They didn't deserve this
They didn't deserve this
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Yes they did.
yeah they did
They were destined for it
yes they did
They really did after what they did to ME3
this is their decade long comeuppance
They clearly did. Their next game is going to be a battle royale because they're hacks.
>all the people who were 12 years old when Mass Effect 3 came out and don't realize sane people turned their back on bioware 10 years ago
Did anyone truly expect anthem to do well?
>Their next game
There's not going to be a "next game"
You've played DA2, DA3, and/or ME:A right?
3 AAA failures.
>what they did to me3
you mean what they did to Dragon Age after Origins?
Oh they did. All their games were shit. People just pretended not to notice behind above average vidya writing.
Pssst, hey.
none of the devs that made the games you cherish work there anymore
>The 12 year olds in this thread don't know when Bioware's name used to mean something
>Just realized that Mass effect 3 came out 7 years ago
>I see white people
That's his fucking audience the rat fuck
that game was gay woman's shit from the first installment
his job literally has nothing to do with his politics user
Casey Hudson made Mass Effect, he's still working there at the moment.
>dude they did one good game (KOTOR) almost 20 years ago you should feel bad
>not even using Baulder's Gate as your example
their good games aren't even as good as their bad games are bad
They sold out to EA, they knew what that meant, we all knew what that meant. There's no "deserve" here, it's just actions leading into their natural consequences.
>his politics
great politics, faggot
Fuck off you jaded shithead.
KOTOR1/2, Jade Empire, Neverwinter Nights, and the first two Mass Effect games are classics and should be remembered as such.
You're right, they deserve much worse.
All of those games are shit. I'm so sick of "le old Bioware makes goodly games" meme. EVERYTHING out of that shite stuiod has been dogshit. So glad they're shutting down.
Kotor1 is fucking shit though. Literally only retarded 10 year olds like it because it was their first game and they were too stupid to notice the insanely telegraphed twist.
i have no idea how this could have happened.
they didn't do KOTOR 2 you fucking imbecile
KOTOR 1 is a 7/10
Jade Empire is a hard 6
Mass Effect 1 is an 8 and ME2 is a 7
Nothing worth fawning over in terms of ambition or final product
>They sold out to EA, they knew what that meant, we all knew what that meant.
devils advocate - they sold out to EA just when we were coming to realize what that meant, this was over a decade ago.
>what was Origin?
Yes they did you dumb ass. Put out shitty games and you deserve the backlash
I can smell the underage hive mind retard from here. Bioware didn't sell to ea; they were part of a media group (along with pandemic) that ea acquired. Bioware had no say in it.
The Neverwinter Nights base game had an awful campaign. And that's what you used to buy Bioware games for.
Trust me, there will be. It's going to be their last ditch effort.
>Good game is not actually good but is bad and you should feel bad for liking it
This place runs like clockwork
fuck off newfag
You can literally fuck or kill any women you see
Anthem was their "last ditch effort", I'm fully expecting EA to announce a closure in the coming months
what games are good then user?
Me neither, I guess it'll remain forever a mystery
>dude this decent game I played in the 2000s deserves to be remembered as a masterpiece forever!
They deserved even worse.
Cancerous mentally ill faggots/
Ok lemme correct
NORMAL FAGS Didn't know about EA yet. Things didn't start getting hot for them until '04 or so. Then they swore they'd rebuild their image, gave us Dead Space and one or two good games, and then immediately went back to being evil fuckwads
You're right. They should have died years ago.
KOTOR I >>>>>>>> KOTOR II: The Reddit RPG
t. 12 year old who can't play games from a year older than 2007
I don't get why people shit on Anthem it's actually really fun and good.
Is this the best you can do? You should probably reread your EA Game Changers marketing material to get some new ideas because this is honestly pretty sad.
I'm surprised Origin survived that long. They even managed to release some excellent non Wing commander games like the Crusader titles while owned by EA.
yes his politics are stupid. and it has nothing to do with his job title
You didn't even need to add retard pepe to your post to let people know you're mentally underperforming.
LucasArts published both KOTOR games not EA you 60 IQ subhuman
I like how you never acknowledged being a retard who thought Bioware made the only good KOTOR game and are now trying to be condescending.
You were probably 12 when you played Mass Effect 1, and I bet it blew your mind, and that's great, but that doesn't mean it still matters. You can backpedal and obfuscate and generalize this argument into being about "Yea Forums hates video games!" or whatever you're trying to do, but that's not going to convince anyone. I don't even think it convinces you.
>ME2 is a classic
ME2 isn't a great rpg or a great action game. It's a decent game that doesn't excel at anything.
Do you think they will get the message now?
BioWare is long gone, it's just euthanasia
So the ammount of "diversity" hasnt increased 100 fold?
