Who did it worse? Artifact or LawBreakers?

Who did it worse? Artifact or LawBreakers?

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Valve didn't marketed Artifact as "the Dark Souls of card games".

>This was supposed to killed hearsthone

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I'd say they're equal. Valve did fuck up big time though. Twice even with the csgo br.

Valve can at least save themselves if they pivot to autochess.

I don't even remember Law Breakers or Radical Heights

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Legitimately this.

A ton of HS streamers are actually just doing autochess content now.


I don't think anyone actually expected Lawbreakers to do well.

I think everyone, including the people who hated the idea of Artifact, expected it to do at least moderately okay. We all anticipated seeing ad banners on Steam for it for years to come, whether we wanted to or not.

Lawbreakers is like, who gives a shit.

Artifact is doing so poorly, I think everyone is legitimately shocked and surprised. I know I am

Artifact flopped because people are expecting half life 3 from gabe not some dumbass card game
valve shouldve put the dev of artifac to an another game dev, they're too glued on to half life.

Well they released a card game when market was already oversaturated and pretty much dead. Also the fact that they made it terribly p2w/p is retarded

Artifact was just a cheap to make card game that Valve thought they could scam their customers with.

Oh sure! It's obvious WHY it failed
But before it came out, everyone was using those points as reasons why it SHOULD fail
But it won't, because it's Valve, and they can pump millions of dollars into it, and a lot of Hearthstone streamers are going to migrate to it and it's going to suck and we're going to have to put up with this bullshit for the next ten years.

But then we didn't! Turned out that reasons for failure are, in fact, actual reasons for failure, and there is a god, and millions of dollars in budget and tournament prize money don't matter if the game sucks, and it all went better than expected.

I dont want to see another dota 2 or card game from valve from now on their fan base deserves a real tried and true fresh fps experience idk what's wrong with these crack heads.

Bruh the game was doing poorly since day 1. They tried to spark interest by making a tournament but nobody cared because the game was p2w trash. Also nobody could understand what was going on and it was straight out boring to watch for people. So after seeing how poorly Artefact was received valve pretty much abandoned it

As bad as Artifact might have been, it didn't equal Daikatana in terms of hammering a massive ego back down to Earth. It also wasn't the cause of the death of an entire studio.

>lawbreakers caused an entire studio to close
>artifact card game easy to developed im willing to beat budget was 2 pennies , valve lost his ego of franchise maker with every game they touch but in reality lawbreakers lost way more stdio closed and brezinsky abandoned his career so easy answer

>Tfw even the shartifact general on /vg/ is dead

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What do you expect?
Even as somebody who likes Dota, I can tell you a good 90% of the playerbase for the game doesn't give two flying shits about the lore, much less on a card game based around it.
The only differently able people who ever gave it an iota of attention were DotaCinema and Purge.

but shartifact is general that only specify at shit on artichoke

i thought the game was pretty decent. but i am in the minority and no matter what reason i give, the hard data is in and people in general just did not find it fun.

>b-but muh loregasm

a single retard convinced them there was interest for the "story"

>take all planned funding for Artifact
>put it into Dota Auto Chess 2
>can carry over your Dota skins to that and use them on your units
>create more events based around that shit
>make millions

Valve quit being retarded please. Just dump Artifact

Artifact would have succeeded if they released it like two years ago. I have no idea what the fuck valve was expecting releasing a game in this genre with this kind of payment structure in 20fucking19

>8 Viewers
>Less than 500 players rn.
Can this shit get any worse?

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>Gaben hires KMR as a consultant to help fix Artifact
>based KMR tells him all cards need to be cute waifus/husbandos and also purchasing Artifact will award you a gold brick in Grub
>KMR saves Artifact the absolute madman

Can you imagine being the guy that writes lore for Dota 2, then Artifact comes out as living proof that literally nobody gives two shits about your job.

>All those faggots being smug because they bought lots of cards and planned to resell them once the game got popular
Feels good

That's because valve can afford to release such flops without being worried about their future

the lore was kinda cool honestly. but i think it's a miniscule part of why the game succeeded or failed so why bother talking about it in earnest.

dota 1 lore was much better than dota 2 lore imo

literally nobody asked for this game

>valve became clueless trend chasing retards
Remember when they used to set trends instead of chasing them?

what WAS Half-Life2 to single-player action games?

