Can I just say: Thank GOD for emulation
Can I just say: Thank GOD for emulation
fake get better bait :/
Enjoy your choppy slowed down game I guess
Judging from that webm it runs slower than on actual hardware.
Honestly I thought it was playable from start to finish on Yuzu like a year ago.
pic related is BOTW in Yuzu btw, *NOT* CEMU
Have you forgotten that the best way to play BOTW quickly became emulation? This is great for gamers.
Jesus Christ how do you PC only fags do it? I guess you don't know any better since you've never actually played the games on the intended hardware.
>Speed 66%/100%
Many games are already fully playable.
>makes a minuscule adjustment
yeah but its all shitty nintendo console games
>This is great for gamers.
Yeah sure I agree if people end up supporting the games by buying legit copies.
Looking forward to trying this out once they get the performance up to snuff
Literally more choppy than handheld mode
>that fucking frame rate
holy fuck lmao
It's threads like these that remind me that this place is has become an absolute shit heap.
not your hugbox sweaty :)
inb4 called a pc cuck but emulation is the natural predator to exclusivity and will always be inferior to ports or native hardware simply due to the nature of having to live translate code that a pc cannot understand into code a pc can understand.
>buying games
It should be illegal that this stuff is closer to perfect than PS2 emulators STILL.
Anyway I wish console hardware became public domain after it ceased production so people would just start making their own Ps2’s with original hardware like people do with NES and such.
Emulation is great but it’s married to endless petty issues.
>muh intended hardware
bet you fatso giggle like a girl when you get MUH EXCLUSIVES in your shitbox
thanks for betatesting, drone
once they fix that shit framerate i'd like to see people remake levels from other marios like sunshine's and 64's
it'd be fun to see sunshine levels with the water enemies sprinkled in to replace fludd
mods are the only real advantage that emulation can offer for current gen games, graphic fidelity and processing power of most PC's don't really improve them at this point
Have you PLAYED BOTW on CEMU? You can run it in 4K in 60fps with minimal input lag.
Shit dude you should have just admitted you just want free games from the start.
No shame in that.
Yes I have, and i get 20fps on 720p with frequent stuttering, even using the FPS++ pack and as many optimizations as I can achieve.
Unless your hardware is less than a year old, you cant actually achieve 4k 60fps.
Why not get a job instead?
Have you ever bought a game you emulated?
In this economy?
Looks and runs 10x better on cemu but I'm still impressed.
I emulate exclusively from discs, not isos.
I've never bought a game period
I bought Skyward Sword since it came with a controller for half the price of the original game price.
Bought a nunchuck and put two light sources to mimic the IR sensor before getting a battery driven one.
Okay where?
I'm genuinely impressed by how good Nintendo's games look on what is basically an outdated midrange tablet
Remember when we used to have good emulation threads before sonyfags started using them for console wars.
I remember when Yea Forums was actually good
So basically before Yea Forums existed.
what a silky smooth experience, congratulations computer gamerts
That's because power was always a marketing point rather than sobering meaningful when it came to consoles.
Can we fucking ban snoytards already?
I run it on an i7 7480k I bought used for $250 and a GTX-1050ti and this is the performance I get. Maybe you're just a retard. What are your specs?
I unironically tend to play games I want day one. Still emulate them for higher framerates/res in PC later.
i5 2300, GTX 970, and 12gb DDR3 ram. I never said my PC was great, but it can pump 60fps on average settings everywhere else.
The art design is always solid and their games usually scale up very well when emulated and still look great. Even the actual Switch hardware uses dynamic resolution scaling so I imagine if they ever make a more powerful version, it will be trivial to update the games to run at higher res since they can just raise the resolution cap.
>those playstation button prompts
nice, i love mods that change the buttons to the controller your actually using
>i5 2300, GTX 970, and 12gb DDR3 ram
>That FPS on the chomp lunge
I can't stop laughing.
When you're not dealing with complex lighting or shaders, it's all about the texture quality and art aesthetic. It's easy to keep clean visuals when you're not dealing with 50 post-process filters because your hardware can't handle it.
Only two more years until the 4 poorfags who still have to resort to emulation can kinda play this game!!! Way to go guys!!!
kek how sad
Yeah I'm overdue for an upgrade but I can't justify it until I get a new job. I want to build something that can do VR though and I'm easily looking at a $5k build because I'm building a VR flight sim chair with twin stick HOTAS and fold-out steering wheel.
Kek PC-cucks can't even get N64 games to run properly. They need to bark about anything they can now that there are ZERO worthwhile games on PC nowadays
ok real talk I had no idea wii u emulation was that good. is it exclusive to botw? what’s the compatibility like
>two more years
>Took less than 6 months for BoTW to be fully playable from start to finish with a consistent frame rate and no graphical bugs
This shit will be done in another 4-5 months tops.
Aren't these technically shill threads? It always feels like op is trying to sell the emulator
How the FUCK is a console from 5 years ago fully emulatable but FUCKING SATURN AND PS2 AREN'T.
You can't sell free software dummy
To be fair, "playable" doesn't mean perfect.
As long as you can get to the end of the game and beat it, it's "playable."
Regardless of the frame rate.
Because it's bullshit and only retards with insanely expensive computers could dream of running these games in a borderline playable fashion.
PC gamers used to gloat about multiplats, now they don't get them so they moved on to pretending they can emulate shit. Very fun watching the PC gaming culture die alongside valve, good riddance to bad rubbish
But is there a controller option for gyro?
>buying video games
>this historical revisionism
here are some webms from less than a month after botw launched
>i7 7480k I bought used for $250
Do you even read what you type? You can get a wii u used for a lot less and a switch for about the same, maybe slightly more.
That's the problem with muh emulation shitposters, they forget you need a lot more money to spend to do this.
I have nothing against emulation, but bragging about spending a probable grand to play a 50 buck game on a sub-300 buck console is just dumb.
The drm on the Saturn was only recently cracked.
>Switch emulation will require a rather decent-spec PC for quite some time
yes, DS4Windows fully supports gyro.
>a grand
I spent $500.
It's not exactly free if you have to pay up to get the latest version.
I don't know what you're trying to convey.
I'm simply stating that "Playable" as a terms mean there's no game breaking bugs that prevent you from finishing the game.
>Regardless of the frame rate.
No, decent frame rate and lack of crashes is required for a game to be considered playable.
