At one time I didn't get the Japanese Phil Phish joke, but now I'm really starting to get it

At one time I didn't get the Japanese Phil Phish joke, but now I'm really starting to get it.
Kamiya has gone so AWOL it's honestly causing me to lose a lot of respect for his games and interest in future PG titles.
Anybody else starting to feel this way?

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off モンキー

So he specifically tells people he doesnt want foreigners to tweet at him and because this dumbass decides to google translate at him he gets mad for gettin blocked?

Fucking based Kamiya.

I ignore him as an individual entirely. If he's being a giant cunt on twitter, it seems he has a better grasp of how best to use the platform than do most people.

"I used google translate to get passed his no english stipulation."
>Google Translate
Asks him to say it in english because he butchered his language.

That's pretty funny.

wow its almost like he said he doesn't want gaijins to tweet him

oooooh basedu japanese bard man with tiny penis oooooh so fuuunny so desu ka he have tiny penis rike me he good

You must be good at rimjobs.

>Developer asks people not to tweet bullshit at him
>Tweet bullshit at him
>He blocks you

Wow, what a twist.

Why are Japanese like this? Imagine the outrage if a white guy requested only English to be messaged to him.

If he doesn't like english he's free to make his own japanese-only social media platform, until then he can keep seething and blocking like a retard.

Japs are worse than Jews.

He’s ugly so like who cares? If the hot guy producing daemon x machina did this id be upset but like kamiya is probably a small dicked man.

There's no outrage when Japanese people do it, because Japanese people wouldn't give a fuck if you got outraged in the first place. White people should stop caring about other people getting outraged and just do whatever the fuck they want.

that's part of the reason why he doesn't want whites messaging him. Who would willingly want anything to do with this cucked society if they didn't have to?

filthy gaijin slaves need to realize japanese man have no time for your stupido questioning

Reminder that Kamiya's Twitter addiction caused Scalebound to be shit, not Microsoft. Microsoft mercy killing the game was a blessing in disguise.

I once did a doodle of a dog and sent it to him. He retweeted it, and I'm smart enough to not talk to him ever again. Not that it's even a big deal, but yeah.

God, if only, right? The only race that mindlessly attacks itself and is also too pussy to defend itself.. You can say things about whitey that you can' say about anyone else in America, and whitey lets it slide because "muh punching up"

I wish I could block most whites from being online, too.

M$ came in one day and demanded to see a multiplayer they never asked/paid for in the first place.

日本人に喋りたきゃ日本語を勉強するべき :) 難しい言語ではないとオモうね。

battered wife

OP would you like it if some random guy sent a twitter message in broken english that not understandable, then you ask them in their native language, and then they ask for some absolutely dumbass shit that you have probably been asked several thousands of times before? Please understand not everyone is required to like every single thing you say just because you took the time to send them a message, and it does not entitle you to demand someones undivided attention and respect. Please use your brain a bit before making a thread dedicated to your being salty about shit.

Who the fuck cares about what some irrelevant nip does on twitter?

>Everyone sends him stupid questions everyday and he gets sick of it
>Blocks people who ask repeat questions
>He's a cunt for that
Meanwhile he replies to every single japanese person who gets the company name wrong.
He's just memeing user

How many times does he have to spell it out for these insects?

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kek! I'd block that cunt to. He was so lazy thay he didn't even consider paying an actual person who does translations. Easy enough to find online nowadays, for cheap I might add.

>using google translate to translate from English to Japanese
Kamiya's an ass but this idiot deserved to be blocked.

ive never seen a guy so desperate to stay relevant except maybe david hayter.

>paying someone to translate text

thats pretty cucked desu

>Letting a couple bad eggs spoil the batch
They literally teach this train of logic in pre-school.

mmm oh yes based kamiya mmm pls block me pls spit on me i am a filthy white baka gaijin mmm japan is so superior i love anime i love 2d waifus i dont want a real woman mmm soon all white people will be extinct i want a japanese gf mmm asians are superior

There's no outrage when Japanese people do it because people constantly love to suck their fucking dicks about fucking everything. Doesn't matter if he made a couple good things, at the end of the day the guy is still a petty piece of shit that clearly hates his fans.

not as cucked as doing precisely what he said he'd block you for. If you don't want to be blocked, don't be a douche and find a better way to translate your words. Just another lazy piece of shit dude.

