Maplestory 2

Fair Fight is gonna be removed soon and other progression changes. Anyone still play?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I like that duck!

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No. When does it come out?

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Me on the top left.

Never played Maple 1 but I need a new MMO. Should I give this a try?

West is my wife goldus is my dixk
Fire up baby
Let's do this oh yeah
Shake it good
Rock on lads it's go time

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Isn't like way too fucking late to adress all those problems? Most people already quit.

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Will Junsoo save us bros?

i want to fuck a chibi priest girl

>Anyone still play?
didnt this game release like two months ago? is it already dieing?

>progression changes
For who exactly? Everyone that still plays is at end game, and has been for months. Not like the game is still getting new players.

They should've been fixing this shit months ago, and not listening to the yes men on Reddit, and Meso buying streamers.

all the zoomers that signed up for an MMO expected the game to not be an MMO

If anyone from Vidya's here, sorry for dropping the game without notice.

>you will never bot again on MS with your ZenX cheat engine

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The grind was fucking retarded and the GS requirements were too.

H-haha, no dude... of course this isn't a thinly veiled recruitment thread!

Sorry lads, I didn't make it past the Fire Dragon grind

I haven't played any Maple Story game since the alien area was added to the original one. Is this any good? Are their any decent private servers for 1? I remember it being grindy as fuck.

I played this when it came out but I stopped while I was moving and then never picked it up again. It seem's like the game died while I was gone. What the hell happened?

I would prefer the fire dragon grind over the balrog grind (after they moved all weapon drops to balrog)

The only caveat is that it allows the african market to get flooded with balrog wings

Maplestory 1 is way fucking better. I'm pissed this is even dampening the player count the same way Ragnarok 2 did.

Hi meowiecat

glad this garbage is dying and people are noticing this game is a scam and no wonder it failed miserably in korea
only """""""""""""""social""""""""" attention whoring erpers are around now

Come back bort! Tronix is waiting!

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Nah. When the nightmare raids or whatever they were called came out I quit. You either had to pretty much join a guild or you wouldn't clear them. Queueing with randoms was actually impossible. I spent 5 days of queueing with randoms, getting people constantly either dying or doing like 10k DPS, I couldn't take it anymore.

I mean the game got fucked, but Bully is still alive a bit.

Game's endgame is trash. Poor lifeskills stuff where the game could've shined. Oh well.

OHKO Raids aren´t fun, GMs giving perfect items to streamers and friends also killed it.
People don´t have time to play 5+ characters every day just so they can upgrade their shit for 1 character

>start playing an MMO
>REEEEEEEEEEEE why do i have to develop relationships with people to complete content that requires coordination?!
better just go play an ironman in runescape buddy

also, nowadays, you can get practically bussed in pug CDEVs at this point in spite of playing like a literal waste of a human being

>oh you don't like this feature? fuck you play a different game
Looks like almost the entire playerbase in Korea and now worldwide is taking your advice user and leaving this unfinished mess behind.

I mean, by the time you get the 5pc chicken combo (unupgraded) on almost any class you will stop getting killed in one hit by most chaos boss's attacks, other than those that are continuous or designed to punish mouthbreathers.

This was pretty much 90% of the people. No one knew the importance of pets or gems at the time, so the first raid was tough. After like 2 weeks of people upgrading them, the raid became a breeze. Finding epic pet or upgrading gems is still a bitch, but they're gonna fix that soon.


thanks bryan!

What are you so salty about? I just don't like reading chat by the same autistic people every day. I bet you were the type to actually talk in that cancerous global chat unironically using words like "Kappa".

>tfw nobody in my server can even come close to me in Simian Sea

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gamers don't know what they want

I want to play this game but fucking Nexon blocked my country IP

Are you from India?

Are you a SEA monkey? Just use Mudfish and play on Oceania.

But why.

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Oh no bros...

That one wasn't me, I'm resubbed to XIV with no intention of playing MS2 again, it felt like a huge chore.

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Im at max lvl but the grind for epic gear is too much. THey gave away that gear to get the good score to get to higher tier dungeons but those arent even fun unfortunately. havent touched it in two months.