I'm playan Xenoblade X at 60fps
>now they don't get them
This generation PC got more games than all the consoles combined beacuse everything is multiplat now. And with emulation, that makes PC the objectively best platform.
The other way around generally.
I tend to play the games i had before people stole all my shit.
Here's the infamous korok forest that tanks FPS on Switch and Cemu
How far away from the WiiU is the Switch as far as CPU and RAM? Is it just completely out of the realm of possibility that someone might hack a WiiU to play Switch games?
No it's not.
The literal only defining trait of a game being "playable" is that you can get through it from start to finish.
Somewhat interested. I already own a switch with like 13 games, but theres still a bunch of games i'd like to try but not necessarily buy for their prices like Tennis aces, Travis, and Super mario party. Can this run those?
>I spent $500.
For two parts.
Now how much was your case, power supply, ram, mobo, etc?
No, there isn't even really much of a moral argument for buying PSX or SNES games
Are you (You)ing the wrong person? What are you trying to convey my guy.
>decent frame rate
>is required for a game to be considered playable.
So botw on the switch is not playable?
Why AREN'T there any good PS2 emulaters?
Where the fuck are all of the koroks?
is the audio fixed yet
>PS2 emulators
PS2 emulators are decent m8....runs vice city pretty darn good.
user it’s been over a year at this point to play a game with switch tier graphics at a bad frame rate.
>HLE crap meant to give patreon money to run half dozen popular games.
But hopefully someone will do a full emulation of the system someday.
I already had the hard drives and motherboard. The case, CPU fan, power supply, and ram were about $130.
this shit honestly look unplayable
id probably delete it after trying it for 5 minutes
I just hope it doesn't end up being like Cemu where it runs BotW/Odyssey and nothing else.
Yes it is. You can't argue this it's literally always how it's been.
Actually maybe you're arguing this because a lot of playable games are unplayable for you because you have a toaster. Not everyone has a toaster user.
By decent I mean more than half of what was intended. 20fps is "playable" even though not ideal. Like the first guy who beat Demons Souls on RPCS3, that was playable but no one would want to play it at console fps.
PCSX2 is good.
There's many, many, many games that would be lost forever if it wasn't for them being emulated like Starfox 2.
Also the 1050 ti used to sell for $120 before bitcoin mining in case you didn't realize that.
Why do nintenbabs get so buttmad over more people playing their games? This leads to more sales; nothing is a better advertisement
>he unironically buys video games, further contributing to the downfall of video games
You are the cancer killing this industry.
Several times. Unfortunately, it's all second-hand by that point, but I'm still happy to have some of my favorites in my collection. I think one of the few that you'd count would be KH: Re:CoM, which I originally emulated the PS2 version and later bought 1.5 + 2.5 on the PS4, which included it. Otherwise I've bought several used games to replay them on original hardware after emulating them.
Completely impossible, given several factors such as the switch being faster than the WiiU, the CPU architecture (PowerPC vs ARM) and GPU (AMD vs Nvidia) architectures being completely different.
Your question is pretty much asking if you can port dreamcast games to run on the PS1.
All the fucking time. If I end up liking a game i make it a personal mission to add it to my collection. A major reason my DS library spans 100+ game carts now. I scopured my entire county for a copy of Rhythm thief when it became a $120 ebay scalper item. Managed to find one at an out of the way gamestop for $25 and snagged it.
>you can port dreamcast games to run on the PS1.
considering the dreamcast has tons of PS1 ports like soul reaver and qbert I don't think it'd be impossible.
?? 7700k at 4.5, 16GB of DDR4 am, and a 1080 OC'd to 2100MHz is toaster? Ok, my guy.
And yes, I can argue, because you're literally wrong. Framerate has literally NOTHING to do with a game being "playable" or not when it comes to emulation.
>there are still people who getting butthurt about emulator
For what purpose?
Even ignoring you glossing over the mobo that you decided wasn't important even though it is still part of your build, that is about 650 bucks, twice the cost of a switch, probably three times the cost of a wii u.
That's the problem. Most people are less inclined to toss 600+ into even a basic build that can feasibly run a game they can spend 300 on and not even have to put together.
Which was what, three years ago now?
My wiiu isn't modded or anything and I want to try to BotW on cemu. What's the easiest way to get my save from my wiiu to my PC
i emulate games i've already bought but dont' have the systems/disks for anymore
Damn, might have to steal my GF's DS4 and download CEMU now, I had no idea it was looking so smooth and had gyro support. Performance is mostly bottlenecked by your CPU, right? I think my machine performs similar or better than yours with the exception of the CPU, I'm using an i5 6600k.
Because daddy Nintendo also hates emulation. Like fanatically hates it they're like Disney in regards to copyright.
Why do emufags pretend everyone's outraged over emulation when it's really just people telling them to fuck off with their superiority complex?
Several trolls don't speak for emu or even pc communities. Stop taking their baits.
What's the point of emulating a game on PC if you will buy it and a console to run it on anyways? That's dumb af.
$250 for the processor
$120 for the graphics card
$130 for miscellaneous parts
The motherboard was from a lot of three used ones I got for $60 each.
>If I talk about price, I'll win the argument.
not even the user you are replying too, but with your logic.
>Switch $300
>TV $250+
>Xbox or PS4 for other games $250+
>PC for browsing/shitposting/possibly games $350+
So with his PC, he's spending about $650 but can do literally everything on one machine, while you're spending about $1150+
He want to make the WiiU compatible with switch games, not have its games recompiled and redone to run on the WiiU.
In this way, the PS1 is 21 MB short of even loading the dreamcast assets in it's memory, as the WiiU is 2.5GB short.
>Performance is mostly bottlenecked by your CPU, right?
Yes, on my old i5 I was limited to 45fps on a 4k display compared to the 60fps I have now.
The only original game I ever bought was Tomb Raider II back in the day
must be great being rich
fuck me right
Factually incorrect. Only a very SMALL minority of people who are honest enough, go out of their way to actually buy the game if they liked it. The vast majority, aka the poorfag pirates, Play the game, and go "Why would I pay for it when I already own it? :)" Theres no drive to pay $60 afterwards, they already completed it. Its a childish mentality that wont go away if you keep enforcing it. You're deluisional if you think people will just decide to buy the next game, if they already have the means to pirate it, as well.
I would call it pushback from gloating over exclusives but I dont really see nintendo fans really doing that. Not nearly as much as sony or even xbox
No because GOD isn't real.
