
Who /maxcomfy/ ?

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is there a way to prevent enemies from respawning? i clear out a group of nosalises or mutants, walk 20 feet, turn around, and they've respawned

Glad i torrented this, def not worth $60.
Very comfy.

Is there a workbench at the Aurora in Volga just after you escape the church? I can't seem to find one but the hints mention them a lot.

no, you get workbenches when you go rescue natasha and her kid's uncle and in safehouses when you find them

Didn't run into that issue, sleeping does make enemies respawn though

>her dad literally ask you to breed her

Anna is cute! Cute!

>walking around with my flashlight charger out because I don't have enough chems/water on Ranger Hardcore for weapon cleaning and walking around with a gun out makes them dirty in like 5 minutes
I like having gun cleaning be a feature, but it's too damn expensive. I sort of wish it treated it like in 7,62 where minor dirt can be easily cleaned and doesn't effect the weapon, but if you let it go on too long it starts to damage the weapon and rapidly becomes more expensive to repair. You still had to habitually clean your gun, but it wasn't annoying like this.

My only worry before I started the game was if there would be an analogue watch
my only issue is there is no analogue watch.

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is this the best redesign in vidya history?

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This boat part wasn't nearly as bad as people made it out to be. Its not that long, its not really annoying. The boat in general does suck though.
There was no real reason you HAVE to do it at a workbench, it would have been fine if you could clean as you go. Requiring a workbench to clean the guns was a dumb thing to implement

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I really wish you could at least clean your gun to 50% with your backpack. Feels really fucking stupid you can't clean it up anywhere but at workbenches.

I Got teddy first before any thing else.


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My guns seem to get dirty very fast. Are there ways to mitigate that? Will my gun break if I keep using it too much while dirty? Is it worth to to clean them in the field or wait till I can get another from home.

Are there any shops? Seems like I can find petty much anything without them though.

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Someone spoil me the game. Why do they leave the Metro and how does the game end?

They leave to basically find the government because they believe the war hasn't ended/to find other life in a non irradiated area since it's revealed there are other radio broadcasts out there.

guns dont break but the damage and accuracy decrease. jam chances increase. it honestly doesnt matter cause you can still headshot things with dirty guns and get a kill.

What's the farthest they reach, Mid Mongolia, Vladivostock?

Don't fall into water, but otherwise no way to avoid buildup. Won't break, you will just be more inaccurate and the weapon will jam somewhat often.
You can't clean them on the field, only at workbenches. No shops
Artyom has a dream/goal of finding someplace to settle, and regularly goes above ground to search airwaves for signals. Miller says its dumb, and Anna one day goes with Artyom to hope he stops getting irradiated above surface for good and understand his dream is dead like the world. They find a train going down the rails in a zone Hansa said was off-limits. Hansa captures Anna and Artyom, who during the break out destroy a communication station they were using and find out they were purposely keeping Moscow off-air so no one could drop bombs on them. Miller comes with the boys and since they just royally fucked things with Hansa, use the train and escape Moscow. Miller briefs them that he only learned half a year ago that the war was still on and that the jammers were to help Moscow survive. So they journey through several regions to find a home, but Anna gets super fucked by breathing in radiated air after falling into a bunker and being there for awhile. So you end up going to a huge city with Miller to find a cure, you get it but Miller dies in the process. You and the Order find a home on the coast that was safe from shit, because during the journey you find maps for impact zones from the bombs, and the final things Arytom says implies the will go back to Moscow to free the masses from Hansa's control

It would be comfy to winter in a tiny soviet apartment with your wife while living off your sack of onion and turnip rations.

The final area of the game is Novosibirsk but the end implies they go much much further east.

>tfw no qt slav wife

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Smoke breaks with Krest were pretty damn comfy.

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was it good? Yea Forums was shitting all over this game before it launched.

Video related.
@12 minutes and 10 seconds

Its good but not much better than the other games but also not really worse. The bad parts of this game are disappointing. I'd say the first open area you get to explore is the best part of the game. The other areas are either bad, too short/stealth focused or entirely atmospheric/story driven and not really up to explore like the others

Thanks. Good to know I wasn't missing anything.
Back to playing.

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Does the game have a good/bad ending since both your answers for the epilogue are very different. Is my nigga in it?

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>inb4 some fucking nerd comes and posts an obscure chinese anime character

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There is a good and bad ending, and Khan is in the bad ending

Is Anya still an enormous cunt like in the last game?