That's fucking hilarious.

>not paying people to translate doujins

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>gone so AWOL

based kamija BTFOing american insects

Multiplayer wasn't the reason that Scalebound was shit. The general combat looked boring and uninteresting. Maybe Kamiya should have spent more time actually directing the game he was contracted to make.

Fucking LMAO.

again, for cheap... the internet is vast. That fag just sucks at life, too fucking shit to do a single page google search for a company or dude.

>it's not murder, he told me to shoot him

Why is Google Translate so bad at English to Japanese and vice versa? You'd think for being owned by one of the biggest companies, they could make it better.

Don't be retarded.

I agree that he sucks at life, but that's because of the simple fact that he wasted time trying to talk to this irrelevant nip that no one with a brain gives a shit about.

Google translate isn't that great.

People really try and make Scalebound out to look like it was going to be the most incredible thing ever, but every time it was shown it literally looked worse and worse. The multiplayer stuff is something else entirely, but the general gameplay did look boring and uninteresting. Kamiya and Platinum were so booked up with games that they never should have accepted the project to begin with, and I wouldn't doubt it at all if they used money from Scalebound on some of their other projects. People want to make Microsoft out to be the villain, and I get it, but Japanese devs mismanage their time literally all the time, and you get situations like Versus XIII where the project has to be cancelled for a number of years because it's just taking way too much time and resources.

agreed, this is a non-topic basically, fucking gay ass thread

I've been wondering if attitudes to Kamiya differ by generation. I can't imagine what it's like to take some antics on social media so personally.

BIG BALLS Kamiya making nerds BOIL into a seething rage

>Phil Fish acted like a pompous retard
>Yea Forums: WTF, let's lynch this guy!
>Kamiya spat on on his fans and treated them like shit
>Yea Forums: Wow, what a based guy haha
Why does Yea Forums voluntarily suck off this guy so much? There's just way too many Kamiyatards in this board who will turn a blind eye to whatever retarded shit this midget will post on Twitter but when Phil Fish claimed Nipponese devs and games sucked donkey balls, Yea Forums shitposted him for days. Such blatant double standard...

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I had a guy go into my DMs asking me for a quote for translating his CV, I would have charged him $15 dollars flat and he said that was fucking stupid expensive and would instead translate it himself, he came back 2 weeks later, money in hand.

Because one has made many good games, and the other made a single game that wasn't good.

This literally just makes me like Kamiya even more

o woow

He used to be a westaboo.

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Because he's funny you retard

Phil Fish is a whiny beta male who was an asshole out of insecurity. Kamiya simply doesn't give a fuck and does what he wants.

Oh, thanks for reminding me to report him.

> Because one has made many good games

literally not true lol, many is atleast 5+, he doesn't even come close

Hes just mad he wont be dead by the time Japan will have many more Gajins walking about.

Phil made one game, claimed to be the lord himself, had a hissy fit and retired.

Also, I'm not too certain that people who call Kamiya a chink are his fans. And he also has a fucking stamper he takes to cons and events that says BLOCKED. I doubt he takes it that fucking seriously.

>Kamiya simply doesn't give a fuck
You'd have a point, if he didn't bother to respond to literally everyone in some fashion. I'm pretty sure that's considered "giving a fuck."

The more I learn about him the more I dislike him. Why is it so hard for him to understand basic things like good willingness?

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Why would you tweet him anyway? You just want his attention? For what? Do you wanna maybe suck his dick too?

Kamiya is a superior Japanese developer

>reddit spacing

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desu I might report him for mass blocking kek

western devs kind of hit all the key pressure points as far as pissing people off goes. Subpar games (not that japs don't make them), identity politics, insanely abusive buisness practices. there is very little to like about these people outside of any given game itself... if the game is good that is.

yes it's hypocritical, but it's also that difference in culture.