>All these replies
But piratefags told me that they were just testing those games out and then they would by them.
no I'm going to do it WRONG
Looks a bit slow, but it seems to have come quite a long way since the last time I saw this.
But if all you care about is free switch games, 2017 models are probably still easy to find and cfw is about as east as it gets.
How long until something like Smashladder for ultimate
>He doesn't believe in the government of defense
I don't even know what game you're talking about bub, quit sperging.
This is the most brain dead comment I’ve seen in a while. Yes clearly a pc and Xbox 1 come into the cost of playing a switch.
And you don’t even need a tv to play a portable tablet console you brainlet.
Saturn emulation is already in a great state, unless you still think crap like ssf or yabause are the only available emulators
Thats probably because I'm not a piratefag. I emulate games that are 5 years older or more. never anything newer thats still on the MSRP market.
>TV $250+
1. Switch doesn't need a TV
2. Why are you bothering with that pricey of a TV?
And again, I have no issue with emulation, I'm just pointing out that the biggest issue with it, at least with recent gen stuff, is the price of entry.
Especially when most people these days use a PC for web browsing, watching videos, or playing games that are both optimized for PC (usually) and don't even have that high of requirements anyways.
>Only a very SMALL minority of people who are honest enough, go out of their way to actually buy the game if they liked it
Guess I'm part of that small minority. Same with every other reply to Seems to be a lot of people given this small minority :^)
the yuzu version will probably run better on amd in the next couple of months than cemu with its 10 years of development
>i-its the driver, goy, we're totally not being payed by nvidia to not implement vulkan
It's not baiting and rage though user. People seem to have had an actual discussion over the topic.
>5 people on Yea Forums is not a minority compared to the entire waking world.
Uh huh..
I thought by this day and age people would understand how emulation works, but half the posts in this thread made me depressed about how much they clearly don't get it.
Emulation is not the only form of piracy, plenty have cracked their switch.
I don't think I got any error on audio. Just started playing last week.
The point is by spending only twice as much as he did for the Switch, he can now do ALL of that, and a lot of it like Xbox 1 ports and Wii U/soon to be Switch emulation in far superior visually fidelity than their original hardware.
>Honestly I thought it was playable from start to finish on Yuzu like a year ago.
Yuzu only started a year ago.
it's funny how some people get overly defensive at every emulation thread here
i hope modder will add delfino island
My friend went to his college's "game club" and met one of the most bizarre kind of Nintendo fan who apparently talked about Luigi non stop and got visibly angry when Cemu was brought up because it involved piracy.
At least we don't have people using znes instead of zsnes, people calling disc images roms, (or even worse, rooms), falling for fake PS4 emulators in shady youtube videos, or saying that the N64 emulation is perfect because they can play Zelda 64... yet.
N64 emulation is relatively unoffensive though.
>You can now emulate a completely lifeless collectathon
honestly, yes, but even I know that publishers don't give a fuck about second hand sales.
unless you bought it in the first month it was out, nobody pays attention.
so nobody important cares that I own a hard copy of every ace combat game
Yes, I ripped a few PS3 games to emulate because it was faster than downloading them.
except it already runs at a higher frame rate that the Switch version, just watch the fucking video, ahahahahaha
oh, we DO have a lot of zsnes users around here
Did you even read their posts?
"Yeah" does not imply he bought any games.
Exclusively emulating from discs, does not imply he owns the isos
Flat out contradicts you by saying no
I bought Skyward sword. does not mean user does not pirate everything else.
"Unironically tend to play games"
Flat out says No to buying games
Buys second hand games. not because of emulation
Flat out says No. Thats three against you user.
One guy so far. Yipeee.
"I emulate games for systems i no longer own" Is still pirating. and not re-buying the games.
A man of reasoning. thats 4.
Try again next time user.
It should be possible with Saviine, but you will most definitely have to mod the WiiU.
It's really easy so I would recommend doing it anyway.
Yes I bought the PS3 ports of Yakuza 1 and 2 after emulating them.
The PS3 ports are actually pretty fucking fantastic.
haha look at this assblasted faggot
Why did you reply to my post twice acting like they were different posts
It sucks there's people not willing to spend money and think they deserve everything for free.
>le replying to everyone
That's bad, but i mean people that mispell zsnes as znes.
I seem quite a few ones of those around here.
Yeah, I use my pc to emulate PS1 games, even tho my PS1 still works
You actually unironically believe this?
Fucking damn.
Yeah its not like theres anything else a computer can be used for, do you think people buy PCs just to do one thing only?
Also Im pretty sure the benefit of higher fps, resolution and modding far outweight the benefit of not having to spend money on a good computer.
Its not "Replying to everyone" Its referencing everyone's posts directly to the butthurt user who can't even read. Evidently neither can you.
It's great though, been stealing from corporations since the 90's
>no arguments
Only if I like said game a lot. Around less than 20, since the number of games I bought then later emulated is higher.
There's some games I have physically, but don't have a working console/handheld to run them on, like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon or Megaman Battle Network. I just like them a lot and put them on my shelf.
More importantly, there are patches for the censoring.
>"it's not replying to everyone"
>includes my post in which I literally just called you a faggot
Yeah you are you literal retard. Get help
No shit it's not an argument, I'm asking why you pretended my post was two different posts
It is quite bad due being made on the "let's run the popular games" approach.
You are so are so mad my dude lmao calm down
Arguments against what? An autistic fuck who's literally just responding to everyone who support Yuzu? What's YOUR argument?
i bought mgs 2 and 3 discs to emulate them and i can't run them because my cpu is too bad
>have you ever bought a game you emulated
>yes, in fact i only emulate games ive bought
>some irrelevant tangent about how it's piracy
you're dumb
My philosophy is simple: If its a game I like, I buy it, But I only keep it if it has replayability for me, as I tend to always revisit games. Good games with great design? Games thast have themes I like? I'
ll go out of my way to attain physical copies of these.
Rare games with a $1000 price tag? Meme games and shortlived indies? Misprints, and label colors? I do not give 2 fucks unless the game is actually fun.
I will however gladly emulate anything and everything first to see if its something enjoyable to me. And if I end up liking it? I find a copy and buy it. Case in point, doing this with DQIV-VI right now on amazon because I loved 4 so much.
What is the practical difference between pirating a game and buying a used copy?
good christ
i like how the one game it runs perfectly is a multiplat game
You're welcome
Based, glad you're enjoying the game.