Actually Im from Vietnam. In the past they got the license to translate Maple story 1 into Vietnamese and stuff but that company was so shitty at keeping the game alive and preventing hackers so Nexon deciced to block our ass forever. We didnt even make it to cygnus knights and Aran Evan shit. Jesus I want to play Kanna

vore art when

So I'm guessing they didn't learn any lessons from maplestory huh

It absolutely is a chore. You were wise to get out when you did.

Heh... another sucker missed the toad train!

People realised it wasn't going to be like a classic mmo and was going to be more like every other mmo that people like this actual zoomer likes

Stopped after 2 days when i realized my shitty pc cant run it without crazy fps drops during most intensive fights, despite running an rx 580.
I wasn't even level 20 or 30 if i remember.

good choice. I wish I left as early as you did.

I have to ask, did you make it to the end game or not? I found it a huge chore just 6-7 hours in, I cant imagine people playing it for longer unless they found a really good guild.

Namedeop your favorite maplers


It's a shake because the game was really cute but all the classes were braindead simple to play...
I got to endgame and it only got worse. Loads of timegated content you had to do or you were getting behind.

why do devs wait until after 98% of the playerbase left to try and do things they were asking for for many months?


Because things take time and ms2 was obviously rushed.
They removed all the pay to win stuff and didn't think how it would change the games economy.


What kind of progression changes?

Last time I played, the grind was getting longer with every patch, and it got to the point where I could either focus 100% of my free time on MS2 to keep up with everyone else or do other things.
So I quit MS2 and told my guildmates I might return some day if the game stops being so grindy.

Me on the far left

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Grind requires for Sky Fortress was incredibly overstated, and unfortunately a lot of people quit before realizing it. You literally do the weeklies and ignore everything else. Takes maybe 2 hours per character total.

Rumbles are really nice content even if Schatten is kind of bullshit. I'm usually against solo content in MMOs but they feel nice.

Game's got a shitload of flaws and is/was hemorrhaging players but I still enjoy it, dunno.

Not sure what I did, but thanks I guess.

After Maplestory, they had to bring it out of the park, so I don't feel any pity for them

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>Not expecting grind

Basically fairfight is gonna be gone which will make dungeons and leveling faster, world boss hp will get nerfed which will make some dailies/weeklies faster and trade ribbons will allow people to sell epic/legendary equips so you can skip the epic gearing process or buy a perfect stat equip granted you have enough mesos or know nice enough people

They also mention improving endgame rng like enchanting, epic pets, gemstones,ect. We don't know how yet, but they'll probably post about it soon.


It still has fair fight? Thank god i left when I did... I do miss making meme outfits to sell

>Striker and Soul Binder released three weeks apart in Korea with Striker being first
>Striker still not out after months of Soul Binder being released in global
>No plans of adding any new content until June at the earliest

Maybe I will start playing it again then.

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>theres more bots than players
really makes me think

If you're on NA West join vidya!

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Post your best loli, give me a reason

did anyone make a cool house

This is probably the shittiest game I've ever played
>only a few classes
>has barely anything to do with the first game
>looks like shit
>most people play it cause they're pedos
>no job advancement/ branches

is there still Yea Forums guild activity on east?
i figured everyone died by now since even the /vg/ guild is on its last legs

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come join my CASINO

Were there any good ERP sluts?

maple chorey 2

i remember you

bike lol

I logged in the other day. Guild is dead, most haven't logged in 2 months or longer.

World bosses, scheduled events, life skills, daily caps. Everything being on a timer was very irritating.

I also hated seeing memes and stolen art all over the ugc store. The internet is full of retards reposting what they see on their twitter feed so you can't have community driven games anymore if there aren't any rules. I mostly stayed because making my house took so long but even that system was unintuitive.

The time limit is probably the worst offender. It really stresses that you need powerful gear and that pure skill won't ever be enough to get you through.

Can I start playing this now just very casually and without worries? I just want a multiplayer game to pass my time. Can I play with Yea Forums or /vg/ without trannies/gays trying to steal my genitalia?

quit back in November, will come back if they properly fix the massive RNG on gems and pets.

