How does Yea Forums feel about pic related?
How does Yea Forums feel about pic related?
It sucks.
I fucking love it, I think I went threw it something like 6 times.
Sigh, that sad feel that I'll never hear a peice of npc dialoug, find a secret room, or think of a new way to do something ever again.
It rocks.
I feel like whiskey and cigars tonight
It great.
Pretty good.
Complete trash
mediocre and overrated thief pretender
Im pissed it didnt sell enough to get a third game
High Chaos runs all day erry day.
I wanted to love it but it just doesn't feel 'right' yo me
It's good even though they had to make compromises and appeal to the AAA console retard crowd
same goes for prey
Is 2 as good as 1?
Haven't played the second, but I really like this one
I really enjoyed it. One of a few games I've replayed a couple times.
Nice game, but something felt missing.
It was a lot better than the Thief reboot, and I doubt we'll see another Thief game anytime soon because of that fact.
Arkane seems to be doing fine. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a third one in a few years.
Really loved Dishonored. Good game.
I played it on launch and I really really enjoyed it but the performance on PC was horrible. Constant stutter, frame drops and crashes. I have no idea if its fixed or not
very comfy and fun but a little bit disappointing.
oh the thief reboot is way worse than dishonored I was referring to the original thief games
Pretty much this. Dishonored is the only game I beat multiple times. Had my 4th run going but my HDD got fucked and all my shit on it got wiped so I didn't bother restarting.
It's what worries me, that the game would be too fucked to play it well.
Also if they manage the story, paths and options as good as they did in the first one
>fun playstyle gets you a bad ending
absolute fucktard design, could have been a good game
the mos tfun way to play is ignoring all the powers and lowkey skulking around
1st game had a shit story, great gameplay, great worldbuilding. Daud DLC was almost perfect because the story didn't suck this time.
2nd game had an even worse story because it retconned some of the worldbuilding. DLC was retarded shit because it completely threw everything out of the window because the Outsider stuff was entirely retconned to hell and back. Killing Daud off-screen was fucking retarded as well.
Played it on PS3 years ago, maybe got to the second or third mission, the one near the docks and in some royal home
Recently bought it for $5 and 2 for $10
Been meaning to replay.
Death of the Dishonored wasn't the third game?
Arise from bed, forfeit equity
Amazing game
Even more amazing that this b8 is still thrown around after what, 6 years?
Love 1st game, hate 2nd. Overseers have one of the coolest designs in all games.
Yeah the first two Thief games are objectively fantastic.
Unfortunately, being that they're old PC games, they're relegated to being cult classics without a lot of contemporary mainstream appeal.
In fact, I think the "hide in plain site" kind of stealth employed heavily by the AC and Hitman games are far more popular right now.
After the failure of the reboot, I don't expect to see a new Thief game for a while.
The moral system ruined it for me, I had done no kill run whole playthrough but when it came to either killing the guy that started the events of the game or framing him I chose to kill for the first time and I got shit for it, these games should let you play however you want.
Ok art direction, nice world and setting, liked the story, hated the stealth despite playing the game for it, went in expecting Thief only to find out the sound design/propagation doesn't come any close to it and light/dark doesn't matter at all, you can teleport on top of a lit lamp and enemies passing by wont give a shit, yet they'll see you through vegetation and other objects (let's say, a giant whale corpse) because they don't count as a solid objects.
I didn't mind getting bad karma for killing guards/thugs/etc.
What annoyed the shit out of me was getting bad karma for killing wheepers.
Yeah the good ending lets you know that wheepers can be cured, but you don't know that until you beat the game. Until then you're just confused as to why the game punishes you for killing fucking zombies. You think you're doing them a favor.
Is it like Human Revolution where you have to kill bosses?
if i recall the dishonored series and prey didnt sell amazingly
also dishonored is on "hiatus"
Played about 5 months ago and seemed fine, I think it's worth it considering they are giving out bundles with Death of the Outsiders for 11 bucks or so
No. There's a nonlethal option for every boss.
No you are given non lethal options, and you'd think maybe doing a non lethal would make them come back but that never happens, if I felt that the boss deserved it I'd kill him but game doesen't like that
Does Dishonored 2 also have that crappy moral system?
I fucking love Dishonored. The DLC had a great story, too, which was basically my only complaint with the main game.
You don't have to kill any of your targets if memory servers right, think there's even an achievement for not killing anybody in the game (careful with rat swarms though, if they spot a unconscious body, they'll begin to eat it and it will count as YOUR kill).
not really, there are non lethal/alternative options for everything
Played through it non-lethal and it was mindblowing how bad the AI was in stealth situations. Exploration was super comfy though
I feel like achievements kinda harmed stealth games, since every stealth game has to have a non lethal/never get spotted achievement which you may have in mind and want to get but when in it comes to actual stealth games having to kill people due to a mistake or because you felt he deserved it in a story driven game is part of it, worst is the games that have both kill everyone achievement and non lethal since then you're discouraged from doing mixed.
A friend gifted it to me, so far it's probably the best game I've ever gotten gifted.
What seals the deal is also getting to see things from Daud's perspective.
I enjoyed it. It's something a bit different. I got it on ps3 because when I went to the used game store they didn't have the 360 version so I was forced to play the inferior version but I completed it anyway and then completed it again on my PC over a summer a few years back because I was bored and just wanted some shit to play and most current gen games are complete garbage. I've got to the point where I'd rather play mediocre games or old games I've already completed again rather than play modern games which might be good but have shitty forced agendas that make absolutely no sense.