I didn't know Odyssey was multi-platform, what consoles is it on besides Switch?
>i7 7700k
>gtx 1080
>16gb ram
>solid state hard drive
>shader packs and all the shit from wtfever pastebin
>runs worse than on the switch
hurrrp herp herp durr
>PC: 600$
>Switch: 300$
>PC to tell other people how proud you are that you bought a switch: 600$
You sure showed him user!
>Implying you're worth my argument
Lmao. I only ever watch these threads from on high while you guys make asses of yourselves. Right now that other user put forth more effort into the discussion, that's all I'm saying. You can't refute him so you attack him. Embarrassing.
obvious samefag
What is that disgusting shader you're using.
You can outpreform the switch on a 2500k though.
Why would you want to play games on any of those shitty consoles anyway?
>"B-But...You didn't have one to begin w-"
>*proceeds to respond to everyone in the thread*
okay my dude
Prove it
I have a Switch. BotW is unplayable for me on it. Probably never would have even bothered playing it at all if it weren't for CEMU.
so you admit it that you're samefagging?
I just wish it will be able to handle online multiplayer, but it's never going to happen.
II like how two or three people are now pretending to be me to further fan the flames for their own amusement. lol get a life.
>replying to myself within a minute
holy fuck do you not get human interaction lmao imagine being invested in Yea Forums arguments
about piracy
of electronic toys
The one that makes you mad that cemu is better than your switch
A majority of things the average person use a PC for these days does not need a build that could handle Cemu and whatnot.
The average person also doesn't care about pushing a game beyond it's normal specs, nor modding.
Who the fuck cares about this toddler garbage. I wish they would progress with RCPS3 faster because that shit still runs lile garbage
>I'm going to conveniently forget cemu exists
And the fact that the switch already has an emulator that's made this much progress is hilarious.
Seek help dude. Yes, by playing I mean buying.
Why do you want gyro anyway? I bought a Switch Pro controller to try it with CEMU and ended up going back to the Xbone it was so annoying.
says the person arguing on Yea Forums, lmao
This is honestly the fastest progress I've ever seen for an emulator of a current gen system.
Where the fuck are you from bro
>yuzu still can't run games that use the consoles 32-bit mode
i'll wait
>people are making a conspiracy against me on an anonymous image board
Holy shit man, you really need to get some help
Whether emulation exists or not, I still like my Switch. People anticipated it being emulated easily anyway, as it literally uses a Tegra X1.
I mean, the only games I emulate are arcade titles and shit from the SNES era so
If I'm arguing, what's my stance? All you could feasibly say is that we're arguing about whether or not an argument is taking place, in which you'd be right, but in the process detach yourself from the intricacies of discussion. Therefore, though you're right, I win by default. You should have never replied to me, brainlet.
The PS4 emulation won't take much as well.
Thanks to the consoles just using regular shaders, you can skip the emulation of the GPU entirely, as you can just capture the shaders and recompile em for your GPU instead.
maybe but since I already own the game I don't really care
user I literally have every single platform BOTW is playable on and have beaten it in CEMU. See
>merely pretending
kill yourself
>insanely expensive computers
I built my rig 5 yrs ago for $500 and all i had to do to get 45+ FPS in CEMU was overclock my cpu to around 4.5Ghz
now crisanto can play mario
Looks nice.
But is the glider broken? The clip cuts off right after pulling it out, but it doesn't seem to stop Link's downward momentum and there's no horizontal action happening. Could just be the camera movement though.
You wanna know why? Because the switch is a downclocked NVIDIA shield, hardware that has been around for years. Consoles are getting simpler and simpler.
I haven't tried emulation. What's a fun game to emulate?
Sorry, meant to reply to some other post and accidentally quoted you, too late to fix it now, I don't feel like arguing with an anonymous person.
>A majority of things the average person use a PC for these days does not need a build that could handle Cemu and whatnot.
Too bad for them.
>The average person also doesn't care about pushing a game beyond it's normal specs, nor modding.
This is a legit problem, people wil low expectations are the ones bogging down the games from ever going forward and the industry is perfectly fine with selling outdated hardware to retards who have no frame of reference.
what a loser
Stick aiming is good for making large, sweeping motions to get your crosshairs in the right area, but it sucks trying to make minute adjustments with them. Gyro is way better at small, precise movements, but it's a pain to make big swinging arcs to aim at anything that's not already near the reticle. Combing the two is damn near perfect, it's honestly the next best thing to mouse aiming and it made BotW feel so fluid even without any aim assist.
When do you think exclusivity will die?
NOTHING can beat portability, I finished BotW on PC, WiiU and Switch.
PC looked great with the texture filtering upped to the max, but aside from that I prefer being able to take the game with me anywhere.
It's just cut out.
>that framerate
Never, people dont give a single fuck about anything besides the convinience and shiny new graphics.
They dont mind buying more than one DRM box to play all the games they want.
well, whoppity-doo!
im sure a lot of people own the respective systems AND the games and still recognize how superior emulation can be.
if you have nothing else to do besides acting like you have some higher moral ground which clearly you dont have, then i suggest you to PISS OFF!
>i7 7480k
Literally not even a real cpu.
>I bought Skyward sword. does not mean user does not pirate everything else.
I pirate for convenience.
Don't like DRM?
Torrent and try as a demo, don't like it? Delete.
I torrented RE2 because of the demo, not because it was a fun demo, but because I had 3 minutes of gameplay and 27 minutes of shit crashing the fuck all over.
A big FUCK YOU as I hit download torrent.
The average person is happy enough with a chromebook acessing their instagram account and facebook
>wanting to play s*ywitch games
4790k is what I meant
>pc too weak to run cemu
>new switch so it can't be homebrew'd
>have to play the game with that shitty ass filter and can't see colors
>enough hard drive space for 3 games
Why would you ever have more than one game installed. Hell, why would you ever play modern games.
>his drive bays face the motherboard
Buy a better case next time user.
Cemu is not fully emulatable.
Try playing anything more obscure and it will shit itself on you, just like saturn and PS2 emulators do.
If you try to play FFXII or Nights, you will run em pretty much perfectly.
>BotW rendered in 4k downsampled to 1080p at 60fps using my DS3 that I find more comfortable to use
Emulation is a blessing
It was the cheapest I could get but I think it looks nice. Build quality isn't bad either.