There's one tranny and one pedo and both of them play on west

You could play on east, I heard they're good lads

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Because MMORPG's are ever good. The gameplay is not a falsely padded out treadmill designed to get you to waste thousands of hours of your life on boring repetitive grinding that has all the gameplay of an idle game for pointless shit Russian 12 year olds already unlocked years ago.

neorussia's opinions and tantrums are so shit, i couldn't stand that pedo fucker so I joined vidya

Sure. Just go NA West and join vidya. Its probably the less ERPy guild of the chan guilds.

>joining west instead of east
dumb move

you can get an alt to 50 easily using autoperform vouchers, and then use that to farm enchant materials. The only true gating is gem upgrades and how much time you want to waste grinding away hard mode dungeons and dailies on alts.

Ok, so I can start playing, but not with Yea Forums as usual, with the exception of Risk of Rain. This sucks.

>probably the less ERPy guild
There is NO erp in vidya.

>playing on the same server as bryan and /vg/ trannies

big oof

A student I was working with at school for a group project failed to meet all his deadlines because of this game, and I had to spend an entire week making up a semester of his work.

The tranny is on west though

How many members are still alive?

Why are you trying to create drama in west if you're east? I'm in vidya and we don't have anyone from bully who quit to join us.
We have more than enough to fill raids quickly without pugging, on most days. I can't think of anyone who left recently.

Is fair fight from kms or a gms invention?

>cancerous kms2 fags on east
>trannies on west
>any other server is 100% dead
wew lad

gms2 invention to stop boosting and force people to "have fun enjoying" hard mode content. Unfortunately it targets people who have ran the same dungeon over 100 times so you can see why people hated it.



when is striker

I play mushroom game, come play with me anons.

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They're all dead, user. You're three months late.

But I'm still alive and I'm a good onahole...

What did I miss?

>Lke posting on Yea Forums
big yikes dike

Not soon enough

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Maplestory 2 is finished. Even if they remove fairfight, nothing changes the fact that the content is underwhelming, and that the BiS gear requires grinding the same hard dungeons/chaos raids over and over again until you get burnt out.

MS2 is an “MMO” with no staying power riding on the social aspects that MS1 offered—only the thing is, Skype, Teamspeak, Discord already supplements this. So you’re left with an MMO where no one talks or gives a fuck about the sociability.

Maplestory is a dead franchise, and that’s all there is to it.

Best memories of this game is playing music w/ anons

You missed a lot of hand-holding, mostly.

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Nexon sucks, Striker is the reason why I got into it.

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Where are you Fishyaboo?

go away avatar fag

Why didn't they just copy/paste from KMS2? How much of our stuff is original and how much comes from CMS2? Are there any free clothing templates yet?

because KMS2 is still way worse than what we have.

What's fair fight?

How so?

I enjoyed the combat but the daily/weekly on almost every piece of content just makes the game feel awful to play. When you really want to play you are restricted heavily and if you don't play enough each week it feels like you've lost an opportunity to progress. A game shouldn't be like that. I should be able to log on and play at any time and make progress based on how much time I put into it, not based on how many days a week I bother logging on.

that's not avatarfagging you tard

fuck you motivated

>/vg/ raids the thread
fucking neck yourselves you smelly NEET skeletons

You get 3 free UGC template vouchers from doing the main quest. I forgot what levels but I remember it being pretty late (30s-40s).

u keep this up and ur gettin smooched user

bosses scaling up to your gear so you can't kill them fast or solo even as you get stronger


>Maplestory is a dead franchise because nobody gives a fuck about the sociability thanks to discord, skype, teamspeak, etc.
*unzips maple pservers*
That's where you're wrong kiddo

kys cattly

I stopped playing because the game was way too easy.

Why can't MMO's have difficult gameplay?

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Did you do any chaos raids or fortress rumble?

I think I peaced out before those.

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I was considering coming back solely for lewd reasons since I missed out on them but I dunno if I'm even good or if anyone is even left
shame the guy who drew lewds quit after like 3 pictures but it's understandable

I mean you're half right
maple 1 is still very much alive and is super good as a standalone game if you like grindy stuff

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>got into CBT
>got both hats
>got to max level on one character
>have no urge to play when the actual game came out
>game comes out
>it dies

I mean I guess that's it then? Is it even worth playing again? I can't stand the tutorial.

