This is Chris, creator of Sonichu. It's his 37th birthday today. Say something nice about him!

This is Chris, creator of Sonichu. It's his 37th birthday today. Say something nice about him!

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>inb4 newfag janny deletes a Chris thread

damn, almost forgot that he's fucking old

user please

"I can't believe you're still alive and not incarcerated."

Thank you for showing me that I'm a chad compared to you, and I have aspergers.

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Imagine bending over for faggots because of some simple gender identification. I call 'em as they are.

>tfw when he isn't dead yet

Im vaguely surprised hes managed not to die yet

He's not dead yet?

stale meme

where the fuck does the time go

congrats on not backing down from your transition

Twitter privated.same thing.4cent.garbage should go undercover as a brony furry artist so he lets us follow him.

So realistically what's gonna happen when Barb dies?

How has the dimension merge been affecting reality/

hes gonna get placed into a group home.

Group home or he'll be homeless.

way to not die yet, and congrats on getting that 2500 or whatever for the totem
i don't know but i still don't have my fucking waifu yet, shit needs to get a move on

I remember when you guys were saying it was his 30th birthday and that he was a wizard.

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Me too. Where the fuck is she?
Goddamnit Christian, can’t you do anything right?

He's a testament to how the human body can take a lot of abuse. He may not be dead, but i imagine that he must feel like absolute dogshit physically and mentally after decades of eating fast food every day and living a sedentary lifestyle. Looking like Benjamin Franklin in your thirties is never a good sign when it comes to your health

I don't know about a group home. Chris still hates "Slow in the minds". He will most certainly causeva disturbance there.

I can't hate Chris in spite of all the things he's done. I see some of my own psyche/personality in him. In a sense we're alike, and we'll even probably share a similar end.

Reminder that Chris fucked Blanc.

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I can bet you a steam key he will either:
A, lose the house by the IRS
B, get sick for not treating himself correctly, vaccines, doctor visits, couldnt pay his medical insurance, cant pay for his meds, yadda yadda
or C, go completely insane that he'll hoard everything again and cause a fire to his house 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Necrophiliac vore fag who has a crush on his mom.What do you think

really late nepfag here

when the hell did chris find out about hdn

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I don't know how he can just eat fast food. One time 3 years ago when moving into an apartment I had no choice but to eat fast food for 4 days as I couldn't afford groceries. I wanted to fucking die by the end of day 3.