>disc drive
Honestly, it doesn't look too bad; toolless design on the 5.25 is nice. Hope it didn't give you any cuts user.
I got lucky and got a Fractal R5 for free.
>He actually bothered to get a disc drive
>he doesn't like being able to burn games to discs
>burn games to discs
What is this 2003?
tell me the fucking purpose pleb.
having a drive in your main pc is retarded. i have one in my storage server pc but thats it.
hell i cant even think of console piracy as the reason anymore as pretty much all the old systems have ways to run over the network like my ps2
Not to devalue your acheivement, but thats some poopy ass framerate considering how the switch is worse hardware
>op literally just says hes thankful for emulation
>thousands of nintendo retards spam the thread with console war bullshit
yeah fuck you all
I use it to play burn games for all my old consoles and PCs. Despite pirating almost everything I love collecting old vidya.
Yes it is, now get back into your daddies testicles.
>thread about emulator progress
Every time.
Because I have tons of old video game consoles that exclusively use optical media you fucking retard.
welcome to nu-Yea Forums
pirating on systems that old instead of emulating
FUCK ME you've lost the plot
>he doesn't burn pirated games for his dreamcast/xbox/ps2
get fucked
>What's in your closet, user?
>a whole ton of comfy
Yup, all the time.
100%'d Kirby Robobot 3 days before it released in Japan, then bought it when it released here.
Did the same for BoxBox Boy, Radiant Historia, Devil Survivor, etc.
>reee you should use the computer like i do otherwise you're dumb!
I emulated the jap version of Pokemon Ruby and then bought the game when it released in the US
Usually I emulate games I bought because I lost them or can't play them anymore.
flashcarts/hacking > emulation(especially for handhelds)
However, for old boomers systems like the snes and shit. Emulation the better choice since you'll need to buy an upscaler or mod your console for it too look good on your HDTV, or get a CRT TV.
>PCSX2 is good.
It's garbage.
Because there are no developers. Remember how long Vita hacking scene was stagnating because they couldn't figure out how to hack consoles past update 3.60? It took one competent dev to actually look at it and immediately find a way to hack it.
I hate how these threads have turned into dishonest console war circlejerking, it's impossible to tell if these games are actually running or these are extremely cherrypicked and sped up.
I'll just be patient and wait for more potent CFW for Switch, my backlog still has hundreds of games in it.
Old video game consoles often times do not emulate well and are riddled with input lag. Also they look fucking amazing on my PVMs.
Yeah I guess it is pretty nice, the rest of the closet is mostly computer stuff, miscellaneous AV equipment, cable/controller storage, and a whole, WHOLE lotta legos I don't have the heart to trash.
it's been a year and a month. the fact any game boots is a huge achievement.
Nobody cares if you can play every game on your uppity PC with crappy third party controllers, when I can sit on my couch and play them the way they were intended. With a cold glass and a good CRT on the actual hardware, with real controllers.
But you wouldn't know about that. .
Unless emulation can give a 100% replication of the experience you get from playing it on real hardware without any bugs or hiccups, I just think emulation is a waste of time. I don't like half assed experiences, 100% or riot.
I personally think emulation should be the thing you use as soon shit start to be scalped, specially when it's massive stuff like nintendo games "with fame".
Fuck paying 300+ dollars for an earthbound cartridge (or 1000+ if you want it in the box).
You might need new glasses user
I actually would though. Pic is extremely outdated but whatever
Anything under PS1 gives you the exact console experience you would have if you used an digital RGB output/Audio.
So in many cases is just a question of connecting your computer to a CRT television with some special shenigans to make the videocard output 240p instead of 480i.
>Fuck paying $300 for an earthbound cartridge
user, repros exist for $20, Brand new cleaned cartridge with game pre-loaded onto it for $25, vs Shitty old dusty USED 20 y/o cartridge for $300
>John DiMaggio autograph
Get a good computer if you want good performance or emulate the ps1.
Indeed, also does flash cards.
But there are still some cases where you have to say fuck scalpers, like old japanese computers like the X68000, PC88/98, fm towns etc..
But MSX is interestingly not this case exactly, because while the computer itself is a bit scalped up, it is compatible with 360/720KB regular MS-DOS disks, that you can easily produce with ducttape on the right hole.
Anyone have a good mod list for BotW?
>Sonic 3 on 3 tvs
made me chuckle/10
looks and runs like shit. idk why you would bother to wait 3 years for this to become playable in any state when you can just play it on the switch easily
It's not garbage, you are just retarded. Sorry about that.
>emulating anything past 32-bit era
Lol you really think anyone doing this shit for free is going to make it up to snuff?
It honestly baffles me to this day that anyone who would proclaim to enjoy video games, would not spend a measley $500 to own a PS4 and Switch nowadays. Even if you own a PC you KNOW you're going to be locked out of things due to exclusivity? Why limit yourself? Have all 3 systems to be safe, And if you don't like what comes out? Just sell em back. Someone else will buy it from you.
Have console wars completely fried your brain?
>image must always be relevant
You say this while your brain is the one that's fried.
all the time
if i like it, i buy it (except for ultra-expensive retro games)
good creators deserve to be paid
do the same with movies, if i like what i see then i buy the blu-ray
>Even if you own a PC you KNOW you're going to be locked out of things due to exclusivity? Why limit yourself?
It's only a handful of games, and they'll be emulatable eventually, and at a higher resolution.
>actually unironically defending PCSX2
Oh, didn't know that devs post there, good to see.
>and they'll be emulatable eventually, and at a higher resolution.
Yes, in about two years time. YOu're limiting yourself to relevant games at the time to wait for an unfinished project, thats still chugging along, when you COULD have been playing them when the game was relevant and well talked about.
This right here is why PC fags are so jaded. you miss out on the social aspect of gaming. Whjen a good game comes out its the hot topic on everyones minds, and when all the conversation and content for it gets created. You wait two years to go "HAHA WE HAVE YOUR GAME NOW" people wont care, because they've already moved on, and you'll have missed out because you're two years late to the party. .
why would u play this without joycons
Only twice
chrono trigger
>Yes, in about two years time.
Gotta big enough backlog.
>YOu're limiting yourself to relevant games at the time to wait for an unfinished project, thats still chugging along, when you COULD have been playing them when the game was relevant and well talked about.
>This right here is why PC fags are so jaded. you miss out on the social aspect of gaming. Whjen a good game comes out its the hot topic on everyones minds, and when all the conversation and content for it gets created.