Quick question, I just started. Does this game also follow a pacifist based playthrough like the other 2? Should I avoid killing humans at all costs like in LL?

You can kill humans but only if they are of factions like bandits/thugs etc, and you should avoid killing them if they surrender. There are some enemies, who will fight back, but characters ask you to not kill them because they are retarded and only do it out of fear. There is plenty of human killing in this

sorta you can kill a decent amount and still get a good ending. a 100% pacifist run is impossible you have to kill at some point.
if you go full murder mode you will get the bad ending.

It's a buggy mess. I had to refund mines.

I got to the desert part and deleted after I entered the underground with spiders that wouldn't die after I fired 6 shotgun shells into them, I was getting pretty bored before that

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>pirated it
>enjoyed it and planned to buy it when it comes to steam
>still fucking angry over the fact the devs got shafted hard from the stupid epic store deal
>high chance it didn't sell well in the PC platform
They don't deserve this, the publisher pulled this shit under the rug

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Anyone here have it on Epic? Is the game getting patched there? the performance issues, bugs and sound mixing all make me want to get a genuine copy to fix them
plus im a moral fag and im enjoying this game which makes me feel bad

Other than a few framerate drops,manly when there's a lot happening at once it gets updated and runs fine

You have to shine the light on them until they flip or run away.

Aside from Volga and Taiga (aesthetic only) the open world was not well done. Dead City is the best part of the game. I also enjoyed Yamantau from a gameplay perspective but the story was dumb. If there is another Metro, which I doubt, it should be linear again. The best atmosphere is in the tunnel. The surface parts of the other games were great to break it up, but they shouldn't be the focus.

All I want is another Stalker DLC from LL. Kshatrya was it?

Its funny cause the previous complaints of the series was that the surface parts were to short and tunnels were to linear

So did I ruin my chances of getting the good ending by massacring the fuckers guarding the train at the start of the game, and the people in the train that chases yours?
>pirated it on a 8gb RAM, RX 480, 6600k rig
>runs smooth as butter
Feels good being a luckyfag. The strange sound effects like cutscene effects being quiet as hell, and lightning that makes your screen shake sounding like it's 30 miles away kind of sucks though.

My only complaint is the story in LL being dumb. 2033 is a personal 10/10

>that the war was still on
So America and Russia and China are still at it? Cool. Do you meet any government types? I know that you meet cannibals disguised as the government once.

No, those people were all fine to kill. You should avoid killing dumb people and people who surrender.

its pretty obvious who you shouldnt kill. they flat out tell you.

No the big thing was that it just was a hoax, only the ones who control Moscow spread the lie that the war is going on to control the population. They do not know more than anyone else. The war pretty much destroyed the whole planet and everyone is surviving just the same with every other place doing their own version of survival apocalypse insanity.

What happens if you kill the people surrendering considering I didn't even really notice till the desert level lol

I don't know how much actions weigh on the moral system, but killing surrendering people is definitely leading you towards a bad ending.

your ranger buddy for that map dies or leaves if you fuckup too much. then you get bad end.

Ranger buddy?

Not him but I've been doing non-lethal takedowns on the people who have surrendered. Does that have the same effect as killing them?

t. didn't play Last Light

in previous games this counted as being nice so I'd assume you're fine

one of the boys will be important each map and interact with you more than the rest.
punching is ok.

I beat 2033 way back near its launch, and never replayed it. I've beaten LL twice, but now want to go replay 2033. Original or Redux? I know Redux is the LL engine therefore easier stealth, but I can't remember 2033's stealth being good either

Lake Baikal, a fuck huge distance from Moscow.

Still in the Volga here. And yet I've just managed to get 429 or so screenshots.
>tfw just got to the fucking haunted house
>Wish You Were Here!

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both stealth systems are shitty in their own way, i played redux because improved graphics and better steam controller support. if you remember the LL controls play on ranger hardcore, otherwise stick to ranger easy

Goodbye... Commander.

I feel the same way.
Just buy it next year when the timed exclusive ends and release on steam or GOG.

AlsoIi'm baffled how a bunch of slavs can make more "alive" characters on a train than fucking Bioware who can't even get facial animation right.

I wonder if Arytom will be a voiced protagonist in the potential next game, since he is the commander now. I've always felt it was dumb he doesn't talk outside of his narration

The best part of this game is spending time with your wife. That's kinda sad.

