This shit worth it?
this shit worth it?
at least for labbing combos? I'm sure the online is dead and I have more fun with combo trials.

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No Cham Cham, so it's shit.

It doesn't operate like a traditional fighting game let alone a standard KoF. I would avoid if you are expecting a fighting game. There are combos to learn but the skills arent transferable at all.

No. Not even good for single player stuff. The one user who uploaded all the gallery art on release day did the entire board a favor since there's really no reason to play this.

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The combos are oddly tight in this game. I was expecting it to be really free form and easy to just connect anything into anything, but that's really not the case. It's a unique style of fighting that I don't think is bad, just weirdly specific with what you can and can't do. If you like anime air dashing with honest footsie and fundamentals winning over everything, give it a shot.

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mediocre fighter but great if you like tits and ass
post it

Makes you wonder why they even bother wasting dev time on it. Unless they really just wanted a fighting game with sexy girls in it.

must have costed nothing to make, entire game is just reused shit from XIV

There's no trials, but combos are pretty cool desu.

Lots of IAD's, juggles, tags, can do dope shit with items. Some characters actually require some decent execution. Absolutely nothing like normal KoF combos.

The game is also very fun if you can find people to play with....good luck with that, though.

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“let’s make a fan service game using the assets from a game that doesn’t sell and that got hated for its visuals. It’ll surely sell!”

I own it on switch, it blows.
As a fan service game, it's not satisfying enough.
As a fighter, its not fun enough.
Just pirate it, get some faps from the model viewer if it turns you on then move on.

>Shitty waifubait game with no depth
You might as well waste your time on some other fighting game

This game is more fun for me than alot of games. I can't really call myself a waifu since I use jeane and skullomania

Makes me wonder why your mother bothered having you since you wont amount to anything

Yeah, I know, right?

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it has best girl tho

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That doesn't look like King.

Its a shame the models aren't nearly as good as the art.

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I would rather they just add more costumes for KOF14.

I have hopes for XV being graphically good, but I hope they just don't go with the new SamSho aesthetic, looks way too similar to SFV.
At least Shermie had a gargantuan ass.

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>no Metal Slug representatives
>no decent doujins
No reason to exist.

I got my moneys worth considering I didn't pay full price.

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when's goeniko?

Is it worth it to spend 60 dollars for all the characters for a half a year old port?

If this game is worth it to you,then sure good for you. Realistically though this game sucks for any competitive play and only serves as fanservice for KOF fans


Attached: goenitz8.jpg (1200x1333, 168K)

You sound like you already know the anwer

>download the game just for anime tidies
>go straight into a fight
>have no clue what I'm supposed to do

What in the fuck?

If the models were that good, the game might have sold more

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>a gargantuan ass.

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Only worth for the model viewer
And that isn't too much either

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