Yeah I don't give a fuck.
I mean, a vive is essentially joy cons
That is your very valid opinion. Your reason for feeling that way is extremely reasonable, but you clearly value different things from the people who prefer playing it on Cemu so arguing about which one is better is pointless.
They are literally both good.
pretty much this. notice how nintendo is the only company shutting down rom sites.
Because the game is far better without them? Speaking as someone who loves ARMS.
The levels of irony everyone thinks each other is on isn't staggering.
I can't fathom being so poor as to have to settle with such a pathetic gameplay experience. The underclass truly live harsh and terrible lives. I thank myself that I'm able to afford actual video games and hardware.
Oh hey this one doesn't look like stop motion animation
Where's a good place to check out for Nintendo roms?
>consolefag attacking emulation
The salt rises.
relax user
... Is that the vrrr image? Because I have a PS4 as well.
That looks soulless as fuck
But then again, that's emulation for you
>Haha Nintendo sucks!
Maybe you confused PCfags with sonytards? Whenever PC is brought to the table, one of the most common arguments they use is the fact that they can play video games from almost every console available.
>Searching for posts that contain ‘v is one person’. Returning only first 6000 of 13359 results found.
I knew it....
Nintendo does suck though, barely any good games. When it comes to their consoles they're easily emulated too.
Why would you support them? Makes no sense.
>no one buys games
>game industry goes to shit anyways
Why should I go the extra mile to act like a nigger and steal all my games and try to get them to run on my computer when I'm not a poor thirdworlder or neckbeard and actually have a job and can just buy the actual console?
Why is it that emulation of current gen consoles has been making so much headway? Why wasn't this a thing for PS2 or N64? Is the architecture just well known because the proprietary hardware is well mapped out?
good goyim
Becuase every relevant N64 and PS2 game emulates perfectly essentially?
What Switch games are even worth playing?
Jailbreaking a switch is far easier and cheaper than building a PC, learning how to use an emulator and pirate shit.
But nice try moralfagging in Yea Forums.
No it isn't.
Wow, you can run a game that everyone else played a year and a half ago at a poor framerate on pc.
Does it really pain you turbo autists so much to just get a switch if you really want to play these games?
Why is PCSX2 bad? I've never used it but I'm planning to eventually play god hand and the ratchet and clank games on it.
The few things i played on it seemed fine to me.
You know what I mean. N64 emulation being good hasn't been a thing until a couple years ago. Yet Switch emulation is making amazing headway.
its taking a long time to work out the kinks, and it can often be a game-by-game basis on whether or not something works. Like Ace combat 04 has never really worked right. Its certainly not like the N64 emulators where they had both a good UI and handled your roms well without eating processing power
*blocks your path*
We've done, we've FUCKING done it, against all odds, against all doubters, against all corporate fatcat meddling. Yuzu threads are a cheap, clean, renewable source of unlimited Nincel cope. Call the EPA, and suicide prevention for ExxonMobil executives.
Fuck you for reminding me ;_;
post more clown mom honk honk
Yes. Most of the times the games I emulate are games I've already played though. Replaying old shit in glorious 60+FPS and 4K is one hell of a drug.
How does one cope if he owns the console which anal vores
>you have to unironically emulate a mobile device running Drastic to get DS emulation on PC worth a shit because No$ is still fucking garbage and Desmume's creator is still eternally butthurt at people who only use the emulator for Pokemon
but what about those very limited and specific times when i get to play a downgraded version of the game, WHEREVER I WANT :)
>buys a switch because of Zelda botw
>plays game at 30fps and crappy frametime
>emulation is already at 60+fps at 4k
delusion mate.
didnt you know user? switch is good because of the portability,i can play my switch for 30min when i go to work,and in the lunchtime i isolate myself from the social life to play it
The Playstation 2 is a fucking weird system, to start. PCSX2 also started, essentially, as a Final Fantasy X emulator, not a PS2 system-wide emulator. That means that, from its base, devs focus more on ways to get games to work rather than trying to mimic how the system actually operates, leading to weird inconsistencies and emulation oddities across a several-thousand title-large library. Combine this with the fact that PCSX2 is plugin based and you have a nightmare to work with.
Dev versions of PCSX2 work excellently for a grand majority of titles, but can still require tweaking on a per-game basis. Thankfully, there are other people that probably want to play the same game you do and have already figured out what settings to fuck with to make things work correctly.
Another thing to keep in mind is that a lot of things that make PCSX2 "bad" come from trying to run games at higher resolutions, in widescreen, etc. Every single time I see an user ask about a specific title, the response is usually "run it in software mode" - 640x480 with absolutely zero enhancements. In a 1080p+ world, this seems unacceptable, but the reality is that the emulation is usually near perfect if you can stomach a tiny window or stretching that image to fullscreen.
Also, look out for Play! - you might get a good PS2 emulator by 2025 to finally replace PCSX2.
>Fighting game at half speed
>Fully playable
Hahaha no
Yeah. I got a copy of SF2 for the SNES which I exclusively emulated for a good 6 years beforehand.
Pretty sure you can connect joycons to the pc.
Dolphin is the peak of emulation
60fps is actually double speed
>be Nintendo
>makes shitty hardware for a living
>games end up being emulated in less than two years of the console commercial life
Yeah, I bought both F-Zero GX and Timesplitters: Future Perfect since I could not emulate them at 100% speed in Dolphin back in the day. Otherwise it is usually the other way around for me. I mostly use Emulators for Net-Play and to play games that I already own at higher resolutions.
>at half speed of the frame rate unless you are part of the 1%
Very convincing
Call me when it doesn't give me eye cancer
>be you
>be obsessed with Nintendo
>He doesn't remember people emulating Skyward Sword on release day
Damn the N64 must have used some quantum computer level hardware for being released in 1996 and it still can’t be emulated properly.
>Learning how to use an emulator is somehow complicated
ya can't take your BEEFY rig with ya, simp
Apparently for Yea Forums it is. Also using it is one thing, optimizing it for your hardware is another.
Well, it is if you have to change setting for every game and do some experiments. You know, like PCSX2
when an i3 and a 1050ti runs Zelda botw at 1080p better than the shitty Nintendo hardwares
>muh bloodborne
fuck off nigger
>have to change setting for every game and do some experiments. You know, like PCSX2
>He uses the stable release from 2016
look at this dood
>have to mod the WiiU
That's the main reason why I play on PC. I'm free to backup my saves however the fuck I want to, and don't have to mod the goddamn system to do so.