It is the best "I'm putting together a team" game ever made.
o b s e s s e d
and it's still a 7/10
did you ever notice that murder rates go up during the same months where ice cream sales spike? what's up with that?
>All this projecting
I never said Bioware only made one decent game you dumbfuck, I used KOTOR as a example of how good they used to be, as it was a benchmark of quality for them.
If anyone is being a generalizing cunt, it's you, boldly and proudly claiming Bioware was always shit because you're too much a contrainian cunt to say otherwise
>ME2 is a classic
even KOTOR and Baulder's Gate were meh RPG moviegames. They deserved this years ago.
Mass Effect was never good
Dragon Age was never good either
>I didn't say Bioware made Kotor 2
>I just replied like a little bitch to someone correcting the guy who did!
No one is saying they were always shit, you childlike retard. I specifically said they were decent, and nothing worth remembering unless they were baby's first RPG company. Get bioware's dick out of your mouth long enough to read through the posts you're raging at.
I was gonna say the first MDK was great but I looked it up and they didn't even make that. A shame, I remember it fondly because it came with my first GPU.
They should have should just made Anthem a straight up action game.
>Spend seven years making this
>It's just a bog standard loot RPG FPS
yes they did
yes they did...
it's Bioware. they literally only know how to make standard boring RPGs.
Old Bioware didn't deserve this. Nowadays Bioware deserve worse than death
>Lack of diversity was to blame!
Yeah, more diversity when it comes to employee skill might have helped.
It's just nice to see game devs soo focused on making great games. Lucky he's a good dev and still working at bioware and ME:A did really well.
They've literally made action games before though, and at least it would still be better then what Anthem actually is
they absolutely did.
Blaming BioWare for how they are now is like blaming Visceral Games for Dead Space 3. Yes they made the game, but EA bought the studio, and then most of the creative talent left. Now EA dictates what they do and the direction they take.
loot FPS is the worst retarded idea for a game mechanic, it works with diablo because you care about seeing the character gear and the mechanics of gear use are different enough to be interesting to loot and try new things
in FPS is work your aim, don't get shot and that's it, it's fucking retarded how rpg system in fps creates obligatory bullet sponges and there is people who actually like this garbage...
Did he announce his video company he is supposedly starting up?
BioWare did what EA told them to do they have no free will, they have no good leadership, no vision.
Tell this to people who liked borderlands, that shitshow made this cancer spread.
Free radical also got killed by EA. They didn't own them but they screwed them over with timesplitters future perfect and 4
>let's fire all these autistic level of high IQ white males who love games more then pussy
>lets hire some sub-70 IQ niggers
>put a openly white-hating stupid sandnigger as our boss, that will help
>now the colored hair feminazis, all the possible diversity of hair colors and weights over 200lbs
>kill all white man reeeee, qualification is racism and intelligence is transphobia!!!
>our game floped? pic related
>tfw you don't give a fuck about how Anthem did because Dragon Age Inquisition was Bioware's golden egg which guarantees that DA4 is coming out
I'm going to fuck a tranny PoC elf and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
No, they make bland VNs with optional gameplay
This is pretty rich from a guy who's living in the most xenophobic province in leafland, I'm surprised he's not eaten alive yet
why did no one tell me that anita was such a pawg?
Yes they did.
You honestly think it was only EA forcing the diversity hires? The company was infected a long time ago. Manveer Heir has been there since like 2009.
It wasn't the disaster for Bioware that DA2 was, but calling it a 'golden egg' is a stretch.
yeah, first one I tried without knowing it was loot game because of the interesting visuals, what a fucking garbage, is has a playstation level of fanboyism over it indeed...
Yes they deserve it, 6 years of development and put out Anthem
Despite this, I don't think Bioware is finished with this game. I agree with the other poster that DA4 is likely. Look for them to further shrink after this debacle, probably down to just one team and DA4 will be their last chance.
Do you have any evidence that they fired people to make room for corporate drones? I thought it was just the usual “EA bought the company and most of the talent left”.
I meant to say I don't think Bioware is finished after this game*
>Baldur's Gate
It's the same generic bullshit as every other isometric CRPG of the era and pales in comparison to Ultimas from the 80s.
Getting bought by EA killed them, just like a ton of other good studios.
>it's a good game
Trannies aren't capable of having eggs though, golden or otherwise?
>sold well
>didn't piss off the fanbase
>elf hitler has gained a fanbase that would probably bomb EA if DA4 gets cancelled
DAI is Bioware's golden egg and the only thing keeping them alive.
It's cute how you faggots can turn anything into a meme.
You people are obsessed. The problem isn’t shoehorned diversity, the problem is that EA doesn’t actually give a shit about the project’s quality. All that inclusiveness bullshit is just a symptom of the larger problem, which is that EA is trying to make sure their games have as much mass appeal as possible. PC and wokeness is hip with the millenials right now. AAA cinematic games also bring in the casual crowd, so they tend to be a hit. Theyre doing their best to make projects that shit money.
