Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart

Let's play some SRB2Kart.

SRB2 Kart is a Mario kart like mod on the doom engine, using Sonic characters and themes. There are plenty of custom characters and tracks loaded on the server, so you don't have to like sonic to enjoy it. Enter the race, and change your character, through the start menu when in the server.


>Room: Casual
>Server: Vidya Kart
West US Host

Attached: 1542485734214.png (1280x800, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Characters.webm (658x390, 2.51M)

Attached: Piccolo Blue Mountain.webm (800x500, 2.95M)

Attached: Toxic Palace.webm (480x300, 2.52M)

I always think I should use the record function more, but then I remember how big the files can get.

Attached: kart0018.webm (320x200, 2.96M)

I prefer just recording with an external program.

the recording feature is a DOOM thing right?

It's native to doom, yes.

Attached: 1467572700095.webm (888x500, 2.99M)

based girls

Attached: mom's boyfriend.png (800x1383, 1.12M)

Attached: 64805500_p17.png (550x550, 93K)

How hard is it to make custom tracks for this? This is coming from someone with no modding experience whatsoever.

Attached: 1461609428341.jpg (326x236, 42K)

From what I've heard it's a bit tough if you've never made any sort of doom map before.

rotor. wad when

Yeah, I feel good.

Attached: Big gay bara walrus goes surfing.png (1480x1448, 104K)

The main editor for maps, Zonebuilder, is mostly top-down, making it much harder to adjust walls and slopes than some other editors (i.e. Hammer for TF2)

When you make it.

If you're doing something simple like a flat SNES Mario Kart map, it's pretty easy. However, once you start adding in bridges, slopes, and other special effects, it can get more complicated.

Attached: 1507159517214.png (768x432, 264K)

That clockwork track's music reminded me of this

for comparison:

Attached: All hedgehogs look the same.png (640x2880, 1.81M)

If you feel like taking the time to learn, here's a guide. It's more geared to the base game rather than the kart mod, though.

Hooray for karting action.

Attached: ties.png (540x405, 268K)

Server is full, forward all complaints to me for the Vidya Kart 2 server

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What speed is the server on, Normal or Hard?


Attached: 1524866693274.jpg (472x482, 16K)


Fast and Hard

Anyone have any specific tips to improve in this? Obviously just playing more helps, but any other help would be great

Honestly, the best thing is to play single player and practice drifting.

Learn to drift good
Try not to drag items behind you too long. It lowers your top speed
Don't spam the item button after hitting an item box. It reduces the chance you'll get a good item

That's all I got. I'm not all that great at the game either.

if you don't know already, you can hold brake while drifting for much sharper turns
be wise with your item placement, I try to place bananas/mines on narrow places and blend in fake item boxes with real ones

hope to god you don't get fucked out of your place by 10 people behind you

Attached: Barren Badlands.webm (480x300, 2.99M)

I don't trust myself on this, no matter how much I don't want to admit it, sadly. I can tolerate with Rotor being a obscure character, like as how I already have been for years, and I was more joking than stating my interest for a rotor.wad, anyway.

Or the 10 in front of you dropping things backward for whatever reason

>Half the server dced

>Server Timeout
Guess that's the game telling me to take a break already. Good games, though.

Attached: 1460191090821.png (700x931, 777K)

Is the server list not loading for anyone else?

Alright, we're all done for tonight. GGs everyone!