Just one question for you, user: do you play those games on your emulators, from beginning to end, or do you (like 95% of community) just start the game, pass the intro and then turn off and never play it again?
Alright the one thing that always confounds me about PC vs console threads is WHO the FUCK doesn’t own a PC? Like who is even being argued against?
I knew you were a poor, low-class nigger, thanks for proving my point.
laugh at people who bought a switch
Seethe more shill
>"you are a poor low class nigger"
>plays botw with crappy frametime and resolution
>He only uses his PC for ONE thing
Look at this retard and laugh.
Seriously though, you could build a decent Emulation/Low-end rig for around 200$-400$ if you buy used or just the bare minnimum for the PC to boot. I bought my sister a fucking all-in-one intel box for 249$ with an i3 in it and it runs everything up to 3DS emulation like a dream. She mostly uses it for emulating my old GC collection, School work and to play some old MMOs on private servers with the odd indie title thown on it every now and then.
>be a nigger
>literally pays 60$ to watch some shit tier interactive movie on his dead on arrival console
it is only a matter of time to get it to run at 60fps
Probably phone posters mostly and those that own a pc but for whom plugging in a gpu is viewed like replacing an alternator in their car or something.
Looks pretty good. I'm glad my PCbros can enjoy some fun switch games
Probably in 2023.
It's like 15 bucks max and it's handy for the odd occasion you have to rip a disk to an HDD or burn something. I use it all the time when I'm fixing other computers because fuck getting USB to work on some shitheaps.
>Yuzu is about 13 months old and it did absolutely nothing at the start
>user thinks it will take 4 more years to get things running well
so I'm looking for a good single player game while I get a new cpu since my old one is dead... is botw good? i've only held back because it's still expensive as fuck but it doesn't look like the price is gonna go down
This might be a silly question, but have they perfected joycon support? What about HD Rumble?
"probably in 2023" how If in less than two years it is already running the game at 30fps?
I guess we'll see.
In 2023.
Can't wait for Yuzu to blow CEMU the fuck out.
>bet you fatso giggle like a girl when you get MUH EXCLUSIVES in your shitbox
But nobody did this. Enjoy your inferior port I guess
God damn son, you should be in the olympics with mental gymnastics like that.
gaming laptop
Nice. Enjoy those amazing Nintendo games
This is great if you enjoy playing video games in slowmotion.
in 2023 they will be already emulating the new Nintendo console
>that framerate
Pc Masterace amirite?
Nice. Even more people can experience amazing 97s
nintentard lost again
>intended hardware
Imagine being this much of a corporate drone
The RaC games are extremely mixed the last time I tired to run them, they will either run like shit or be filled with bugs. God Hand is 100% playable at full-speed with some minor graphical bugs (Blur/Bloom ghosting, Ui not scaling, Shader mismatches, etc) when you are trying to run it at anything above 720p
>And the fact that the switch already has an emulator that's made this much progress is hilarious.
Actually, they made the switch so it would be easier for developers to make game. One of the reasons why Wii U had so few games was because of how convoluted it was to code for that CPU etc.
The switch on the other hand makes it easy for people to develop new games and port without much hassle.
What I'm saying, making an emulation of a switch should be easier compared to the Wii U or other consoles.
>hates Nintendo and its fans
>wants to play games made by Nintendo
But why, user?
I don't want to play it, I just want to have the ability to play it, to shit on you of course
But user, I have PC, too. You are not spec---OK, maybe you are.
I've been building my on PCs for a little over 20 years. Overclocked a lot of them. Enjoyed some emulation. At this point however, I'm kinda tired of large machines with hot components that i have to cool. I'll become interested in emulating the switch, when the software can run on a nice quiet fanless nuc system. Dolphin and smaller will run on one, so it's my current cut-off point.
I pirated La-Mulana. The later bought the game when I had the cash.
Same with Psychonauts.
Plus various wii virtual console titles.
Owning a PC, and owning a gaming PC, are two different things.
With my entry level parts, I can play most games no problem. Given some of the better looking games need to be severely reduced in graphical quality. But there's no fucking way I can emulate Cemu. Trust me, I've tried. BotW runs at a snail's pace.
Point being. If you can't technically play the games, then you're not really a PC player.
I emulated harvest moon 64 out of bordom thinking it would be just kinda decent, fell in love with the genre, and bought hm64, back to nature, a wonderful life, and stardew valley
Got a r5 1600
Assuming I'm fucked since this seems like a single core performance type of deal right?
Play Rune Factory Frontier now that you are big boy
sure, but.
just play hat in time. its better
I buy the game, dump the rom and sell it back
I will eventually, but all the rune factory games tend to be still close to full price. I miss when old, relatively obscure games were dirt cheap.
Emulation for me after n64 just feels wrong, a lot like buying a game digitally.
It never feels like you own it but instead borrowed your friends copy, you know what i mean? It doesnt feel comfy.
I only emulate old games that you can't actually buy from the publisher anymore. So there's no point.
Just download it bro. Make up for by buying the remake of RF4 or RF5 when it comes out.
CEMU is black magic though. Almost every worthwhile game on the system runs very well on even modest PCs.
>All the BOTW screenshots with the fem mod.
It's really well done.
I have a last gen AMD processor and a 1050 in my PC and I can run BotW with only the occasional slowdown, no worse than the actual console. CEMU is just that good.
I'm unironically going to buy a copy of SMO once Yuzu runs it decently. Won't own an actual Switch to dump the encryption keys/game with though, I'm not that much of a moralfag.
>want to emulate Xenoblade Chronicles X because the Wii U was a garbage console and mine broke.
>CemU is just BotW software and X runs like dogshit on it, not counting all the crashes
>It's the only fucking Wii U game to not be ported to Switch
>It's the only fucking WIi U game I want
>If it does get ported it will have all the fucktarded censorship
I truly feel nothing but rage and contempt for every party involved, including myself for having that shit system to begin with.
Be realistic.
My WiiU never had a slowdown. I don't know what slowdowns you are commenting about.
>emulating anything past the 16bit era
Why bother? Games went to shit starting in the mid-90s.
Saturn emulation still has lots of issues to this day
Enjoy your choppy slowed down game I guess
CEMU had a lot longer to perfect it. Yuzu is a relatively new emulation program with higher priorities. Botw was the #1 priority to get perfect on CEMU and it achieved that 3 months ago after 2 years of deving time.