Are you still forced to do the story quest to level up quickly or is there a decent alternative now? I really don't want to go through the story again after already having played through it so many times in KMS2.

You can level your alts by giving them 12 hours worth of auto fishing or auto performance vouchers.

its either that or join the pile of fishing-bot-berserkers in lith harbor

needless to say

I still play and I remember this cat specifically out of wanting to lewd them

That too. Are story quests/auto fishing and performing still the only decent ways to level? That's a shame.

I heard that world bosses are good exp too but I never checked. If people are doing world boss trains after they get their hp nerfed this Thursday, it might be a decent option.

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It's funny cause motivated has its own lil FFXIV clique going on. We're playing that while we sorta wait for ms2 to get better.


The girls in MS look like kids man...

I'm on Behemoth, mostly resubbed to get caught up for Shadowbringers, I haven't played since the second raid tier.

>No grinding for hours
>No Intriging unique 2d pixelated art style
>No interesting bosses
>No interesting story
>No interesting classes
>No interesting moves
>A fucking quest line that gets you 10 levels away from max that you can do in like 3 days

Whats the fucking appeal of amusement park MMO's? I want something I can sink my teeth into and become a shut in for months on end, not something that takes me to end game within 3 fucking days, where most of the quests are "TALK TO X Y AND Z AND GET 50K EXP"

Our little group is on Leviathan. I finished most of ARR/2.x today.

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I know this is a wild concept for Yea Forums, but have you tried having fun?

>tried having fun
Nigga this is an MMO, the fun comes from the grind and the dopamine release that you get upon realizing you can go to a new high level PQ and unlock new high level shit to improve the grind.
It's literally fun because it's grinding, not because its a fucking hand holding walking simulator.

Does that include that dek dude

I haven't played in months, I didn't care too much for the grind, I just enjoyed dressing up and hanging out on Coco. When they remove Fair Fight I'll probably hop back in.

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If you need anyone to do content with or whatever, my in game name is Luciana Blanc. HW is really good then SB gets really bad again. I apologize that you have to go through the 2.0 patch filler hell.

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So it's a skinner box
Just play a real game instead.

I'll keep that in mind. I think we have to be in a cross-world party to add each other though.
Why do you ask? I can only assume why.

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Haven’t played since CBT since I knew it would flop.
Only maple royals could satisfy me now.

Too many bad first impressions over the years

deks consistently a stupid faggot that i just tend to ignore since his personality is reminiscent of 2007 Yea Forums anonposting and anything interesting about him ends there

I'd planned to do a bunch of lewd stuff but I got too caught up in exploration stars and quests and stuff and by then most people who were into that had ditched

At least it's not too hard to change back from Balrog since I kept the same skin tone

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Game was fun and I'll always appreciate the memories. Hadn't played a MMO with /vg/ in years, reminded me of when there was a new one coming out every year it felt like.
I remember wanting to fug you, shame

Yeah it was sort of my own fault for getting so caught up in other stuff, in the end I basically only did stuff one single time

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I don't think you should feel bad for actually enjoying the game too much to get into lewd things. I only stopped logging on due to time commitments starting to roll around. Do you still play?

play maplestory2

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I took a break over January but I did come back to get the cute chinese dress so sort of!

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>dead and/or shitty mmo
>only erp trannies left

No!!! I'm not a tranny user >:(
I didn't even post a picture, did you suspect me to be a cute one at least?

I would if the end game wasn't tedious. I just want to grind for cute outfits and play dressup.

literally every mmo has erp in it

>every mmo has faggots in it
cringe, get a life

I'll probably pop on just to see how things are, I doubt the guild I was in is even around anymore, I think I was stuck at not being able to clear CDev.

Played the first CBT and had zero desire to continue playing when the second beta came around and I never played the launch.
At least I still have my CBT hat.

I think it's about the same aside from people know a lot more how to gear up nowadays...

Not that much time to play vidya during the week, MS2 was too much grind for little progress, and I've got other games I want to play. Also last I played Manko Traphouse was RIP.

Game was cute though.

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