>Why would you tweet him anyway
Welcome to the social media generation. Brainwashed completely.

> he doesn't like a random irrelevant nip
> surely he must be from reddit

this is Yea Forums in 2019

Why do you care how he acts on social media and online? Not everywhere is like America where you get fired for talking shit on the internet.

entitled twitter fags thinking a game dev owes them responses as if he is their real life friend or something

>Anybody else starting to feel this way?
No. Faggot.

Go back to ResetERA.

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RE2, Viewtiful Joe, Okami, Bayonetta, and The Wonderful 101.

That's five, my man.

And while I find someone like...Shinji Mikami a better director, Mikami has only directed....

I've been calling out you redditors since you invaded in 2011.

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keep up the good work

> re2
Good game
> Viewtiful Joe
are you kidding me?
Muh visuals
> Bayonetta
Just lol if you like this shit after you're done with playing games just for the tits in them
> The Wonderful 101
Sorry I didn't play this one since I'm not fucking 4 years old.

People that hate on Kamiya are seething westcucks, he has literally never made a bad game, how many other devs can you say the same? Judge people on their actions not their words.

This. The people that he blocks deserve is for being insects anyways, atleast he provides some entertainment at their expense.

>implying I didn't pick up that habit from GameFAQs and SomethingAwful

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>Kamiya blocks people just for fun
>noo-vee doesn't understand the concept of fun and thinks he's mentally unhinged and racist
it's like pottery

>since I'm not 4 years old
You may not be 4 years old physically, but you sure have the mind of one you insufferable autist.

you're on Yea Forums, home of outrage over tweets from literal whos

You don't even know what reddit spacing is, mongoloid. Literally every other forum on the internet requires pressing space after quoting someone so that you can quote properly. Only reddit requires you to press it twice and only Yea Forums foregoes that entirely. Sorry you're such a newfag on the internet that you've only ever frequented this site.

I'm conviced Kamiya lurks here.

anyone who doesn't like viewtiful joe is a complete double nigger

dude just doesn't adhere to the standard of pussification, I don't respect him because he's asian, but I like people like that in a general sense. Especially if they stick to their guns and get depersoned or sonething.

I don't give a fuck about some salty gook's tweeting rules

> oh no, he doesn't like my bing bing wahoo shit, surely he's the childish one

There are many differences between the two, but the biggest difference is the fact that Phil Fish made one game and it's shit, while Kamiya made some of the greatest games of all time. Kamiya's attitude is earned.

>literally every other forum on the internet

Attached: wrong wrong.gif (320x177, 1.51M)


>trying this hard to deflect
you have to go back

> has no argument so he just posts a shitty gif
prove me wrong, fag.

>His autism legitimately prevented him from getting my insult

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>Has no argument
The argument is "wrong". Now it's up to you to prove what you're saying kid.

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sup newfag

>Doesn't like Viewtiful Joe
Into the trash my dude.

>RE 2
Mikami game.

bbs shit usally doesn't. double spacing implies that you are accustomed to posting in places that are far more "official". Yah stick out like a sore thumb and people who have been browsing this type of shit since childhood can see that easily.

you know what's funny though? back in the day you wouldn't get nearly as much shit as you do now. It became more common when this culture war started ramping up.

You really, really have to go back

considering 2ch is mainstream in japan the same way r*ddit is in the west I'm not surprised that if he was looking to see western opinions on games from "average" people firsthand he'd come here mistakenly.

pretty sure i picked up the habit from Yea Forums because lots of people were doing it here in like 2006, including moot

That's actually kinda funny. It's like that time in succubus prison when Vinium sent me on a quest to find her book, I ran into her 10 minutes later and she killed me for being outside my room.

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fucking based.

Mikami BARELY had a thing to do with RE2. He legit got so fed up with how RE1.5 was progressing, he literally said "Do whatever you want, I don't care. As long as deadlines are hit"

But I didn't double space, dude, that's the point.