Thanks. Going to load it up soon, maybe even try non-lethal
Explicitly two of the targets are sent to silver mines never to be seen again, one is sent to prison and at that point you have better things to do and one does actually show up later as a weeper.
Not that it matters at all but the game does not acually care if you kill a target.
did they fix Dishonored 2's pc performance?
Enjoyed how they added no kill options for major bosses. Can't be arsed to play the second Daud DLC though, beat the main story then mentally checked the game off and had to make myself play the first.
the dynamic resolution options fix everything
They fixed that like a week or two after it released
to be fair it did shit itself to death in the 2nd game and its dlc.
What went wrong?
better than theif 1/2
do non lethal first run, lethal second run
How does Yea Forums feel about pic related?
nonlethal is hard first time around, best advice can give is you dont get the bad ending so long as you dont kill ALOT of people. i was doing a Steal Lethal run where i only killed people who i couldent efficiently sneak past and still ended up getting the good ending. pretty much just stay out of open combat and you'll be fine. that way you can also use alot of the fun weapons and gadgets and powers.
i thought non lethal was fine, ghost is hard the first try
maybe, problem is its not fun to play a choking simulator
It is fantastic. I want more. Setting and lore have me hooked.
6.5/10. Objectively speaking decent but barebones at times. Repetitive too with maps played twice.
well that's subjective
I didn't like how there are medals at end for doing no kills and then the guy gives you a quest to kill, feels like game would have been better without the medals and let the player decide what to do
not really
Well the medals are just something you can obtain later on. Doing a complete non lethal never seen stole everything run seems to not be intended, but rather offer a kind of replayability where you go through and then figure out how to do things non lethally or where every one of those coins are.
Still, probably why the sequel has varied rankings on those categories.
I can't into stealth, so I killed everyone. 7/10
people enjoy different things user, it's okay if you don't enjoy non lethal. OP might
What you were missing was the kick button
Nice setting, okay story and great world building. Gameplay is only good if you limit yourself power wise, otherwise its way too easy and boring.
Yea Forums doesn't like it because in 2 you can play an icky girl and in Death you play a niggeress.
I don't think the level design lends itself too well to kicking.
With that said, will there ever be a successor to Dark Messiah?
It's expanded upon much more, after each mission you get a whole 4 axis graph detailing your playstyle and what your overall chaos is like
Dying Light is pretty much dark messiah with zombies. The melee combat isn't as good but it has a kick and lots of spikes and fire so that's all you need. It also has a dropkick
I fucking love it, not sure why people have such mixed opinions about it though. Beat it and all the dlc on the hardest difficulty and got all the "don't be seen" achievements. It was fun shit. Haven't touched the second one though, is it worth it?
Felt like the world was not as good but gameplay wise it is pretty good. Harder in some ways too.
And you can do a complete no powers playthrough if you want.
no he wont
I dunno, I did not really enjoy Dying Light as much as Dark Messiah. I suppose I should give it another go.
>no new game plus
>no maxing out runes
>that stupid ass save system
Glad I only paid like 10 bucks for it. Fuck Bethesda,
second game has a pretty poor story but it has some real neat level design and Emily's pool of powers are worth two playthroughs at least.
Pretty sure the second game has ng+
>no new game plus
The sequel has it
>that stupid ass save system
what stupid save system?
Game of the decade.
Did you at least try a no-powers playthrough?
Too easy, and waypoints shouldn't even have been an option let alone enabled by default, but Dishonored is fantastic.
And can you get ALL the powers, no pick and choose?
Yes but it will still be unplayable on older systems, at least on resolutions higher than 1080p. It's just one of the most demanding games there is, it may not have vast open-worlds but there are more things going on in any one scene than something like GTAV or MGSV.
Pretty sure you can access both Corvo's and Emily's but I am unsure if you can use every power maxed.
Then again what would be the point, and if you must there are cheats for that.
Since you havent played it I'll tell you now that initially you pick one of two characters, Corvo or Emily, and each have some different powers, but once you get to ng+ all your runes get refunded and you have access to all powers with either character. Don't know if you can get literally all of them but you can get a fair few.
Solid 8/10 for both games. If there is anything I would like to see going forward is maybe a HUB area ripe for exploration that you go back to after every mission. Something like Prague from Deus Ex MD, a very well designed area that is also used in main story missions but has a ton of goodies to find or side things to do.
>Haven't touched the second one though, is it worth it?
Its better in some ways, worse in others. The levels are WAY better than the original, story is so so but there is a lot of world building and this time both Corvo and Emily talk about shit thats going on, which is far more engaging.
In NG+ you get access to both sets of powers, runes are refunded and you start with them + whatever bonecharm traits you earned.
Someone give me a rundown of the story from the first game? I havent played it in years
There's an empire ruled by an empress. She gets assassinated and her bodyguard (you) gets framed for it. Use magic to get clear your name and save her daughter.
>queens bodyguard
>bad plague in city
>get back to city from requesting help from other kingdoms
>queen gets assassinated, you get framed and imprisoned
>escape and rebel group against new authoritarian regime helps you get rid of the people involved
>Also, magic voodoo whales
You are the bodyguard of the Empress coming back from a mission trying to get help for your city plagued by a sickness that makes people zombies.
You are framed for the killing of said empress, saved by conspirators who wish to put the legitimate empress, daughter of the previous one on the throne.
Obviously you are betrayed by them, save the kid again.
To do all this you receive help from a supernatural entity that is having a lot of fun with the proceedings and you can either plunge the city into chaos or save it. Or kill the girl and everyone else then get the fuck out.
I beat 1 and 2 and liked them both.