x1556, 185K)

>700k people would rather watch someone else play the game than play it themselves

Attached: 1452398239365.png (370x480, 219K)

Not really. Look I don't give a SHIT about gamer culture but most gamers do and literally spend weeks managing their profile.

Valve has that social media thing locked down and THAT is what might save them. Just as people can't ditch Facebook gamers can't ditch Steam.

Attached: gettyimages-669889300.jpg (3000x2174, 710K)

Imagine how much it would have sold on Steam.

I like how everyone who argues pro-Epic uses arguments like
>lmao people are jumping ship
>steam just isn't worth it anymore
>this is definitely gonna harm their 'monopoly' on the market
and then just forget the fact that Deep Silver went out of their way to get as many pre-orders for Exodus as possible before accepting the bribe and jumping out of the jet plane to try and land on a small island in the ocean

>using physical sales to shill for Epic Games Store