>people still getting mad by based Kamiya's Twitter game

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Spot on.
Kamiya's stuff is solid gold. Even his weakest title, TW101, was fun.

by this logic RE1 and RE4 are not mikami games

>But I didn't double space
Pressing enter once
Pressing enter twice.


Honestly, I'd say Okami is his weakest, if only because it has like three false ends and at that point, I wanted to go home.

He used to respond to English questions, faggots took advantage of him being so open and started shitposting and he took the nuclear option.

the outrage from faggy white people you mean? and fuck them you go to an english speaking page, you speak fucking english.

Literally all you have to do to be liked on Yea Forums is be a chink. That's IT. You can make the shittiest, most generic, most childish games in the universe, as long as your eyes are slanted, Yea Forums will relentlessly suck your cock.

oh, okay. I was just commenting about that particular post, wasn't following your conversation with that user

>in english, doc
totally literal

Notice how Phil Fish made one game and then fucked off and never attempted making any more? Either he was completely out of ideas after one game or he just never gave a shit about video games.

Yeah he blocks a ton of people he’s blocked me

and you got some tits and ass in the game. Love some tits and ass.

noooo a chink said mean things to me on twitter. fire hiim

to what? Site's a fucking wasteland. I think there's been a dozen new users since New Years and they're all reregs.

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Just love for Japanese, my dude.

Apparently not I just wanted to know what Nintendo series who would like to give a platinum finish

>Yea Forums is now the overly sensitive faggot that whines about being harassed on twitter
Kill zoomers.

>don't play by rules
>get blocked

Let me guess, you're also VAC banned.

that's just one fucking z-dog, not all zoomers are full of shit dude

thank you for making this place shittier every day

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It’s literally all an act
He’s said that himself in multiple comments

Tabata and Nomura don't have the greatest reputation on here

>mfw Scalebound got cancelled
>mfw JPF hasn't made a game since 2013
>mfw JPF hasn't made a GOOD game since 2006




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>Chinese shill trying to trick people into associating bugman mainland with grorious nippon
Yea Forums hates chinks. Yea Forums generally loves nips.

>getting baited this hard by a bald manlet
i guess we owe the japs another shipment of white girls

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They have a surprisingly low number of volunteers like 10

see , that would be relevant if modern aaa was good

>the artist is an idiot therefore the art is now trash

ur an idort

but good video games

Just go follow the more based Hideki

Attached: Screenshot_20190223-212138_Twitter.jpg (715x787, 249K)

>bad game

Nigga what?

He confirmed doesn’t care
He just blocks and keeps moving

I hate both, so fuck off, nip. Don't think you're better than the insects because you live on an island, you're just as fucking retarded and useless.

nope cause I don't feel the need to cheat in multiplayer vidya
I don't even have a twitter account, I'm just here to shitpost and laugh at people that think the internet is serious business

Bullshit. He's your typical internet tough guy and, like most Japanese gamers, is racist. He's openly admitted to being racist.

The creator is more important to nu-Yea Forums than the product. Why do you think they still suck off Kojima?

I mean people say it was good now because it was canceled, but truthfully I wonder if people were excited about it just because it was the only unique Xbone exclusive out there. The game itself looked okay but underwhelming compared to some of Platinum's other titles, and I doubt even the Xbone X could have saved the performance. I still want to know what the development history for that game was like, how much was changed to meet MS' requirements or what.

>Kamiya has gone so AWOL

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nah, they suck cause they are inbredz but fucking chinamen steal shit and have no morals whatsoever

Its awfully hard to find good games when you dont play them at all so you're not wrong

>hating Japan while posting on an anime image board
weeb in denial

>is racist. He's openly admitted to being racist.
based kamiya, the absolute state of this board that stuff like this is posted unironically though

Based chinkman dabbing on gaijin insects

it's funny that people like that expect you to give a shit
>he's racist

most western devs are racist as well apparently so it's a moot fucking point. This is a good ol fashion popularity contest.

