>feel like playing a game that mimics MMOs
>search the through archive for information about the SAO game
>sounds pretty good all things considered
>buy it and start it up
>immediately notice half the script is "flavorful" shit
Out of all the discussion I saw on this game why the fuck did no one mention how awful the localization is?
Feel like playing a game that mimics MMOs
But .hack//gu trilogy is on sale. Just (re)play that if you haven't already.
The first game has a notoriously bad translation. By all standards that one's alright.
Because, otherwise, the gameplay is solid. To be fair, the SAO games always read like Reki only oversaw the core narrative and never actually wrote anything. All the talk of nondescript "rare items" is terrible. Also, the characters are bastardized.
I actually dropped that for this because I just couldn't get into the story. I love how indepth it is, with all the forums and email and all that, but I can't get it out of my head that they're all just insufferable RPers.
The re-release of the first game fixed the translation. Hollow Realization, for whatever reason, just rewrites the dialogue into this Saturday morning leet speak shit.
Kirito is a leet gamer hacker after all.
That's unfortunate, user. I honestly can't think of any other vidya in MMO settings, I hope to find more like it.
Did you try Fatal Bullet out? I heard people liked that one, never tried myself.
I'm not a fan of shooters so I wasn't really interested in it. Localization aside though, Hollow Realization is looking like the exact sort of autism simulator I was itching for.
Did you install the patch? Translation is still subpar but not as bad as vanilla. It's not terrible though and Premiere is more than worth it.
What patch? As in a fan patch, or what?
The skills system is a rabbit hole of gear and experience farming. But the shit you can do end game is fantastic and worth the grind. I spend 1000h in the game and regret nothing. I know for a fact I wasn't alone too (hung around forums dedicated to the game after launch through to the last DLC release and plenty of people who logged hundreds of hours in the autism simulator). Make sure you purchase all 3 DLCs, the game is incomplete otherwise.
official update patch. if you've installed the DLCs you are patched.
Oh, you mean for the console versions since the PC version is everything packed into one. My bad.
Honestly all the SAO games (even the mobile one) are a lot better than they deserve to be.
Sounds great. And yeah, I got all the DLC since the bundle's on sale right now. I did read that it adds a ton of content and the main story basically ends with the assumption that you will be buying it anyway.
I have the patch then, and it's still downright awful.
yeah it's par for the course though. the affection rank events are great though so it's worth it either way
>Create girl
>Have male voice
Hollow Realization is by far the best game in the series. The awful dialogue and story are balanced out by the gameplay and CPU filled party in multiplayer (PS Plus) mode. The game did a lot of things right, only to be replaced by the awful Fatal Bullet.
HR lets you turn off the Kirito scene voices at least.
I'll get used to it I guess. It's just jarring how blatant it is right now. All this random shit and all she said was
>You look kind of troubled. Is something wrong?
is that the girl who literally dies of aids
just play .hack faggot
Cute AIs
She has a miracle recovery from the lethality in the gameverse and persists throughout so far. The game continuity is honestly pretty different in some ways, a number of side characters didn't die off and managed to stick around, and Alice and Eugeo from the current anime arc appeared way earlier. You get other weird shit too, like Kirito's cousin Suguha, and Sinon from the GGO arc, appearing in SAO from vague weirdness and "glitches" letting them into the game.
Season 3 episode 3 on Toonami tonight.
May god have mercy on us all.
what's the big deal about episode 3, it's no episode 10 or the most latest episode of eugeo getting raped
Because it's still SAO. And the last two episodes (technically three, FFS) have been one giant sinkhole of NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENING.
i find playing as kirito bland af
i find kiritos harem lack of self and their own lifes sad
I liked fatal bullet premise and having your own char, but it was short af, the story was stupidly obvious and you could romance anyone from kiritos harem, wich its lame af, the girls that are free should be able to have a life outside kirichad
>the girls that are free should be able to have a life outside kirisue
That ain't what the fanservice genre exists for, man. You know that.
oooh fanservice kill characters then, maybe that is why i avoid games like senran kagura
Very cute
>buy an SAO game expecting quality
oh shit nigger, what are you doing?
Most of the SAO games are good though? Just suffer from standard Bamco B Team translation
>>sounds pretty good all things considered
what the fuck have you been reading?
I swear it would've been better if they made it a point that the gameverse was loosely based on the anime/novel/whatever. It feels weird to see them write in characters that shouldn't exist in the game at all.
Straying a bit off the topic here, but SAO IF has this same 'uhhhh keep your suspension of disbelief pls' to explain how characters like Sugu, Yuuki, and Sinon are able to appear in what's literally meant to be a retelling of the SAO death game, but with (You) being a part of it. The game did make it obvious it wouldn't be 1:1 pretty early though, since that one blue hair dude survived since (You) save him.
Shit I shouldn't go this far down the autism power level spectrum over SAO, but it annoys me every time they dance around the topic of characters being where they shouldn't.
Posts from people who have actually played the game instead of people who think it's bad because it has Sword Art Online in the title.
Today I shall remind them
Anybody play Lost Song? Is it worth $14.99?
No. Lost Song and AWvsSAO are both shit
Avoid like the pague
>fairy arc
I haven't but if the arc is anything to go by, it's probably shit.
Good to know.
No. It's not very good.
What a pitiful small-timers
It's an original story within the ALO game, but not a very good one.
Project Alicization game when?