>next game you play as a new voiceless protag.. Artoym's Son.

>Artoym completes the circle and becomes the Miller-esque character.

uh? I spared almost everyone in the desert level and Damir still left to save his people.

Damir always leaves



Haven't played both 2033 and Last Light, should I go back and play through them before Exodus?

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It would be preferable; I would.

They don't even look like spiders lmao, it's like scorpions instead.
I was really worried when going down the elevator but when I saw it was just weird scorpions everything was fine.

Nope. He came with me down the zipline
Did you free the slaves in the giant boat? Anna makes note of it if you do.

I did, the petrol boss guy was really mad at me for doing so.

>Story is short as fuck, primarily extended by the hub/open world areas
>Hub worlds are worthless as they try to throw cinematic moments in there constantly
>Ending is rushed
>Weapon variety is abysmal, three guns basically
>Movement is clunky and slow
I enjoyed the non main game stuff at least. I think I spent a couple hours just listening to the radio, listening to Anna, etc. Fuck the Gorillas, shitty final "Boss"

The big ones are
>get Giul her mom's photo in the comm tower where the spiders/scorpions are
>give that little girl on the train the thing Giul gave you
>free the slaves from the big boat
>don't kill the slaves when you steal the water
>don't kill people who surrender
I don't know what else you could have done

What was the requirement to get him to follow you?

>give the little girl on the train the thing Giul gave you
Fuck, I didn't even notice she gave me something.

I remember him saying he wanted to find things about his family/people, and I couldn't find it. Maybe if you did find it, he stays with Giul. He is Asian after all
Its right when you give her the photo, she makes a show of it and straight up tells you to give it to the small girl

I did all of that, that's why i'm surprised.
The only explanation would be that you have to go back to the aurora after freeing the slaves, and instead I rushed to the oil rig.

I was dicking around not paying any attention to her. I didn't even realize I collected the map.
>I remember he wanted to find
The only thing I did for him was going through the back of the well.

Looks nothign like her.

You don't need to go back, I freed the slaves and then did the water stealing which led to the train fight. Right after the train fight Anna remarked she was happy I freed the slaves

I freed the salves after stealing water, I guess there's a particular order of doing things for it to count, fuck.

Maximum comfy

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This post, this post is why comfy is a buzzword.

Exodus repeats the same mistakes from gameplay in previous metros, as well as some new ones. Ranger is so poorly done it's not even funny. Boat/vehicle sections? For Christ's sake. Overall fewer guns. AI that in my opinion is bad. Not challenging. Bullshit stealth and DESU bugs ruin stealth.

I guess they spent more time making sure raytracing worked alongside their traditional/console model. Expect metro Exodus ps5/xb2ne editions where there's raytracing.

Also the game underwent massive fucking redesigns in levels. Compare e3 reveal. Has snippets of different sections of the game. Probably why we saw many delays.

For them branching off from stalker, they could have learned a bit more. Enemy variation is kind of there but forced because of how short the game is.

Ultimately, the next metro game should come in less than 4years soley because they won't have huge engine upgrades like this last release. 2033 used shit they were writing in 05-06, LL wasn't that diff. Big focus on content is needed

Buzzword is a buzzword

>Death everywhere
>dirt and snow
>ruined buildings and infrastructure
>cold, murky water filled with murderous lobsters
>But guys it's comfy!

sure, but it's an impovement
i replayed LL in preparations for exodus and every women face in that game looked like shit, so i just assume that they had no idea on how to make them
male face models also pretty much only worked due to everyone having beards

Volga was great, but Caspian Sea was a load of bullshit. I pulled out the binoculars and thought "Wow there's like 30 different locations to see, awesome!", but like 23 of them were fucking ant hill monster dens with two shotgun shells

you probably shot some slaves when damir was with you

>I don't understand immersive atmosphere

>I guess they spent more time making sure raytracing worked alongside their traditional/console model
That and I imagine it took them a year for every map.

here you go

Immersive != comfy.

Which is sad. I was so bored of Caspian, Volga was of the most fleshed out, forest level blew imo. Corners were cut, but their linear segments were solid albeit short

>Linear segments were solid
Linear segments consisted of the Ark, the beginning of the game with Anna, and then the final level. They were lacking, I presume because too much time was spent on the awful open worlds. Clearly 4A games is not able to do both at the same time.

t. first time metro player
t. doesn't enjoy good atmosphere

>looks nothing like her

could literally be her sister/mom

>good atmosphere
>Metro only shows up at the end of the game
>No ghosts
>Anomalies were barely existent

im looking forwards to a forest replay on a bad end murder everything run. going to take my time exploring.