>Can you imagine being the guy that writes lore for Dota 2
Marc Laidlaw was dota2's lead writer for 4 years, such a waste of talent

nobody asked for Auto CHess either and its a ridiculously big success. Its got even less gameplay than Artifact too, its literally a phone game put into a dota custom game with autobattle and gacha rates and everything

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what does that even mean. if you were a focus group would you say that card games are an unprofitable in the years after the hearthstone blockbuster. its fine if you shit talk things but dumb comments like this are just irrititating.


Nobody wanted another tcg, much less a paid one. I think it wouldve done much better if it were f2p.

a tech demo with good level design and shit everything else

valve should have just made "steam card all-stars" or some shit, just made some sort of low-budget card game that uses the steam trading cards in some way.

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how the fuck is there only 300 people playing a Valve game? you think with all the fanboyism they'd at least be 4 digits. FFS 300 players for a online competitive game? what kind of playerbase is that even

well, technically speaking, only half life and ricochet were 100% created by valve, everything else were either mods or indie games

a youtuber like leafyishere said this so Yea Forums has to regurgitate this like a hive mind. i don't know who started this tech demo meme, but nobody was saying this when it launched and the zoomers who post here now aren't exactly ace game designers or critics.

>there's a 4th fat guy taking the picture

Dota is f2p.
99% Dota players don't care about lore.
Card art is bland also explain nothing about lore at all.

>literally a masterpiece of game design, character design, art direction and longevity
>valve doesn't give a shit about it
Half-life is great and all, but I honestly think that TF2 is valve's one greatest masterpiece.

Yeah, but at least they knew who to hire.
These days, they hire economists and market analysts to tell them how to best sell pixels on the internet. Artifact was supposed to be their masterstroke of lootbox monetization, and it backfired.

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meanwhile on launch stinkers like republic commando and halo odst are lauded as these unappreciated classics. it's hilarious to me.

People wanted Valve to make another shooter for fucks sake, stop being a pedantic retard

you really have a bone to pick with this lore writer, don't you. do you know him personally or what. people play that weeb phone card game and it has no lore so what's your point? want us to raid his twitter or something?

Valve's name really doesnt mean much these days. They dont communicate that openly, they havent put out anything for more than 5 years, and they lost more goodwill than they gained with a pointless shift to hardware and more attempts to monetize steam. The industry changed quite a bit and Valve didnt realize it.

well their last blockbuster hit was a strategy game so what's your point. you personally wanted a shooter, congratulations. is everyone online a narcissist or can we think about broader factors like the gaming trends, what has happened in the industry, player numbers per game genre, etc.

Definatly Valve since Lawbreakers were made by literal whos and not the wealthiest video game company in the world

You're a real ignorant fuck if you think I'm the only one who wanted a new shooter, or even just a minority of people for that matter. This is some next level willful blindness, get a clue, you fucking retard

yawn, another episode of anonymous Yea Forums poster speaks for the entire industry. get a life.

that current number is taking into account fanboyism, without it right now it'd be zero. The game fucking sucks, not even feature complete for the most part let alone fun.

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>weeb phone card game
You know they have all Rage of Bahamut mobage story + interaction between certain cards (sv.bagoum.com/interact) to back all those?

>that current number is taking into account fanboyism,
theres literally more people browsing /r/Artifact than there are playing, even the fanboys cant bring themselves to play

god damn
i'm sure i'm just ripping on that nerd with the weird vendetta against the dota writer

Valve used to have business sense. Let's see if they still do by making Artifact F2P

>Imagine being this guy.

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oh no sweaty

Get a brain, dumbass. The fact that no one gave two shits about Shartifact speaks for itself. No one fucking asked for this game, sorry if your tiny mind can't accept that

Look gabe, just admit you lost your touch, there is no shame when you admit defeat anonimously

nice samefag, but you already made yourself look like a fool and there's nothing you can do to wind it back.

you're another online nerd continuing to post while having nothing to say and no genuine thoughts to give. congrats.

gabe, either give us half life 3 or end your career instantly

>oh no, two people calling me on my (lack of) reasoning? Hurr samefag!!
Wow, you're right, I guess people WERE asking for this game. Just look at all of them playing it right now! Drink bleach, dumb faggot

Game never had a way to try it without dropping $20. Baffling because the featured mode was a gauntlet using prebuilts, which seems like a mode you could release f2p and have all Constructed mode cards be paid or have a paid account upgrade to earn cards though levels. But yeah, not even a free weekend lmao

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t. retard

Because it's buy to play and then you also need to pay more to buy cards. It's pants of head retarded and I have no idea how anyone with a fucking modicum of intelligence thought the payment model was going to work.

valve is posed to acquire it. Whether it just becomes just part of the dota client or moves onto its own entire thing...is another story.

