Female MC falls in love with a female companions

>female MC falls in love with a female companions

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yuri is for braindead faggots who are too insecure to stare at a dick in their porn

>He enjoys watching his waifu being fucking

I guess you like black dick too

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Is that how you rationalize enjoying the looks of dicks?

Name one.

The main villain falls in love with the MC

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gross; sounds gay

Sounds like a system seller to me.

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someone post the pasta that calls out yurifags for being low-Testostorone tranny-wanna-bes

>female MC has to infiltrate a loli yuri cuddle and handholding club
>succumbs to the need for loli gf

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It is. Oh so very gay.

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those girls are cute, but I don't want to self-insert as the girl

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>pick female mc
>all dialogue is the same
>girls acting grossed out by you as if you were an icky boy when you are both girls
>doesn't even bother to change most all instances of 'he' to 'she'
thanks for fucking nothing

You're not supposed to self insert fag

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you sound inscure

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Reminds me of Digimon cyber sluts
What a shitty localization and script

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This can sometimes work VERY well.

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Fuck you Cyber Sleuth was amazing!

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It was trash.
The only good things were the designs and party customization.
Next order was better

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is there any jrpg with yuri?
is neptunia yuri?

I thought you said panty customization first and then I was disappointed

I hate this game for putting the copyright shit right over the dialogue boxes this is evil

>is there any jrpg with yuri?
Shadow Hearts
Shadow Hearts: Covenant
Super Heroine Chronicles (no English subs and it's just a bunch of Harem THOTs going after another girl because she is a better character than the guy from the harem)

>is neptunia yuri?

what did they mean by this?

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>is there any jrpg with yuri?
There's a bunch like Summon Night Swordcraft Story.
I like Fate/extra CCC
>is neptunia yuri?
There is subtle /u/ but that's it

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>Next Order was better

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