Does anyone know where to find the gas canister for the generator on the small island on volga?

Just finished Metro, here's my thoughts

Absolutely don't buy this game at sixty bucks, even if it was on steam.

It's twelve hours long and the first half is bloated by shitty hub world sandboxes you have to drive through to start the actual game. You can only hold two guns (plus a useless sniper rifle as the third) and enemies love spawning endlessly to spite your extremely finite ammo. Movement is janky and fall damage is so lethal I once died running down STAIRS

The supernatural (ie: good) elements only exist in the final third of the game, and even that ending is rushed with no proper final boss. Talking is incredibly stilted by voice actors that can't into the English language.

Even with the marked improvement for the final third of the game, it's still overall below average.

4/10 is the final verdict

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>english dub

ayy lmao

cool, you just killed my hype boner
maybe for the best

>tfw post apocalyptic Russia is the same as regular Russia

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yeah I probably should have done russian in retrospect BUT even if the voices were good (and even if the story was good and engaging) I still wouldn't have appreciated the gameplay.

Still, it was sixty bucks and I wound up beating it all today (with just a slight bit of playing yesterday). Even howlongtobeat puts the game at 12-15 hours so the duration sounds about right

I pirated the game honestly since I'm not installing epic for anything, and I still feel like I was forcing myself to beat it rather than enjoying it. Keep in mind I overall enjoyed the previous two metro games way more than this.

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its just behind the shed that the generator is in

id rate as bad compared to the previous games but not awful. it hurts knowing how much was dumbed down. still fun and worth playing.

Man, so what the fuck? There's basically nothing after the desert map? I paid $60 for this shit?

yea after you leave the desert the trains tracks lead to the end of the universe and everyone falls into the void

>extremely finite ammo
What the fuck are you talking about?
I started it on ranger hardcore exactly because I wanted that scarcity, but turns out the game showers you with crafting materials to make shit tons of Ammo with.
That "useless sniper rifle" is completely broken, given that you can craft its ammo for basically nothing, allowing you to stash everything else.
I'm basically carrying max ammo with me at all times.

The crafting system is so imbalanced it breaks the game and makes it trivial, no matter what difficulty you play on.

Is it just me but the Voice Acting is shite.

Where are the Anna nudes though?

>meet thicc doctor
>say hello
>30 minutes later get married

damn she made anna look like a fucking skeleton

Entirely subjective. When a games atmosphere is thicc, it achieves maximum comf. But that's just like, my opinion man. I hope when you get that cactus out of your anus you too can achieve some level of comf

This is why comfy is a buzzword.

anna is not for lewding

Gonna go to sleep so but I posted this in the other thread and haven't gotten any responses and I don't want to wait so I'll post it here and check when I get up.

How are the Ps4 versions of the other metro games? Series seems cool but I heard the remasters aren't that great

Play the game a bit more.

Cleaning your gun has minor benefits and every major story event inundates you with chems.

>extremely finite ammo.
I played this shit in Hardcore and the game showers you with ammo, the Thikar is extremely broken because you can oneshot everything with it as long as you land a headshot even at half pressure.

I wish I was comfy but I'm still on my carnival ride.

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pretty comfy

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>realize that by jumping into water aggressively and being a retard in filthy places, I'm continually mucking up my guns
I'm in as much pain as this guy right now.

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>That fucking air base with +10 mutants
Jesus fucking christ

>Is it just me but the Voice Acting is shite.

I do find funny though they got the legendary Steve Blum to voice Sam in the game.

And I'm pretty sure Krest is just Pavel, but as a legit good guy/friendly merchant.

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Nude Anna mod when?

I dunno, but can anyone mod the 4A engine easily?

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He sound so out of place in this game. In general the sound of these games have always been bad. People talking over each other and full dialog dumps happening at the same time.

You even get an automatic charger for it so you never have to pump, and you can make ammo for it or the crossbow on the go.

Auto charge sucks since it only keeps it in the green. You still have to pump it for max damage.

To be fair, he is an American embassy guard. And I think the worst offenders of the range of sound design for Metro has been the melee impact sounds and knife attack sometimes.