There were 60,000 people playing the first day, even though everyone knew how shit the payment model was. Valve's name still carries weight but it can't perform miracles.

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I mean the whole card game market is pay to win trash apart from the few LCGs or singleplayer shit.


Of course, it was literally Wc3 characters and anime characters fighting to the death

dota 1 lore was just warcraft lore

The game isn't even that bad, it's just not fun to play. Not being able to choose who you will attack was a big turnoff. Thank god I dropped an axe with my 10 packs and sold it for 30$, but I guess if they print more cards that aint just stat bags I'd give the game another shot, more so when it inevitably becomes f2p.

Is it that hard to understand they were trying to create an actual TCG digitally? I havnt seen an irl card game spawn you new cards from playing your pals. Making it market only with 0 trading between accounts was stupid as fuck and undermined the entire concept tho

I fully expect Valve to sweep this project under the rug and never talk about it again at this point.

Even going F2P wouldn't regain any interest.

Haha holy shit what a retard

>Is it that hard to understand they were trying to create an actual TCG digitally?

Yes, we can see what they were trying to create, the hard thing to understand is why they thought it would work and be successful on Steam. And why make it Dota themed. Steam users and Dota players are the most vocal people AGAINST pay to win mechanics and trading card games are exactly that.

>He thinks Artifact is the greatest valve blunder
Waita wone more yaeah, white boi

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I have no idea why they let website run articles damning this game's monetization. They should have been driving home how you can buy the exact deck you want cheaper than rolling with packs in other games. More importantly Phantom draft is the best mode and doesn't even use owned cards

This is what a flat hierarchy gets you - self-aware employees who never take on significantly challenging projects because why the fuck would they? Reading reading the Portal 2 behind-the-scenes was eye-opening in a lot of ways. Even the writers were getting sick from the stress, let alone the technical directors who had to figure how to build all the elaborate set pieces (primarily the intro segment). If you could choose not to work under those conditions for the same pay, you would, and that's exactly what valve employees are doing.

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I have really been enjoying the sheer lack of Clifford Buttzinky lately, dude swallowed a massive load after MeTooBreakers flopped hard haha. good riddance

lawbreakers for certain, it was advertised as a competitor to overwatch, the biggest game of 2016, and was a teams fruitful effort for close to half a decade

they fucked it up because they released it at the same time as overwatch, although i still think it would've crashed and burned even if overwatch wasn't a factor

now they're both dead so it doesn't matter much

TF2 is my favorite game of all time, and it physically hurts me playing it because of how much they completely destroyed it with the style of art direction, weapon changes, "contracts", loot crate system, horrible updates, and literally no developer outreach whatsoever

>going into chat and asking why they're still playing this dead

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radical heights lol

Battleborn is still a thing right

What I don't get is.. what don't people like about artifact? I personally really enjoy the game over most other card games right now. However, I guess most people don't enjoy it. Some people I have asked before said that it is actually too mentally taxing in the late game. One choice or bad play can fuck you. RNG could potentially fuck you but don't most games have RNG that can fuck you? Its even more insane because the people that didn't like artifact, seem to like DOTA AUTOCHESS which is a unbalanced mess and even more RNG heavy. AM I missing something?

game bad lol

I guess you weren't here yesterday

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On the one hand, Valve is expected to produce a quality product with strong, long lasting mechanics.
On the other hand, trading card games as a genre are infinitely less popular than shooters so lawbreakers should have lasted longer by genre conventions.
I say Lawbreakers did it worse since it fucking killed Boss Key. It shot them in the chest and Radical Heights was salting the wound while trying to dress it.
Also, stop showing fucking twitch views like they mean fucking anything. Show actual play stats.