What are some good custom games?

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revenge of the niggers



battle ships. life of a peasant (LOAP) games can be pretty hit or miss but a good one can be pretty comfy.

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Sunken City.

It's a fun 3 player co-op dungeon crawler that takes like 6 hours to complete.

Swat Aftermath if you like murdering zombies

ninja duels, unreal tournament, mad ballz, micro tournament, wmw, line tower wars, uther party, gem td

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sex by the beach

I used to play that game like more than 10 years ago. I can't find any lobbies now though.

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Canned Bread

I enjoyed Castle Fight a lot

give me a quick rundown. I've never heard of this before and I'm intrigued
this better not just be a spongebob quote you motherfucker

Anyone know this one USM game where you started out with 5 peasants and like 2 knights and had to go make a civilization with walls and fortifications defending against the creeps?

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It's basically Uther Party but with uhh memes

Island/Jungle troll tribes

>try to host jungle trolls
>everyone always comes in and goes "is this an island troll knockoff lol"
>people die day 1-2
The only shitty part is how fast you lose heat in jungle trolls. You HAVE to pack a campfire with you if you're going anywhere overnight and it kills the game.

I haven't played in forever, so if these aren't played anymore then oh well

Uther Party
Uther Party II (not as good as I, but still fun)
LOAP (Resident Evil and the asian one were my favorites)
Island TD
Orc Gladiators
Element TD
Tree Tag (not the version where ents get free invulnerability and item slots or whatever, the TTT version was the best when I played)
Hatchling's Tag
Tides of Blood
Solar/Galactic Conquest
X Hero Siege
that one ice slide maze map
Line Tower Wars

Empire Wars

I remember we used to have a Yea Forums custom game group on Garena.
Playing burbenog and x hero siege.
Shit was cash.

castle fight niggs

Rural Zombie Onslaught was fun.

Horde vs alliance
It's like Dota on crack

Werewolf, Parasite, and Dark Deeds were fucking kino

The most autistic TD, YouTD

I preferred ice troll tribes myself

I like custom hero survival, the multiplayer one
It's pretty jank and barebones but I like games where you have to think about builds and stuff

There was that one map that was a remake of Sins of a Solar Empire that was kino

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Why do i not see chris hemsworth fucking a blue dinosaur in this image...

Shit nigger I played this with some friends at a LAN party years ago. Took us all night to beat it. I remember playing a death knight tank I think

*Chris pratt

Fuckin based

Jungle trolls was too hard for the zoomers of the day


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Who /custom campaign/ here? Some of them are really high quality

So how many custom games will Blizz ban from bnet when Reforged launches?

[sped up linkin park music starts playing]

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Run Kitty Run
Dark deeds
Tides of blood

I loved Footmen Frenzy

If you think jungle trolls is hard for zoomers think of them playing wilderness survival

Definitely the porn ones.

>the 2.x maps used by the p1l1s bots don't work without the bots
>stuck with retarded balance and no rally syncing


Is that a thing?

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farmer vs hunter

Back when the game first came out people would make blank maps where the minimap thumbnail was porn. I remember downloading one of a woman jacking off a horse

what are some maps where you just build shit

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I remember one like that except she may have been getting fucked by it

Tides of Blood is the only AoS clone I approve of

dobrp and the other rp maps
tower defense maps

Gaias Retaliation if your into RPG maps and have people to play with. The dungeons at least are not meant to be played solo and many of the bosses are pretty much impossible without at least 3 players as a tank/healer/dps. Has a ton of content though and is one of the best custom maps I've come across.

are there any places where people still play with pirated version?


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Advent of the Zenith
Desert of Exile

If the horse had a condom on then I remember that one too lol.
I miss the old b.net days.

>Playing island trolls a long as fuck time ago
>"Oh this is cool, there's lots of classes that can do different things and have sub-classes"
>"Neat, there's lots of items and areas I can base in."
>Ok time to get started
>"Oh, their entire tribe just ran in with a bunch of meat and beat us to death before anything interesting could happen."

Island trolls in a nutshell, great game with a shit community that did nothing but early game rush.

All of the ones that use custom models or textures, so all of them.

Eras Zombie defense began known as medieval zombie defense I think. The zombies began in russia and invaded turkey and all of europe. Everyone's starting units were weak as fuck and it took killing humans for zombies to tech to better zombies, but humans always outpaced them really fast to the point the match was always decided if zombies didn't win in the first 15 or so minutes.

>Crows get added
>Crows are jewish as fuck, but so is everything the living factions can do too
>Crows get "banned" but there's no stopping you from making them
>Research crows
>Prepare lots of corpse piles to mass recruit them and set their way points to important areas
>Crows finished researching and it announces this to all the human players
>"You can't do that!UNFAIR!BLAH BLAH BLAH"
>Spam fuck everyone and win in 30 seconds.

I definitely remember playing a map that was a collection of some pretty bad minigames that rewarded you with hentai images on completion
Completely blew my 10 year old mind

Good taste

I enjoyed the hell out of The Black Road
Not the 2.0 shit though, the old one
Was great even with a lobby full of randoms


loap poop factory

It's sad that blizzard destroyed the custom map community so hard. There were so many good maps that were still a lot of fun despite all sharing unit models and using using heightened terrain and shit to represent building walls.

Oh wow, I remember life of a peasant. Everyone was a fucking jew in that game. The ONE time I decided to be a turbo douche like everyone else, it turned out the guy I was shitting on was either THE game maker or one of them. He spawned a flying invulnerable blade master and obliterated my ass.
