It's not fair bros

it's not fair bros

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What did they expect? It was priced too close to its console counterpart. People either bought one or the other. Developers jumped ship and chose the console and ignored the portable for maximum profit and lesser risk. Not to mention the propriety memory card prices.

True, but do you own one? It's a fantastic piece of hardware. The dpad is so good I use it as a controller for my PC.
The screen is amazing, especially the resolution they chose which lets you run emulators without any weird scaling or tiny boxes like the 3DS.
Other than the memory card kikery it's really worth every penny.

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Are they gonna have some big send-off sale on the vita's store? or will they unceremoniously shut it down?

Mine needs repairs but I loved that bitch for the 3 years i had it. Still playing freedom unite on it even with the joystick and r button issues. Not to mention soul sacrifice is rad as fuck

>tfw playing every good metal gear on the same system

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>Mine needs repairs
what happened? If it's the oled vita it's easy to open up and work on

I still wish snoy did an official port of MGS1

Why so much Vita posting lately?

>MGS on Adrenaline
>The originals MG and MG2 through MGS3
>Portable Ops

Missing something?

snoy is stopping production

He my joy sticks are fucked and I'm too much of a poor fag to replace them. Also the R button is weird and doesn't always stay pressed down. Nothing too serious. Just dont have the cash to do it. I've been meaning to get an Sd2Vita but I've heard it's kinda fuckey

The 3ds won, and for a reason, get over it

When did he imply otherwise?
He just pointed the good points of the Vita, never denying its death.

Add both Ac!d games and you have the best system for MGS.
I wish niggernami actually came through with the MGS4 port but whatever.
You can also play ninja gaiden and pretend it's mgr kek

I need to buy another one before prices skyrocket. My current one is still functional, but I've invested too much into it for Sony to just give me a middle-finger and not even allow future consoles (or the PS4) to emulate it.

OH and you can play both snatcher and policenauts
absolutely based

I just bought 2 mint hackable oled ones for a total of $350, one of them even came with a 32gig memory card.
Was very happy when it ran ever GBA and snes game I threw at it all full speed. The 3ds can't run DQ5, some genesis games like snatcher etc.


I always forget the Ac!d games, are they actually good?

Played Policenauts long ago. I still ought to myself play Snatcher on the Sega CD core of Retroarch.

the games already seem to be going up since snoy announced an end to production I'm trying to pick up what I can for right now

>3ds won
NO ONE WON. It was a shit handheld gen.
Neither came close to the glory of the PSP and DS.
You think the 3DS can hold a candle to all this?

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Wish we got that Nier game they planned for it. Would have been another treasure even though it would probably be ported by now

>I always forget the Ac!d games, are they actually good?
snatcher runs well on the vita and sprite based games look amazing on the OLED screen


Got a Vita 2 myself. I value more having another SD card in addition to the SD2Vita plus being able to use any kind of phone charger.

Yeah Retroarch on Vita rules, plays almost everything right at full speed. Portable Sega CD is a dream come true.

>that obvious fucking shoop

The sad part is that people fell for it.

I've heard of people putting their switch in their sweatpants pocket so i'm not surprised

My problem was most of the 2000's on ebay are beat the fuck up and from jap sellers. I don't plan on really buying any physical games so I don't mind. but yeah the proprietary cable sucks, I'm gonna have to stock pile some cheap ones from aliexpress.

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its more of because this image gets posted everytime there is a 3ds thread or something similar mostly saying how is unfair that the 3ds outsold the vita talk like if Yea Forums has never make a 3ds games compilation recommendations, the 3ds had better zelda games, a better animal crossing, RF, a propper 2d metroid game, ace coombat, to name a few, the 3ds was as great as the ds and you can play all those games in an r4 on a 3ds

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>tfw I have both Vita and 3DS

>Can't decide which to use more

Well might as well just shut up and slowly finish games on each.

lmao ok nintensoi
even kotaku admits it
half of those are shitty downgraded ports and the other half are inferior to the DS versions.
>the 3ds had better zelda games
You mean the 2 shit remakes and the rehash?

>a better animal crossing
new leaf is not better than wild world. new leaf is like a shitty phone game where you play for like 20 minutes a day after a certain point, whereas wild world is much more engaging
3 is better than 4
>a propper 2d metroid game
a shitty le 2.5 remake that's outclassed by a fucking fan remake, which is ironically playable on the vita and not 3ds.
>ace coombat
decent game but much worse than AC X because of the screen crunch and shitty manuvers
>the 3ds was as great as the ds and you can play all those games in an r4 on a 3ds
not by a long shot, and backwards compatibility is it's only saving grace.

I have the same problem, its a good problem to have though. I just bought pirate's curse for 3ds cuz ebay gave me a $5 off coupon. I gotta hoard games of both handhelds since i'm expecting them to jump in price.

forgot pic

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>imagine not liking vidya

why are you here?

I have been giving my some heavy use for a year and it has yet to bent. Bent Switch consoles are a myth.

Mine hasn't bent either but I treat mine like it's a piece of technology I spent hundreds of dollars on. Most nintenbros consoles are bought by their parents

Yeah me too. I take a fuck ton of care with every piece of technology I own. Shit's costly.

I should've fucking bought a VitaTV back when it was $20. I think my Vita's starting to die.

user the switch doesn't have a single component providing actual support, and the plastics aren't thick enough.
The joycon rails also tend to be loose after a while since it's plastic on plastic friction.
>his shitty rehashes are told to be shit
>why don't you not like le vidya user?? stop kvetching and buy the shitty new games like a good goy!

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>Vita's starting to die.
What are the signs of that?

How do you know it's dying? Help us OLED niggas out.

>This seething
>Using kotaku as an example

Get fuck user, all those are great games and new leaf is by far the best animal crossing game, and this comes from someone that preffers his viga

I don't know if there are universal signs, but my d-pad and sticks are starting to stick somewhat, my screen flickers occasionally, the battery life is much shorter than before, and it can't hold a wifi connection for shit. My games and emus also crash more often, though that might just be the fault of the sd2vita.

I'm glad that shit failed. A lot of the games it or it's successor would've gotten are now on PS4 and Switch so it's just one less platform anybody needs to worry about spending money on.

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Model 1000? How long is your battery usually lasting?
Remember Wifi and certain demanding games (like Gravity Rush) drain the battery like a hungry whore. For how long have you had your vita?

I love my vita!

Yeah, the 1000 model. I think I got mine as soon as P4G was released, so relatively early in its life. Last I checked, I was playing Tetris Attack and noticed the battery dropped further than I thought and the system was a bit hot. Mind you this was about half a year back and I don't know where my Vita is to give you strict numbers.