>internet is real life
Americans are actually fucked in the head, how did this mentally catch on so fast.

>the absolute state of this board that stuff like this is posted unironically though

What? Facts? Are we supposed to be "ironically" posting facts now, are we? Is that the "state of this board"?

>for fun
Dude is literally seething constantly. He takes Twitter way too goddamn seriously.

It's true. Just look at Pokemon/Game Freak.

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This absolutely putrid festering pile of shit taste man

Imagine getting triggered by what a manlet chink post on twitter.
Get a life.

Pretending to like an obscure, literally-who shovelware that flopped doesn't give you nerd cred and make you unique, special snowflakes. Stop trying too hard to beg for validation here. Viewtiful Joe bombed and died not without a reason, retards.

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No, posting "b-but he's racist" like literally anyone cares at all


>caring about kamiya
>caring about people caring about kamiya
>caring about people caring about people caring about kamiya
ad infinitum, this is a shitpost thread, do not be retarded.

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Who says I'm triggered? I'm not upset he's racist. I'm just pointing out to the dumb fucking weebs in this thread going "Nah, bro, it's just a joke. He's only playing around." that they are wrong. He hates whitey. He's said it multiple times now and not just on twitter.

why does everyone seem to feel entitled to other peoples time and focus?

I don't care if he's racist, but the guy clearly has zero respect for the fans who bought his games and built his career. Making me think twice about buying his next game (if he ever stops shitposting on twitter and makes one)

English and Japanese are incompatible in so many ways that Gtranslate can't even keep up with basic sentences that a child is expected to be able to comprehend.

Attached: Gtranslate sux.png (680x331, 102K)

Joe bombed because Capcom advertised 2 it like Nintendo did W101
That was around the start of the "If it ain't RE or SF, it isn't getting fuckall ads lmao" era

>generalizing the entire Japanese population as Kamiya of all things
If anything, he's the polar opposite of the norm.

I wonder if he hates white heterosexual men in particular. Do you think he likes white pussy? Shit, he might be the perfect progressive undercover sjw

some weeb got his feefees hurt when a jap blocked him, so much that he made that pic. kamiya probably chuckled when he did this, he knew it was some foreign insect trying to communicate with him

i don't even care about his behavior, don't think i've ever interacted with a dev before and if a dev clearly doesn't like english then why bother. google translate japanese? could at least have used something better if he cared.

Europeans get thrown in prison for being mean on twitter.

>Imagine if the rest of the world followed our retarded western societal norms constructed by actual brain damaged inbred rejects?

euros are push overs, that isn't news.

I've been radicalized into hating white people too, mostly because of fucking American's being cultural imperialists.

He's just tired of being asked the same dumb questions 800 times a day, and people get butthurt and post dumb shit here.

japs are jews. look it up, there are a bunch of hilarious documentaries about how some japanese people think they are one of the lost tribes of israel.

I think it's hilarious that people assume Kamiya is calm and collected when he does this shit, even though he literally rages incredibly hard over it.

I'll do that. Dont worry. As soon as i stop sticking my fingers in my ass. I want Yea Forums to like me, because in effect that would mean I like myself.


Did he ask him one of the same question he always gets asked? He's very upfront about banning people for asking the same dumb shit people. Always ask.

black people are jews, look it up, some black people think they are one of the lost tribes of israel

He has complained about white men chasing after Jap women. Being a 3ft tall beta midget himself he's very pissy about the fact that he doesn't have a hope in hell of competing with the glorious white male. So, yeah, he almost is like a male ally feminist.

>machine translators are unable to parse context
>Japanese is a highly contextual, flexible language
In other news, the sky is blue.

haha user, well memed.

whites are jews. look it up, there are a bunch of hilarious documentaries about how some whites people think they are one of the lost tribes of israel.

They are. That's why they are allowed to have their own bank.

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I thought it was the whole Cane and Abel thing. Like the asians are decended from the banished sons bloodline.

I don't know if you were kidding but what you said is real.