>EA keeps buying good studios and makes them produce shitty games aimed at the lowest common denominator
>retards blame Bioware going to shit on trannies
Fucking obsessed.
The word trannies has been around longer than you've been alive, dipshit.
Dear faggot.
Nothing has any meaning on 4chin,
you will always be a faggot to us.
Yours truly.
I've tried asking this before but no luck so I'll try again
Everyone always says things like, "all the old Bioware is gone, it's just a name now."
Soooo where the fuck are these old devs now and where are there games?
You are literally retarded.
Jeez this guy is a fucking asshole
Their fate was sealed the day the doctors sold them through a proxy company John Spaghetti-Os was running which resulted in them getting sold to EA and John Raviololi getting a promotion.
all the best bioware had began jumping ship after DA:O and ME1; even long-term hangers-on like Gaider were abandoning ship after ME3. Anyone at bioware today wasn't there during the old Good BioWare days.
>EA's face as they take screenshots of Yea Forums posting about trannies to use as proof that Anthem is being attacked by lgbt-hating gamer gators which will result in people racing to buy the game to prove how non hateful they are
Good ploy goy.
But for real trannies have mental issues.
I'm not saying i'm mentaly sane ;)
They would be nothing without Black Isle so who the fuck cares?
>Sam Maggs
Didn't wrote the DLC story for Spider Man at Insomniac? What she's doing at Bioware?
>me no like Mas effec too!!!!
I certainly don't have the list of employees but shit like this appearing for a shitload of companies sure give the impression: pic related, where are any of that group of men? sure, they can be just taking the women picture to appease possible sjw buyers, but when ea and ea slaves like dice pull shit like BF5 you can see that core changes are being made by liberals with political reasons and not even profit reasons
come on man, look at the shit we are getting on US/canadian made games lately, you can see the stupid decisions behind it and to me there is a strong possibility of real programmers being substituted for " diversity" reasons and with the company brain capability to even put the game together...
the reason why I don't think it's just a marketing stunt is that there are people getting rich by betting against any company who take affirmative action on the stock market, if these companies are indeed losing money as they go "diverse"/less white to a point of such inverse correlation to make people rich by investing against it, they have to be putting these "people" in either decision taking or intelligence intensive positions...
I bet he is crying late at the night because he isn't white. All this because he is feeling inferior, and not because someone treated him worse, than whites, but because he is fucked up in the head.
because she is jew, so she has to be a pajg, but don't get exited, as a jew her pussy only function is to be used as credit card machine and she has to be into scat shit as all jews
when you have studios that constantly boast about racial and gender specific diversity on their projects instead of noting the addition of new talent (meritocracy) then you know shit is deep fucked.
I wouldn't mind woke if it was well written
But sadly good writers aren't woke. they are the exact opposite.
forgot about the pic...
jesus christ
I wish Bioware would actually die
i just finished odyssey and the ending was shit and took so much grind to beat the game
No rest for the wicked.
oh no
I hope they crash and burn so hard that EA releases them so Microsoft can buy them up and make a jade empire/mass effect style game along with obsidian.
i hope bioware can pull a bungie and leave EA
EA doesn't release anything from it's grasp, it will swallow every studio after bleeding it dry.
Wait Bioware is dead and i missed it!?
What the hell
Let them die
Anthem is a failure.
They've released 3 failures in a row. Most game devs don't survive 1.
anthem and Andromeda
what was the other one?
For you.
ME2 is one of the best rated games of all time.
after da2 AND ME3 yes they did
Andromeda was made by sub-studio Bio-Ware montreal and that studio is gone.
s e e t h i n g
Oh yes they fucking did.
My only hope is that they shut down before they can sully dragon age a third time.
Critics apparently liked it but user ratings are below 6/10. Personally I lost faith in Bioware's writing at that point.
Yeah Mass Effect always had the God-awful dialogue wheel, while Origins was pure.
Dulce et decorum est, pro patria mori.
There have been tons of jizz shoops for a reason, user. We don't do those out of spite.
The bottom is their woman's day photo.
Obviously they aren't 100% female.
Shhh that's not how you manipulate people to your ideology.
It wasn’t a failure. It sold well and was well reviewed. And as much as I’d like to trust user reviews, you can’t, because you never know if those reviews are legit or if those reviews are from angry fans who were mad there were two gay characters.
are you sure? it's Montreal, the city were you see purple haired fat retards everywhere the entire day
Mass Effect was literally a shit tier Gears of War with dialog wheels when it came out. That shit never impressed me even when the series stopped trying to pretend it was special and doubled down on apeing Gears more and more with each sequel.
Mainly thanks to rating inflation.
>Since, you know, the
Fucking die