Earthbound and Super Metroid on Wii U VC
Super Mario Bros 1 and 3 if you count getting the switch online thing as buying them
The game is 60fps on Switch and seems slower in the webm
>tfw AMD GPU on winblows so BOTW still runs like dogshit and will continue to until vulkan support is added
STILL? I put down botw with cemu a while back, still haven't gone back to finish the last guardian or too, but I was having fun hunting gold lionels and upgrading all my gear till I burned out and lost interest in the main story, honestly one of the things bugging me was the performance drop in every populated area (I know it happens on native hardware too) so I was hoping there might have been some more adoption
here's hoping yuzu and cemu get on the vulkan train soon
>merely pretending
i just set up cemu a few days ago to try out BOTW, had played and beaten it on switch around launch but sold it
it's usually okay at 30FPS but around kakariko the game can drop all the way to 20FPS and stay there
i have an i7 7700 so i sincerely doubt it's a CPU bottleneck
Majestic 12.
Man I want to play some saturn games.
Wish we had a competent developer for the emulator.
repent zoomer
Did you install cemuhook and enable the triple core recompiler?
I have a 9900k but your single core performance shouldn't be too different compared to mine and I can do 1080p 60fps with not an issue, however 4k kicks my ass because I have a gtx 1070
>PCSX2 is good.
i bought a real ps2 because of this piece of shit
>soitendo games
Laptop. I can take my laptop anywhere and have 1080fps 60fps lock BotW AYWHERE thanks to Cemu. And I shit you not, it flies in 90-100fps and is the most pleasent experience.
Not him, but you are actually a retard.
No one has problem with emulation
Let him be. He's a stupid cunt but let him have his fun. It's not like he'll need money for anything else.
To make a mix tape. To make her a mix tape. You were thinking of her, which shows you care. Cause if someone has a crush on you. They make you a mix tape, to give you a clue.
>Also, look out for Play!
>last update 2 years ago
damn, I'm on an RX 580 and that sounds about like what I experienced, though I figure my old FX-8350 isn't helping matters and when I clocked it up a little I definitely saw some mild improvements (limited)
>gtx 1070
there you go, it has a lot to do with nvidia vs amd graphics backend performance once you get past certain limitations on single-thread CPU performance - I had similarly meh performance across the board and especially in kakariko even with cemuhook, triple core, lzxw workaround toggled on/off, and messing with fast depth calculate or whatever that one other performance option was
Will my 1050ti emulate switch? I doubt it but curious
You went full retard.
Get the graphic packs and lower some more options like shadow resolution or the resolution of the game.
imagine being this mad
That's like saying only 5 game's run on the emu
>tenchu runs half the speed
>shinobido has a full 1 second of input lag
>godhand has micro stutter
try software mod xDDD
I will when I give it a try again, though I was already using some AMD shadow fix and 720p scaled packs (bumping up the res past 1080 didn't actually hurt my performance much at all outside of the occasional downward spike), it was still playable just a little annoying but it must have been damn near a year now so I figure it'll be at least a little better
Make sure you get the latest version then, don't lose hope.
If they let me, I would do that for PC but I can't so I won't bother buying a game for a console I don't own.
Most of the games I emulate I've bought before.
Wait wait wait wait wait, when did a 360 emulator start working, I thought the only one was completely nonfunctional except for like 3 games?
Xenia is pretty fucking good but still needs work.
we already played this in buttery smooth stable 30 instead of choppy attempt at 60 with god knows what other issues. it also looks really soulless not being on a nintendo console
Based boomer
>these days Nintendo consoles are by far the systems that benefit the most from being emulated
>it also happens their systems are usually the easiest to make an emulator for and progress are usually made really fast
I will never understand people's aversion to emulators, at least modern ones. A well emulated game improves the experience so much it's not even funny.
Even more sad is that the same people will rush out to by the next gen port of the game and love it to death despite it often even being straight up worse than the emulated version.
>runs even worse than it does on the switch
dabbing on you right now because castlevania symphony of the night is fire
>can't even read the FPS counter clearly at the bottom
How do you guys dress yourselves?
>a new emulator in progress doesn't have exact 1:1 performance with the console its emulating
Holy shit who would have thought
It's often more about the quality of the code than it is the quality of the hardware.
he needs to activate precompiled shaders so it loads before you play instead of during
How's Octopath on Yuzu?
>Astral Chain will probably be completely emulatable by the time it comes out
Oh definitely, considering how it runs on the Switch currently from what we've seen there won't be too much work to do.
That and shitty "graphics focus" can often hide really impressive graphics behind a terrible resolution.
I don't get why so many devs do it, rather than have a game in 1080p where you can actually see the graphics, they instead decide to spend 3 years making super high quality assets, then they make sure nobody can actually see how nice they look because the resolution is so tiny and the motion blur is cranked up to 11. What the fuck is the point of it all? It's like painting the Mona Lisa and then only showing it off as bad quality copy on a postage stamp while the actual original painting sits in some dusty attic.
>No games clogging up my house that die of diskrot
>No consoles clogging up my house that will have to be replaced full-price when it hits half-life
>No 60-80 pricetag but everything on massive sales on an incredibly competitive market driving prices down
>Cheaper because digital-only
>Can emulate anything, even 3DS, for nothing
>More money left to buy games coming out on PC in better quality and often retouched and thus better
>No expensive online play
>Can write entire biopics to my friends while consolefags need 10 minutes to say hi
>Extensive modding community fixing crap ports or shitty games with extreme dedication
>All my games look better instead of the shitty outdated hardware consolefags deal with
>Muh portability argument is destroyed when you mention streaming games from PC to a chink handheld that can also play muh handheld exclusives for free
Consolefags and handheldingfags completely and eternally BTFO'd
I've played in almost all Nintendo exclusives i was ever interested in despite not owning a single console
God bless emulation
>tfw thinking of playing through the Zelda series despite the fact that the only Nintendo console I own is an NES
Modern life might be pure fucking hell, but there are times when you are forced to take a breather and appreciate the sweet smelling fruits of it's labor.
>soon I'll be playing the magnum opus of the Switch on my pc
>don't have to pay hundreds of dollars for extremely outdated hardware
>don't have to deal with jewery like overpriced controllers and paid online service
>don't have to pay a single dime for the game
Feels good.
Do you really hate the Switch but still want to play the games?